Chap III- A Decision

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A happy wattpad writer's day to all my friends, followers &readers

Sanidhya's treatment was almost complete& now avni was concentrating on neil's case
She took complete care of neil- from his diet to his medications, his everyday routine- everything

Though neil was adament at first but slowly he let avni do whatever she wanted to& didnt interact much
Avni knew he was hiding something very painful- his eyes being the biggest proof

The dean had transferred avni to xyz hospital for neil's treatment

On a random night-

Avni had a night duty in xyz hospital& was taking rounds when she heard a familiar voice coming from a patient's room
She went near& was shocked-
Neil was asleep yet having hallucinations despite the medicines
He was tossing& turning in bed

Plz leave me
Noo...nooo.. plz dont
Plz dont hit me
Aaagghh! Plz dont do this
Its very painful
Doctor plz dont.....aaaghh!!
Nooooo! Open the door
Plz dont lock me again

Avni immediately ran to him& tried consoling him

A-neil relax
Try to breath in& breath out
But neil was beyond anybody's control
As a result, avni just took him into her arm-patting his back slowly
She immediately called the nurse
(Nurse arrives)

A-i want you to open up all his chains& handcuffs for the night

N-but its extremely unsafe& risky-especially for u
Hes unpredictable& u never know what he might end up doing next
And what wud i say to the other docs?

A-dont worry
I will be answerable for the results& after effects- wheather positive or negative

After a lot of hesitation the nurse finally removes the heavy chains& handcuffs
Avni's eyes almost watered upon seeing those huge scars of metal throughout his body

By now, even neil had calmed down- for the first time in 5months someone had been so kind& genuine to him
He did want to get treated by her new doc but was scared as well- what if she also harmed him& this kindness is only to gain his trust?
He decided to calm down but stay quiet as well& not respond much to her questions

After nurse left, avni tried to start a new convo with neil to divert his mind but neil didnt reciprocate much& dozed off to sleep while avni just smiled
For the next few weeks& avni used to stay back at hospital itself to keep an eye on neil
Now she was pretty aware about neil's reactions to specific things

He had all the symptoms-

Weight loss
Loss of appetite
Chronic headache
Lack of sleep
Trouble in concentrating
Loss of sense of reality
Resistance to light& much more

Avni had found the solution to most of these- especially boredom
She decided to take a new risk with neil
She fetched a wheelchair & told him to get seated cz they are going for a round of the hospital& then to the garden
Neil was highly reluctant at first bcz of the fresh light& also screamed on top of his lungs

But avni didnt loose hope
His screams& his reluctance did continue for few days but slowly it reduced& eased out
It did take time but the wheelchair was finally replaced with his feet-he wasnt paralyzed-just that he was bound under influence of his strong medicines hence cudnt walk

All the doctors were surprised by this change in one of their most annoying patients- neil
That too, in such a short time

**Time lapse***

Neil was admitted in the hospital for the past 10 month amongst which 5were under avni's treatment

Neil didnt show it but he was extremely happy that he was being treated by a humble person who was strict -not violent & didnt harm him
Yes, he was thankful to avni but always hid it under the shell of arrogance & his "i dont care face"

Avni had been very observant with neil-she had seen alot of improvement in him& their communication level had also increased, tho it was still low

She decided to take another decision

Next morning, Dean's cabin, avni's hospital-

D-but avni its very risky
Your transfer to his hospital, you taking him out for a walk or a short car drive was still ok cz an assistant cud stay with u for safety but what ur asking me to do now is risky as well as against the rules of the hospital

A-sir plz?
For just one month?
I promise if there's no improvement, then i wont ask for any other favors regarding neil
The dean thought for a while

D-well, ok but if anything goes wrong, u will be under trouble &i wont be able to save u

Avni's face lit like a 100 watt bulb
Tysm sir!
You have no idea what u have done for me

D-i will get the papers ready
btw, i have a question-whats so special in neil that u r being so helpful towards him?
So much so that ur ready to put yr career at stake?

A-theres alot of pain in his eyes sir
Everyone sees him with the vp of a mere mental patient-hardly does anyone see that theres a human behind the same patient
I strongly feel that he has a very brutal past which pl are unaware of & dont want to find out as well
And if my treatment can do some better to him, then whats the harm?

Anyway, i get the papers ready& u handle everything at the hospital
I will inform the authorities there as well

A-thank you sir
Avni leaves

What do u think whats avni's plan regarding neil?
Dont forget to vote& leave yr views in comments as well

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