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Shreya POV-

The day for leaving for London came sooner than I expected. 

" Shreya, let's leave for the airport now or else we will be late." Kabir said.

I nodded.

" Chachi, will you get a cricket kit for me?" Aditya asked.

" Yes Adi. Obviously." I said.

" Take care both of you." Roshni bhabhi said.

" Come, let's go." Siddharth bhai said. He is going to drop us to the airport.

This time, Kabir really amazed me. He fucking owns a private jet.

" Kabir, you never fail to amaze me. I mean, why didn'tI see this earlier?" I questioned him.

" Because Mrs Rathore, it is only twice that we have travelled together. At those times, this beauty was being pampered." Kabir said.

" Really Kabir, you are talking as if it is a living this." I said, fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

" Yeah whatever." He muttered.

" Meet Mr Rohan Varia, he is our pilot and this is Ms Kirti Irani, your hostess for the visit." He said, introducing me to them.

I smiled. They smiled back.

" Now let us get settled." Kabir said. I nodded.

The plane took off.

Kabir was working on his laptop, probably preparing for his meeting and I was reading some boring magazine.

" Kabir, stop working!" I whined.

" Not now Shreya. It is necessary for me to do this." He said.

I sighed and went back to the magazine. Half an hour later, I was too tired to continue.

" Kabir, I am too tired." I said.

Go to the room and take some rest." He said.

" And how am I supposed to know where is the room?" I asked.

" I will take you." He said.

The room was good! And the bed was inviting.

" Now do whatever you want to, I am going to sleep." I said.

" This is rude Mrs Rathore." Kabir said seriously.

" No it is not. Now let me sleep." I said, jumping on the bed.

Kabir chuckled and brought his laptop in the bedroom itself.

" You sleep and I will work." He said.

" Good night." I said.

" Shreya, it is 3 in the afternoon." Kabir said.

" So what? I am sleeping so it has to be night." I argued.

" Sure." He said sarcastically.

I ignored his and covered myself with a duvet.

" Shreya wake up. We are about to land." Kabir said, shaking me.

" Stop joking Kabir, it's just been 15 minutes since I have hit the bed. How can we reach so soon?" I asked him, irritatedly.

" No Mrs Rathore. It is almost midnight according to IST. You have been asleep for almost 10 hours." He said.

I unwillingly got up.

" Really?" I asked.

He nodded.

Now let us take our seats and put the seatbelts on for landing.

The pilot announced the arrival.

" Welcome to London International Airport Mr and Mrs Rathore." He announced.

I grinned.

" What is the time here?" I asked Kabir.

" It must be around 9:30 in the night here." He said.

" Good. We will go to the hotel and sleep." I said.

" Tsk....Tsk Mrs Rathore, you've slept for almost 10 hours and you still want to sleep more?" He asked.

" Come on Kabir, there is nothing like sleeping too much. I am like a freaking panda. If I get opportunity, I can sleep 20 hours a day." I said.

He chuckled and then we took the departures gate.

The car was already waiting. We sat in and reached the hotel in god knows what time. I was so engrossed in seeing the view outside. I have visited London twice before this, but this area seems to always facinate me to no end.

We stopped in front of Claridge's. It is in Mayfair.

" Why are you not amazed to see the hotel this time Mrs Rathore?" He asked.

" Because I have stayed here once." I said.

" Okay." He said and we checked in the room.

We were so tired that we just changed and hit the bed.

The next morning, we woke up but were jet lagged.

Kabir had a meeting today.

" Shreya, you can go to Oxford steet for shopping. I am going to be busy all day long." Kabir said. I nodded.

I got ready and wore a red dress. 

" Go and change." Kabir said, as soon as he saw me.

" Why? Don't I look good?" I asked.

" You have no idea how tempting you are looking Mrs Rathore. I am having a hard time here to control and not take you here and now. I don't want any man ogling to what is mine. Also, I will not be with you." He said.

I blushed.

" Now go and change before I cancel the meeting and make love to you." He said.

I blushed harder and went to change.

Shreya's look-

" Okay. Now let's leave." He said.

I nodded.

" Shreya, take care and call me if you have any problem." Kabir said, dropping me to Oxford Street.

" Kabir, don't worry. I will be fine. You take care and come soon." I said.

He nodded and pecked my lips.

" Bye Mrs Rathore." He said.

" Bye Mr Rathore." I said and got down the car.

I then did lot's of shopping for everyone and myself. I don't know why Kabir has given me his Black Credit Card. I'm not planning to buy all stores here. Moreover, I have my cards with me so why use his?

Trust me, this is the first time I have shopped so much. Though, I have come here twice, but it was all for work purpose. It is 6:30 in the evening and still so many stores are left. Thank god Kabir had sent the car here after he had reached or else I would have to carry all those shopping bags on my own!!

I was Oasis when Kabir came in.

" Are you done?" He asked.

" No Kabir, so many stores are left!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled.

" You are tired. Let's go back to the hotel, we will come here again before returning." He said.

" Okayy." I said and Kabir called the driver in front of the store.

" Mrs Rathore, how much have you shopped today?" He asked, seeing the shopping bags in the car.

" This is the most I have ever shopped in my whole life." I exclaimed.

" And here I thought that my wife hates shopping." H said.

" I don't like shopping byt Oxford Street is a different matter altogether." I said and smiled.

We reached the hotel and went for a stroll after getting fresh.

This is a great way to start a vacation!

Oh boy! I was so wrong because tomorrow, Kabir was going to get a surprise and I, a shock!!

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. Actually, my laptop has broken down and my best friend has allowed to me use his. And I thank him for it.  Guys, I have a sleepover at his house today along with my 4 other friends and they are really annoying me right now!! So I gotta go or else you might not be able to meet me again ever. Nor will the updates ever come because they will kill me. We are starting to watch Black Panther and I gotta go. Remember, I love you all! Until next time. Byee! Do comment!!

PS- Do vote (if you like the chapter), Comment (as promised) and share! I appreciate it all.

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