PART - 18

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"If a man makes her uncomfortable, or even tries to, Dr. Dixit wouldn't hesitate to point it out, she wouldn't wait a second before breaking his bones, doesn't matter if he is the CM or even a PM, that is Akansha Dixit for you... Or should I say, Mrs. Akansha Shaurya Singh Shekhawat", Shaurya said, Shweta's eyes widened hearing What he just said.

"S...Sir... You are married ?", Shweta is shocked and that was the first sentence that came out of her mouth after the shock she just received.

Now, that explained his undeniable attraction to Dr. Akansha Dixit, and here she thought he had ill intentions for that woman, though he looked at her like she was his entire world. Shweta cursed herself for tossing away her years of knowledge about her boss for a mere misunderstanding.

"Married to the most wonderful woman, Mrs. Gupta", Shaurya said, a proud smile made its way to his face, with just the thought of having the privilege to call Akansha, his wife.

"But sir...", Shweta started but Shaurya shook his head.

"I'm not willing to share anything more about my personal life, Shweta. I hope you would respect that... One more thing, no one knew about this and we would like to keep it that way for now... I revealed it not because you accused me of something so cheap or to make you stay, but because you genuinely cared for a woman and your selfless and brave confrontation deserved some explanation, you are free to get transferred back and start looking for your replacement, but work shouldn't be affected in any way, if it did, you know me", Shaurya made his point very clear and Shweta tried hard not to show that fear on her face, she knew how mad Shaurya got when something went wrong with work.

"No sir, that wouldn't be required, I would like to continue with my position and I deeply regret the inconvenience caused and also for my words... I sincerely apologize and promise not to repeat this", Shweta apologized genuinely, and Shaurya nodded briskly before dismissing her.

Now that he realized what he did, slowly fear started seeping in, no, he didn't regret telling Shweta but what would happen when Akansha gets to know about his little stunt scared him to death. Separated or not, he was still scared of his wife, in fact, she is the only person on earth he is scared of... but for now, he trusted Shweta to keep his secret. Otherwise, no one could stop him from getting beaten to pulp by his estranged wife. Ouch! the word 'estranged' hurt more than the thought of getting beaten to a pulp by her. When would it disappear and he could call her his wife proudly? Look at the irony, 5 years ago, he had all the right to call her his, in front of everyone, she desired it too, but then he chose not to, and now he was dying to do so but he knew she would hate to be known as his wife.

He knew it would become a major scandal if his relationship status came out, it would become a huge problem for his political journey but that's not what he is concerned about. His only concern is his wife, the tough time people would give her, despite his numerous explanations, they would call her names and make her life miserable, and knowing Akansha, she wouldn't let him protect her. He had to find a way out soon, because after finding her after all these years, letting her go wasn't an option, he will keep pursuing her all his life and how long will he hide it from people ? And will his wife ever become his again, forgiving him?

He closed his eyes and wished all his mistakes would wipe away... The uncountable errors he made kept pricking him every second... Would his regret and guilt ever end ? No... they wouldn't... he knew it for a fact. But the determination to give all the happiness to his wife is much more, he would do anything for that.

A week later, Shaurya started campaigning for the upcoming elections.
Though it's almost a half a year away, he wasn't in favor of rigorous campaigning when the election dates neared, that would disrupt his work as a Chief Minister, so he decided to cover the whole state with fixed schedules dividing his time. More than anything, he wanted to keep himself so busy that he wouldn't get even a single minute to think about his wife who is avoiding him like her life depended on it. And he couldn't stop himself from seeing her if he stayed in the secretariat. He already made himself look like a fool in front of his immediate staff by visiting the education department wing more than required. Shweta who now knew all his attempts to look at his wife, talk to her or at least breath the air around her, couldn't stop herself from blushing at her boss's lover boy side. His passion and deep admiration for Akansha wasn't hidden, it's his luck and courtesy his good boy image, people around him didn't get a whiff about his interest in one particular doctor from the curriculum revisal committee... But, Mr. Sharma did have an idea about his boss's undeniable attraction towards Dr. Dixit. He also knew that they were involved in the past though didn't know in detail about it. Mr. Sharma guessed it when he saw his boss tremble in fear and anticipation when he saw her for the first time in the police station.

The fact that she could be one among those girls affected him badly, he looked like he could kill for her and Mr. Sharma observed Shaurya losing calm for more than once that night until things weren't a bit clear to him. And then his attempts to get her on board the committee wasn't hidden from him, though Mr. Sharma was aware Shaurya didn't choose any unconventional way for it. He knew Akansha genuinely deserved to be a part of committee and her interview process proved it.

Akansha took a sigh of relief when she got to know about Shaurya's frequent travel plans for his campaigning. That meant he wouldn't be in the secretariat to pay surprise visits to her anymore... And she somewhere knew she was a part of reason he scheduled his travel now. He knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself from paying a visit to her if he was near, and she was not at all comfortable with it, hence he decided to leave far away.


It's been a month Shaurya left for campaigning and returned to the capital city just this morning. He thought he would be able to divert his mind from his wife's thoughts but every time he met with suffering people, he thought what if his wife too suffered like this ? And those thoughts got him to hate himself more, that fact that despite meeting her several times after the 5-year gap, he knew nothing about her sufferings in the past 5 years is unsettling to him. He so wanted to call his PI and find every single detail about her life in the past 5 years, from the day she walked out of his life but he resisted the urge. He promised not to run background verification on her, and that's in exchange of the 3 meets his brother-in-law promised. His heart wanted to know everything about her, the idea of getting the verification done but hide it from her crossed his head many times, but this time he wanted to do everything right this time. If he is trying to earn her trust, then he wanted to put genuine efforts, not deceive her.

In this whole month, while his wife's thoughts got him insane, his conversations with his little friend got him back sane. The few minutes of phone calls from her every week got him filled with new enthusiasm. He decided to meet her as soon as he got back and now that he did, he planned on seeing his little Siya soon.

First, he had to go see his wife. His heart rate multiplied even at the thought of meeting her after 1 long month. He took out a crisp blue formal shirt with stripes pairing it with light cream pants. Knowing his wife's love for stripes shirt, he bought a few in the past few years but never wore it for work as given his image, he liked to wear only plain shirts to work. But today, he wanted to look good for his wife. He wanted to impress her in every way possible. He knew the emotional damage he has done to her and their relationship is too much of a mess and he can't woo his wife with these petty things, but now he wanted to do everything in his power, from wearing her favorite color to becoming the man she deserved.


"Dr. Dixit, Good to go ?", Dr. Rashid khan, a senior researcher asked walking to Akansha's desk.

"Yes Mr. Khan... The presentation is ready, I have also prepared stats regarding the probable questions Mr. Shekhawat might be having...", Akansha said, hiding her abnormal heartbeat perfectly. God! Why does he have to come here on the first day itself? He just returned from campaigning, he could have taken on some important tasks but no, how can he not come to see her and snatch the little peace she had all these days without him?

"Oh, that's great, probably we won't be needing them, CM sir is visiting the secretariat after a month, he will be very busy with all the appointments, so he couldn't spare even 10 minutes on this, so we should be fine", Dr. Rashid said and Akansha gave a small hopeful nod. He has been working with Shaurya from years, he would be knowing him more right? Akansha hoped, but her own knowledge about her husband told her Shaurya wouldn't be leaving the conference room before an hour at least and bearing him for such long time is not less than hell for her.

Soon it's time for the conference, Akansha along with her team, arranged everything and all were prepared for the probable questions Shaurya might raise.

Shaurya walked inside the education department wing, taking off his shades... Everyone stood in respect but also couldn't take their gaze off him including Akansha, he looked like a man walking right out of the front cover of NYT. His sharp cheek bones, the clean shave look his wife always admired on him, his thick brows, those long lashes, and his skin that glowed as if he didn't go for election campaigning but a month long spa... His hair that's neatly kempt and well groomed, his crisp black formal shoes that completely went with his formal attire, everything about him screamed perfection... More than anything, his blue stripes shirt held her gaze, he looked like he belonged to her... Everything about his appearance today screamed 'Hers' and she hated that thought but couldn't take off her eyes from him no matter what. She knew his appearance has everything to do with her and that did something to her stupid heart...

"Damn... I didn't know he could look this hot in a stripes shirt", She heard Mrs. Arora from beside. Her words brought Akansha out of her dream land where she lost in her husband's looks. She cursed herself but then, Mrs. Arora's words hit her, did this middle-aged woman just went crazy on the Chief Minister ? That came out as a shock as Mrs. Arora was always a strict lady, she didn't do this type of talk, Akansha gave her a surprised look that made Mrs. Arora realize what she blurted out. "Forget I said something like this", she said composing herself. Akansha gave a polite nod but to be honest, she didn't like her comment on Shaurya, but didn't want to ponder over those thoughts. He was no one to her and she has to stick to what she decided.

She cursed herself for ignoring all the stern decisions she took in this one month to avoid Shaurya and the unnecessary sensations his presence causes her. One look at him and everything came crashing. She so wanted to blast his head for these stupid attempts of his. No matter how her body reacted, her head and heart are on the same page, that is to stay away from this man and she would follow it no matter what.

Shaurya is extremely satisfied with the kind of reaction he got from his wife. But as he walked towards her, he saw her demeanor change and he understood that she came out of the trance of undeniable attraction between them and he cursed his fate.

"Let's get started, Somya?", Shaurya said immersed in his wife's thoughts still...

Mrs. Arora quickly nodded, Akansha frowned at how he addressed Mrs. Arora with her first name, she didn't like it for reasons unknown, and Mrs. Arora's earlier drooling over him didn't help her feelings. She so wanted to kick herself for feeling jealous over this man who didn't leave a single chance to ruin her.

Shaurya quickly realized his error when he saw Akansha's furious eyes, did he just say 'Somya' instead of 'Mrs. Arora'? Damn, he didn't realize, he was too busy in his wife's scent, he could smell her even with the distance between them, and the appreciative look in her eyes for him did boost up his already haywire senses. And in all this, he messed up. His heartbeat fastened with fear, he is in deep sh*t.

"This way sir...", Mrs. Arora said with a slight blush on her face, Akansha's face turned cold at that and Shaurya's face paled, he took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead and temples. Akansha knew the reason for his fear, and she wondered if he was still afraid of her, that thought satisfied her to some extent but soon she chided herself, no matter the circumstances, Shaurya Singh Shekhawat always managed to disrupt her thoughts with his charm, but this time she won't give him that satisfaction of getting into her head.

Everyone settled in their seats except for Mrs. Arora. As she is the head of the committee, she decided to open the presentation.

"I would like to start with thanking you sir for granting the extension for phase - 1, it proved to be a great help to us. So, starting with the progress we have made till now...", Mrs. Arora started and briefly explained the progress. "Further course of action will be detailed by Dr. Dixit, followed by Dr. Khan who will present you with the research findings till now", Mrs. Arora concluded her speech.

"Sure... I was thoroughly impressed with Dr. Dixit's clarity over this extension, she cleared every query of mine with patience and found clearcut solutions for concerns raised, I can see the team work behind every explanation she offered, so appreciate the whole team for it, let's continue... And no need to rush things, I want to understand the progress you made in this 1 month clearly, the curriculum revision is one of the prestigious projects of our government, I want no mistake in this... So yes, take your time and detail me properly, if needed Shweta can push some of my meetings to the second half", Shaurya said looking at his assistant, who nodded unwillingly, he has very important meetings in the first half with VVIPs, pushing them would be a huge challenge but she couldn't say a word to her boss.

The committee members cursed their fate for this, they thought Shaurya would hardly spare 10 minutes of his schedule, they thought he was only here to alert them but he bursted all their hopes, to their luck they have Akansha in their team who knew Shaurya in and out.

"Sure sir, in that case, I'll give you a detailed overview of the project till now", Akansha said, opening another presentation which has intricate details of their progress to date, including the research findings they have considered and findings they have discarded and why?

The team members were astonished by Akansha's preparedness while Shaurya has a proud look on his face which didn't go unnoticed by Shweta who thought how much Shaurya adored his wife. She didn't understand why do the couple stay separated despite so much love.

Akansha detailed her part and Shaurya carefully listened to her though looking at her face distracted him badly, thanks to his multi tasking self, he managed to get a grip of all the contents she uttered, she paused in the middle to allow any questions but Shaurya asked her to continue as not to interrupt her flow, he knew his wife hated if someone interrupted her in the middle of her presentation, she liked to entertain questions only at the end but since he is the Chief Minister, she showed the decency but he knew her better, he didn't want to upset her anymore than he already did. So, he noted his queries in the pocket diary he carried. After she is done with her presentation, Shaurya put forth all his queries. Some she cleared him right there and some she couldn't.

"We will work on those and get back to you, sir", Mr. Khanna answered instead.

"Expect you to find a solution to these concerns till the next review meeting which is next week I guess", Shaurya asked looking at Shweta who quickly checked his schedule in her tab.

"Yes sir, next week, Tuesday 10 AM", Shweta confirmed.

"Great, hope it's enough time?", Shaurya asked staring at Akansha in the eye. Akansha so wanted to bang his head, he is such a cruel boss, her brother is right, how will they be able to complete it in a week, the concerns he raised are major and needed a lot of time but she couldn't say that to him. Shweta pitied them, this man despite being smitten by his wife, did not allow any leverage to her. His professionalism impressed Shweta but if she is in Akansha's position she would definitely wish for some leverage, but again they don't have a normal relationship, that much was clear to Shweta.

"Yes sir, will try our level best to get back to you with all the necessary data", Akansha answered

"Not try Dr. Dixit, I need answers, I would like to offer you more time but due to the extension of phase 1, there are a lot of changes in the schedule, and in order to match that, you need to speed up things", Shaurya said

"The solutions you are asking for are interdependent on data we recive from multiple agencies, firstly we have to update our requirements to them and they had to get back to us with the data, we have to consolidate before finding the necessary updations to the present model we are using sir. All this needs time, and like you mentioned, this is one of the prestigious projects your government is handling, we don't want to rush things with it right?", Akansha countered Shaurya politely.

Shaurya proposed some other ways to speed up the procedure and now both of them got into a heated argument. Looking at the two and the way they are arguing in front of a crowd, Shweta could imagine their arguments as a husband-wife in private. Shaurya has enough knowledge on all the topics given his high qualifications, but he doesn't have those innate skills and in-depth knowledge of the process like Akansha and the rest of the committee members.

Mr. Khanna and other members who report to Shaurya directly are stunned at how bravely Akansha is arguing over all the points with Shaurya, something which they were unable to do all these years, though they did have healthy arguments with him considering Shaurya's growth mindset and his in-depth knowledge about everything, he listened to people and let them express their views and gave weight to them. But, not at the level where the fact that he was their boss was forgotten. Akansha was having that kind of discussion.

"Okay sir, I get the criticality of time, my team and I will give our best in finishing this by the review meeting next week", Akansha said trying not to sigh or huff. This man in front haven't changed a bit, if any he got even more stubborn. She cursed herself for having to deal with him again.

Though Akansha gave up, the team appreciated how courageously she put up a fight with Shaurya to the maximum to borrow some more time and that impressed everyone including Mrs. Arora but not Samuel. She wouldn't have given up if she was alone with Shaurya in his cabin, she has more valid points and she could destroy him in the argument but in front of crowd, it would rise brows if she went any forward. No matter what, he is the Chief Minister of the state, a powerful man who can't be messed up with. She knew she already took a few steps ahead of everyone when she argued with him, but it's in her nature, when she knew she is right, she wouldn't step back no matter who is in front of her, and seeing Shaurya her inner coldness for him made her refute him even more but not anymore.

"Good, now I would like to hear about furthering advancements from research perspective", Shaurya said, everyone cursed their fate, looks like Shaurya is prepared to grill everyone of them today,

"Sure, Dr. Rashid will brief you about it", Akansha said turning to Dr. Khan who took over from her. After the presentation, they had a discussion and then Shaurya left from there unwillingly. Spending time looking at his wife after one whole month caused him bliss and he didn't want to leave but he had to. He has some very important meetings lined up which he couldn't ignore any further.

As soon as Shaurya left from there...

"God! Can't even call him Devil when he looked like 'that' ", Mrs. Arora huffed.

Akansha looked at her with narrowed eyes. Wait! What did the woman mean by 'that'. And it's not her age to drool over men, definitely not over a man who is more than a decade younger to her and is her boss, then why is she doing it ? Akansha wondered but soon shrugged away her thoughts. It shouldn't matter to her, she shouldn't care so she didn't.

Soon the team got back to work, a few days passed, Siya called Shaurya to check if he was back to the city and when he affirmed, she wished to meet him and he couldn't deny his little friend, especially when his heart too screamed to see his little Siya but the only hindrance was Siya's aunt that is Richa Upadhyay who kept making excuses to avoid the meet from happening, reasons unknown to him. Though he met Siya quite a few times through Richa, he didn't get the exact relationship between the two, but he knew the little girl and journalist Richa Upadhyay shared same home. This time he made a note of it to find it, since he wanted to keep his friendship with Siya for life, he deserved to know all the details about his little friend, in fact he wanted to meet the little girl's mother after the elections and offer all the support she would need for Siya's upbringing. He knew Siya's mother is a woman of strong values, he could guess with how she did Siya's upbringing though a little guarded and how highly the little girl thought of her mother. But he wanted that strong woman to know that he would be there for his little friend always, only if he knew that strong woman was his wife once and his betrayal was the reason she brought her daughter up so guarded.

Shaurya tried to convince Richa but she kept giving all the weird reasons, and now Shaurya understood the lady didn't want Siya to meet him, he didn't understand the reason though. He decided to allow sometime to Richa to change her mind but in all this, little Siya was disheartened and hurt. Richa asked Siya not to call Shaurya often which got the little girl mad. She cried, threw tantrums, did everything in her power in front of her aunt to take her to Shaurya but this time Richa stood adamant. She wanted to stick by the promise she gave her friend.

Akansha got busy in her work, Richa kept postponing their visit to Shaurya which made the little girl extremely upset. Whenever Siya asked Richa's phone to talk to Shaurya, she avoided citing some or the other reason so Siya decided to call Shaurya from her mother's phone.

Siya was calling Shaurya when Akansha came there with Siya's food.

"Babybear... Who are you calling Mamu?", Akansha asked... Siya quickly hung up before Shaurya could pick up. Looking at the fear on her daughter's face, Akansha frowned. "Siya... What happened baby? Won't you share it with mumma?", Akansha asked calmly... Siya hugged her mother sobbing badly, Akansha's heart clenched every time her daughter sobbed like this, she knew what was it... Siya always sobbed badly when she wanted to talk about her father... The little girl terribly missed having a father figure in her life. Siya only discussed her father with Akansha, well at least that's what she thought not knowing now Shaurya became so close to her that she even discussed this with him.

"Siyabear...", Akansha rubbed her baby's back kissing her trying to calm her...

"Un...Uncuul... I want uncle.... Uncuul....", Siya sobbed hugging her mother tighty... Akansha's heartbeat rose with fear... Is her daughter talking about Shaurya ? "Licha Aunty... Licha aunty said No... I can't call uncuul...", Siya hicupped... Akansha's eyes widened... Did her daughter call Shaurya from her phone now ? Did he give her, his number ? Damn! now what if he gets to know that its her phone ? Before she could decipher what to do, her phone rang and Akansha dreaded seeing the unknown number...

Siya jumped in Akansha's arms to reach her mother's phone, but Akansha snatched the phone away from her daughter...

"Uncuul...", Siya screamed but Akansha shook her head...

"It's mama's friend baby... I'll be right back... Don't cry... Okay ?", Akansha said and Siya nodded wiping her tears, her mother wasn't angry, she was calm so she would definitely take her to Shaurya, thought Siya.

Akansha sweated profusely, not knowing what to do. She picked up the call afraid what if he tries to find out about the unknown number and gets to know it belonged to her ? It might lead to more doubts... And what if this little search sheds more light on her life and Shaurya gets to know about Siya ? Akansha dreaded that thought...

"Hello...", Shaurya called... only very few people have his personal number, he didn't understand who was this unknown number ? Was it his sister's doctor ? He missed the call as he was in a meeting and he decided to return the call and know who was it... If they didn't pick up, he thought of knowing who that is from his PI, but luckily the caller picked up but who he heard shocked him.

"It's me, Akansha...", Akansha said into the phone, shutting her eyes tightly...

"Akansha? At this time? Is everything alright ? Are you fine ?", Shaurya shot his questions, worried for his wife... he picked up his work phone to summon Suraj if he sensed she was in danger...

"I'm fine... Um... Sh...Shaurya... I...", Akansha fumbled, she didn't know how to cover up all this so that he didn't suspect her... She is not good at lying, that too to Shaurya as he mastered understanding her even without words, so fooling him wouldn't be that easy... She was thinking all this and had already done the blunder. Shaurya's breath stuck when she called him by his name after years... His eyes welled up, he felt as if his wife called him, he craved to hear his name from her mouth for years... Akansha realized what she did... "I called you to talk about postponing the review meeting, it's not possible to present all the findings by then... But... I guess it's not right to call like this... We'll talk tomorrow, I'll take your appointment, I'm sorry...", Akansha blabbered, she just prayed he wouldn't catch her lies...

"Akansha! Wait... You called me personally for this ? Is everything alright with the committee members, I mean they aren't pressurizing you right ?", Shaurya expressed his concern, if she called him personally for it, which she is so against, he thought there might be something terribly wrong with the work in Curriculum review committee, the thought of someone troubling her shook him with rage...

"Things are challenging, but they aren't bad... I'm capable of handling them...", She quickly added refusing his intervention... then it struck his head, how did she get his personal number? Of course, it must be his brother-in-law... But, he couldn't digest the fact that she called him personally for that, is it stressing her so much? Was that Mrs. Arora that's pressurizing her or was it Samuel? He observed how that guy didn't like Akansha much, he also heard that he was the only panelist who didn't support hiring Akansha who has no experience or practice as a child psychologist.

"Akansha, take my appointment tomorrow, We'll discuss this and if needed I'll extend the timeline... Don't take so much stress", Shaurya said shocking her as well as himself, he wasn't one to do any personal favors to anyone, but this was his wife... but he liked how he added 'if needed' but the approval in his tone is clearly audible which didn't go well with the Chief Minister inside him, but the husband in him is thoroughly satisfied...

"No... That's okay, I'll try my best to meet the deadlines... Sorry again... for this thoughtless move of mine", Akansha said and quickly hung up before he could say anything... She sat on the floor wiping the sweat on her face... Tears made their way... She didn't know if he was convinced or not... What if she suspected her move? Maybe she could go, and gauge his reaction the next day? Yes, that would be the right thing to do, she would know if he looked suspicious of her move.

She composed herself and walked inside to her daughter... She didn't know how to handle her... She wanted to slap her best friend, her daughter forgot about Shaurya and she had to take her to him again... Only if she knew the truth...

Seeing her mother, Siya started her complaints against Richa, how she refused to give her mobile to Siya or let her meet Shaurya. Akansha listened to her daughter patiently, making her eat the food. She is happy that her best friend is at least standing by her promise now... After feeding her daughter, Akansha tried to make her understand that how meeting Shaurya was wrong but Siya was nowhere near convincing.

"Mamabear... I love uncuul... I want to chee(see) him... He is my best fliend(best friend) He is so good.... Like thissss gooooooddd", Siya said extending her palms far away saying how good Shaurya is and Akansha's heart clenched at how attached Siya was to Shaurya, and she didn't has the heart to separate father-daughter but she had no choice, Shaurya didn't deserve to be a father to her daughter, not after what all he said and did in the past... Akansha shook her head to divert herself from the guilt she was having in her heart, she knew what she did was the right thing for herself and her daughter, who knows what would have happened if she had told him about her pregnancy... Shaurya Singh Shekhawat didn't deserve to be called Siya's father.

"Siyabear, he is very busy... He can't play with you baby... Mama is there with you right? Why do you want anyone? You have mamu, Richa aunty, Nanu, Nani, your friends, everyone loves you baby... You can play with anyone...", Akansha tried to make her daughter understand but she was as stubborn as her father, if not more and Akansha felt it now more than ever.

"I want Chome(some) time to pay(play) with uncuul... like I pay(play) with you all... Why can't he pay(play) with me ?", Siya asked adamantly...

"Because he is busy babybear and he is no one to you darling... Why would he spend some time with you ? You don't need him Siya", Akansha said, trying to hold her frustration, this discussion with her daughter is draining all the strength she has gathered up all these years and having to deal with Shaurya directly, her emotions, her existing feelings for him, her hatred, anger and everything is messing up her current situation more.

"Why? My fliends(friends) pay with their mama and Papa, so why can't I? I love uncuul... I like paying(playing) with him a lot... He loves me like Ammu's Papa loves her...", Siya said, tears flowing from her eyes, and soon sobs made her way but Akansha remained stunned at her daughter's words, Did her daughter just compare Shaurya with her father? Did Siya see a glimpse of her father in Shaurya? Ammu/Amulya is Siya's best friend, most of the time, Siya misses her father when she sees Ammu's father loving her. Siya got to know that every kid has a character called 'Papa' in their lives who loves and protects them, through Amulya. How did her daughter get so close to Shaurya in just 3 meets that she started seeing a father in him? Why is god doing all this to her? Hadn't she suffered enough? She used to think that staying with the pain Shaurya gave her, his betrayal and living with a stone heart after all the damage her loved ones did to her was her lifelong ache. She wouldn't have any other sufferings to deal with other than that, but she was so wrong...

Akansha stood paralyzed, for the first time, she didn't take a step toward her daughter even when the little girl was sobbing badly. She didn't know what to say or how to console her daughter. Akansha came to her senses seeing her daughter hiccupping heavily, still, the little stubborn head didn't stop sobbing, she kept murmuring how she wanted to see Shaurya. Akansha felt so helpless. She hugged her tightly to her heart trying to console her but Siya was nowhere near calming down... Akansha called Richa and asked her to come there immediately, Richa reached Akansha's home in the next half hour, she couldn't meet her friend's eyes seeing Siya's condition. Somewhere she is the reason behind it, only if she hadn't taken Siya to meet Shaurya that often, the little girl wouldn't have gotten so attached to Shaurya.

Akansha's whole body turned cold with the decision she just took but she had to do this for her daughter. Siya would spoil her health if it goes like this, everyone thought her daughter wouldn't throw tantrums at all, she is a well-mannered kid but only Akansha knew when she decides to throw tantrums, she could go to any lengths to get her demands fulfilled, she is the most stubborn kid any parent can ever have, Siya has inherited all her father's stubbornness, once they set their mind on doing something, they would do that no matter the consequences. Akansha cussed Shaurya's genes in Siya like never before.

"Make her talk to CM sir... First detail him the issue, then request him to console Siya...", Akansha said and walked away as she couldn't bear to see her daughter get consoled by Shaurya, this is something she hated even in her dreams, she thought of never taking Shaurya's help for Siya's wellbeing, the mother in her wanted to do everything on her own for her daughter, she thought Siya didn't deserve a father like Shaurya, so she was determined to not to let even his shadow on her daughter but today, she had to take this decision which she is hating.

Richa apologized to Shaurya for calling him this late, and then made him talk to Siya. He was more than happy to be of help, he was worried for Siya, and his heart craved to see the little girl and if she is fine, but for obvious reasons, he didn't video call on Richa's mobile, she is a journalist, and that too she is Pro-opposition, she could use these details against him if she wanted to. So, he decided to be careful. He didn't trust Richa, but for Siya's sake he couldn't keep her away. He didn't understand his love for Siya that made him go to extreme lengths.

Finally! after talking to the little girl for 30 minutes and promising her to meet soon, Siya got back to normal, and Shaurya hung up, Richa called Akansha in, who made her daughter sleep but sleep was far away from her eyes. Richa tried to talk to her, but Akansha didn't utter a word, she was drained off all her energy. Even her brain is blocked of all thoughts, and she didn't stress herself too. She knew she couldn't take this anymore... Akansha finally decided to leave the city with Akash's help after she had completed the Curriculum Review before Shaurya got to know about Siya.

The next day, she didn't meet Shaurya as she didn't have enough energy to handle herself. Her emotions were all over the place, if only Shaurya hadn't messed up, she would have been so happy to see the father and daughter bonding, but now she detested that thought. She would never want them to meet. She got busy in her work diverting her thoughts, but avoided any more meetings with Shaurya.


Akansha and the team were ready with the data Shaurya has asked, they presented in the review meeting and Shaurya appreciated the team's efforts, he knew Akansha has a major hand in that, and he appreciated her commitment and determination to give the best at anything she does. But, Akansha didn't even smile at his acknowledgment which surprised the committee members. She didn't even act to show people and Shaurya felt the coldness from her, like the first time he felt when he met her in the police station after 5 years... His heart broke in ache knowing they were standing exactly at the same point where they were before, he thought she got used to his presence a bit now but he was wrong, she was the same and he would have a hard time convincing her to listen to him.


Richa took off from work for a few days to take care of Siya, Akansha made Siya take an off from school for a few days, as she was afraid Siya would again start comparing Ammu's father to Shaurya and start imagining Shaurya as her father. She didn't know how long could she do this to her daughter but for now, she thought it was the best, also, Siya's health was affected by all the crying she did that night, and like every time she threw tantrums, little girl suffered with fever, Akansha stayed with her daughter till the fever was gone, but after that, work called her, she didn't want to leave her little one but then Richa and her parents offered to take care of her, Richa's parents stayed in her place for which Akansha was grateful.

Akash visited his niece once and spent an hour with her before getting back to work, as there was something crucial he was handling and it was important to wind up otherwise things would get nasty. He was very busy and with Akash's absence, Siya missed Shaurya more and her determination to see him only strengthened with every passing day.

Siya started pestering Richa to meet Shaurya but Richa could do nothing, she could not break her promise to her best friend, but with her denial, Siya's fever rose again, Akansha went to the government research agency's private wing along with her team to discuss the further proceedings and also to finalize the research results and the visitors' phones were confiscated before getting her in, so Richa couldn't reach Akansha.

Richa took Siya to get her an injection dose, and even in the hospital the little girl cried to see Shaurya, and even Akansha wasn't there to handle Siya, and the doctor suggested Richa comply with the little girl's wishes for the temperature to reduce looking at Siya's adamance. Richa had to take a call and she did.

"I'm so sorry for troubling you Sir, and thank you for giving us your time, We'll be there in half an hour, we won't take much time of yours, hope Siya gets fine after seeing you", Richa spoke into phone with Shaurya.

"Hope so too Ms. Upadhyay, I was telling you to get her to meet me for weeks now, I don't know why you kept delaying this", Shaurya asked

"I'm sorry sir", Richa apologized but didn't speak any further and Shaurya understood Richa wouldn't tell him the actual reason for making up excuses for not getting Siya to Shaurya so he hung up waiting for the little girl. He got restless hearing about Siya's fever.

"Shweta, inform Akash Dikshit to meet me at my residence", Shaurya ordered and left for his residence with Shweta tailing behind. He had a very important meeting with Akash, in fact his whole second half was blocked for him, as he had many things to detail him about the wrap up and the things that were still yet to be done and the kind of measures they need to take to conceal all this properly, one wrong move and Shaurya would be destroyed, but more than that, the big cause they were working for would go down the drain and they would never want that, the whole state and in fact the country's future lied in it so Shaurya wanted no mistake in it, so he dedicated the whole second half of his day to Akash to finalise everything, but now since the issue with Siya came up, he shifted the meeting to his residence, since it's only his brother-in-law, he trusted to spend time with Siya in his presence.

Shaurya and Shweta settled in the CM convoy, Shaurya was in the back seat while Shweta occupied the farther seat beside him.

"Sir... Should I send your personal number to Mr. Dikshit ?", Shweta asked... "I mean if your work phone is busy, he could contact you on your personal number before reaching your residence", Shweta clarified but Shaurya was surprised to hear her.

"Didn't he already have it with him?", Shaurya asked

"No sir, the last time your personal number was changed, I gave it to all your family and your close friends and associates, I was about to share with Mr. Dikshit as well but he denied, he said he would contact you on your work phone if needed, so I haven't shared it with him yet", Shweta told him. Shaurya's personal contact number was changed every few months for security purposes.

"Are you sure Akash doesn't have my current number ?", Shaurya asked once again

"200% sure sir", Shweta answered, wondering why did her boss looked troubled with this fact but Shaurya fell into deep thoughts. If Akash didn't have his number, then Akansha wouldn't have gotten it from him then how did she get his number? Could it be his family? But no, they wouldn't do it or Akansha wouldn't like to even see their faces, why would she approach them for his number, that's just impossible, then how did she get his number? Could it be Dev?Shaurya thought of all the possibilities but nothing seemed to be right. He reached his residence involved in thoughts, he decided to ask Akansha directly about how she got his number. Would she be offended ? But it's important for him to know, he would ask her in a way she wouldn't get offended, but that seemed like a far fetched dream to him, these days, she looked like she is offended even with how he breathed, that's how much she loathed him, he didn't know the reason for her recent extra coldness towards him but that has made a constant ache in his heart.

Now that he thought of her behavior that night, it did seem very odd to him but with his heart bubbling with happiness when she took his name after so many years, he like a stupid lost his focus.

They reached home and in the next few minutes, Richa entered carrying Siya in her arms. The little girl is wrapped up in her woolen sweaters, her cute monkey cap, gloves and socks to keep her warm. Her face is red with all the crying and her high fever didn't help her condition. She looked extremely adorable but Shaurya heart clenched at the pale face of his little friend, her suffering caused innumerable pain, he felt as if he wanted to keep her in his arms hiding her from everything that's hurting her, he felt this exact possessiveness for his wife once, and before her he had this protectiveness only for his sister.

"Siyu... We are here", Richa slowly whispered, kissing her head... Siya quickly opened her eyes and as soon as she saw Shaurya, she wiggled in Richa's arms to run into Shaurya's arms, the sudden excitement surprised Richa, she blamed herself for the attachment Siya had towards Shaurya, now she was afraid of Akansha's reaction when she gets to know about all the times she took Siya to meet Shaurya, including this time despite the promise. Richa's hands shivered at the thought.

Shaurya walked towards them seeing the little girl's enthusiasm, he quickly took her in his arms from Richa's.

"Uncuul...", Siya screamed in delight, cuddling into his warm chest hiding herself.

"Siya bache... You are burning", Shaurya's voice trembled at the suffering this little girl is going through...

"Hehe... Fevel (fever)", she giggled weekly.

"Why is her temperature not going down?", Shaurya asked looking at Richa, he settled in the sofa with Siya in his lap, Richa took the opposite couch.

"Doctor gave her injection, the fever would go down in some time...", Richa said, Shaurya's hold on Siya tightened hearing injection... He hated injections and by how Siya clutched his arms, he knew she hated them too.

"Is it viral? She got fine a few days ago, why did it return, did the doctor run any tests?", Shaurya asked

'You are the reason for her fever', Richa wanted to shout. Siya was missing him badly and she developed this fever. Richa so wanted to shout at him but instead she chose to let him know the reason politely, Shaurya was stunned hearing it, so it wasn't just him that felt the pull and some kind of deep connection with this little girl, she also felt the same. Mrs. Sudha who came there with coffee, was shocked to hear Richa. Shaurya has similar kind of problem, when he misses someone badly or wanted to see someone close to him but couldn't have them, he develops fever.

Sudha recollected how he suffered from high fever frequently 5 years ago, when Akansha left him... His health deteriorated yet work demanded his presence and soon he took charge as the chief minister after a few months and he had to compose himself, take care of his health to handle his responsibilities that people entrusted on him. He started working on his diet again, and changed different doctors until one suited him and slowly he worked on his mental ache, the void he felt with his wife's disappearance, dealing with his problem and soon he recovered physically. That was the worst phase of his, healthwise, he couldn't even take an off to recover, becoming fit to handle his heart ache was the only option left. From then, he decided to take care of his health, avoiding all the unhealthy food though it meant giving up on all that was once his favorite and he didn't even feel the hit as after his wife left him, it's like his desire for any kind of pleasure too left his soul.

"What did doctor advise her to eat?", Shaurya asked...

"Her cereal and some fruits, bread etc, I have it with me, just give me some warm water and a few other things that prepare her meal", Richa requested, the latter part directed to Mrs. Sudha.

"Sure, please come inside", Mrs. Sudha said and Richa followed her to make Siya's meal and medicines.

"We'll be in my office upstairs Shweta, send Mr. Dikshit when he arrives", Shaurya informed and left with Siya in his arms, the little girl snuggled into him, she felt a lot better in Shaurya's protective arms, the little girl doesn't want to leave him.

"Dikchit(Dixit)...", Siya whispered to Shaurya...

"Yes, an uncle will come to have a meeting with me, had a small work, can I do it ?", Shaurya asked her...

"Okay, but don't leave me uncuul...", Siya requested, tightening her hold on Shaurya...

"I won't bache... You can sleep in my lap while I talk to uncle, okay?", Shaurya asked and Siya nodded.

"Dikchit... I also Dikchit", Siya murmured, Shaurya frowned, did he hear her correctly? But since she mumbled, he ignored it... She looked very weak and didn't look interested in talking to anyone else and Shaurya understood her mood, usually Siya would greet all his personal staff with a wide smile as soon as she arrived. The little girl is very well-mannered and super cute kid.


Siya dozed off in his arms, and Richa came there to feed her but since she is sleeping, Shaurya asked her to leave the food there saying he would feed Siya when she wakes up. Richa left unwillingly, she was surprised to see how Siya is sleeping in Shaurya's arms, not on the comfortable couch. Richa decided to wait in the guest hall downstairs... Her phone was confiscated as a part of privacy issues but she knew Shaurya didn't trust her and that's the reason he was careful with her, well she didn't blame him there, she would stop at nothing before capturing a document that could become the 'Breaking News'. She couldn't take out the journalist in her even in sleep.

Akash walked inside the Chief Minister's official residence, Shweta greeted him and then he was guided to Shaurya's office.

"Akash beta? Need a coffee?", Mrs. Sudha who met Akash at the staircase towards Shaurya's home office, asked him. Akash knew her from the time Shaurya started dating his sister. In fact, she was the first one to know about Shaurya's love interest from his side of the family and from then, Mrs. Sudha was always kind to the Dixit siblings, she is the only one who cared for Akansha at her in-laws place and made her life a little less miserable, and that's why Akash has huge respect for this lady.

"No Mrs. Sudha, thank you", Akash said politely, Mrs. Sudha gave a small smile and left from there.

Akash walked in towards Shaurya's office, Siya has just woken up from sleep and Shaurya made her sit on the couch and leaned in to pick up her cereal bowl when Akash knocked in...

"Come inside Akash...", Shaurya knew who it was... Akash walked in, hearing her mamu's name, Siya looked towards the door curiously and as soon as she saw her Mamu walking in... She jumped from the couch and ran to him shocking Shaurya and Akash as well...

"MAMU... MAMUUUUU", Siya jumped hugging Akash's knees... Akash raised his eyes to look at his ex-brother-in-law who looked as cold as ice...

Precap - Akansha and Siya leave the city, Shaurya in search of them.   

Note - Part - 19 & 20 are now available in scrollstack. Below are the links. If you want clickable links they are on my message board. You can access from there.

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