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" Sameer has been saying things to me about.."

" Pich. I don't wanna listen. "

" Arey, listen once!! Won't harm. "

" No!! 

No means No!!! " , Kalpita hissed,  mimicking Senior Bacchan's baritone. She shook her index finger before Rimjhim's nose.

They sat at the food court of the mall, included within Kalpita's incredibly huge housing complex.

In fact, she herself had called upon Rimjhim, because staying alone at home was proving unhealthy to her. Mom had work and she wouldn't be back before evening.

" Do you know, you have turned weird? And we friends agree upon that. " , Rimjhim twisted lips.

Kalpita squeezed brows and showed fist.

" And our opinion won't change with your antics. "

Rimjhim put down Kalpita's fist with a palm.

" Why such conclusions? "

" Ask yourself.

You left the pub that night...without a word. And, the next week, you didn't even join. "

" Bleh!! I had texted before leaving, and I had seminars the next week. If you are fools to draw conclusions upon my pub visits, I have no words. "

" Nah. Not only that. You behave different. What about your physical cravings every Saturday night? " , Rimjhim danced her brows.

Kalpita face-palmed.
Then passed a toothy grin.

" Jismon ke peeche, bhaage ho phirte,
Utro kabhi rooh me!
Hota kya aashiq, kya aashiqui hai,
Hogi khabar tab tumhe! " , she hummed.

" Haww!! I don't believe this!! Are you even Kalpita? Not only behave, you look different as well. "

" Look? How's that? "
Kalpita straightened.

" Like, I've never seen you wear a bindi and tuck jhumkas, on casual meet ups. " , Rimjhim blinked.

Kalpita grew heavily conscious suddenly. But tried hard not to bring that on face.

She was herself surprised, when she spent half an hour to choose a dress, something she had never done in life.

Depressing mom most of the times, she would wear whatever was at hand, even if that was worn out...or not washed for days.
Because, she was so confident regarding her personality itself, the attire never mattered.

But today, it did a lot, before visiting the office.

Precisely, visiting... Shivaji.

She had ultimately chosen one of the best long skirts she had in her closet, and a cold shoulder top. She had applied a streak of kohl, a tiny bindi, and a pair of heavy jhumkas matching the skirt, after a lot of messing around with Mom's jewelleries at the dresser.

" Ophho!!

Everyone should dress up, as per wish, at least on some days of life.

You happen to be here with me on one such day, when my mood has done it right. " , Kalpita shrugged.

" Uhu. There's something else.

Are you dating someone? " , Rimjhim shrunk her eyes.

Kalpita stared, stunned. Only for a millisecond. She could never bring her weaknesses to the world.

" Yes. Salman Khan.
He's marrying someone finally, and that's me. " , Kalpita rolled her eyes.

" Don't kid around because I'm not.
There's a certain glow on your face, that happens only when you're in love. " , Rimjhim was so annoying today. Kalpita reflected.

" Is it?

But... I never saw some glow on your face since you started dating Raj!
You look as ugly and blunt, as you used to. "

She received an immediate thrashing on the head from Rimjhim. And she gave it back by pulling her hair. Rimjhim pulled her ears instead, and she scratched her arm with her long nails.

Soon, they were physically cat fighting, with the whole food court staring at them.

They ended it on a happy note, within five minutes.

Because, it was so usual of Kalpita and Rimjhim to fight this way, and when they did, they gave a damn to situation and place.

" Your bindi went missing. " , Rimjhim was tidying her messed up hair.

" Your contact lens went missing. " , Kalpita grinned.

" I don't wear any. " , Rimjhim made faces.

" You should. There's nothing attractive about your face. I feel for Raj. "

" And what about yours?
You look like Bhallaldeva. " , Rimjhim cringed her nose.

" Hah hah hah! I deserve a better comeback. Bhalla was handsome. Hence you couldn't even try and call me ugly. "

" Go and die.

I'll find your boyfriend. "

" Yeahh!! All the best!! "
Kalpita blinked.


" Kalpita...  "

Kalpita suddenly got back to senses, with Mom nudging from the sides.

She realised, she had been foolishly staring at Shivaji, who was extremely concentrated in separating fish bones from the meat.

They were all seated at the dining, Devendra was discussing a new movie at the theatres nearby, Suchandra was reciprocating, Shivaji was busy with his fish and Kalpita was nowehere on this planet.

Ufff! This love thing was so irritating. Made a fool out of everyone.
She knew her cheeks had gone red.
Why the hell did she have to gawk at him, literally unconscious?
And Mom caught her off guard, embarrassing the shit out of her.

" Ahemm..

Kalpita, after dinner, take Shivaji for a stroll down the compound. So many days, and he doesn't even know the housing properly. "

Kalpita stared back at Mom, with eyes widened. While Suchandra suppressed a smile.

Shivaji looked up with his name being pronounced.

" True.
South City is huge, and one of the most beautiful complexes in Kolkata. Show him the entire area, Kalpi. " , Devendra added.

Kalpita breathed deep and stared at Shivaji. He smiled and nodded.

He looked so innocent..

Shut up.

She rebuked herself rampantly, and was now concentrating on her fish, once and for all.
Enough, was enough.


" I too got stuck in the lift once. Long time. We were new here then. "
Kalpita grinned as they walked out of the elevator.
" But not alone. The entire family. "

" Have you been..... staying here for years? "

" Yes. Since South City was created. Like.. 6-7 years back. "

They walked out of the tower, and began strolling by the wall, along the lines of palm groves...

The lights that stood tall beside the roads, threw long shadows behind them, while enlightening the whole compound.

" This area is spread over almost 32 acres. "

" My god... Huge....  "

" Yes it is. And initially I was like, how do people get back home even? It's so enormous and every tower looks the same. " , Kalpita laughed.

" True. I can.... never get back home.... if left alone. "

" You'll never be left alone.

Careful! "

Shivaji almost tripped over a manhole lead, and Kalpita held his hand.

He blushed.
How often he tripped and how often she had to hold him, he would lose counts soon.

" Also, if you need stuffs of daily necessities, ask me to accompany you if I'm home.

Once you get to know the place, you can do it. Otherwise it might be difficult.

Did you get the things you were going to bring, yesterday? "

Kalpita let go of his hands.
Holding them for long... was growingly uncomfortable for her. The adrenaline rush was not under her control.

" Yes.... Himesh.... brought them for me. Minor things. And... you're right.
Walking around, I'm getting vibes... it's frightening. "

" Nothing's frightening. You just need some time. " , Kalpita replied.

" Hmmm..... You're right.... " , Shivaji passed into a momentary oblivion.

" This is the school.

Resident kids study here. " , Kalpita showed a huge three storeyed building.

" You too did? "

" No.
I studied at Don Bosco. When we shifted here, I was in the 11th standard."

" Ohhh...

I have heard....the name of that school.... It's a heritage....

Also, your... college.
Medical college... is a very ancient.... and well known hospital... "

" Of course you will know. You are intelligent and well read. "

Shivaji shied a smile, with the sudden compliment.

Kalpita patted herself that she could still compliment him, however much she felt she should rather remain quiet in his presence, and not give him early signals, by mistake.

" This is the community hall.
Marriages, engagements, stuffs...happen here. " , Kalpita showed a huge building decorated with LED lights.

" Does it..... always remain.... decorated? " , Shivaji asked, the lights reflected back from his eyeball.

" Yes. "

They walked silently for sometime.

A dog suddenly came their way from nowhere.

" Babare!! "

This time, it was Kalpita, who stepped back with a shriek.

Shivaji was completely taken aback.
He stared at her panic stricken face, and himself walked over to the dog, patting it.

" Don't do that! It'll bite! " , Kalpita tried hard, passing on the terror.

However she knew soon, she was wrong.

The dog twirled the entire body as a sign of utter submission, as if knew Shivaji for years. It joyously enjoyed the minute long pat, continuously wagging a tail.

The panic from Kalpita's eyes slowly disappeared. She rather found a smile growing on her lips, as she moved closer. At the end of which she too slightly touched the dog's back, and it did nothing adverse.

" Hehe! " , she laughed, as the four legged happy creature went away at the end of the session.

" We.... had so many dogs....in our colony, back in Digha. They were all.... family.

Why will dogs bite.... if you love them?
Even snakes won't. "
Shivaji smiled.

" I know...
I too like watching dog videos.
Labs and Goldies are okay..
But I don't trust the Indian breeds. "

" They are all the same....Kalpita ji.
Indies have to fight.... for survival, on streets. Keep them at home.... train them.... they'll be at par. "

Kalpita breathed deep.
He made so much sense when he spoke.

" I'll feed them from tomorrow. " , she spontaneously said.

Shivaji smiled wide.
" Anyways, I thought.... nothing on earth.... frighten you.
I found something. "

" Who said nothing frightens me? I've an even bigger fear. "

" What? "

" Of losing the people I love. " , Kalpita spoke without a gap.

Shivaji fell completely silent.

" I could swim.... even in the high tides.... through the waters of Digha.

Everything changed..... after the accident.

I don't even imagine..... getting into waters now, leave alone..... swim for myself.. "

Shivaji spoke softly. Kalpita kept staring.

" When my father died.... in cirrhosis, I was... a kid.

I wondered, how could...someone... survive.... without a parent? A father.... and a mother, both are needed, right? That's.... the rule of a family.

Soon, things fell in place.... without him.

Dida came over, and slowly, I got used to the fact....that people have... maa- baba, I've.... maa-dida. This will remain forever..... This is the rule.... of my family.

I reached 24..... and lost all of them.

Now I've realised.....there's no rule to this universe. It's all written..... in one's fate..... and fate goes.... by no rule. "

They were now seated beside a pool at the end of the compound. People sat on cemented seats, the cool breeze was quite soothening.

" Very true. " , Kalpita uttered.
" But...

Don't think you've got no one on earth.
You never know what's going on, what's being invisibly written as your fate. " , she almost whispered this time.

Shivaji blinked and nodded.

" I agree.
Kalpita ji...

For example....look at my life....at present...

I am.....sheerly thankful to you, for being ..... such a great friend.

I was literally not surviving...... for the last three months. I'm so grateful to Chhotu mama..... I don't have words.
He introduced you all.... to me.

You, your parents, you all.....have made my life..... so eventful, I don't even have time..... to get depressed...

Thank you..... so much.... Kalpita ji! "

" Don't thank. " , Kalpita didn't speak much. She didn't even want to.

" I know.... A meer 'thank you'.... can't express..... the real gratitude.... I've for you. "

" True again.
You need to do something bigger as a payback. "
Kalpita spoke seriously.

Shivaji grew nervous. He blinked several times, and the smile fainted.

" As... in? "

" Look at you!! 
You turned pale!! Come on, why so afraid of the world, Shivaji?

Get over your fears.
For me. That'll be your payback.

If I can feed dogs from tomorrow, for you, you too will swim again.

For me.

Got it? "

Shivaji kept staring for sometime.

Then, out of the box, placed his hand softly on her palm.

" You're.....  a beautiful woman, inside out.
I'll try..... Kalpita ji..... just for you. "

Kalpita wanted to cry.
And she didn't know, why.

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