20. A day which was abnormally normal.

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In the previous chapter :

Instead of slapping my hands away she look one of my hands and placed it against her cheeks.

"Thank you James." She said in a soft voice and passed me a breathtaking smile.

I quickly withdrew my hand and mummered, "I'll go get the stuff,"

I ran away hiding my red face.



Closing the main door of my house I stepped in and stretched my arms. Today has been a long day.

I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes processing all that happened today.

I didn't expect James to be this nice.

I opened my nearly dead instagram account and went to James's profile.

It was private.

Stupid Renee. What were you expecting?

After battling myself for half an hour, I decided to follow him.

Don't know why was I making a deal out of it.

I noted he only followed around fifty people and had over six thousand followers.

Of course he is all famous.

Maybe he was just being nice just for the sake of being a gentleman.

I closed my phone kept it beside me.

I turned on the television and started watching animes because I had nothing else to do.

Soon enough I recieved two notifications.

One of them being that James followed me back and other a dm from him.

You feeling better?

Yep! Thank you for everything!

Good to hear! How was the stalkin' session?
Any compliments or my hotness is just too much for you?

And he is back. I laughed and replied in my defense and like this we spent the entire night texting back and forth.


Julia's Pov :

It's a Friday! The sleepover day!

I texted Alex to be ready because I was about to pick him up. And within seconds I got a reply which made me choke on my saliva.

Don't worry Jules! I am already in the school!

A-Are you sick?

It's a half day so I felt like coming earlier.

I raised an eyebrow. He is such a bad liar.


Yes totally!

Won't you be bored alone?

Don't worry about that kat is here!

Oooh. kAt Is HeRe. No wonder

I meant now she is here. Like coincidence!

Yes. I'm totally believing that.

Really? This wasn't planned?

Yes of course it wasn't.

Not Alex still denying.

Sure smh.

Where did you lose it?

Lose what?

Your hotdog—

What in the world are
you talkin' about?

You said smh.
Searching my hotdog, right?

You're an—
On second thought nevermind. I'll
be late for school. Bye!

Haha! Learn from me, I'm always on time!

Look who is saying. I hopped in my car ready to leave for school.


Nothing special happened. Teachers were teaching. Students were doing anything but studying.

Ryan and Aaron got obsessed with a random meme and kept laughing and slamming their hands on the table.

Alex who also happened to be in the class as well sitting in front of me was writing something as if taking down notes.

I peeped on what he was doing so concentrated. To my not-so-much-disappointment was practicing calligraphy.

I looked impressed and tapped his shoulder.

"Alex why suddenly all this stuff?" I asked pointing at this notebook.

He looked back at the calligraphy and then passed me a sheepish grin.

"I am practicing handwriting for the poster I have been making,"

I tilted my head to the side, "Poster for?"

"Well you see as we're in a fictional world and our exams are in like a month or two and i haven't prepared anything for the exams,"

"So...?" I asked because I had no clue how this was related to the poster.

"So I'll ask the author to give me the question papers and incase she can't understand my normal handwriting, I'm learning calligraphy," He concluded proudly.

Forcing a smile I shook my head and tried to start focusing on the teachers for saying.

After a while the teacher was fed up of Ryan and planned on embarassing him which wasn't really wrong. He was making a lot of noise.

"Ryan. Why don't you read out the next paragraph?"

After getting no reply from Ryan she scoffed, "Of course you won't know that's what your parents send you school for!"

"Ma'am I apologise for—" the teacher cut him off again.

"Need not be sorry! You better start reading where I left" she said turning around and sat back on her chair with legs crossed.

By the time she turned, I scribbled the page number and paragraph on my plam and showed it to Ryan.

Thankfully he saw it and started reading and that's when the colors of the teacher's face faded.

She kept opening and closing her mouth like a fish but no words came out. Evidently her so called ego was hurt.

As soon as the bell rang she stomped out the classroom and trust me we couldn't be happier.

After class I went to my locker and saw a few unfamiliar figures around my locker.

I need to sanitize my locker now. Don't they know my locker has social anxiety.

In other words, I don't want people near my locker.

The three angels finally noticed my presence and one of them stepped up in front of me and crossed her her arms in front of her chest.

"Ryan was hanging with our group leader you know?" She said smirking.

"So..?" I asked blankly.

"And they were walking next to each other."

"I never said she was giving Ryan a piggy back ride."

"You.... I said they are about to be friends. Good friends."

"So am I supposed to smack your head against my locker because your group leader is about to be Ryan's good friend and she couldn't give him a piggy back ride?"

"What the—" the unfamiliar figured who I figured was short tempered began to get annoyed.

"—pig? You meant what breed of pig by 'What the pig', right? I wonder that too. Why don't you ask your leader—"

The pig's short tempered follower aka the stranger girl passed me an annoyed look and grabbed her two friends or maybe her fellow pig supporters and left.

I stretched my arms and went to my next class.


After school I didn't really wait for anyone because I figured I'll take a small nap before the sleepover.

When I reached the parking lot I saw Ryan leaning against my car's door. He noticed me and smiled and waved at me.

I smiled back and went towards him. He looked around for a while and then avoided eye contact for a while and then looked at me taking a deep breath he said, "Thank you,"

I burst into fits of laughter that he did all that drama for a thank you.

"Did that hurt your ego much ?" I asked amused.

"No I was just thinking you might be like...."

I sensed a formal tone in his voice. I took a step forward and made eye contact with him and said, "You're perfect the way you're Ryan, you need not worry about what others think about you because you made one mistake, ok?"

His eyes widened and he looked rather shocked.

Raising his hands from the side of his body he pulled my cheeks.

Yes. No thank you for anything. He pulled my cheeks instead.

I slapped his hand away and said, "You're annoying,"

"You mean annoyingly handsome?" He asked smirking.

I let out a dry laugh and soon enough he had to go to his new dorm and inform his roomate about the sleepover.

I also drove back home with an involuntary smile accross my face.


Author's Note

Hope y'all liked the chapter!

Comments and suggestions are welcome!

Stay safe everyone !

Love you!



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