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Kabir POV

The roka was going on. Shreya and her friend came down abruptly. They were leaving for Bangaluru. When Shreya saw all of the people she blushed a very beautiful shade of red. I was completely mesmerised by her. Both of them went out. Within the next hour the ceremony was over and we went back to the hotel. I immediately had to go to the office. We were shifting our head office from Delhi to Mumbai because of a very profitable merger. There in my office was sitting Dhruv Singhania, my best friend and the CFO of my company. 

" You jerk! I leave you alone for a week for my honeymoon  and you manage to get yourself tied in a relationship? What happened to that 'I won't ever marry' attitude?" He asked.

I gave him a 'shut up' look but he didn't bother and further started speaking.

" Leave all that, tell me about my Bhabhi." He asked smugly.

"First tell me how was your honeymoon with Tisha?" I asked with a smirk.

He was about to say something but then my PA announced the arrival of the  investors and we attended the meeting. 

By 8 pm we were free and went for drinks. 

I told him about everything and my engagement. He liked Shreya's photo. 

The days passed by and it was the engagement before I knew but I was not nervous at all. I have a reputation to maintain. I'm not Kabir Rathore for nothing. I got dressed up in my Armaani which was selected by Siddharth and Dhruv. We then headed to the venue. I was talking to dad when I found myself being checked out by my lovely fiancee who herself was looking absolutely stunning. I smirked at her and she blushed.

Shreya POV 

He smirked seeing me and I blushed. I looked down with embarrassment. Riya Bhabhi took me to the stage. We were made to sit together. 

" You are looking splendid." Kabir muttered. 

I was too stunned to say something. I just blushed. I've been blushing a lot too much these days.
Then we we exchanged rings. People started coming on the stage to congratulate us and get clicked. Anika suddenly came on the stage and dragged to towards the corner.

" Shreya there has been a blast in Andheri area and immediate curfew has been planted. So no reporters will be able to be there. Only we can go because we are near. 

" Yaar mumma will absolutely not allow me to go there leaving my own engagement." I said.
" You must go. I'll take permission from mom." Kabir said from behind.

I looked at him thankfully. 

The ceremony was over. Anika brought us changeovers. Anika, Vaibhav and I started immediately for Andheri. 

"Take care." Kabir said and left.

We all went to cover the news.There was another blast in that area but far off from us. The coverage was over. I was hell tired. Anika and Vaibhav dropped me to home and I found out my parents, brothers, Bhabhis along with Rathore's sitting in the living room.

"Shreya are you all right na?" Riya Bhabhi asked me.

"What will happen to me? I'm fine." I said..

"There was another blast in that area so we were very worried." Mumma said.

"Mumma don't worry. I'm all right. Just too tired." I said.

"Princess tell me the truth, you didn't eat anything from morning did you?" Virat bhai asked.
I found my shoes extremely interesting at that moment.

"Why are you so irresponsible Shreya?" Riya Bhabhi yelled at me.
Khyati Bhabhi brought me food. 

"Bhabhi I'll go freshen up and then have food, you all go to sleep." I said.

I somehow convinced them all to sleep as it was very late.

I came down and started eating food when Kabir came and sat with me.

"Thank you so much for convincing mumma. This has been a huge achievement for me to cover this." I said.

" Shreya this is your work we are talking about. Neither I will nor I will let anyone come between your work and you." He said with utmost sincerity.

Hearing this, I felt so happy that my parents choosed him for me. No words were coming out of my mouth so I just smiled. He was looking at me.

I just lowered my gaze and he tucked my hair lock behind me ears. I was too shocked to react.
He smirked seeing that he had some effect on me.

I wished him goodnight and was going to my room when he said,
" I'll be leaving for London tomorrow and mom-dad will be moving to our bungalow where we will be living after the wedding." He said.

"Okay" I replied.

"I'll miss you." I added and ran to my room.

I slept after a very happening day. I was engaged to be married. With these thoughts I went to sleep.

Next day Jahanavi woke me up. I got ready to go to the office. 

"Mom, I'm leaving!" I shouted and went to my car and drived off. My duty of picking Anika up was officially over. She was coming with Vaibhav. I sighed and drived through the Mumbai traffic.

It was a busy day today. I was working on a drug dealing case which involved high profile people. I discussed it with Vaibhav who further helped me. I will be breaking this one soon.
It was 6 and I was about to start for home when Anika barged into my cabin and demanded a girls night out. I tried to avoid it but had no luck. So we went for a movie. I informed mumma about the same. It have to admit, it was fun and relaxing. I dropped her to her house and then drived towards mine. By the time I reached, everyone slept. I went to my room and my phone rang. It was Kabir. I picked it up.

"Hii. How are you? When did you reach?" I asked him.

"Woah.. slow down. Why are you so hyper over the phone?" He asked.
I just blushed.

"Stop blushing when I'm not around." He said.

"I'm not blushing!" I replied.

"Sure." He said sarcastically.

"I just called you to inform that I've landed. Mom must have slept so I called you. Inform her tomorrow morning. I maybe sleeping at that time." He said.

"Will do." I replied.

"Okay now don't wake up till late and go to sleep. Goodnight." He said.
"Goodnight. Take care" I replied and hung up.
With this I retired to bed.

Shreya's Ring.

Kabir's ring.

Hey folks!! This is the next chapter. Also to inform you, further I'll not be writing Kabir's POV. I do not do justice with it as I cannot feel his emotions. Please do vote, comment and share. Also I know this is not a very good chapter but bear with it for today.
I wrote that blast part because I wanted to portray that Kabir weights Shreya's job in high terms. He will be an understanding type of husband who won't stop her from pursuing her dreams.

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