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Shreya POV

It was only Wednesday today but I was hell exhausted. Work load has been too much for the channel. Plus, okay I hate to admit it but I was missing Kabir. I was calling him but he was not taking my call. I went downstairs to talk to mom about him.

"Mom Kabir is not taking my call, did you talk to him today?" I asked.

"Ohh yeah! I forgot to inform you that he has a formal function to attend so he won't take any calls." Mom said and I nodded.

"Shreya your mumma called today. She has asked me to inform you that you must visit them soon." Mom added.

"Mom can i stay over there for Saturday and Sunday. Its Jahanavi's birthday on Monday so Bhabhis might require my help in the party preparations. The invitations will come soon. Every year her birthday is a grand affair." I said.

"No problem baccha. Go and stay over for the weekend." Dad said coming.

"Thank you dad! By the way I have gifts for both of you!" I chirped.

"Gifts...why??" Mom enquired.

"I don't need a reason to give gifts to you mom. I just felt like doing it." I said.

"This is why I always wanted a daughter. Now I'm very blessed to have 2!!" Dad said and I hugged him.

"I'll just bring it from my room." I said and ran to my room.

It was a golden broach for dad and a pair of gold jhumkis for mom. They both liked their gifts.

I then retired to my room and called mumma.

"Hii mumma. How are you and everyone in the house?" I asked.

"Wait my Rajdhani express. I'm and everyone is fine in the house. They all miss you specially your elder brothers." Mumma said.

"I miss all of you too. I'm coming home for the weekend to help with Jahanavi's birthday celebration." I said.

"That's very good. How are you and everyone in the house?" Mumma enquired.

"Everyone is fine mumma. Now let me talk to papa." I said.

"Beta he is still in the office along with your brothers. There was some urgent work so they will be late today." Mumma said.

"Okay mom I'll talk to them when I come home. I'm very excited." I said.

"Beta I'll call you later. I'm going to make dinner." Mumma said.

"Okay mumma, bye and take care." I said and she hung up.

I then went downstairs to help Roshni bhabhi in making dinner. We made Malai Kofta and chappatis. She taught me how to make malai koftas.

"Tomorrow teach you how to make Shahi Paneer. It is Kabir's favourite." Bhabhi said and I just blushed.

Then we all ate dinner. Aditya had switched on the TV and was watching cartoons. I couldn't control myself and joined him. Few moments later Roshni Bhabhi sat with us too. I just looked at her.

"What? I love cartoons too." She said and I grinned. We were halfway through Doremon when I felt flashlight over my face. I turned to see mom who was clicking our pictures.

"What are you doing mom?" Roshni bhabhi asked.

"Just preserving some memories to show Siddharth and Kabir that they have literally married babies who are trapped in women's body." She said.

"Mom...!!" I just whined and bhabhi chuckled.

"Okay now off to bed all of you. Aditya has school and both of you have jobs. I don't want all of you kicked out of your respective places. After all you both bring money in the house and I'm a very money minded woman." Mom joked.

"Okay commander in chief" Roshni bhabhi said and I saluted. We then retired to our respective rooms.

I waited for Kabir's till 11 but after that my eye lids did not allow me to open them anymore so I let sleep engulf  me.

I woke up by my alarm and got ready. I was for a change dressed in a suit today for office. I was getting bored of my Normal formal attire. I again hate to say this but I think I need to go shopping.

"Mom I'll come early today. Will you and Roshni bhabhi accompany me to shopping today? I'm in desperate need of some formal wear." I asked.

" Trust me Shreya, I was going to ask the same thing to you." Roshni bhabhi chirped.

"Shopping it is then!" Mom said.

After breakfast I went to my studio.

"Shreya I know that you are going to maaika for the weekend. I'm coming too. Mom and dad are in Dehradun and we can have a girls night out." Anika said.

"If I say no then too you will come and if Mumma comes to know that I have rejected your request then she will probably kill me so I think I'm tied to you for the weekend." I said jokingly and she grinned idiotically. 

The day was boring. I did my in field reporting and then left for home. Roshni bhabhi had already  reached and both were waiting for  me. I had a cup of coffee and then we left for the mall.

After 2 hours both I was done and so was Roshni bhabhi. We then went to a saree store. Mom too wanted to buy some. She got 3 of them and then we went back to the house.

Mom prepared dinner for all of us today and then as usual we retired to our rooms after watching cartoons. I went to my room and suddenly started missing Kabir. I changed to my pyjamas in the washroom and went to sleep on Kabir's side of bed.

" I'm am definitely not calling him today. I called him 10 times at least yesterday and he didn't call back even once. Stupid person." I murmured.

My phone started ringing. It was THE Kabir Rathore. I picked it up after 30 seconds.

"Angry with me wifey? And missing me too?" He asked without hi or hello.

"I'm not at all missing you. What makes you think so?" I asked.

"For starting that you are sleeping on my side of the bed I guess." He said casually. I was speechless.

"Are you watching me over a camera or something?" I asked now terrified.

Then suddenly out of the corner of the room he came out of hiding. When I say he, I mean Kabir Rathore. I shouted loudly. I heard Roshni bhabhi shouting too.

"Are both of you creeps?" I asked him and hit him lightly on his shoulder standing up. He just smirked slightly.

Then dad barged to my room and I concluded that mom went to Roshni bhabhi hearing her scream.

"What happened Shreya.? Why did you scream?" Dad asked.

"Dad this Kabir frightened me to death" I said.

"Kabir when did you get hear? Weren't you supposed to be back by Monday?" Dad asked.

"We were, but the work was done early so we took the earliest flight back." He said. 

By then mom, Roshni bhabhi And Siddharth bhaiya were in the room too.

"This is the way to come home? By scaring your wife's.. ?" Mom asked.

"Mom we wanted to have some fun. There is nothing wrong in that." Siddharth bhaiya said.

"I will deal with both of you tomorrow. For now go to sleep." Mom said and went to her room with dad. I was in a staring competition with Kabir and so was bhabhi with Siddharth bhaiya.

"Roshni lets continue this staring competition in our room." Siddharth bhaiya said and dragged bhabhi to their room. Kabir then Locked the door. I just went to bed to lie down. He went to the washroom to freshen up and came back.

"Shreya when I was not here you were  missin me and now when I'm here you are not even looking at  me." He said laying down on the bed.

" You are too full of yourself Mr Rathore. I was not missing you at all." I said.

" Then why were you lying down on my side of the bed?" He asked. 

" Ohh.. that! I was not paying attention and just slept accidentally on your side." I said.

"Sure." He said sarcastically. I just covered my face with the duvet to hide my blush.

"Never hide your your beautiful blush from me which comes on your face." He said uncovering my face with a very strange emotion which I failed to recognise. I nodded like an obedient child. He just smirked. He then pulled me in his arms and started tracing patterns around my wrist. I was getting chills down my spine. That bastard smirked again.

"What will I do with you Shreya? You are so shy. I cannot even imagine your face when I will make love to you." Kabir said and I widened my eyes. He just laughed. This time his laugh was genuine and not the arrogant smirk which he gives me. With this I let sleep consume me. 

Hello fellas! This is the next chapter. Until next time. Amigos.

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