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Shreya POV-

" You have become maasi to Advika." Vaibhav announced.

I jumped with happiness.

" I am coming to the hospital." I told him.

" Shreya, you go live in 1 minute." Rahul announced, coming in the green room.

" Uhhhhhh!! I will come as soon as I am free." I told Vaibhav and hung up.

Why always me god??

I resumed the shoot.

It was 9 in the evening that I finally rested.

There were 12 missed calls from Kabir. I called him back.

" What happened Kabir?" I asked him.

" Where are you Shreya?" He asked me.

" I'm just leaving from office." I said.

" How are you planning to do so? Remember you don't have your car."H e said.

" I was planning to take a cab to the hospital." I told him.

" Stay where you are. I am coming to pick you up and then we will go to the hospital." He instructed me.

" Fine." I said. He hung up.

Kabir was here within 15 minutes.

" How was your day Mrs Rathore?" He asked me.

" Boring. I couldn't even see the baby because of this live shoot thing." I told his honestly.

" And here I thought that you were bored because you missed me." He teased.

I blushed.

" I can watch you blush all day Mrs Rathore. The red taint that occupies your cheek reminds me that you are all mine. I am going to ravish you tonight with all my love." He said.

I bet that I am as red as a tomato right now.

" Kabir stop talking this way." I said, embarrassed.

" Why Mrs Rathore?" He asked with that idiotic smirk on his face.

I just turned my face towards the window and looked outside.

" Trying to ignore me, are we Mrs Rathore?" I asked again.

" Kabir, I swear that I'm gonna kill you right now." I said.

He stopped the car, pulled me towards him and kissed me passionately. I was too stunned to react. Before I could retort, He stopped and started driving again.

What the fuck?

" What did you just do?" I asked him.

He smirked again.

" You go in, I will come after parking the car." He said and I realised that we have reached the hospital.

I opened the door and ran in. I  am sure that I heard him chuckle.

The moment I saw Vaibhav, I hugged him.

" Congratulations Vaibhavi on becoming a mother." I teased him.

He glared at me.

" Come, I'll introduce you to Advika. Anika is asleep right now." Vaibhav said.

" Wait, Kabir is also coming. He has gone to park the car." I said. He nodded.

Kabir was here within the next 3 minutes.

" Let's go." I said excitedly.

There, next to Anika was lying a very little Advika. She is sooooooo cute.

" Advika, they are your maasi and mausa ji." Vaibhav said.

" Here, take her in your arms." Vaibhav said.

" Are you sure?" I asked him.

" Why will I not be silly? Also, if Anika comes to know that you did not hold her once till now, she will probably kill us both." He said and chuckled. I smiled at him and took Advika in my arms.

She opened her eyes.

" She has Anika's eyes." I announced.

" And Vaibhav's nose." Kabir said.

I handed Advika to Kabir.

He cooed her for sometime and she slept again. Wow!! 

He will make a good dad.

Wait, where did this come from?

" I know what you are thinking Mrs Rathore." He said near my ears.

I blushed again.

" Vaibhav, when will Anika get discharged?" Kabir asked him.

" Tomorrow afternoon." He said.

" Perfect. You have lunch with us tomorrow." I said.

" No Shreya, Kaamini aunty has already invited all of us for lunch tomorrow." Vaibhav said.

" Mumma is a traitor. She did not invite me! No problem, who will stop me from going to my own house?" I asked myself.

Kabir and Vaibhav chuckled.

" It's settled then. We all are having lunch together at mumma's place." I announced.

" Great." Vaibhav said.

" Shreya, how was the segment cover?" Vaibhav further asked.

" Stupid. The opposition was talking like a fool. At a point of time, I wanted to laugh real hard but had to refrain myself from doing so." I told him.

We talked further for sometime and then took our leave.

" Mrs Rathore, you remember our plans tonight right?" Kabir asked me after sitting in the car.

" It's not 'our' plan Kabir, it's 'your' plan." I mocked him.

" It doesn't change the fact that it's not gonna happen." He said arrogantly.

" No, it's not gonna happen. I will watch cartoons with Adi all night." I said proudly.

" Not happening Shreya, no one is at home tonight. They have gone to Pune to attend a wedding." He said.

" Then why are we here. We should also have gone right?" I asked him.

" No. It was an abrupt plan. I had work today and you were reporting live all day so they left us here. But that's a very good thing." I said, smirking.

I blushed again.

" Kabir, can we stop somewhere for ice-cream?" I asked him with my puppy dog eyes.

" Ofcourse Love." He said.

He then took us to an ice-cream parlour. I spotted Virat bhai and Rohit bhai there.

" Shreya, your brothers are here." Kabir voiced my thoughts.

" I know. Now see what I do." I said and walked towards them.

I then pulled both of their ears.

" What the...." Rohit bhai started cursing both Virat bhai placed a hand on his mouth when he saw me.

" Eating ice-cream without me?" I asked them.

They looked guilty. But soon the tables were turned.

" Well you are here too, so weren't you planning to eat ice cream without us?" Virat bhai asked.

" Guilty as charged." I said.

" Oh! Kabir is here too." Rohit bhai said.

They greeted each other.

" Which ice cream would you both like to have?" Virat bhai asked.

" Choco-chips." I announced and Kabir said something that I didn't bother to hear.

" Virat bhai, you go and order, Till then I will hold your ice cream." I said innocently.

" Okay." He said and went to order.

Huge mistake bhai.

I finished his ice cream before he could come back. Rohit bhai was laughing and Kabir looked on amused.

Virat bhai handed us the ice creams and demanded for him. Before Rohit bhai could poen his mouth, I said

" Rohit bhai snatched your ice cream from me and ate it."

Virat bhai smacked him on his head. Rohit bhai glared at me. I winked at him.

We all ate our ice creams.

" Bhai, don't tell thid to mumma but we are coming home for lunch along with Anika, Vaibhav little Advika.

They nodded. We bid bye to each other and started for home.

" You are very naughty Mrs Rathore. I wonder how our children will turn out." Kabir said as soon as we stepped into our bedroom.

I blushed again.

" Freshen up because you are in for a long night today." Kabir said, smirkingly.

He we made love and I let sleep embrace me in his arms.

Hii guys! This is the next chapter. I hope that you like it. I love you all. Until next time. Bye.

PS- Do vote, comment and share.  I appreciate it all!!

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