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Shreya POV-

The next morning when I woke up, I had a throbbing pain in my head.

" Have the lemon juice kept on the side table." Kabir said.

I saw him working on his laptop.

" Why is my head paining so much?" I asked myself.

" Because you drank too much yesterday." He said without looking up.

Then yesterday's events came as a flashback.

Kabir then pinned me to the wall.

" I am really mad Mrs Rathore. I didn't say anything yesterday because you weren't in a condition to listen." He said.

" I was mad yesterday." I simply said.

" And why were you mad?" He asked.

" I don't know. You know what, I am going to India back. You stay here with Ananya." I said.

He kissed me hungrily. I broke it soon. I AM MAD AT HIM!!

" Okay, we will go back but on Sunday after I am done with my meeting." He said.

" No Kabir, I am done here. I am taking the next flight home." I said.

" Shreya, is something wrong with you? Why are you so irritated?" Kabir asked, giving me some space.

" I don't know and neither do I care." I said and took Kabir's laptop. I booked the next flight to Mumbai which was in 5 hours.

" Are you serious?" He asked.

" Why will I be joking?" I questioned.

" Fine. If this is what you want, then I will not stop you." Kabir said and went out of the room.

Tears again threatened to spill down my eyes. I got ready and went down for breakfast where I spotted Saaransh.

Shreya's look-

" Shreya, I am really sorry but I have to fly down to Paris today." He said.

" No problem Malhotra, I am flying back to Mumbai today too." I said.

" Shreya, your husband loves you alot." He said.

I nodded.

" We will catch up soon. When are you planning to come to Mumbai?" I asked.

" Next month." He said.

" That's great. We will meet then." I said.

" We will." He promised and we had breakfast together. Then he left for the airport.

I went back to the room and packed my stuff.

I then called mom to inform that I am coming back.

" Mom, I am coming back to Mumbai, Kabir will fly down on Sunday." I said.

" What happened Shreya? Why are you coming so soon?" Mom asked.

" Mom, I have some urgent work so I need to come back." I said.

" Okay." She said.

" Mom, do you mind if I go to mumma's place for sometime?" I asked her.

" I don't mind at all Shreya. Is everything all right between you two?" She asked.

" Obviously mom." I lied again.

Then mom hung up.

Kabir and Ananya entered the room.

" Shreya, are you leaving today?" Ananya asked.

" Yes I am." I said.

" Why so soon?" She asked.

I looked at Kabir.

" Some urgent work has come up." I told her.

" That is sad. I wish you could stay." She said.

I gave her a smile.

" I will drop you to the airport. Come." He said.

" It's Okay, I will go. I am sure that you guys must have plans today." I remarked sarcastically.

Kabir understood my emotions behind my words, while on the other hand, Ananya was completely oblivious to them.

" Oh yes, we are going to meet my fia...." She started but Kabir cut her off.

" I will inform the driver to drop you." He said.

I nodded and went downstairs.

The car was waiting for me. I bid them good bye.

I boarded the flight to home.

I had already informed mumma that I will come home, so here is Rohit bhai to pick me up.

" Can't you go to your in-laws house or you have an intention of irritating me?" He asked as soon as he saw me.

" That is my house too. I don't require your permission to go there." I said.

" Whatever. Now sit." He said.

I sat in the car and he started driving.

" How is everyone at home?" I asked.

" All good. Papa has been missing his little princess." Bhai said.

" I will spend a lot a time with all of you now." I said.

We reached home and I hugged mom and dad tightly.

" Shreya, you must be feeling sleepy, go and get changed, I will serve breakfast." Mumma said.

" Okay maa." I said and went to my room.

" Kabir did not even call once." I said to myself.

" He did. He called me to ask about you." Virat bhai said, entering the room.

" What happened between you two?" He questioned.

" Kabir was being a jerk so I came back." I said.

Virat bhai nodded his head disapprovingly.

" Princess, you should not have done this." He said.

" I don't regret anything bhai." I said.

Rohit bhai entered my room too.

" Virat bhai, a monkey has entered my room, please send him away." I said and hid behind him.

" Shreya, you monster!" Rohit bhai said and started chasing me.

I ran to the living room, papa's room, Virat bhai's room and then back to the living room.

" Times hold." I shouted.

He stopped.

" I was missing this." Riya bhabhi said.

" Me too." Khyati bhabhi added.

I started running again now.

But this time, Rohit bhai caught hold of me and started tickling.

" Bhai stopppp." I shouted and laughed.

Then suddenly I felt like puking so I ran to the washroom and locked the door.

I heard mumma and Riya bhabhi shouting.

" Shreya, are you okay?" Riya bhabhi asked.

I came out.

" It's nothing. I felt like puking." I said.

" That's gross." Rohit bhai said and earned a smack on head from Khyati bhabhi.

" Let me call the doctor." Papa said.

" No papa. It's just that I am very tired. I will be okay after resting." I said.

He nodded.

I then went to my room to rest.

I slept for god knows how many hours but still I was feeling dizzy. Still I went downstairs. It was 5 in the evening and everyone was sitting in the lawn, having tea. 

" Why are all of you not at work today?" I asked.

" Because it is a public holiday today." Mumma said.

" OHH." I said and sat along with everyone.

" Let's go to juhu beech?" Jahanavi asked.

" It's a great idea. Let's go." I said.

" You all go. Your mom and I are going to the Verma's. They have invited us." Papa said.

" I will be here too with Samyak." Khyati bhabhi said.

" Shreya, Jahanavi, Virat and Rohit, four of you go." Riya bhabhi said.

" Okay. Let's get ready." Rohit bhai said.

I was on the staircase when suddenly I felt like I'll fall down any moment.

I lost my balance and I guess Virat bhai caught hold of me before I could fall down. My world blackened out.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a doctor examining me.

" What is the issue doctor?" I asked.

" Mrs Rathore, you need to take proper care in this condition. You cannot afford to miss your meals." She said.

" What condition doctor?" I asked, confused.

" You are pregnant Mrs Rathore." She said.

My happiness knew no bounds.

My family entered the room and I saw happiness on everyone'e face.

" Shreya, inform Kabir." Mumma said.

I nodded.

Then they went out of the room to let me rest. Virat bhai was here only.

" Shreya, call Kabir." He said.

" I will not." I said.

" You have got to inform him." Bhai said.

" I will inform him after he apologises." I said.

" Shreya, either you inform or I will." Bhai said.

" I will not." I said.

" Fine, then I am calling him." Bhai said.

He was serious!

He called Kabir and informed him!!

They talked for some more time and then bhai hung up.

" He is coming here ASAP." Bhai said.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you like it! Do tell me what you feel about it. This is all for now. I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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