1. Just WOW

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School Uniform. Check!

My brown hair in a neat ponytail. Check!

School Bag. Check!

Car's keys. Check!

Why do I feel like I am missing something major?

"JULIA! BREAKFAST IS READY!" mom called out.

'Ahaha! Breakfast! I knew something was missing!' I thought as I went downstairs.

"Good Morning Mom!" I greeted.

"Good Morning sweetie! Are you excited?" asked mom expectedly.

"If you mean excited by the fact, that I am going to wake up my stupid best friend, then no." I replied blankly.

"Have a good day sweetie, it's your first day as highschool seniors." said Mom.

"Oh wait, really?! It's today?" I said jokingly.

She shook her head and said, "Now.. Now... Go! Else you will be late." I love my mom!

I said pretended to be hurt. " Okay..." I looked over to my watch. "There still an hour for school to start..but still I have to wake up my lovely best friend!"

"Bye sweetie!" said Mom giggling.

I went to my car and started my short journey to Alex's house.

Today is the first day of our highschool as seniors. Finally, I can meet my friends Maria, Renee and Alex. We have been best friends since we were three. So yeah, our connection is strong.

I reached Alex's house and rang the bell. The door opened.

"Good Morning, Mrs.Spencer," I greeted.

"Good Morning, Julia," she greeted back with a friendly smile.

"Is Alex still asleep?" I asked.

Mrs. Spencer nodded.

"What would have happened to my son if you weren't here, my girl. " said Mr. Spencer, who was now in the view. He is a great man with great sense of humor.

"I know, Mr. Spencer. You can call me the greatest." I said jokingly. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer laughed out loudly at the later part.

Then, I went to wake Alex up.

Meet Alex Spencer, the laziest person alive. Alex may remind you of a bear. If he controlled his life, all he will do is sleep and eat and then sleep again. This will continue in an endless cycle.

"Alex, free food is being distributed downstairs. Wake UP!!! " I shouted in his ear.

"Not falling for that, Sis!!" He replied.

So you won't wake up huh?


It's showtime.

I went to his bathroom and filled a bucket with ice-cold water and


"I'll be waiting for you downstairs." I said before moving out.


"Jules, you should change your ways of waking up people. See, I barely had time to eat. " Alex said while stuffing his mouth with his breakfast.

I rolled my eyes at him and concentrated on driving. While he kept ranting about the importance of eating food peacefully.

We reached the school and went to take our time tables. We reached the office and saw Renee and Maria there.

"Hey!! " Alex and I greeted.

"Yo!" Renee replied.

"Hellooo" Maria greeted streching the letter 'e'.

After I got my time table, it was like :








And the only we all had in common was P. E.

Other than that, I had chemistry class with Alex. Spanish class with Maria and history class with Renee.


We parted our ways to our respective classes.

I didn't have the excitement that a person normally has on the first day as I knew every last one of them.

On entering I saw Aaron along with this girl friend, Natasha.

Aaron looked and greeted me. "Hey grumpy-cake!"

"Hi, and if you call me that one more time-"

"I will be found six feets underground, right? Man, you have been saying that for the past 5 years," he cut me off.

I sighed.

Then I looked at Natasha and smiled."How do you handle him?"

"I have my ways and he is not so bad, " she remarked, returning a beautiful smile. She is too sweet for her own good.

I went towards my seat, ignoring Aaron who was claiming to be the most greatest person alive.

After a few minutes, our class started.

Mr. Solomon (who is famous for coming late except for the first day) entered.

He welcomed us and by the time he actually started an announcement was made that we would have a special assembly after this class.


Our headmistress welcomed us with the same speech she recited every year and even her few words go on for hours. I have been hearing them for as long as I can remember. I was about to zone out, but then something caught me off-guard.

"So, you must have noticed that the new buildings have been made adjacent to our school. It is now ours. You all should know that they are dorm rooms. "

Yep, I did notice that but how has our school gotten so much fund this year that they bought all those buildings?

"This year is a bit different students, in a good way of course!" she laughed bitterly.

Something is definitely fishy.

"We are basically having a camp which aims at bringing together all societies and improve their bonding towards each other,"

Oo, you could just simply say, 'We have found a school to provide us with funds.'

And by the way, you think it's gonna work?

"So the California Girls school and Nobert boys high school will be joining us within a week."

What a great choice. Yay!!!

Please note the sarcasm.

California Girls, a place where the daughters of rich people go. I heard that the girls there are kinda stuck up and snobby, but you can't judge a book by its cover, right?

Norbert boys highschool, our school's main rival in competitions. I mean they are great at sports, but I have no clue about their academics.

So I am meeting new people within a week.

Just wow!!!!


Hey people!!!!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

So this chapter was just an intro chapter for a kick start to the plot so yeah.

A SPECIAL THANKS TO melted-daylight for the awesome cover ❤❤

And if California Girls and Norbert boys is actually a highschool .I didn't mean any offense.(especially California Girls)

And also to the people studying in California Girls

Suggestions and Comments are welcome!!!!

Till next time,

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