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 Jimmy nodded as well as the guy we went out to the crater to see the vines were now much larger and spread out o then heard Pix and fwhip "What happened here !"

Pix yelled I told Pix and fwhip what had happened "Scott so you mind if I take a sample?"

I nodded "It's all good " It cut some of it just for it to reheal and grow quicker "Hmm"

he got a book out from his bag and started to flip through pages then he stopped suddenly "Okay so there's about on it here but it's very vague

' the vines are a plant-like virus it spreads quickly and can attach to people that to get rid of the vines is unclear '

I sighed "So this is going to spread through my empire til what the end of time" Pix shook his head

" Apparently there's a host but it could literally be anyone as it could have been dormant under the fountain and your friend he could have accidentally disturbed its sleep "

isn't that just great and the only way to stop it is to find the 'host' which we have zero fucking clue who is

" thank you pix for your help, fwhip is there any way I don't know find the host " fwhip shrugged "Pix you'll need to help me but we can try "

we all nodded then fwhip and Pix went off, while me and jimmy helped the guy out we went back to the Tavern were

I made sure the guy was all good and he went to bed while me and jimmy were on the first floor trying to figure shit out

" Okay so this vine stuff can spread " I nodded "Maybe since its technically alive there's something that can harm it as we can't do anything but maybe it dislikes a certain thing"

I was confused and this was Jimmy talking ..oh wait I think I understand " like how water can't touch lava" He nodded

"Okay but how will we find this disliked thing," he thought for a second "Well maybe since it's from the nether where it's hot maybe it dislikes cold stuff "

end here 

word count:380

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