Chapter- 34

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Shreya POV

I reached the office. Vaibhav sir had called me in his cabin.

" Sir, you called?" I asked him.

" Yes, I did." He said.

" Why?" I asked him.

" I want you to meet the Chuttan, the women dealer and blow his cover. You will go and meet him as a woman who works in a salon and get the girls ready for auction . You will go and check how things work there and attach a spy camera in your dress. Two women police officers will go with you and the rest of the police team will be nearby surrounding the place." Vaibhav sir said.

" Vaibhav, have you gone mad? How can you even think of sending Shreya to such a dangerous man? Absolutely not! She is not going anywhere." Anika said and barged into his cabin.

" Anika chill. I will go this. I cannot let go such an awesome opportunity to get that man's face in front of the nation and help his get punished. Promise me that you will not stop me and not inform anyone about this until I am back." I ordered her.

" But Shreya......" She started but I stopped her.

" No if's and buts Anika. You will have to let me do this. This is something I am very passionate about. Just support me." I told her.

She nodded reluctantly.

" When do we start the act Vaibhav?" I asked him.

" This cover will go on for 24 hours. Starting from what Chuttan eats to Whom he meets, you will cover it all in those 24 hours. We will run this as a damn documentary sort of a thing." Vaibhav said.

" But sir, why will he allow me to be with him all day?" I asked him.

" You don't worry about all that. That is all taken care by the police department. You and the other 2 female police officers will be given a fake identity wherein he will have no chance to doubt you. You will be given an authorized gun too so that you can use it for self defence." Vaibhav replied.

" Okay. When do I finally start?" I asked him.

" As soon as you get dressed in this." He said smirkingly looking at the packet lying on his desk.

" What is this?" I asked him.

" Good question. Why don't you go and discover it yourself? Go and change. The police officers will be here in the half an hour." Vaibhav said.

" What if anyone from my family ask about me?" I asked him.

" That will be covered up by saying that you had to urgently leave for Chicago for some work and your phone will be switched off because of it." Vaibhav replied.

" Wow Vaibhavi! What a plan. I must say that you have become smart. This is all because of me." I said jokingly.

" Yeah. Sure." He said mocking me and I showed him my tongue. Yeah, I know I am very mature( NOTE THE SARCASM).

" Now don't waste time. Go and get ready. And yeah, you might require some help in wearing that so take Anika along with you." He said. I nodded.

Now I got to know what he was talking about. I was looking like this-

I look so gordy but this is how my work demands me to look like, so be it.

I came out and saw 2 more ladies dressed up similarly.I assumed them to be the other lady officers going with me. Vaibhav sir introduced us. Their names were Kanika and Sushmita.

" Mam, you don't worry. We will always be nearby you, keeping a watch on everything happening. If you feel you are in danger, just press the power button of your cell phone two times and you will be rescued immediately." The senior inspector said.

" Sure sir, and thank you." I said. He nodded.

We then started for Chuttan's area of business. Now I was nervous. I wanted to call mumma but I knew that she will sense that I am going to do something very risky. She will probably get angry with me after I get back but she will be proud of me at the end of the day and this is what I want.

We reached there. His men were waiting for our arrival.

" I am Maahi and they are Vertika and Kashish." I said.

" Yes. We were waiting for your arrival. Come, we will take you to the boss." One of the goons said.

We started to go with them.

There he was, the fcuking pervert Chuttan standing. He was screaming Pervertness by his eyes. Disgusting man.

" Here you are ladies. Go and get the girls ready for auction. I want each and everyone to look bomb so that our foreign customers bid very high for them." He said.

We three just nodded.

" What kind of people are these? How can they auction girls for money?" I said to no one in particular.

" I know right? Such disgusting people these are." One of the lady officer said.

We reached to a large room where there were more than 30 girls present. Some of them were of age group 12 to 14 too. How can these people stoop so low?

We normally started the make up procedure after the girls were forced to wear slu**y dresses.

I tried to start conversation with a girl.

" What is your name?" I asked her.

" Khyati." She replied.

" What is your age?" I continued.

" I am 11 years old.

" What!" I slowly whispered.

" Then how do you manage to look like you are 16 or 18?" I asked her.

" I don't know. Maybe because of those injections I get twice a day." She replied confusingly.

Those bastards induce hormones injections in such young girls! Unbelievable.

I have to do something to stop this auction. I cannot let those morons spoil the lives of these young girls.

" We have to stop this auction anyhow." The officer gave voice to my thoughts.

" I agree." I said.

" Can you do anything to get all the information about Chuttan before the auction takes place where he confesses everything he has done?" the officer asked.

" You don't worry about the information. This is what we do the best, getting out the information out of everybody. You just think about how to get all these girls out of here." I asked.

" I am going to the washroom and informing sir about this auction. He will tell us how to proceed further. Till then you try to do something to get out his crime confessions and Kanika will prepare the girls to run when told." Sushmita, one of the officer said.

I nodded.

I started to find Chuttan. The last option will be to seduce him and get his confessions out.

But, luck was on my side today. Chuttan and his men were already discussing about this auction and the previous auctions and how they purchase girls within the range of Rs. 5000 and sell them in Rs. 50000. I stood at such angle that the camera could record his face very clearly.

How can they 'purchase' girls and 'sell' them? I wish to kill them all with my bare hands.

Oh god! Chuttan saw me and is coming towards me.

" What are you doing here?" He asked me.

" I wanted to know the time of the auction so that we can get the girls ready accordingly." I said.

" The auction starts in 1.5 hours so better hurry up." He said.

I started walking back to the make up room.

" I have his confessions. What should we do now?" I asked the officers.

" We are...." Before the officer could continue further, Chuttan came and started pulling my hai.

" Over smartness with me will cost your life today. You are very beautiful and attractive. First I will sleep with you and then kill you." He said.

" Not so easily asshole." I shouted at him and kicked his private part and grabbed my gun out.

His men aimed their guns at us but the other police force had arrived by then. Chuttan and his men were arrested and the girls were sent to rehab centre after they thanked us. Those bastards stole the childhood of those innocent, young girls

I then went to the office with the police team.

" Shreya, it's just 7 and you are here. You were supposed to be there for 24 hours." Vaibhav sir exclaimed.

" Shut up Vaibhav. Shreya, are you all right? Nothing happened right?" Anika asked with panic in her voice.

I narrated them the whole incident. Anika and Vaibhav both hugged me.

We then checked the footage. It was perfect. It was given to the police dapartment in the pen drive.

" Aman, start running the suppers for today's NEWS at 9 pm with Shreya with an exclusive coverage now." Vaibhav sir instructed.

" Shreya go and get ready for your segment. We will be breaking this news today." He added. I nodded.

I started my show and winded in up within 2 hours. I was tired AF. But I knew that I'll be getting a lot of scoldings from everybody back home. I was up for a looong night, plus I was way too hungry.

Hii guys! Here is the next update. This is specially for @paushpaush who requested such kind of a plot in the story. Enjoy it. I love you all. 

@nivishapanwar , I the next whole chapter is going to revolve around Kabir and Shreya and this is a promise. I hope you like it.

Until next time. Bye.

PS- Do vote, comment and share. I appreciate it all.

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