[33] I Can Put My Life on The Line

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As for Yani...

The present today was sent by Blair from EH...

So, tomorrow, let's see how she gets crushed into a paste.

Yani's popularity grew rapidly, because in the eyes of the public, she was undeniably the victim. At just 16-years-old she was already out making a living, but because of the words 'Mini-Y/N', she ended up being excluded and humiliated.

With the revelation of the 'gift incident', heated discussions were ignited online. A few reporters even declared they would join forces to find Y/N and demand she give a detailed apology or else they wouldn't stop pestering her.

Those that were weaker indeed deserved sympathy, but...this sympathy should never be treated as a reason to do whatever one wants...

So, at this time, when things were at its worst, Y/N instructed Rose to release a statement: she admitted that she had indeed given a gift to Yani...

However, she didn't explain further!

In an instant, her words caused an uproar. Y/N had actually made an admission; she admitted she had given a gift to Yani!

Everyone thought Y/N must have gone crazy. She didn't deny anything, apologize nor do any PR, instead, she admitted to giving Yani a gift!

While the netizens were insulting her, they couldn't help but laugh. They felt this must be the limit to her IQ and that her true EQ level had now been revealed.

Meanwhile, people that were scolding her became extremely aggressive. They didn't understand why Y/N had admitted to giving the gift but wouldn't apologize.

This only made her situation worse.

Things like this, from the eyes of those in the industry - even if it was true - they would never admit it...

How could anyone admit to something like this?

No one understood why Y/N had done what she did, including Star Age and YG...The only person that had faith in her was the man watching the news with his chin propped up on his hand, Kim Taehyung.

Even Chanyeol, who had seen Y/N's previous counter-attacks, couldn't help but sweat nervously for her. Yani had done all she could to push Y/N to a point of no return, yet Y/N willingly fell straight into her trap...

Chanyeol looked at Kim Taehyung confusedly; he didn't show even a trace of concern. So, he couldn't help but ask, "President...why did madam do this?"

"What are the results from your investigation on Yani?"

"I will have it on your table this evening," Chanyeol swiftly responded. After seeing Kim Taehyung nod in approval, he continued questioning him, "President, I thought you had faith in madam. Why are you still..."

"The madam has one weak point: she is too merciful. Her counter-attack is sufficient to complete her goal. But, the thing I want to help her with...is to spare her any future troubles."

In other words, Y/N wanted to clear her innocence and destroy Yani.

Whereas Kim Taehyung wanted to take it a step further and ensure that Yani would never recover!


Of course, as soon as Y/N's admission was released, Yani's arrogance increased even more. She was determined to implant a pitiful image of herself into the minds of everyone. So, Star Age released a statement on behalf of Yani in response to Y/N. They stated that they weren't going to care about how badly Y/N hurt Yani and would forgive her...

Forgive her...

Onlookers started leaving comments, suggesting she stop using the name Mini-Y/N and that she was a hundred times more beautiful than Y/N. They also recommended that she steer away from the path of being an imitation. They believed she had better prospects than Y/N.

Meanwhile, there were netizens that criticized Y/N's character. Claiming she was worse than a 16-year-old girl!

They claimed she had a bad temper!

Among those that were criticizing her was a famous social media personality...who gathered a list of celebrities that wanted Y/N to get lost.

Online, all forms of scolding were in full swing.

At this time, the person in charge of EH - the man that had been stood up by Y/N just a couple days ago – was in the middle of an interview. He was asked to express his thoughts on Y/N.

Blair had already clarified everything to his staff beforehand, so......he simply said, "Kids these days are sure calculative."

The media were stunned. They felt EH's words were exactly what everyone thought and assumed he was referring to Y/N.

"Can you tell us the reason you think this?" the media were filled with excitement as they continued to question him.

"Firstly, EH has previously released a statement clarifying the misunderstanding with Y/N. She was extremely sincere and came here personally to apologize. She also clearly explained why she was absent from our event. This was originally her personal matter and had nothing to do with anyone else. So, all of us here at EH, have no idea what Miss Yani was crying about."

Hearing Blair's response, the media were once again stunned. That's right, this was originally Y/N's personal matter, why did Yani start crying?

"Secondly, after Miss Park was absent from EH's event, Miss Yani immediately went home and started complaining. How did she know Miss Park was against her? Purely based on assumption? Did she know her subjective assumptions would throw Y/N into the firing line? What do you want an innocent person to explain?"

"All you see is a pitiful 16-year old. What about the person being framed?"

The reporters looked at each other; they had been completely led on by the rumour's without even looking at things from Y/N's perspective.

Of course, EH kept their ultimate weapon for later; they hadn't reached the climax yet.

Blair wasn't stupid; this was an opportunity to get free publicity for EH. As if he would let it go so easily. The reason he had allowed EH to get involved in the incident was because, apart from helping Y/N, he also wanted to take advantage of the situation to get EH's name out to more people.

He was definitely going to help her. As for how......he would have to think about what way and with what means.

As soon as EH shared their opinions, Star Age and Yani exploded in anger. They immediately questioned EH and told them not to confuse right from wrong. They also told EH not to help Y/N do such unconscionable things by defaming a 16-year-old girl.

Star Age's exact words were, "The truth is already before us, yet the opposing party still wants to put up a last struggle."

This time, EH couldn't be bothered releasing a statement, they just directly responded online, "The Heavens are watching and karma exists. Even if you want to create hype, you should have a bottom line. I'll give the young lady one last chance to admit her wrongdoings, otherwise, we will have to look at the evidence!"

Look at the evidence!

What evidence...?!

EH actually used the word evidence to suggest that Yani had no bottom line.

The uproar online increased once again. Onlookers suddenly couldn't decide who to trust. Some people claimed EH were just creating hype, whereas, others thought EH set a good example and spoke eloquently; it must be true that they had evidence...

Then, there were people who were curious about the evidence EH spoke of. Like this, EH's fame escalated dramatically.

Of course, Star Age had made a terrible move by using their own reputation to bet on Yani, especially since EH claimed they had evidence.

"What evidence could they possibly have? Even Y/N admitted to giving me the gift," Yani expressed her doubt; she felt EH were definitely lying. "This must be a trick Y/N is playing so she can make a recovery. Does she really think she still has a chance?"

So, Star Age responded with, "Evidence? We will wait and see. Good people will never bow down to the evil!"

Seeing this response, Rose's face screwed up in disgust, "Yani sure has face. Is Star Age under a spell? How could they play along with her?!"

Y/N shook her head and maintained the slight smile on her face. The more trouble she was in, the calmer she got.

She didn't care about anything else. All she knew was, the more Yani threw at her, the easier it was for her to let go of the guilt she felt. After all...going against a child made her feel uneasy. But now......she no longer felt the slightest bit of guilt.

"She's already like this at 16-years-old...how far will she go when she grows older? Tsk tsk..."

Y/N remained silent. She had everything in the palm of her hands.

Meanwhile, the public's request for EH to reveal their evidence got louder and louder...

At the same time, Star Age refused to let go of their claim that Y/N was bullying a 16-year-old child. No matter what people said, they calmly defended their stance of protecting their artist.

Blair was a clever man; he knew how to grasp onto the right timing. Since Star Age wanted to stand in the firing line, then he wasn't going to hold back...

So, EH announced they would be making a simple explanation speech and that the media were welcome to come ask questions.

Blair decided to personally stand in front of everyone and make this speech.

Meanwhile, Yani was sitting in her waiting room, swaying her legs casually as she enjoyed her assistant's massage...

She had no idea a crisis was upon her...

The sound of camera shutters echoed through the hall as reporters excitedly snapped photos of Blair. They couldn't believe EH had actually thrown themselves into the mess between Y/N and Yani.

"Mr. Blair, from what standpoint are you providing this explanation speech? And what is the reason for your unwavering support for Y/N? Is it because you have an indecent deal with her?"

Hearing the reporter's question, Blair immediately pointed at the man and instructed his assistant, "This reporter, write down his name for me. After this is over, have my lawyer send him a letter."

With these words, the entire room was in shock as they exchanged glances.

They had never imagined Blair would be this ruthless...from the start.

"At this time, let me explain why I am the one providing an explanation. It is because everything started from EH's event and we already have a grasp of the truth. Just because netizens can't except the truth, does that mean by exposing the truth it automatically means we have undertaken in something indecent?"

"As a famous perfume label, EH has its own bottom line and principles. Towards people with bad intentions, we have zero tolerance."

"My second point, which is also the main reason why I am here today is in regards to all the rumors about Y/N bullying Yani. From where I stand, all I see is Y/N's generosity in being forgiving towards Yani, no matter how she uses her to create hype. She acknowledges that Yani is still young and has not developed the right values. She also believes that if Yani does something wrong, she should be forgiven..."

"Mr. Blair, even Y/N has admitted to giving Yani a gift. How do you explain this?"

"She admitted to it because she did indeed give her a gift. However, she refused to apologize because her gift wasn't what Yani claimed it was! As a victim, why should she apologize?" Blair turned the questions back on the reporters.

"How do you know Y/N's gift wasn't what Yani claimed it to be?"

Slowly, the questioning reached its climax and they were getting to the main point. Everyone assumed Blair had merely stepped out as a favour; where would he get evidence from? They waited to see what game he was playing. At this time, Blair did not disappoint.


"Because Y/N's gift was personally sent out by EH. Y/N and her staff did not even lay a hand on it. The gift came directly from EH's warehouse and the card was prepared by one of our managers. Even the person that made the delivery was one of our staff..."

"If you look at the photo Yani posted online, you can clearly see on the bottom right corner of the gift box, there is EH's logo. You are also welcome to compare the handwriting on the gift card with our manager's. Above all, we have security cameras at EH. If you want to see the footage of us preparing and sending out the gift, I can provide it to you. With all this evidence, do you still believe Y/N was bullying Yani?"

"Let me tell you the truth. Y/N came over a couple days ago to provide us with an apology and explanation for why she didn't attend the event. So, EH released a statement of truce."

"At this time, Yani was already going around claiming that Y/N was excluding her and refusing to share a stage with her. Although Y/N was being defamed, she never tried to retaliate; she even gave the limited edition fragrance I gave to her straight to Yani. She felt guilty for making Yani misunderstand!"

"And that's how EH ended up sending the gift out on her behalf..."

"However, the thing that made me most surprised was, Miss Yani...you've taken the gift. Yet you deliberately swapped out the contents and manipulated the public to create hype. You knew netizens would stick up for you, so you ruthlessly threw Y/N into the firing line. If this was a small mistake...it wouldn't have mattered. But, your heart is so evil...it's absolutely outrageous!"

After speaking, Blair presented all the evidence on the screen behind him. This included video footage of the gift being prepared and sent out. He even invited witnesses on stage to explain the entire process clearly.

No one could believe that the gift Yani had claimed to have come from Y/N, did not actually come from her!

She didn't do it!

She didn't do it!

Y/N wasn't even the one that sent it out. During the entire process, she didn't even touch it.

With this, Yani's intent was obvious. How dare she present a fake gift to the public and claim that Y/N was sending her a warning?

This is a complete joke!

Does she not feel shame?

It's obvious she created all the hype. It's not like the people at EH would deliberately frame her, they have no reason to.

The outrage online was once again ignited. No one expected things to turn out the way it did...Everything had been flipped and Yani received a direct hit!

"In that case, why didn't Y/N explain everything?"

"Y/N sent out the gift with good intentions; it was a simple apology. However, someone with a scheming heart decided to take advantage of it. If EH weren't involved in this incident, how badly would Y/N continue to be defamed? While she was struggling to defend herself, all of you, including netizens, were pouncing on her like wolves; not giving her a chance to explain...So, why don't you ask yourselves why?"

The reporters were dumbfounded...as their expressions became uneasy.

"At just 16-years-old, this child has such a sinister heart..."

"At just 16-years-old, this child had everyone playing into her hands..."

"At just 16-years-old, this child took advantage of the fact that she was still small and did whatever she wanted in the entertainment industry; stirring up drama, time and time again!"

Blair's tone became stronger and more ruthless with each sentence.

The reporters were red in the face with embarrassment, as Blair denounced them - if only they could dig a hole and go into hiding...

"I am not from the entertainment industry and I do not understand how it operates. But, in regards to this gift, since EH is implicated, I definitely have to step out to clear the misunderstanding. I refuse to allow an innocent person to take the blame."

"Miss Yani, not only do I find there's something wrong with your character, I also feel there is a problem with the people providing you guidance. This includes the agency that has covered for you. All they know how to do is talk big to impress people. They took advantage of someone else's fame to boost themselves, yet they didn't realize when they had gone overboard. They even went as far as almost destroying someone."

Blair spoke full of emotion as he expressed his feelings towards what Yani had done. Finally, he felt he had gotten everything off his chest, "Since we have gotten to this point, I just want to say one last thing."

"Mini-Y/N my ass! Is Y/N a model of Star Age? What right do you think you have to expect Y/N to help boost one of your artists? You even tried to force her to show up in front of you so you could use her to create hype. And when she didn't show up, you claimed she was petty and was bullying the weak!"

"Where are your values?!"

"If you think you are so generous, then why don't you place the word 'Mini' in front of your name and give it to someone to use? If that person takes your name to partake in illegal activities; if they take your name to commit crimes and steal, would you still be certain of your decision? Can you still be happy? If you can't do it, how could you expect Y/N to do it?"

"Yes, Yani is just 16-years-old. But if a 16-year-old commits a crime, are they not wrong?"

"When this incident first started off, I was shocked. How could there be such a sinister person in this world who can't differentiate between good and bad. Worst of all, this person was only 16-years-old..."

"Everything I say today is on behalf of the entire EH..."

"From this point onwards, none of EH's partner companies or subsidiaries will have anything to do with Yani."

"Let me declare that this name will forever be on our blacklist."

"Above all, we only acknowledge one Y/N - no size differentiation!"

Blair was fired up and each word that came out of his mouth was firm. It seemed he said these words after hitting the limit of his anger......words that came from his heart!

He used definitive evidence to slap both Yani and Star Age in the face. He also shocked the netizens and ridiculed the media...

After speaking, Blair turned to the media and bowed signalling the end of his speech. He left the trouble-causing reporters standing bewildered in the room.

They were shocked by the truth: Y/N had not bullied Yani, rather, Yani had used Y/N to create hype...

A result like this completely caught everyone by surprise!

Blair's slap came too quickly and too abruptly...

Star Age's waiting room. Yani was still unaware of the events unfolding as she played with the fragrance bottle in her hands. Not long after, the Artists Director of Star Age, threw open the door, grabbed Yani and threw a slap across her face...

The model had been hit...

"Did Yani get hit?!"

The staff gathered around the doorway and peered in nosily. But, they were intimidated by the piercing look in the director's eyes.

Yani did not feel like she deserved the slap as she covered her cheek with one hand while questioning the director, "What gives you the right to slap me? And for what reason would you do this?"

"Have a look yourself!" the director threw his tablet at Yani so she could face the consequences herself.

Yani looked at the tablet curiously.

The popular topic of EH's evidence was all over the internet. It turned out, the gift she received from Y/N, was actually from EH.

Yet, here she was using this gift to create hype.

"Don't even think about overtaking Y/N. Even if you had a hundred years, you wouldn't be able to catch up to her. Didn't your manager try to persuade you to stop while you were ahead? How dare you speak back arrogantly? Are you happy now that the entire agency is going down with you?!"

The director did not sugar coat his words because right now online, people were condemning both Star Age and Yani.

Like that, Yani was thrown into a point of no redemption without Y/N having to even make an appearance or waste any energy. But, was everything really just a coincidence?

"Indeed, trust Y/N to withstand the test of time...this 16-year-old b*tch was much too sinister. I can't believe I even put in good words for her."

"Seeing the scheme-filled Yani makes me suddenly feel like I've gotten old. I really need to bow down to her; bow down to her shamelessness."

"These past couple days, all we've been doing is team up on Y/N. Looking at how badly Y/N was insulted, I feel a little guilty."

"Y/N, sorry...we are all apologizing to you...Mini-Y/N my ass! She was a complete disappointment..."

"Y/N, sorry..."

"Y/N, we were wrong. We now know that you were the actual victim."


After the evidence was revealed, her face was slapped and netizens had stepped out to apologize to Y/N, however...Yani did not give a response; she was finally scared. At this time...she fell onto the icy cold floor in helplessness.

The entire internet was covered in angry comments. The content of these comments were extremely harsh; even worse than what Y/N had experienced earlier. Y/N had already found the insults hard to digest, let alone a 16-year-old child...

However, no one pitied or sympathized with her, because she deserved it and asked for it!

Yani and her assistant were alone in the empty waiting room. Yani suddenly turned around and blamed her assistant angrily, "You were the one that posted the photo up, it has nothing to do with me..."

After hearing Yani's words, her assistant was frightened. She could tell what Yani meant: she wanted her to take on the blame!

Her assistant sneered as she threw her leather bag onto the floor, "I quit!"

After speaking, her assistant walked out. Just as she was leaving the building, however, a white car pulled up in front of her. Sitting inside was a refreshingly handsome man.

"Get in."

"You are..."

"I am Y/N's manager. My name is Bam Bam!"

Yani's assistant didn't understand what this man could possibly want from her. But, thinking about Yani's actions, she impulsively pulled open Bam Bam's car door and stepped inside. The two disappeared from the entrance of Star Age...

"You...Why did you come look for me?"

"I am here to help you!" Bam Bam said as he drove, "I'm sure Star Age plans on getting you to take on all the blame. This is how they've always handled things in the entertainment industry. After all, is it worse to sacrifice an artist or a mere assistant?"

(Author's Thought: Wow! That was a huge face slap from Blair. I wonder what Bam Bam plans to do with the assistant.)

The assistant's eyes grew wide...

"Before you get destroyed, you should speak up. You should prove your innocence."

If Yani had not said what she had said earlier, the little assistant would not have believed Bam Bam's words, but...it was obvious Yani did indeed have the intention to make her take on the blame.

"I thought Y/N doesn't have a manager?"

"It's not that she doesn't have one, it's just she doesn't need one..." Bam Bam laughed at himself. He too had experienced a scandal years ago. Back then, it stirred up an argument between him and Jisso resulting in one death and one injury. He never imagined, Y/N would be able to counterattack so smoothly. She only said one sentence and without even making an appearance, she managed to completely turn the tables, placing Yani under her control.

This woman, was indeed amazing. As for him, all he wanted to do now, was give back Y/N what he owed her.

"If I speak up, how does it benefit me?"

"Firstly, do you actually want to take the blame for Yani? Do you want to be scolded by everyone? Secondly, as long as you are willing to speak up, I will help you leave Star Age and get you a job in YG," Bam Bam handed his business card to the assistant to prove his identity.

The assistant was surprised. Not long after...full of determination, she responded, "I am willing to do it!"

Meanwhile, on the same day at 6pm, a report from Chanyeol about Yani's school life was sitting atop Kim Taehyung's office desk. The report was extremely detailed.

"President, this Yani is quite a problem child. She has long been a bully at school; at just 14-years-old she was expelled from school for beating up a classmate. That's when she moved to Seoul. She is a troublemaker."

So, it was this immature little girl that tried to bully Y/N!

Kim Taehyung's eyes were deep and piercing as he lowered his head and glanced over the information before handing it back to Chanyeol, "Arrange to have this exposed..."

"Yes. But president...have a look at this," Chanyeol handed some information over to Kim Taehyung. Yani's assistant had stepped out to admit that Yani had swapped out her gift to frame Y/N. If Blair's evidence wasn't enough, this statement was enough to completely shred away Yani's mask.

Someone was helping Y/N!

Kim Taehyung processed this information straight away. Afterwards, he guessed that the biggest possibility was the manager Lisa had arranged for Y/N, Bam Bam.

Bam Bam was once famous in YG for being extremely capable. However, those days were long gone, so Kim Taehyung was doubtful of his abilities.

"Don't worry about it..."

"Are you really not afraid that he will pose a threat once he becomes madam's manager?"

Kim Taehyung's lips slightly curved as he responded, "In what way does he pose a threat?"

Disregarding the disparity in their status, Kim Taehyung was certain, there was no way anyone could stand between him and Y/N; Y/N was not that type of person. After signing the documents on his desk, Kim Taehyung stood up to go home. However, at this time, his secretary suddenly knocked on the door and entered. He urgently said to Kim Taehyung, "President, bad news."

Two international superstars partaking in a film in the US had been injured in an explosion scene. The news was currently going viral and the production company was blaming Kim Entertainment's actors for not following procedures. They were demanding them to compensate for all losses.

Kim Taehyung didn't normally deal with issues like this, but...this project was Kim Entertainment's main project for the next half of the year. Plus, the person acting as a mediator was his friend. So, under these circumstances, it made sense for him to make a personal appearance.

"President, do you want me to immediately book flights for you?"

Kim Taehyung gestured for him to stay quiet as he made a phone call to Y/N.


"Huh?" Y/N replied in a soft, gentle tone, "Why aren't you home yet? Look at the time..."

"I might not be able to come home. I have to immediately fly out to the US. Something urgent has happened," Kim Taehyung explained.

"Is it really serious? Must you go immediately?" Y/N was alert as she sat up on the sofa.

"It's just a small issue, but I need to be present for it...I'm just worried about you."

"I'll help you find your passport and help you pack a few clothes," Y/N did not say much more as she stood up and returned to the bedroom to help Kim Taehyung pack his luggage. Half an hour later she had driven her way over to Kim Entertainment. Kim Taehyung personally came down to greet her.

"I don't have much time, I have to leave for the airport now."

Seeing how urgent Kim Taehyung was, Y/N quickly grabbed onto his arm, "Since you are worried about me, why don't you pack me up and take me with you?" Y/N lifted the luggage in her hand and spoke, "I'm coming with you."

Kim Taehyung took one glance at Y/N. He removed his jacket and wrapped it around her before they both boarded the car.

"What if you have work?"

"Don't you know better than I do, whether I have work?" Y/N laughed; Kim Taehyung was still managing her emails. Although she was now signed with YG, it hadn't been officially announced yet. As a result, she still had a few days of freedom. "Plus, didn't we agree that no matter what happens, we would stick together? Keeping you company is what I want to do right now."

Kim Taehyung remained silent as he intertwined his fingers with Y/N's. Even though he wasn't dealing with a big matter, but with Y/N by his side...he didn't have to worry about her. So, he was able to better focus on the issue and handle it better.

Seeing his handsome face soften, Y/N couldn't help but smile; she knew she had made the right decision. She didn't want to give up any chance she had to stay by Kim Taehyung's side through important situations.

Just before the two boarded the plane, Y/N received a phone call from Lisa. She was worried about the aftermath of Y/N's incident with Yani and asked her to go into the office the next day to discuss how they were to announce her contract. However, Y/N rejected her bluntly, "President Lisa, I won't be in the country for the next couple days. If there's anything, let's talk about it when I get back."

After hearing Y/N's words, Lisa did not refuse, "OK, it would probably be good for you to relax a bit. Originally I had a show I was going to give to you."

Hearing their conversation, Kim Taehyung lowered his head and gazed into Y/N's eyes. But, Y/N replied calmly, "Oh well, if I lose this opportunity, there's always the next..."

A person, on the other hand, is different , she thought. There was only one Kim Taehyung. If she lost him, then that would be it.

"OK, then I won't force you. But, are you aware of the fact that Bam Bam helped you?" Lisa was glad that there was still someone capable of moving Bam Bam's frozen heart.

"No, I had no idea," Y/N replied swiftly.

"Then we'll talk about it when you get back. Enjoy your time off."

Y/N hung up Lisa's phone call exhaustedly.

"Mrs. Kim, you are being too impulsive," Kim Taehyung teased with a smile.

"Mr. Kim, I just don't want you to feel like there is no difference between having and not having a wife. As long as I can accompany you, I definitely won't be absent. Even if it means I have to go to the depths of hell, so be it?"

(Author's Thought: This time, Y/N is the one accompanying Kim Taehyung. Hopefully, the issue in the US isn't too hard to solve.)

Kim Taehyung gently stroked Y/N's hair and drew her into his embrace affectionately. After hearing her words, he was tempted to retrieve all the best things in the world - even his heart - and place it into the palm of her hands.

"Although we are going to the US, the Oriental Trend is still extremely popular. If you stay by my side like this, you will attract a lot of attention."

"So, what do you suggest?" a disappointed look crossed Y/N's face.

"I don't mind having a female interpreter by my side..." Kim Taehyung chuckled. His voice was deep and sexy, "I guess allowing you to experience Hollywood in advance isn't a bad thing. Negotiating on the foreign stage isn't easy."

"Aren't you afraid I will come in contact with issues that are confidential to Kim Entertainment?" Y/N asked after relaxing a little.

"I already belong to you, so Kim Entertainment is no different," Kim Taehyung replied. "If you want to be the breadwinner, I am happy to retreat to behind the scenes, hand everything over to you and stay at home to prepare soup."

"You are dreaming President Kim...work hard to make money! Don't even think about slacking off."

Kim Taehyung laughed. He suddenly felt, the boring trip he was supposed to take, had suddenly become so much more exciting with Y/N around.

Y/N was an ambitious person, but it never affected her life at home; she was clear about her identity.


Seoul's entertainment gossip was still centered around Yani's incident. With EH's slap to the face and her assistant's revelation, Yani could no longer withstand all the public scolding. So, she filmed an apology.

A 16-year-old child appeared in front of the camera in a mess. She bawled her eyes out begging the public for forgiveness. She even paid online commenters to help her wipe her slate clean; it appeared, she really wanted to redeem herself.

Lisa spoke to Bam Bam in private. She wanted to know his plans for the aftermath and his thoughts on Y/N.

Bam Bam had his laptop in his lap; he looked much tidier than when he first returned to the country. He finally looked like a top manager again.

"I can't let Yani off so easily..." - Bam Bam looked down at his laptop as he spoke - "...or else in the future, we might come across 'Big-Y/N', 'Mid-Y/N', 'Little Y/N'...it will be neverending."

"So what you're saying is, you're planning to be Y/N's manager?" Lisa exclaimed excitedly.

Bam Bam lifted his head as he twirled the pen his hand, "As long as she's willing."

"I admit, at the beginning, I did look at her arrogantly. But, I can't deny, she is indeed interesting."

"I trust in your abilities," Lisa nodded. "However, Y/N is like a wild horse, she isn't easy to tame. In a way, she is similar to you. That's why I feel you guys match each other well."

"I will speak to her."

"Oh yeah. The position of Artists Director, when will you take it back?" Lisa asked as she raised an eyebrow. Out of Momo, Jackson and Bam Bam, she felt in the end, she still trusted Bam Bam the most. Especially since both Jackson and Momo had disregarded her to some degree. She was hopeful Bam Bam would take back his role.

"I have no interest in that. I just want to focus on being Y/N's manager. Of course, if someone goes against me, I won't go easy on them," Bam Bam turned off his laptop with a cold look in his eyes.

"Did you know, today at the weekly meeting, Momo suggested I sign Yani with us?" Lisa laughed as she shook her head.

"President Lisa, it's time to draw your sword."

"The Official Contract Signing Ceremony will take place in 3 days. Quickly resolve the Yani incident and confirm a time with Y/N. Of course, if you can't convince Y/N to come back in time, I will use the ceremony to announce your return instead and delay Y/N's ceremony until later."

Bam Bam nodded; Lisa had always done things with careful consideration.

Afterwards, Bam Bam left Lisa's office. On his way out, he ran into Momo; their eyes met as Momo spoke, "Back then, I didn't mean to expose your secret to the media."

Bam Bam lifted his head with a cold expression, "Momo...I am back and I will not allow anyone to hurt me again. Nor will I let them hurt my artists."

Momo's expression changed as she tightened her grip on the artist's information in her hands, "We were once really good friends."

"Shhh...I don't want to hear it, you disgusting person."

After speaking, Bam Bam left the building. Momo was left standing on her own as she clenched her fist; you just wait and see.


Bam Bam, with your current resources, how long do you think it would take you to train a newcomer into someone famous? Momo sneered inside.

But, she had no idea, her arrogant mask was about to be torn to shreds.


Meanwhile, Y/N had just arrived in the US. Not long after arriving at the hotel, Kim Taehyung delivered a disguise to her. She immediately put on the wig and glasses; looking proper and professional. At a glance, her model aura had completely disappeared and in her place stood a female interpreter.

The couple had no time to rest as they rushed to the hospital where Kim Entertainment's actors were staying. With Kim Taehyung and Chanyeol's cover, Y/N's identity was not revealed.

The actors consisted of one male and one female; the female was a top-class actress. Because of the explosion, both of them had different degrees of injury all over their body and required a long time to recover. However, the production team did not admit it was their fault, instead, they threw the blame onto the actors and demanded for compensation.

The only reason Kim Taehyung had to make an appearance was because of a friend that was stuck in the middle of the incident. Otherwise, as usual, Kim Taehyung would have directly sued them. Kim Entertainment's legal team had never lost a legal battle.

"President, I've already gotten in contact with the film studio. They have agreed to meet tomorrow morning," Chanyeol said as they walked.

"Then let's play along with them," Kim Taehyung replied calmly.

"Apart from that, Mr. Asa has already booked a table at the restaurant and is waiting for us."

"Then, let's get going," Kim Taehyung responded as he secretly held onto Y/N's right hand.

Y/N was surprised. She thought this man was so busy that he had forgotten her presence. But, it turned out, not even for a moment did he take his eyes off her.

The couple were about to go meet Kim Taehyung's American friend. He was a man of mixed descent and was the same age as Kim Taehyung. His attitude was carefree and treated life like a game. Of course, he was quite successful, hence his production company was quite famous.

However, he was easily tempted by beautiful girls, especially someone with long slender legs like Y/N...

As soon as he saw Y/N enter, he was immediately filled with excitement. Disregarding business, he directly asked Kim Taehyung, "Is this your secretary?"

Seeing the look in his eyes, Kim Taehyung's expression turned dark, "You better place your eyes elsewhere."

"What? Is she your bed buddy?"

Kim Taehyung did not get a chance to reply before Y/N butted in, "Yes, I'm his bed buddy and I will be for a lifetime."


Kim Taehyung stopped him from guessing any further as he declared his ownership, "Wife!"

"So, turn your sleazy gaze away from her."

"What type of wife? Did you get married for the sake of connections? Don't tell me you want to argue with me over her?"

Kim Taehyung was stunned for a moment before shaking his head, "No need for that. However, I am willing to put my life on the line."

(Author's Thought: Hopefully Kim Taehyung's issue can be easily solved. It's rare to see him in trouble...)

Guys pIease V0TE

Please share your opinions if you liked the chapter or not.

And please motivate me by voting and commenting. ❤❤present today was sent by Blair from EH...

So, tomorrow, let's see how she gets crushed into a paste.

Yani's popularity grew rapidly, because in the eyes of the public, she was undeniably the victim. At just 16-years-old she was already out making a living, but because of the words 'Mini-Y/N', she ended up being excluded and humiliated.

With the revelation of the 'gift incident', heated discussions were ignited online. A few reporters even declared they would join forces to find Y/N and demand she give a detailed apology or else they wouldn't stop pestering her.

Those that were weaker indeed deserved sympathy, but...this sympathy should never be treated as a reason to do whatever one wants...

So, at this time, when things were at its worst, Y/N instructed Rose to release a statement: she admitted that she had indeed given a gift to Yani...

However, she didn't explain further!

In an instant, her words caused an uproar. Y/N had actually made an admission; she admitted she had given a gift to Yani!

Everyone thought Y/N must have gone crazy. She didn't deny anything, apologize nor do any PR, instead, she admitted to giving Yani a gift!

While the netizens were insulting her, they couldn't help but laugh. They felt this must be the limit to her IQ and that her true EQ level had now been revealed.

Meanwhile, people that were scolding her became extremely aggressive. They didn't understand why Y/N had admitted to giving the gift but wouldn't apologize.

This only made her situation worse.

Things like this, from the eyes of those in the industry - even if it was true - they would never admit it...

How could anyone admit to something like this?

No one understood why Y/N had done what she did, including Star Age and YG...The only person that had faith in her was the man watching the news with his chin propped up on his hand, Kim Taehyung.

Even Chanyeol, who had seen Y/N's previous counter-attacks, couldn't help but sweat nervously for her. Yani had done all she could to push Y/N to a point of no return, yet Y/N willingly fell straight into her trap...

Chanyeol looked at Kim Taehyung confusedly; he didn't show even a trace of concern. So, he couldn't help but ask, "President...why did madam do this?"

"What are the results from your investigation on Yani?"

"I will have it on your table this evening," Chanyeol swiftly responded. After seeing Kim Taehyung nod in approval, he continued questioning him, "President, I thought you had faith in madam. Why are you still..."

"The madam has one weak point: she is too merciful. Her counter-attack is sufficient to complete her goal. But, the thing I want to help her with...is to spare her any future troubles."

In other words, Y/N wanted to clear her innocence and destroy Yani.

Whereas Kim Taehyung wanted to take it a step further and ensure that Yani would never recover!


Of course, as soon as Y/N's admission was released, Yani's arrogance increased even more. She was determined to implant a pitiful image of herself into the minds of everyone. So, Star Age released a statement on behalf of Yani in response to Y/N. They stated that they weren't going to care about how badly Y/N hurt Yani and would forgive her...

Forgive her...

Onlookers started leaving comments, suggesting she stop using the name Mini-Y/N and that she was a hundred times more beautiful than Y/N. They also recommended that she steer away from the path of being an imitation. They believed she had better prospects than Y/N.

Meanwhile, there were netizens that criticized Y/N's character. Claiming she was worse than a 16-year-old girl!

They claimed she had a bad temper!

Among those that were criticizing her was a famous social media personality...who gathered a list of celebrities that wanted Y/N to get lost.

Online, all forms of scolding were in full swing.

At this time, the person in charge of EH - the man that had been stood up by Y/N just a couple days ago – was in the middle of an interview. He was asked to express his thoughts on Y/N.

Blair had already clarified everything to his staff beforehand, so......he simply said, "Kids these days are sure calculative."

The media were stunned. They felt EH's words were exactly what everyone thought and assumed he was referring to Y/N.

"Can you tell us the reason you think this?" the media were filled with excitement as they continued to question him.

"Firstly, EH has previously released a statement clarifying the misunderstanding with Y/N. She was extremely sincere and came here personally to apologize. She also clearly explained why she was absent from our event. This was originally her personal matter and had nothing to do with anyone else. So, all of us here at EH, have no idea what Miss Yani was crying about."

Hearing Blair's response, the media were once again stunned. That's right, this was originally Y/N's personal matter, why did Yani start crying?

"Secondly, after Miss Park was absent from EH's event, Miss Yani immediately went home and started complaining. How did she know Miss Park was against her? Purely based on assumption? Did she know her subjective assumptions would throw Y/N into the firing line? What do you want an innocent person to explain?"

"All you see is a pitiful 16-year old. What about the person being framed?"

The reporters looked at each other; they had been completely led on by the rumour's without even looking at things from Y/N's perspective.

Of course, EH kept their ultimate weapon for later; they hadn't reached the climax yet.

Blair wasn't stupid; this was an opportunity to get free publicity for EH. As if he would let it go so easily. The reason he had allowed EH to get involved in the incident was because, apart from helping Y/N, he also wanted to take advantage of the situation to get EH's name out to more people.

He was definitely going to help her. As for how......he would have to think about what way and with what means.

As soon as EH shared their opinions, Star Age and Yani exploded in anger. They immediately questioned EH and told them not to confuse right from wrong. They also told EH not to help Y/N do such unconscionable things by defaming a 16-year-old girl.

Star Age's exact words were, "The truth is already before us, yet the opposing party still wants to put up a last struggle."

This time, EH couldn't be bothered releasing a statement, they just directly responded online, "The Heavens are watching and karma exists. Even if you want to create hype, you should have a bottom line. I'll give the young lady one last chance to admit her wrongdoings, otherwise, we will have to look at the evidence!"

Look at the evidence!

What evidence...?!

EH actually used the word evidence to suggest that Yani had no bottom line.

The uproar online increased once again. Onlookers suddenly couldn't decide who to trust. Some people claimed EH were just creating hype, whereas, others thought EH set a good example and spoke eloquently; it must be true that they had evidence...

Then, there were people who were curious about the evidence EH spoke of. Like this, EH's fame escalated dramatically.

Of course, Star Age had made a terrible move by using their own reputation to bet on Yani, especially since EH claimed they had evidence.

"What evidence could they possibly have? Even Y/N admitted to giving me the gift," Yani expressed her doubt; she felt EH were definitely lying. "This must be a trick Y/N is playing so she can make a recovery. Does she really think she still has a chance?"

So, Star Age responded with, "Evidence? We will wait and see. Good people will never bow down to the evil!"

Seeing this response, Rose's face screwed up in disgust, "Yani sure has face. Is Star Age under a spell? How could they play along with her?!"

Y/N shook her head and maintained the slight smile on her face. The more trouble she was in, the calmer she got.

She didn't care about anything else. All she knew was, the more Yani threw at her, the easier it was for her to let go of the guilt she felt. After all...going against a child made her feel uneasy. But now......she no longer felt the slightest bit of guilt.

"She's already like this at 16-years-old...how far will she go when she grows older? Tsk tsk..."

Y/N remained silent. She had everything in the palm of her hands.

Meanwhile, the public's request for EH to reveal their evidence got louder and louder...

At the same time, Star Age refused to let go of their claim that Y/N was bullying a 16-year-old child. No matter what people said, they calmly defended their stance of protecting their artist.

Blair was a clever man; he knew how to grasp onto the right timing. Since Star Age wanted to stand in the firing line, then he wasn't going to hold back...

So, EH announced they would be making a simple explanation speech and that the media were welcome to come ask questions.

Blair decided to personally stand in front of everyone and make this speech.

Meanwhile, Yani was sitting in her waiting room, swaying her legs casually as she enjoyed her assistant's massage...

She had no idea a crisis was upon her...

The sound of camera shutters echoed through the hall as reporters excitedly snapped photos of Blair. They couldn't believe EH had actually thrown themselves into the mess between Y/N and Yani.

"Mr. Blair, from what standpoint are you providing this explanation speech? And what is the reason for your unwavering support for Y/N? Is it because you have an indecent deal with her?"

Hearing the reporter's question, Blair immediately pointed at the man and instructed his assistant, "This reporter, write down his name for me. After this is over, have my lawyer send him a letter."

With these words, the entire room was in shock as they exchanged glances.

They had never imagined Blair would be this ruthless...from the start.

"At this time, let me explain why I am the one providing an explanation. It is because everything started from EH's event and we already have a grasp of the truth. Just because netizens can't except the truth, does that mean by exposing the truth it automatically means we have undertaken in something indecent?"

"As a famous perfume label, EH has its own bottom line and principles. Towards people with bad intentions, we have zero tolerance."

"My second point, which is also the main reason why I am here today is in regards to all the rumors about Y/N bullying Yani. From where I stand, all I see is Y/N's generosity in being forgiving towards Yani, no matter how she uses her to create hype. She acknowledges that Yani is still young and has not developed the right values. She also believes that if Yani does something wrong, she should be forgiven..."

"Mr. Blair, even Y/N has admitted to giving Yani a gift. How do you explain this?"

"She admitted to it because she did indeed give her a gift. However, she refused to apologize because her gift wasn't what Yani claimed it was! As a victim, why should she apologize?" Blair turned the questions back on the reporters.

"How do you know Y/N's gift wasn't what Yani claimed it to be?"

Slowly, the questioning reached its climax and they were getting to the main point. Everyone assumed Blair had merely stepped out as a favour; where would he get evidence from? They waited to see what game he was playing. At this time, Blair did not disappoint.


"Because Y/N's gift was personally sent out by EH. Y/N and her staff did not even lay a hand on it. The gift came directly from EH's warehouse and the card was prepared by one of our managers. Even the person that made the delivery was one of our staff..."

"If you look at the photo Yani posted online, you can clearly see on the bottom right corner of the gift box, there is EH's logo. You are also welcome to compare the handwriting on the gift card with our manager's. Above all, we have security cameras at EH. If you want to see the footage of us preparing and sending out the gift, I can provide it to you. With all this evidence, do you still believe Y/N was bullying Yani?"

"Let me tell you the truth. Y/N came over a couple days ago to provide us with an apology and explanation for why she didn't attend the event. So, EH released a statement of truce."

"At this time, Yani was already going around claiming that Y/N was excluding her and refusing to share a stage with her. Although Y/N was being defamed, she never tried to retaliate; she even gave the limited edition fragrance I gave to her straight to Yani. She felt guilty for making Yani misunderstand!"

"And that's how EH ended up sending the gift out on her behalf..."

"However, the thing that made me most surprised was, Miss Yani...you've taken the gift. Yet you deliberately swapped out the contents and manipulated the public to create hype. You knew netizens would stick up for you, so you ruthlessly threw Y/N into the firing line. If this was a small mistake...it wouldn't have mattered. But, your heart is so evil...it's absolutely outrageous!"

After speaking, Blair presented all the evidence on the screen behind him. This included video footage of the gift being prepared and sent out. He even invited witnesses on stage to explain the entire process clearly.

No one could believe that the gift Yani had claimed to have come from Y/N, did not actually come from her!

She didn't do it!

She didn't do it!

Y/N wasn't even the one that sent it out. During the entire process, she didn't even touch it.

With this, Yani's intent was obvious. How dare she present a fake gift to the public and claim that Y/N was sending her a warning?

This is a complete joke!

Does she not feel shame?

It's obvious she created all the hype. It's not like the people at EH would deliberately frame her, they have no reason to.

The outrage online was once again ignited. No one expected things to turn out the way it did...Everything had been flipped and Yani received a direct hit!

"In that case, why didn't Y/N explain everything?"

"Y/N sent out the gift with good intentions; it was a simple apology. However, someone with a scheming heart decided to take advantage of it. If EH weren't involved in this incident, how badly would Y/N continue to be defamed? While she was struggling to defend herself, all of you, including netizens, were pouncing on her like wolves; not giving her a chance to explain...So, why don't you ask yourselves why?"

The reporters were dumbfounded...as their expressions became uneasy.

"At just 16-years-old, this child has such a sinister heart..."

"At just 16-years-old, this child had everyone playing into her hands..."

"At just 16-years-old, this child took advantage of the fact that she was still small and did whatever she wanted in the entertainment industry; stirring up drama, time and time again!"

Blair's tone became stronger and more ruthless with each sentence.

The reporters were red in the face with embarrassment, as Blair denounced them - if only they could dig a hole and go into hiding...

"I am not from the entertainment industry and I do not understand how it operates. But, in regards to this gift, since EH is implicated, I definitely have to step out to clear the misunderstanding. I refuse to allow an innocent person to take the blame."

"Miss Yani, not only do I find there's something wrong with your character, I also feel there is a problem with the people providing you guidance. This includes the agency that has covered for you. All they know how to do is talk big to impress people. They took advantage of someone else's fame to boost themselves, yet they didn't realize when they had gone overboard. They even went as far as almost destroying someone."

Blair spoke full of emotion as he expressed his feelings towards what Yani had done. Finally, he felt he had gotten everything off his chest, "Since we have gotten to this point, I just want to say one last thing."

"Mini-Y/N my ass! Is Y/N a model of Star Age? What right do you think you have to expect Y/N to help boost one of your artists? You even tried to force her to show up in front of you so you could use her to create hype. And when she didn't show up, you claimed she was petty and was bullying the weak!"

"Where are your values?!"

"If you think you are so generous, then why don't you place the word 'Mini' in front of your name and give it to someone to use? If that person takes your name to partake in illegal activities; if they take your name to commit crimes and steal, would you still be certain of your decision? Can you still be happy? If you can't do it, how could you expect Y/N to do it?"

"Yes, Yani is just 16-years-old. But if a 16-year-old commits a crime, are they not wrong?"

"When this incident first started off, I was shocked. How could there be such a sinister person in this world who can't differentiate between good and bad. Worst of all, this person was only 16-years-old..."

"Everything I say today is on behalf of the entire EH..."

"From this point onwards, none of EH's partner companies or subsidiaries will have anything to do with Yani."

"Let me declare that this name will forever be on our blacklist."

"Above all, we only acknowledge one Y/N - no size differentiation!"

Blair was fired up and each word that came out of his mouth was firm. It seemed he said these words after hitting the limit of his anger......words that came from his heart!

He used definitive evidence to slap both Yani and Star Age in the face. He also shocked the netizens and ridiculed the media...

After speaking, Blair turned to the media and bowed signalling the end of his speech. He left the trouble-causing reporters standing bewildered in the room.

They were shocked by the truth: Y/N had not bullied Yani, rather, Yani had used Y/N to create hype...

A result like this completely caught everyone by surprise!

Blair's slap came too quickly and too abruptly...

Star Age's waiting room. Yani was still unaware of the events unfolding as she played with the fragrance bottle in her hands. Not long after, the Artists Director of Star Age, threw open the door, grabbed Yani and threw a slap across her face...

The model had been hit...

"Did Yani get hit?!"

The staff gathered around the doorway and peered in nosily. But, they were intimidated by the piercing look in the director's eyes.

Yani did not feel like she deserved the slap as she covered her cheek with one hand while questioning the director, "What gives you the right to slap me? And for what reason would you do this?"

"Have a look yourself!" the director threw his tablet at Yani so she could face the consequences herself.

Yani looked at the tablet curiously.

The popular topic of EH's evidence was all over the internet. It turned out, the gift she received from Y/N, was actually from EH.

Yet, here she was using this gift to create hype.

"Don't even think about overtaking Y/N. Even if you had a hundred years, you wouldn't be able to catch up to her. Didn't your manager try to persuade you to stop while you were ahead? How dare you speak back arrogantly? Are you happy now that the entire agency is going down with you?!"

The director did not sugar coat his words because right now online, people were condemning both Star Age and Yani.

Like that, Yani was thrown into a point of no redemption without Y/N having to even make an appearance or waste any energy. But, was everything really just a coincidence?

"Indeed, trust Y/N to withstand the test of time...this 16-year-old b*tch was much too sinister. I can't believe I even put in good words for her."

"Seeing the scheme-filled Yani makes me suddenly feel like I've gotten old. I really need to bow down to her; bow down to her shamelessness."

"These past couple days, all we've been doing is team up on Y/N. Looking at how badly Y/N was insulted, I feel a little guilty."

"Y/N, sorry...we are all apologizing to you...Mini-Y/N my ass! She was a complete disappointment..."

"Y/N, sorry..."

"Y/N, we were wrong. We now know that you were the actual victim."


After the evidence was revealed, her face was slapped and netizens had stepped out to apologize to Y/N, however...Yani did not give a response; she was finally scared. At this time...she fell onto the icy cold floor in helplessness.

The entire internet was covered in angry comments. The content of these comments were extremely harsh; even worse than what Y/N had experienced earlier. Y/N had already found the insults hard to digest, let alone a 16-year-old child...

However, no one pitied or sympathized with her, because she deserved it and asked for it!

Yani and her assistant were alone in the empty waiting room. Yani suddenly turned around and blamed her assistant angrily, "You were the one that posted the photo up, it has nothing to do with me..."

After hearing Yani's words, her assistant was frightened. She could tell what Yani meant: she wanted her to take on the blame!

Her assistant sneered as she threw her leather bag onto the floor, "I quit!"

After speaking, her assistant walked out. Just as she was leaving the building, however, a white car pulled up in front of her. Sitting inside was a refreshingly handsome man.

"Get in."

"You are..."

"I am Y/N's manager. My name is Bam Bam!"

Yani's assistant didn't understand what this man could possibly want from her. But, thinking about Yani's actions, she impulsively pulled open Bam Bam's car door and stepped inside. The two disappeared from the entrance of Star Age...

"You...Why did you come look for me?"

"I am here to help you!" Bam Bam said as he drove, "I'm sure Star Age plans on getting you to take on all the blame. This is how they've always handled things in the entertainment industry. After all, is it worse to sacrifice an artist or a mere assistant?"

(Author's Thought: Wow! That was a huge face slap from Blair. I wonder what Bam Bam plans to do with the assistant.)

The assistant's eyes grew wide...

"Before you get destroyed, you should speak up. You should prove your innocence."

If Yani had not said what she had said earlier, the little assistant would not have believed Bam Bam's words, but...it was obvious Yani did indeed have the intention to make her take on the blame.

"I thought Y/N doesn't have a manager?"

"It's not that she doesn't have one, it's just she doesn't need one..." Bam Bam laughed at himself. He too had experienced a scandal years ago. Back then, it stirred up an argument between him and Yun Xin resulting in one death and one injury. He never imagined, Y/N would be able to counterattack so smoothly. She only said one sentence and without even making an appearance, she managed to completely turn the tables, placing Yani under her control.

This woman, was indeed amazing. As for him, all he wanted to do now, was give back Y/N what he owed her.

"If I speak up, how does it benefit me?"

"Firstly, do you actually want to take the blame for Yani? Do you want to be scolded by everyone? Secondly, as long as you are willing to speak up, I will help you leave Star Age and get you a job in YG," Bam Bam handed his business card to the assistant to prove his identity.

The assistant was surprised. Not long after...full of determination, she responded, "I am willing to do it!"

Meanwhile, on the same day at 6pm, a report from Chanyeol about Yani's school life was sitting atop Kim Taehyung's office desk. The report was extremely detailed.

"President, this Yani is quite a problem child. She has long been a bully at school; at just 14-years-old she was expelled from school for beating up a classmate. That's when she moved to Seoul. She is a troublemaker."

So, it was this immature little girl that tried to bully Y/N!

Kim Taehyung's eyes were deep and piercing as he lowered his head and glanced over the information before handing it back to Chanyeol, "Arrange to have this exposed..."

"Yes. But president...have a look at this," Chanyeol handed some information over to Kim Taehyung. Yani's assistant had stepped out to admit that Yani had swapped out her gift to frame Y/N. If Blair's evidence wasn't enough, this statement was enough to completely shred away Yani's mask.

Someone was helping Y/N!

Kim Taehyung processed this information straight away. Afterwards, he guessed that the biggest possibility was the manager Lisa had arranged for Y/N, Bam Bam.

Bam Bam was once famous in YG for being extremely capable. However, those days were long gone, so Kim Taehyung was doubtful of his abilities.

"Don't worry about it..."

"Are you really not afraid that he will pose a threat once he becomes madam's manager?"

Kim Taehyung's lips slightly curved as he responded, "In what way does he pose a threat?"

Disregarding the disparity in their status, Kim Taehyung was certain, there was no way anyone could stand between him and Y/N; Y/N was not that type of person. After signing the documents on his desk, Kim Taehyung stood up to go home. However, at this time, his secretary suddenly knocked on the door and entered. He urgently said to Kim Taehyung, "President, bad news."

Two international superstars partaking in a film in the US had been injured in an explosion scene. The news was currently going viral and the production company was blaming Kim Entertainment's actors for not following procedures. They were demanding them to compensate for all losses.

Kim Taehyung didn't normally deal with issues like this, but...this project was Kim Entertainment's main project for the next half of the year. Plus, the person acting as a mediator was his friend. So, under these circumstances, it made sense for him to make a personal appearance.

"President, do you want me to immediately book flights for you?"

Kim Taehyung gestured for him to stay quiet as he made a phone call to Y/N.


"Huh?" Y/N replied in a soft, gentle tone, "Why aren't you home yet? Look at the time..."

"I might not be able to come home. I have to immediately fly out to the US. Something urgent has happened," Kim Taehyung explained.

"Is it really serious? Must you go immediately?" Y/N was alert as she sat up on the sofa.

"It's just a small issue, but I need to be present for it...I'm just worried about you."

"I'll help you find your passport and help you pack a few clothes," Y/N did not say much more as she stood up and returned to the bedroom to help Kim Taehyung pack his luggage. Half an hour later she had driven her way over to Kim Entertainment. Kim Taehyung personally came down to greet her.

"I don't have much time, I have to leave for the airport now."

Seeing how urgent Kim Taehyung was, Y/N quickly grabbed onto his arm, "Since you are worried about me, why don't you pack me up and take me with you?" Y/N lifted the luggage in her hand and spoke, "I'm coming with you."

Kim Taehyung took one glance at Y/N. He removed his jacket and wrapped it around her before they both boarded the car.

"What if you have work?"

"Don't you know better than I do, whether I have work?" Y/N laughed; Kim Taehyung was still managing her emails. Although she was now signed with YG, it hadn't been officially announced yet. As a result, she still had a few days of freedom. "Plus, didn't we agree that no matter what happens, we would stick together? Keeping you company is what I want to do right now."

Kim Taehyung remained silent as he intertwined his fingers with Y/N's. Even though he wasn't dealing with a big matter, but with Y/N by his side...he didn't have to worry about her. So, he was able to better focus on the issue and handle it better.

Seeing his handsome face soften, Y/N couldn't help but smile; she knew she had made the right decision. She didn't want to give up any chance she had to stay by Kim Taehyung's side through important situations.

Just before the two boarded the plane, Y/N received a phone call from Lisa. She was worried about the aftermath of Y/N's incident with Yani and asked her to go into the office the next day to discuss how they were to announce her contract. However, Y/N rejected her bluntly, "President Lisa, I won't be in the country for the next couple days. If there's anything, let's talk about it when I get back."

After hearing Y/N's words, Lisa did not refuse, "OK, it would probably be good for you to relax a bit. Originally I had a show I was going to give to you."

Hearing their conversation, Kim Taehyung lowered his head and gazed into Y/N's eyes. But, Y/N replied calmly, "Oh well, if I lose this opportunity, there's always the next..."

A person, on the other hand, is different , she thought. There was only one Kim Taehyung. If she lost him, then that would be it.

"OK, then I won't force you. But, are you aware of the fact that Bam Bam helped you?" Lisa was glad that there was still someone capable of moving Bam Bam's frozen heart.

"No, I had no idea," Y/N replied swiftly.

"Then we'll talk about it when you get back. Enjoy your time off."

Y/N hung up Lisa's phone call exhaustedly.

"Mrs. Kim, you are being too impulsive," Kim Taehyung teased with a smile.

"Mr. Kim, I just don't want you to feel like there is no difference between having and not having a wife. As long as I can accompany you, I definitely won't be absent. Even if it means I have to go to the depths of hell, so be it?"

(Author's Thought: This time, Y/N is the one accompanying Kim Taehyung. Hopefully, the issue in the US isn't too hard to solve.)

Kim Taehyung gently stroked Y/N's hair and drew her into his embrace affectionately. After hearing her words, he was tempted to retrieve all the best things in the world - even his heart - and place it into the palm of her hands.

"Although we are going to the US, the Oriental Trend is still extremely popular. If you stay by my side like this, you will attract a lot of attention."

"So, what do you suggest?" a disappointed look crossed Y/N's face.

"I don't mind having a female interpreter by my side..." Kim Taehyung chuckled. His voice was deep and sexy, "I guess allowing you to experience Hollywood in advance isn't a bad thing. Negotiating on the foreign stage isn't easy."

"Aren't you afraid I will come in contact with issues that are confidential to Kim Entertainment?" Y/N asked after relaxing a little.

"I already belong to you, so Kim Entertainment is no different," Kim Taehyung replied. "If you want to be the breadwinner, I am happy to retreat to behind the scenes, hand everything over to you and stay at home to prepare soup."

"You are dreaming President Kim...work hard to make money! Don't even think about slacking off."

Kim Taehyung laughed. He suddenly felt, the boring trip he was supposed to take, had suddenly become so much more exciting with Y/N around.

Y/N was an ambitious person, but it never affected her life at home; she was clear about her identity.


Seoul's entertainment gossip was still centered around Yani's incident. With EH's slap to the face and her assistant's revelation, Yani could no longer withstand all the public scolding. So, she filmed an apology.

A 16-year-old child appeared in front of the camera in a mess. She bawled her eyes out begging the public for forgiveness. She even paid online commenters to help her wipe her slate clean; it appeared, she really wanted to redeem herself.

Lisa spoke to Bam Bam in private. She wanted to know his plans for the aftermath and his thoughts on Y/N.

Bam Bam had his laptop in his lap; he looked much tidier than when he first returned to the country. He finally looked like a top manager again.

"I can't let Yani off so easily..." - Bam Bam looked down at his laptop as he spoke - "...or else in the future, we might come across 'Big-Y/N', 'Mid-Y/N', 'Little Y/N'...it will be neverending."

"So what you're saying is, you're planning to be Y/N's manager?" Lisa exclaimed excitedly.

Bam Bam lifted his head as he twirled the pen his hand, "As long as she's willing."

"I admit, at the beginning, I did look at her arrogantly. But, I can't deny, she is indeed interesting."

"I trust in your abilities," Lisa nodded. "However, Y/N is like a wild horse, she isn't easy to tame. In a way, she is similar to you. That's why I feel you guys match each other well."

"I will speak to her."

"Oh yeah. The position of Artists Director, when will you take it back?" Lisa asked as she raised an eyebrow. Out of Yang Jing, Luo Hao and Bam Bam, she felt in the end, she still trusted Bam Bam the most. Especially since both Luo Hao and Yang Jing had disregarded her to some degree. She was hopeful Bam Bam would take back his role.

"I have no interest in that. I just want to focus on being Y/N's manager. Of course, if someone goes against me, I won't go easy on them," Bam Bam turned off his laptop with a cold look in his eyes.

"Did you know, today at the weekly meeting, Yang Jing suggested I sign Yani with us?" Lisa laughed as she shook her head.

"President Lisa, it's time to draw your sword."

"The Official Contract Signing Ceremony will take place in 3 days. Quickly resolve the Yani incident and confirm a time with Y/N. Of course, if you can't convince Y/N to come back in time, I will use the ceremony to announce your return instead and delay Y/N's ceremony until later."

Bam Bam nodded; Lisa had always done things with careful consideration.

Afterwards, Bam Bam left Lisa's office. On his way out, he ran into Yang Jing; their eyes met as Yang Jing spoke, "Back then, I didn't mean to expose your secret to the media."

Bam Bam lifted his head with a cold expression, "Yang Jing...I am back and I will not allow anyone to hurt me again. Nor will I let them hurt my artists."

Yang Jing's expression changed as she tightened her grip on the artist's information in her hands, "We were once really good friends."

"Shhh...I don't want to hear it, you disgusting person."

After speaking, Bam Bam left the building. Yang Jing was left standing on her own as she clenched her fist; you just wait and see.


Bam Bam, with your current resources, how long do you think it would take you to train a newcomer into someone famous? Yang Jing sneered inside.

But, she had no idea, her arrogant mask was about to be torn to shreds.


Meanwhile, Y/N had just arrived in the US. Not long after arriving at the hotel, Kim Taehyung delivered a disguise to her. She immediately put on the wig and glasses; looking proper and professional. At a glance, her model aura had completely disappeared and in her place stood a female interpreter.

The couple had no time to rest as they rushed to the hospital where Kim Entertainment's actors were staying. With Kim Taehyung and Chanyeol's cover, Y/N's identity was not revealed.

The actors consisted of one male and one female; the female was a top-class actress. Because of the explosion, both of them had different degrees of injury all over their body and required a long time to recover. However, the production team did not admit it was their fault, instead, they threw the blame onto the actors and demanded for compensation.

The only reason Kim Taehyung had to make an appearance was because of a friend that was stuck in the middle of the incident. Otherwise, as usual, Kim Taehyung would have directly sued them. Kim Entertainment's legal team had never lost a legal battle.

"President, I've already gotten in contact with the film studio. They have agreed to meet tomorrow morning," Chanyeol said as they walked.

"Then let's play along with them," Kim Taehyung replied calmly.

"Apart from that, Mr. Asa has already booked a table at the restaurant and is waiting for us."

"Then, let's get going," Kim Taehyung responded as he secretly held onto Y/N's right hand.

Y/N was surprised. She thought this man was so busy that he had forgotten her presence. But, it turned out, not even for a moment did he take his eyes off her.

The couple were about to go meet Kim Taehyung's American friend. He was a man of mixed descent and was the same age as Kim Taehyung. His attitude was carefree and treated life like a game. Of course, he was quite successful, hence his production company was quite famous.

However, he was easily tempted by beautiful girls, especially someone with long slender legs like Y/N...

As soon as he saw Y/N enter, he was immediately filled with excitement. Disregarding business, he directly asked Kim Taehyung, "Is this your secretary?"

Seeing the look in his eyes, Kim Taehyung's expression turned dark, "You better place your eyes elsewhere."

"What? Is she your bed buddy?"

Kim Taehyung did not get a chance to reply before Y/N butted in, "Yes, I'm his bed buddy and I will be for a lifetime."


Kim Taehyung stopped him from guessing any further as he declared his ownership, "Wife!"

"So, turn your sleazy gaze away from her."

"What type of wife? Did you get married for the sake of connections? Don't tell me you want to argue with me over her?"

Kim Taehyung was stunned for a moment before shaking his head, "No need for that. However, I am willing to put my life on the line."

(Author's Thought: Hopefully Kim Taehyung's issue can be easily solved. It's rare to see him in trouble...)

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