Part Fifteen

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It all happened at once. Zoya was pulled up from the floor, a glass of water put in her shaking hands as Anjana tried hard to understand what had put her in that state. Then the front doors were being shoved open, officers swarmed the area, handcuffs clicked around Aditya's wrists and he was pinned to the wall.

"We are arresting you on suspicion for murdering Waseem Siddiqui, you do not have to say anything but" the rest of the sentence was a blur as Anjana rushed forward, begging the officers to show mercy. Her son wouldn't commit such a crime.

Aditya wasn't bothered about anything but Zoya's reaction. She sat immensely still, then she stood up. Her red rimmed eyes met his. "Zoya, I"

Anjana turned to Zoya "My Aditya wouldn't do this, you know that right" she nodded fast, hoping Zoya would listen to her cries

Aditya pulled himself back. He wouldn't move until he had spoken to Zoya.

"Did you kill my Abbu" Zoya asked, no tears rolled down her cheeks. Her movement was slow, her words even slower.

"What do you think Zoya, only your opinion matters, the world can think what they like, do you think I did it" his voice cracked on the last word, he jolted forward, hissing at the pain in his wrists

Zoya didn't make any gesture in response. Aditya had been so kind to her, always, but now her Abbu was dead. The only family member she had left. She had no idea what to think anymore.

"We have the plane ready Sir, we'll get him transported to India ASAP"


"Please, water" Aditya begged, his lips chapped and bleeding from nearly two days without even a sip of water. He gripped the bars, trying to push himself up only to fall back again, he was too weak.

"You want some water, here" Rajveer held the hose up, ice cold water hit Aditya in the face, sending him skidding across the floor, he gasped for breath, shivering

Rajveer opened the jail cell, stepping inside he shut it behind him "Do you remember how you beat Yash, just before I found him, dying, now you will receive the same" he pulled Aditya up, shoving him into the wall

Aditya's head slammed hard into the brick wall, then he was falling back, groaning as he felt Rajveer's foot push into his already sore ribs. He choked when Rajveer's foot was pushed into his throat

Rajveer pulled him up, pushing his head into the wall again, before elbowing him in the side of his head, he laughed as he stumbled back, falling to his knees. "One last thing, Zoya is back with Yash, she doesn't believe you"

Aditya tried to reach out to stop him, but the throbbing pain in his head and the stabbing pain in his ribs stopped him. He had lost, Yash had got Zoya back and she hated him. There was nothing left, he deserved this, he had let her down. He closed his eyes, imagining Zoya as he did.

Her soft voice, her beautiful smile, the way her eyes glowed when she looked at him. How she smelt, how she felt in his arms. He loved her and he had lost her. He hated himself, this was what he was worth.


Aditya let out a sigh, he looked over his shoulder at the running. His eyes hurt and one was so swollen he could hardly make out who it was. Then the jail door opened and he braced himself for another beating. He groaned as his head was lifted up, then put on something soft

"Aditya, hey Aditya, it's me" a woman spoke, voice thick with emotion. She grabbed a water bottle, unscrewed the lid, held his head up and helped him drink

He tried to open his eyes properly but failed "Zoya" he whispered "Where is Zoya"

The woman bent down, her head near his ear "I can't hear you"


"Adi, you're awake, oh look at you, i'm so sorry it took me so long to get you out" Anjana wiped away a tear

Aditya looked around "Zoya, I want to see"

Anjana nodded "I know, she doesn't think you want to see her, she's stood outside"

"Yash didn't take her" he coughed out, confused

"I'm your Ma, I wouldn't let anyone take your happiness away" she smiled softly, kissing his forehead "I'll go bring her in"

Zoya entered, her head down. She should have spoke up. Once again Aditya had gotten beaten up because of Yash and Rajveer. Aditya was all she had. She lifted her head, eyes running over his injured body, the image reminding her of the last time he led in a hospital bed. What could she say? What could she do?

Aditya looked at the dark circles beneath her eyes, her hair was messy around her face. But she was still so beautiful to him. "Come here Zoya" he beckoned her forward

She shook her head "I can't" she looked away, "It's all my fault"

"Zoya, please, you have to know, I didn't"

"I know" she nodded, looking up at him "Look what trying to keep me safe did" she let out a sob "What if you're next, I can't lose you too, all I do is put people in danger"

"Zoya, this isn't your fault, listen to me, please listen to me"

"No, I can't, i'm so sorry, so sorry Aditya" she stepped forward "Look what they did, it's all my fault, but you have to stay alive, you're all I have left, i'll do anything to keep you safe" she gripped his hand tightly. "Even" she stopped, unable to carry on, her eyes focused on his purple and black eye, her lips were feather light on his hand "if that means walking away" she dropped his hand, turned and walked out the door, she didn't listen to Aditya's shouts for her to come back or Anjana's cries

She was bad luck and anyone around her would end up dead.

Loving cats gets me in trouble-

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