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Shreya POV

" Kabir, you need to let me go. I have to get you thermometer and medicines." I said.

" You are my medicine Shreya. Now keep quiet and let me sleep." He said.

" Kabir, you are burning! Let me get you medicine." I said sternly.

He did not say anything, nor did he let me go.

" Do you want me to call mom?" I asked him.

" No." He said.

" Then let me go." I said.

" Fine." He said and loosened his grip around me.

I placed the thermometer in his mouth. He had 101.4 degree.

" Kabir, now sit. I'm getting you biscuits. Eat them and then I'll give you your medicine. Also, I'm going to call your PA and inform her that you will not be able to come today. I will also call in sick today from work." I said.

" No Shreya, I have an important meeting today. I need to attend it." He said sternly.

I know what to do.

" Mom." I shouted.

Kabir glared at me.

Mom and dad came to our room.

" What hapened Shreya?" Dad asked.

" Dad, this Kabir is having fever and is not allowing me to cancel his meeting." I complained.

" Fever? How?" Mom asked.

" Nothing....." Kabir started but I cut him off.

" Because he was working till 4 in the morning." I said.

" Kabir, are you insane? You are not going anywhere today. All day, you will be in bed." Mom ordered without leaving room for any sort of discussion.

Mom kissed Kabir's forehead and exited the room.

" Now eat this. I am getting your medicine." I ordered.

He nodded like an obedient child.

I gave him medicine and tucked him in. I then informed Kabir's PA about him being on leave and I called in sick. The moment I called in sick, Anika called me.

" Vaibhav told that you called in sick.What happened? Did you eat too much ice-cream?" Anika asked as soon as I took her call.

" I'm fine Anika, it's Kabir. He worked all night yesterday and now fell sick. I am taking care of him." I informed her.

" Okay. Take care and call if required." She said.

" I will. So how is Advika?" I asked her.

" Very well. She is sleeping." She said.

" You take care of yourself and her. I'll call you later." I said.

" Bye." She said.

We hung up.

I went downstairs and prepared upma for Kabir. Bhabhi was preparing Aloo parathas for Aditya.

" Good morning Shreya." Bhabhi said.

" Good morning bhabhi." I replied.

" How is Kabir now?" She asked.

" I just tucked him in. Sleeping right now after taking medicines." I said.

She nodded.

" Once he wakes up, tell him that Siddharth is taking care of the meeting. He needs not worry." She said.

" Okay bhabhi." I replied back.

After I was done making upma, I took it to our room.

" Kabir, first eat this and then sleep back." I said, gently stroking his hair.

" Keep doing that wifey." He said sleepily.

" Kabir, first have breakfast. You must be feeling weak." I said.

He then sat and I made him eat by my hands.

" If this is the attention I will get from you when I get sick, I don't mind doing it often." He said and smirked.

" That arrogant smirk of yours will never leave you? Will it?" I asked him sarcastically.

He nodded negatively.

" Siddharth bhai will handle the meeting, so you need not worry." I informed him.

" Okay." He muttered.

After he was done eating, I made him sleep again by stroking his hair. He had held my hand and placed it under his head like a pillow. After he fell asleep, I was trying to get my hand away when Roshni bhabhi entered.

" It's okay Shreya. You sleep too." She said.

" But bhabhi..... so much work is left to be done." I said.

" Mom and I am there. You take care of Kabir." She said and left the room.

I laid down next to him and I don't know when I let sleep engulf me.

I woke up suddenly due to the emptiness I felt beside me. I opened my eyes and saw that Kabir was nowhere. I then looked at the closet where I saw him getting ready.

" Kabir, where do you think you are going?" I asked him.

" Mrs Rathore, you have bossed around me enough. Now I am well and fever has gone. I need to go to work." He said.

" Kabir, are you insane? You were unwell just a few hours ago and now you are getting ready for work?" I asked him irritatedly.

" Shreya, this is really urgent. I will come back in 2 hours." He said seriously.

" Fine! Do whatever you want, but I am not taking care of you if you get sick again today." I said angrily.

He came towards me and started placing wet kisses on the nape of my neck.

" Mrs Rathore, don't get angry. Trust me, this is really very urgent and on the top of it, I'm absolutely fine now." He said softly.

" Okay. Go but take care." I said.

" Bye." He said and left.

I then went down to prepare lunch.

" Mom, you go and rest. I'll prepare lunch today." I told her.

" Shreya, let me help you." She said.

" No mom, I'll do it." I said enthusiastically.

" Sure?" She asked.

I nodded. She left the kitchen.

I was done preparing lunch. I had made dal, rice, chappatis and Mixed vegetable.

" Mom, dinner is ready. Shall I serve to you and dad?" I asked her.

" I'll do it Shreya, you do one thing, take home made food to office for Kabir and Siddharth or else Kabir will eat some nonsense and get sick again." She said.

" Okay mom." I said and went to get ready.

Shreya's Attire-

I reached his office. I had brought enough lunch for 5 people.

I entered Kabir's cabin and saw 3 shocked faces.

" This is not how you greet someone when they come to your place." I told Kabir, Siddharth bhai and Aman.

" But what are you doing here Shreya?" Siddharth bhai asked.

" I got lunch for all of you." I said.

" Great bhabhi! You are on time. We were just going to order something." Aman said.

We all then had lunch together.

" Come, I'll drop you to the car." Kabir said. I nodded.

The moment we got some privacy, Kabir held me by my arms.

" Do you know how tempting you are looking Mrs Rathore? I could have kissed you then and there in front of everyone. I literally had to control myself." He said huskily.

" Kabir! This is your office. Leave me." I said.

" Not happening. I want a kiss." He said.

" Okay, fine!" I said.

He grinned.

I then kissed him on the cheek and started running.

" Till when will you run? At the end of the day, it's just you, me and our room." He shouted shamelessly.

I did what I do the most, I BLUSHED.

Hii guys! This is the next chapter. I hope that you all like it. Love you all. Until next time. Bye!!

PS- Do vote, share and comment. I appreciate it all!

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