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{Sup Hatchlings. So just a quick note, not that anyone really reads these anyway. This will be the last chapter. I know you all wanted so much more but, in reality, this isn't a GaLe story. It really isn't. And that's what you guys are wanting. This story was meant for Gajeel and Avery, Gajeel finally getting his little girl back and moving on. So this is the end. Thank you for everyone who stuck around, and for all the motivation}

Avery had never been so excited in her whole life. Not when her Aunt Juvia had taken her to the park when she was a child despite the constant rain. Not when, her dad and their guild had found her five years ago, not even when Rouge had asked her out last year on  her sixteenth birthday. No, today was a very special day.

Her dad was getting married.

It had come as a surprise to everyone, even Avery, when Gajeel had proposed to Levy that New Year's day. Seconds before midnight he had dropped to one knee in the middle of the entire guild, a beautiful hand made diamond ring nestled into a tiny velvet box. Time itself seemed to stop and wait for Levys answer, which was a definite yes, and the chiming of the midnight bells were drowned out by the guilds cheers. That was what lead them to be here in the guild back yard, the training grounds were cleared away to make room for dozens of chairs, a long white aisle runner held down by Freeds enchantments down the center. A grand gold colored arch decorated in flowers, courtesy of Droy, sat at the end with the master on a small platform so he could see everyone.

Avery straightened her pale orange dress for the third time that day, her headband that she had got from Natsu all those years ago was tied neatly at the end of her long black braid. A low chuckle sounded behind her and she turned to look up at Gajeel, dressed in a sharp black suit and his hair cut short. A recent mission had resulted in most of it getting burned off, and so Avery was kind enough to fix it. He gently tugged on her braid, "I know your not used to wearing a dress kid, but you keep pulling at it and it's going to rip." Avery snorted, lightly smacking his hand away and tossing her braid over her shoulder.

"I could say the same for you old man," she said as she pushed his other hand away from where he was pulling on his suit jacket. She straightened it, dusting off the shoulders before stepping back. She had gotten tall over the years, only a head shorter than her father. Gajeel laughed, almost nervously, as he ran a hand over his head. "Yer right of course. Something you seem to have picked up from Levy." This made Avery grin, hands on her hips. "Just more proof she's the perfect gal for you. Not chickening out are ya? Big bad dragon scared?"

This time Gajeel snorted, ruffling the top of her hair, "As if hatchling." Again Avery pushed his hand away, pouting as she fixed her hair. Someone clearing their throat had the pair turning, Rouge standing there with his hands in his suit pockets, deep purple tie matching Gajeels. "Rouge!" Avery said happily, throwing herself into a hug. Rouge grinned as he hugged her before turning to Gajeel, arm around her waist. "You clean up pretty good Gajeel. Not nervous are you?" Rouge asked with a teasing grin and Avery lightly slapped his chest. "The great iron dragon? No never," the pair snickered as Gajeel glowered at them. "Look here brats," but before he could say more, piano chords filled the air as Mirajane began to play and everyone started filing outside. "Show time dad," Avery grinned, giving her father a quick hug. Gajeel grumbled before hugging her back and planting a kiss on the top of her head.

The trio split, Gajeel going to the end of the aisle to stand beside the master, Avery and Rouge disappearing inside the hall. The wedding party consisted of Lucy and Natsu as the matron of honor and the best man, followed by Avery and Rouge, then Cana and Laxus. Asuka was the flower girl with Pantherlily in a small tux as the ring bearer, then was the bride. Levy wore a beautiful floor length gown with off the shoulder sleeves, and a thin wrap to shield from the crisp fall breeze. Her hair had grown longer and was twisted elegantly over her right shoulder, a cluster of fake white flowers pinned at the base of her head.

The music outside changed and the Dragneels started out the doors, and the others followed suit. Avery had to contain her giggles as she stood on the brides side of the alter, watching her father fidget nervously. It had all come to a stop when Levy walked out, escorted by Jet and Droy. The ceremony was short, the master cutting some traditional speeches, no one would dare have an objection. When they were finally pronounced man and wife, the loudest cheer of all was Avery. The party was moved inside where a dance floor had been set up, and as they shared their first married dance, Avery had never seen her father so happy. When the father daughter dance was called, Avery grinned up at her dad as they swayed back and forth, "I'm proud of you dad." Gajeel smiled softly as he hugged her while they still swayed, "Thanks kid. I couldn't have done it without you." Avery smiled as she hugged him tightly.

It had been a long ride, from their beginning in Phantom to here, but she knew she wouldn't have it any other way.

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