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Shivaji stared ghost stricken at Kalpita.

She rolled her eyes and placed arms across her chest.

" Are you alright? " , she asked.

Shivaji nodded sideways..

" Come. See this. " , she called him inside the washroom, and showed him the procedure the lock worked in.
" Don't press this, rather use the latch. "

Shivaji shrinked his eyes and watched carefully, then nodded like he understood everything.

They came out.

" Mmmm....

How... D-d-id you....r-r-reach so....fast? " , Shivaji asked with lots of fumbles in between.

" Yeah, I was passing by. You hadn't locked the room, thankfully.
I could hear you banging the restroom door from the insides, I immediately brought back the keys. By the time you were shouting my name. " , Kalpita shrugged.

A heavenly smile appeared on Shivaji's face. As if he was suddenly so relieved.

" And I thought.... you aren't... at home. "

Kalpita tilted her head.
" Why?
I am very much at home.

By the way, did that assumption make you insecure? "

Shivaji scratched his head, trying to analyse.

She gaped at his innocent face, while he blinked and stared at the ground. She wouldn't mind if she had to be his security initially, because he'd soon be able to take care of himself. Probably. Because, he wasn't dumb.

" Anyways. Mom has cooked dinner today. These are rare occasions, and when she does, it's sheer pleasure.
So, come, join us at the table in 20-30 mins. "

Shivaji nodded.

He knew, Chhotu mama was right. All of them were good people.

And yes, he was coping better than he had imagined he would.

Also, the days passed on so eventful, that he didn't have time too, for all the glooms that gripped his heart, whenever he was alone and idle.

Kalpita left the room.

Shivaji kept staring, wondering how she was so confident about everything she spoke or did, never fumbled, never stumbled.

" She's blessed. " , he whispered to himself.


" So, do you like the office? " , Suchandra passed two pieces of 'Dhokar Dalna' to Shivaji's plate.

He was fidgeting with the cutlery.

" Arey!! Use your hands. Just because they're provided beside your plate, you don't have to use them. " , Kalpita smiled wide. " Look at me. " , she showed her food laden hands.

Shivaji blushed and let go of the spoon.

" I... like the office... Ma'am.. " , he looked at Suchandra.

" Call me aunty..
Yes I'm your sir's wife, but that doesn't make me your madam. " , Suchandra smiled.

Shivaji nodded.

" The only thing I don't like about Dad's office is the peon. " , Kalpita spoke while concentrating on the food.

Shivaji looked up. So true!! 

" Did you see him?
First of all he needs a dentist. And next a cellotape to seal his lips. "

" Hmm.. " , Shivaji agreed.

" Did he trouble you anyway? " , Kalpita suddenly had a doubt.

" Why? " , Suchandra stared at Kalpita.

" No. I'll take care of it, if he does. " , Kalpita stared back.

Shivaji kept staring at both of them.

" Over-enthusiasm isn't great always. "
Suchandra broke the eyelock.

" Whatever.
You tell me Shivaji. " , Kalpita shrugged.

" No...

Not trouble.... But....
He spoke... Weird.. "

" I knew!! What exactly? "

Shivaji passed glances at both the ladies.
" Errmm...

He...was like....being a bit derogatory.. regarding... the fact that.... I...belong to the fishermen's community.... And.... I.... have been... appointed..  "

" Wow!!!
Like boss like peon . " , Kalpita nodded hopelessly.

Suchandra frowned a bit.
" Don't worry Shivaji.

There'll be kinds of people at workplaces. You don't have to interact much with those who don't make you comfortable.

And Kalpi, what exactly did you mean by the last statement? "

" Why? Don't you know how Dad believes... that education and money can't go in different directions?

I'll visit office tomorrow.
Will show the peon his place. "

" Kalpita, control!
You're being hyper-reactive.

For matters in the office, your father is there to handle, right?

Also, if he really believed what you claim, would he have appointed Shivaji? ", Suchandra's words had both softness and authority.

Shivaji knew nothing as to how he was supposed to be a part of this conversation. He remained silent.

" Oh mom!! You know very well he appointed him out of sympathy. "

Kalpita realised immediately, staring at Suchandra, she did two blunders together.
First, Shivaji knew he was appointed because of Kalpita, and he would have to prove him. Second, now he would be more guilty and sorry about the fact that, they all actually sympathised with him, nothing else.

She shifted her gaze to Shivaji, who was now staring at her, all blank..

His eyes were growingly sad.

Suchandra concentrated on her plate.

Kalpita wanted to hit herself.
She was never so often guilty about being awkwardly straightforward, as she was being these days.

" Listen Shivaji. You don't have to feel bad about anything.
Yes, he sympathises with you because of your background.
But I wished to give you a chance, completely uninformed about anything. So, you have your own abilities.
Nourish and flourish them.

Prove to Dad and whoever around you, that you don't need sympathy. "
Kalpita very well knew how to talk.

Shivaji stayed silent..

But nodded.

Kalpita sighed within.

" Good. I like how you speak, but I really don't like how you league out your father most of the time. " , Suchandra added.

" Huh! And aren't you too blindly protective of him sometimes? " , Kalpita rolled her eyes.

" Yes I'm. Because I love him.
And we're unusually protective of the one we love. " , Suchandra smiled.

Kalpita didn't talk more, just threw a glance at Shivaji, who was fidgeting with the food on his plate.


Kalpita had a six hour long duty in the wards today.

She moved out of the hospital at around 3 in the afternoon.

One thing that made her laugh within, was how Siddharth avoided her throughout in the wards, staying as far as he could.

She did a happy dance.
One just needed to hit the right spot, and one would emerge a clear winner.

As Kalpita stood waiting for a cab, because Ganesh had taken a half day off today, after dropping Dad and Shivaji at the office, she saw a Sedan halt before hers.

Shit!! She knew whose car it was.


Trying to look elsewhere, she realised he had slided down the glass.

" Kalpi!! "

She couldn't avoid. Also why would she, in the first place? This could rather prove, as a golden opportunity to show him his place.

She walked towards the car, and bended forward holding the glass.

" Thank you Sameer! I badly needed a lift. Drop me home, will you? "

Sameer looked like he had just won a lottery.
Kalpita braced herself..
How well could she play with these men!  Literally!

She positioned herself on the front seat beside him, as he himself drove.

" Aah... I was.. returning home after sealing a deal at work. I usually don't take this road. Just took a chance and.... "

" And hit the bull's eye. " , Kalpita passed a toothy grin. Sameer always grew cautious in her presence.

" How are you, by the way? " , he asked.

" Pretty good. And I don't have headaches ever. I usually am a headache to some. So, Yamini aunty must have got her answer from Mom! " , Kalpita kept grinning.

Sameer sighed. The handsome confident man was enviable to many, but he hardly knew why his inflated balloon of self esteem always was pin pricked by this lady.

" I know. You had no headache that day.
Yes, it wasn't good enough to laugh at someone's misery....but.... "

" But, we often do only that, isn't it? "

" Yeah.
Even you.
Hence, we were estranged. "

" Hmm.
So, do you expect an explanation? "

" Err.....
Probably I do....  "

" Oh really? You really think I would provide that to you?
I know you don't. Your eyes promptly display that you know very well I don't explain my deeds ever.

Stop the car. "

Sameer was startled, anyway he had no choice than to halt.

Kalpita got down, and looked in through the window.

" I took the lift only to break your bubble. Because, you don't deserve even texts for me, so I could let you know how I faked a headache.

Listen, I have my own opinions and decisions, which change with respect to time, situation and person.
Just because I value friendship, doesn't really mean I'll have to dance to their tunes forever and do whatever they do.

Secondly, I have never explained myself to anyone, except to my mom. If you think she's unaware of decisions or reactions I have in my life... that you reach upto her through your mother almost to kinda complain, you are terribly wrong. Don't try that again.

Good bye!!! "

Sameer sat silently in the car for a long time now.

He had never seen her... take stands for anyone except for herself, or somewhat for her parents. In fact, she terribly hated people who didn't stand for themselves.

Sameer had hardly been so disgusted in life, even with his love not being reciprocated, as he was today...

He hastily started the engine.



At nine in the night, Kalpita walked out of her bedroom after a long hour of study.

She peeped into her parents' room.

Both, were enjoying a cricket match, it seemed. With her Dad cheering after a sixer by his favorite. And her mom too quite apprehensive.

Kalpita climbed down the stairs, disinterested.

She, next ducked her head into the office.

Which meant, Shivaji wasn't assigned work today by Dad, as was mostly done.

Govind was passing by.

" Govind! Is Shivaji in his room? "

The silent man showed the balcony.

Kalpita was quite satisfied with the fact that Shivaji was going places in their house, without waiting for permission or keeping himself withdrawn.

The balcony was huge, with flower plants maintained by gardeners.

Kalpita saw him standing at the railing.

" Hey!! " , she went and stood beside him.

Shivaji was severely startled, throwing a glance at her.
He then looked away immediately.

Kalpita realised..... he was crying.

She did not know how to handle sad people, to be very honest. Specially crying fellows.

Instead, she spent time... analysing.

Was he missing his family?

Or was he being ill treated at the office without Dad's knowlege?
Or was Dad doing nothing about it even after being aware?

She cleared her throat. While he remained silent.

" Men look odd and ridiculous when they cry. " , she spoke.

Shivaji took a very long moment after this, but he ultimately replied.

" Women....look...shameless....when they...drink alcohol. "

Kalpita's jaw dropped.
Immediately, her brows squeezed and her insides boiled.

" Listen!! Keep your misogynist judgments to yourself!! Women can do whatever they wish. Everyone's a human at the end of the day. "

" So....are....men..

They too, can.. cry.. 

Everyone is a human....at the.. end of the day..

So, stop judging..men. "

Shivaji walked past her. And left the balcony.

And Kalpita stood speechless.

Utterly speechless.

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