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"Akansha... Get ready in an hour, I'll be picking you up today", her friend Richa said as soon as she took the call, before she could respond, her friend hung up making Akansha chuckle...

"Is it Richa aunty ??", she heard her 5-year-old's sweet tone... 

"Yes baby, let's get you ready, you know how punctual your Richa aunty is...", She said taking her daughter into the washroom and running her a bath...

"Mumma, Am I looking pretty (Pretty) ??", her daughter asked looking at her the same way, her father used to look at her, before he changed into an all different man in a single day... No, Don't go there Akansha... she chided herself...

"Yes baby, you are the prettiest... Do well...", she said kissing her daughter's cheek...

The mother-daughter got ready, and in an hour, her friend picked them up and dropped them at school...


"Miss. Akansha... You know what ??", her colleague squealed bursting inside the staff room...

 "What is it Miss. Rathi ??", Akansha asked in her usual stern voice, her soft side is only for her daughter, her little students, and her bestie, she is done with people using her kindness for their selfishness...

The excited teacher ignored her tone and started telling what she thought would excite Akansha but she got furious instead...

"The Chief Minister, lifted your daughter in his arms, appreciating her for her performance, he made her sit beside him now, can you believe it ??", Rathi screamed in excitement expecting a wide smile if not excitement from Akansha considering how cold she is... 

"WHAT ??, I told you my daughter won't be participating today, who the hell let her ?? BRING HER TO ME RIGHT NOW", Akansha screamed in fury... 

No way in the hell is she letting that man touch her daughter... No, he shouldn't know about her daughter, no, she promised herself, that she would keep her daughter away from that man... She hyperventilated, Rathi moved forward to tend to Akansha but she gave her a stern look before urging her to bring her daughter to her ASAP. 

She knew HE is the chief guest of the annual day function, and that's the reason she decided to stay away from the organizing team and the function. That is why she also didn't let her daughter participate in the function as well. 

Rathi seeing her madness, sprinted out to bring the kid, about whom her colleague was screaming like a crazy bull... 

"What's wrong, where are you going ??", Rathi's colleague asked when she moved to the Chief Minister who was enjoying the performances of the little kids along with the kids who were sitting beside him, among whom, one was Akansha's daughter Siya.

"To take Siya to her mother", Rathi said sighing deeply...

"What ?? But she is sitting with the chief minister, you can't just do that, that would be rude", their colleague, Shipra said

"I know, but that rude woman screamed at me, don't know what's her problem, looks like she hates the CM sir, the principal first offered the supervision of Annual Day to her, and she accepted the responsibility gladly but when she got to know that Mr. Shekhawat is the chief guest, she backed out, I didn't think much about it then, but now seeing her reaction I'm sure, she has some problem with CM sir", Rathi said

"What's there not to like about Mr. Shekhawat, he is kind, caring, and a wonderful leader, We are lucky to have him... Looks like she belongs to those crazy families who are still holding on to the opposition... huh, how can she dislike him yaar, look at his face, he is so handsome, even if he wasn't the best leader, I would still vote for him just looking at his handsome face...", Shipra said looking at Shaurya dreamily...

"Haha, now let me go, otherwise, the devil will eat me raw, and then I can't see Mr. Shekhawat with these eyes...", Rathi said looking at Shaurya with tinted cheeks...

"See, even a shy girl like you couldn't stop staring at him, how can she even dislike a species like that ?? Huh, maybe she was one of those dream girls who are crazy for him but realizing he can never be hers, got her repulsive... Not all can accept the reality like us babes", Shipra said mocking Akansha, without knowing that she is partially right... There was a time when Akansha was crazily in love with him, but when he did what he did, her love turned into ashes leaving away the black spots all over... What she doesn't know is Akansha never had to dream about him being hers, as he was, is, and will always be hers, but she doesn't want him anymore...

"Okay, let me go and pick her child... Siya is so cute despite having such a cold mother", Rathi said before moving hesitantly toward the VIP seats...

"Apologies for disturbing you sir, but can I take her with me ??", Rathi asked politely looking at Shaurya... 

Shaurya looked at Rathi once and then looked at the little girl beside her who is sitting holding his right hand while a little girl and a boy are sitting to his left, holding his other hand, he was surrounded by all the children who performed the welcome dance for him which warmed his heart, especially the little girl in the middle of the group had his heart just at the first sight... On hearing Rathi, the little girl tightened her grip on his hand, indicating she doesn't want to go, and he felt a kind of pull towards the little girl not to let her go away from his sight...

"Why may I ask Miss ??", Shaurya said partly concentrating on the performance on the stage and partly on the lady, Rathi...

"Rathi sir, um... Her mother wants to see her...", Rathi said, looking at her feet hiding her blush just at a look of Shaurya who failed to notice the red cheeks of the lady in front of him as he always had eyes for only one woman, his first and last love, his wife, Akansha Singh Shekhawat, whom he lost with his stupidity...

"Mumma ?? Oh no!, Is she angry, teacher ??", Siya asked immediately leaving Shaurya's hand and getting down from her seat... Shuarya didn't want to let the little girl go but he couldn't do much when her mother is calling her, but why would she be angry ??

"Um... maybe or maybe not...", Rathi said with a smile looking at the little kid...

"But why would your Mumma be angry ??", Shuarya asked taking the little girl's soft palms into his hands...

"Because she doesn't want me to participate today, but I did, without her knowledge, my mumma is very good, she loves me a lot but I didn't listen to her, so she will scold me now", the little girl told him...

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her, she won't scold you...", He said making her sit on his lap now and looked at Rathi... "Ask her mother to meet me, and let the little girl enjoy the performance if it's not urgent", Shaurya said, the last sentence with a finality in his tone which made Rathi nod in approval...

"Sure sir...", Rathi said and left from there...

"So, now little girl, you didn't tell me your name ??", Shaurya asked concentrating on the performances and the little girl simultaneously... These few hours spent with children are the best hours of his job, so whenever he gets time, he approves all the requests from the schools that invite him to their functions... He would have been a father to maybe 2 or 3 wonderful babies if only he hadn't messed up, Akansha loves kids... Thinking about the birth of his probable children made him smile sadly, now his dream would remain a dream, he lost his wife forever... she is gone and would never return to him, but he is determined to find her and seek her forgiveness, but what if she has moved on ?? what if she married someone else and already had kids with that man ?? Can he bear seeing her with any other man ?? Hell no... He would kill him...

"That's because you didn't ask me", Siya's voice brought him back from his thoughts... He smiled at her cute accusation...

"Yeah, my bad, sorry, now I'm asking, what's your name ??", he asked and his CS(Chief secretary) and bodyguards looked at him in awe, the mighty Shaurya Singh Shekhawat becomes a softie whenever he interacts with kids...

"It's okay, you are forgiven, and my name is Siyakliti(Siyakriti)", Siya said and Shaurya froze hearing the name.

"Shaurya... how many kids do you want ??", Akansha who is hugging his chest asked him suddenly...

"Um... just one, and I'm already having that kid in my arms...", He whispered in her ears earning a slap on his chest..

"Shaurya... I'm serious...", Akansha whined...

"Fine, fine, lady, stop your physical abuse, Um... I want just one little girl, who is a replica of you, and we would name her Siya", He said with a smile already imagining the baby who would look like a mini Akansha but soon the purpose he is doing all this drama came into his head snatching his smile and a vile smirk took its place...

"Just one ?? I want lots of kids with you, and Siya is too old, I would name my daughter Akriti", Akansha said not noticing his face which is void of any emotions...

"What happened uncle ??", Siya asked tapping on Shaurya's arms...

"Siya, address him as Sir", the teacher who is standing near them to monitor the kids so that they won't cause inconvenience to the chief minister corrected her...

"It's okay, they are kids, they don't have to know all this, let them be oblivious and innocent", Shaurya said, smiling towards Siya...

"You have a very pretty name Siya, Um... I can call you Siya right ??", He asked and she nodded giving him a wide smile that had his heart...

Note - The first part of this book will soon be out... 

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