[43] What Else Wouldn't Y/N Dare to do?

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A moment later, Mina's manager lifted his head. Before he could even see what was going on, a huge slap landed across his face; it was ten-times more powerful than the slap he had just given Rose...

The entire backstage...froze.

The person that arrived...was Y/N...

She was supposed to be on Go Show's Talk Show, but at this moment, she had appeared in front of Mina.

Not only that, behind her followed Bam Bam and 4 built foreign bodyguards.

Backstage, everyone's eyes grew wide as they covered their mouths, waiting for a good show to play out.

Y/N gave off a cold aura; her eyes were piercing like an eagle's. She glared down at Mina's manager with an icy anger...

The manager was terrified by the look in Y/N's eyes. He covered his cheek and tried to say something, but nothing came out.

Bam Bam took the opportunity to help Rose off the ground as he noticed the red handprints across her cheeks.


Rose was a little choked up. She had been afraid that Y/N would show up and delay her interview with Go Show. Why was Y/N here?

"How many slaps did he give you?" Y/N's voice was cold and clear; it wasn't sharp. Instead, it was very low like she was trying to suppress her emotions.



Without waiting for Rose to finish talking, Y/N threw another slap on the manager's right cheek without hesitation.

"You...how dare you hit me?" Mina's manager looked at Y/N in disbelief. He glared at the woman that seemed to be aloof from the world.

Y/N did not say anything. Now that her right hand had satisfied its anger, she lifted her left hand and hit the manager so hard he fell to the floor.

She gave a total of 4 slaps; Y/N had paid him back double.

"Anything else?" Y/N turned to ask Rose. Seeing Rose did not respond, Y/N frowned and looked at the bodyguards, "I've said it before, I don't provoke others, but once someone steps over my bottom line, I will pay them back double. So, this man..."

Y/N pointed to Mina's manager and instructed the bodyguards, "...make him kneel before Rose. Remember...double!"

Y/N's words were like a sentence from a judge. Even though she knew there were lots of people present. Even though she knew...this may affect her career as a model...if she couldn't protect the people beside her, then...

...even if she was to become a supermodel, what was the point?

Y/N's eyes were red but contained an undeniable power. Mina's assistant was terrified. Especially when the bodyguards grabbed onto him...

He felt his mind go blank. All the satisfaction he was experiencing just a moment ago had now turned into retribution. In fact, it was double the retribution.

"Y/N...don't go too far," seeing the scene unfold in front of her, Mina finally stood up.

However, Y/N approached Mina and laughed as she lowered her head. As she lifted her head again, another slap left her hand...

Not only did she hit the manager, she even hit Mina!

"Since you think I am bullying you, then I might as well bully you. What do you say?"

Mina's eyes grew wide as she stared at Y/N. As she had never experienced humiliation like this before, her expression became twisted and ferocious, "How dare you hit me!"

"Compared to what you have done to my assistant, I have only returned 10%."

"President Lisa arranged for her to work for me, are you trying to rebel against the president?"

"President Lisa?" Y/N sneered as she moved closer to Mina. "What right does she have to order my assistant around? Mina, Rose is my personal assistant and has no relation to YG Entertainment. Who gave you the right to use my assistant?"

"This is a matter between you and President Lisa. Rose is my assistant for tonight," Mina would not admit defeat. She already couldn't stand up straight, yet she...

...still tried to hold on to her power!

"Plus, Y/N, since you've hit me, don't you want to be a model anymore?" Mina yelled. "This is my show. Y/N, how dare you come cause trouble here."

"Your show? But, how come I feel like it won't be any longer?" Y/N looked around in disdain; it was obvious, if she didn't make Mina suffer today, then her surname wasn't Park.

"What do you mean by this?"

"What I mean is, from now on, as long as it is your resource, I will fight with you for it; as long as you like something, I will steal it from you. If you bully my assistant for half an hour, I will suppress you for half a lifetime!"

As Y/N said these words...

...she did not hold back at all. She did not show even the slightest fear...Even if she was to be scolded on the headlines the next day for bullying others, she was not going to retreat.

After hearing Y/N's words, everyone around froze in fear from how cool she was...

They had all witnessed the entire incident and knew that Mina was the one that had gone too far!

Although it wasn't completely right for Y/N to hit others, seeing her assistant being forced to kneel...

...and kowtow...this wasn't something anyone else could endure.

Everyone cheered for Y/N inside. Even those that had previously disregarded Y/N...couldn't help but feel convinced by her.

Sticking up for their assistant and gambling with their modelling career, who could do what Y/N did?

Everyone had experienced being at the bottom or were still struggling at the bottom. They had all been bullied at some point, but at that time, they did not come across someone as protective as Y/N!

"You? Did you think you could steal my resources and suppress me for half a lifetime? Y/N, are you dreaming?" Mina obviously did not believe the words coming out of Y/N's mouth.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Even Lisa hates you. How can you suppress me?"

Y/N did not reply. She simply turned her head and yelled out, "Who is in charge here at Media Center? Could you please fetch the brand representative for the show here tonight?"

"I'll go!" amongst the crowd, there was a member of staff that stuck their hand up. Not long after...a French man appeared in front of everyone and looked at Y/N and Mina curiously.

"Let me see how you will steal my resource..." Mina looked at Y/N, waiting to watch a good show.

She knew Y/N was just all bark and no bite...

However, just as Mina looked smug...

...and just as everyone broke out in a cold sweat on behalf of Y/N.

Y/N pulled out her phone and rang a number...

"It doesn't matter who you call, there's no use!"

After three rings, the phone connected. From the other side of the phone a voice could be heard clearly, "Hello, Kim Entertainment, this is Kim Taehyung."

Kim Taehyung!

Kim Taehyung...

It was actually Kim Taehyung?

The person Y/N was calling was actually Kim Taehyung?

Kim Entertainment's CEO, Kim Taehyung?

Mina's face...

...slowly turned white. She took a few steps back in disbelief as a layer of sweat started to cover her forehead.

"President Kim, sorry for disturbing you. I have a matter here at Media Center, I wonder if I can borrow your assistant for a bit. I'm in a bit of a predicament."

"Do you want me to come personally?" Taehyung's lips curved upwards as he asked gently.

"No need...this is just a small matter, it's not worthy of your appearance."

How did Mina qualify to see Taehyung? Chanyeol was enough!

Taehyung was silent for a moment without hanging up the phone. He then used the intercom to call Chanyeol, "Media Center. Hurry over and help Y/N. Give her everything she needs."

Y/N had her phone on loudspeaker...

So, Taehyung's words resonated to every corner of the waiting room.

Everyone's expressions turned complicated, especially the pale-faced Mina who's legs were still trembling.

"Does this person have the power to suppress you for a half a lifetime?" Y/N asked coldly as she put away her phone.

Mina did not respond. She felt lifeless as all the energy seeped out of her body. She held onto the edge of the table to prevent herself from falling.

She had never imagined Y/N would be acquainted with Taehyung.

Who would have thought she'd have such a strong backing!!

She even had the ability to make Taehyung offer assistance, personally.

With Bam Bam's explanation, the brand representative found out the entire story of what was happening backstage. He naturally had his own worries and considerations, so the most logical thing for him to do was to replace Mina. However, even though he already had a decision, he decided to wait for Chanyeol to arrive first and see what he thought.

As a result, during the half hour of waiting for Chanyeol's arrival, Mina and her assistant experienced the worst torment in their entire life; every second and every minute was like waiting for a life sentence...

Mina wanted to find an opportunity to sneak away, but...they were completely surrounded by people.

She also wanted to contact Lisa, however...her opponent had thrown Kim Entertainment in her face. Even if she was to contact 10 Lisa's, she still wouldn't be able to change a thing.

So, Mina looked down at her feet for a short moment before grabbing Y/N's arm and asking under her breath, "What must I do for you to let me go? Y/N, for the sake of us being from the same company, could you let me go this once? I promise not to go against you again."

Y/N looked at Mina's grip on her arm and shook it off, "It's too late..."

"Can't you give others a chance to change? I really can't lose my modelling career."

"From the moment that you humiliated Rose, you already gave up your chance to even be a human, how dare you dream of being a model?" Y/N took a step back as she spoke in a cold and ridiculing tone. "Mina, doesn't an assistant have dignity? You also climbed your way up from the bottom. Are you worthy of having someone kneel before you?"

"Since you accepted her kneel - then you need to pay the price for this kneel."

Of course, the other reason why Y/N refused to negotiate was because of Lisa.

Since Lisa had stepped so ruthlessly over her bottom line - if she was to continue to endure - would she still be Y/N?

After hearing her words, Mina's hands...

...began to tremble...

She suddenly felt a coldness sweep through her body. It was not until now that she finally experienced the feeling of fear.

"What will President Kim do to me?"

Y/N did not respond. Meanwhile, everyone around whispered amongst themselves.

"Kim Entertainment has never gone easy when dealing with people."

"I know right, if one offends Kim Entertainment, what other fate can they have? She might as well announce her retreat from the industry herself."

"Do you still remember the male star from before? Because of his inflated ego, he didn't listen to Kim Entertainment's arrangements. Do you remember what happened to him in the end? In one night he became yesterday's news and is now a cleaner!"

Mina's eyes grew big in fear. Meanwhile, her manager was even more terrified as a wet patch gradually appeared around the area he was kneeling; he had lost control of his bladder.

The scene was extremely funny and ridiculous.

Roughly half an hour later, Chanyeol hurried into the backstage of Media Center. The first thing he noticed was Rose's swollen face, so he quickly retrieved her from Bam Bam's arms, "Why are you hurt so badly? Who did this?"

Hearing Chanyeol's anxious questioning, the expression on Mina's manager's face became extremely entertaining.

At this time, Mina's limp body finally fell to the floor.

"How brave of them..." Chanyeol looked around the room; because of Rose's suffering and humiliation he was extremely angry; his voice was lower than usual and slightly trembling. After hearing everything that happened, he directly asked Mina and her manager, "Did you know that Rose is my fiancee?"


So it turns out Y/N's assistant is Chanyeol's fiancee?

Everyone's uncertainty was immediately cleared up; why Y/N was familiar with Taehyung, why Taehyung would help Y/N, all these questions suddenly received an answer.

It was because Rose was Chanyeol's fiancee?

This was something Y/N had planned with Taehyung; she was going to pay Lisa back, one debt at a time. So today, she wasn't going to reveal her winning card just yet.

As a result, they instructed Chanyeol to announce his 'relationship' with Rose so Lisa would realize she had provoked the wrong person!

Without waiting for Chanyeol to discuss things with the brand representative, Mina quickly knelt on the ground and tugged at the bottom of Y/N's dress, "Y/N...I beg of you, put in a few good words for me. You can slap me as much as you want...as long as you help me plead."

"You're asking the wrong person," Y/N hinted that the person she should be begging was Rose.

Mina let go of Y/N's dress and turned to Rose, but Chanyeol cut in, "Get lost, leave as far as you can."

Apart from this, Chanyeol also announced that anyone who dared to work with Mina from now would be going against him. Although he didn't use Kim Entertainment's name - with Taehyung's words earlier about giving Y/N everything she needed - it meant Chanyeol's words were equivalent to Taehyung's...

In an instant, Mina's name was banned in the industry; no one dared to challenge Kim Entertainment's authority and Mina was immediately replaced.

Afterwards, contract cancellation calls flooded in. Mina couldn't handle the blow as she fainted. Everything happened in a mere 20 minutes.

So what if she was a famous model? When facing Kim Entertainment, she still needed to kneel!

She deserved it!

Tonight's information was too much to digest, but anyone with eyes could clearly see what was going on.

Kim Entertainment never stuck their hands into other entertainment agency's business, but...Mina failed to recognize who she was dealing with.

Chanyeol and Taehyung didn't even mention Kim Entertainment, but...their identities were already well above average. How dare she bully Chanyeol's fiancee?

Did she really think she was someone important in the entertainment industry?

Scheming against others, humiliating others, slapping others and forcing others to kneel!

Everything she did could not be denied. As for the news to be released the next day, everyone could only wait to see the result. However, at present, there was another matter at hand: Y/N's Go Show interview.

Her original motive for going on the show had now changed. Right now, she only had one aim, and that was to retrieve Rose's grandfather!

At the same time, she also wanted Lisa to kneel before her!

Kim Entertainment's people swiftly sent Mina to the hospital. Afterwards, Rose grabbed onto Y/N's arm and asked, "Why did you come? You obviously knew this was Lisa's trap; she didn't want you to go on Go Show. Why did you do something so silly?"

Y/N looked at Rose and hugged her tightly as she gently patted her back, "You are the one that's silly. Do I need you to endure so much for me? Do I need you to protect me? You were threatened, yet you didn't tell me. If something happened to you and your grandfather, how do you think I would feel?"

"But, look what happened now..."

Y/N freed her from her embrace and patted her arm comfortingly, "You don't need to worry about anything. Let Chanyeol accompany you to the hospital. While you're there, enjoy seeing Mina at her worst!"


"Did you think I would let Lisa get what she wants?" Y/N's words contained a double meaning. "I am protected by Taehyung and you are protected by me. So, I will help you locate your grandfather. I guarantee he won't be damaged at all!"

"Let's go," Chanyeol led Rose out.

"But today's incident has been blown up too much. The fact that Y/N has hit someone, shouldn't we do a bit of PR? Will her image be affected?" Rose was still worried.

"Take care of yourself first," Chanyeol helped her into the car and took her to the pharmacy to buy some anti-swelling medicine and an ice pack. "The madam is smarter than you think. She definitely won't be at a loss. Right now, you should take care of yourself, that's the best way you can help her. Don't make her worried; she needs to focus on going up against Lisa."

Rose held onto the ice pack; she looked completely exhausted but she was still worried about Y/N and her grandfather.

Seeing her in a daze, Chanyeol grabbed the ice pack from her hands, grabbed her head and pressed the ice pack against her cheek.

Rose jolted in pain, but Chanyeol continued to press the ice pack on her as he said, "Don't move, this will help your swelling."

Rose thought about the scene that played out earlier and how Chanyeol called her his fiancee. Although she felt warm inside, she knew he was merely following Y/N and Taehyung's orders. So, she reminded herself to remain clear-headed...she was older than Chanyeol and neglected her looks, especially...her figure...

...someone like Chanyeol couldn't possibly be attracted to her.

"The thing about me being your fiancee...thank you for that. I know it's fake, so don't feel bothered by it. If you have a girlfriend, I can go explain for you."

Chanyeol looked at the injury on Rose's face and pressed harder, "I don't have a girlfriend."

But there's no way you would be interested in the chubby type like myself... Rose thought to herself. However, she had just freed herself from danger, how could she be thinking about this at a time like this?

Y/N and her grandfather were still in danger...


Meanwhile, at YG Entertainment, Jackson entered Lisa's office with a complex expression. After placing some documents on her desk, he shoved his hands in his pockets and said, "Y/N did not disappoint, she indeed turned up at Media Center. Go Show's interview is at 8pm, it doesn't look like she will make it."

"That's perfect," Lisa said in a cold tone. As expected, her plan worked.

"But...Mina has been destroyed by her..." Jackson responded in a disappointed tone.

"What do you mean by that?" Lisa lifted her head with a complicated look.

"Can you guess what identity Rose has?" Jackson asked as he leaned on Lisa's desk.

"Just tell me."

"She is the fiancee of the assistant to Kim Entertainment's CEO. Y/N contacted Kim Entertainment in front of everyone and Chanyeol arrived within half an hour. In order to stick up for his fiancee, he forced Mina out of the entertainment industry and everyone in the industry has already found out about it."

"With this battle, Y/N has effectively cut off your 'right arm'!"

Now all she had left was him, her 'left hand'.

After hearing Jackson's words, Lisa immediately went online to search for related articles. But because of Kim Entertainment's coordination, she was better off asking around. By tomorrow, Kim Entertainment would definitely release an article explaining the entire situation and they had always been good at protecting their own people.

"This can't be right...if Rose is really Chanyeol's fiancee, why didn't she mention him when she first got threatened?"

"But if she isn't, then why would Kim Entertainment bother to stick up for a simple assistant? It's a bit unbelievable."

"This incident will take some time to handle. It's not easy to train another international model, are we going to just let Mina get destroyed?"

Lisa stood up from her seat; she was starting to feel a little scared, "Mina isn't our main priority right now. Our main priority is Rose's grandfather!"

This was the thing Lisa was most worried about. Kim Entertainment was a sleeping lion that Lisa didn't dare to provoke.

After careful thought, Lisa assured, "Regarding this incident, we should maintain our innocence. I still feel that Rose and Chanyeol's relationship is a bit strange, or else why didn't they do anything earlier? Although I don't know how Y/N is related to Kim Entertainment, we shouldn't get flustered."

"I feel that our main priority should be to deal with Y/N. If we allow her relationship to become closer with Kim Entertainment, everything will be too late!" Jackson tried to convince Lisa.

Lisa glanced at Jackson and felt a little on edge.

It was all because of a momentary bad decision that she signed Y/N to YG, causing this mess and resulting in Mina's demise.

"How about we let Rose's grandfather go first? After all, he had no idea we were holding him hostage this entire time."

"NO!" Jackson stopped Lisa, "We still have use for him."

"But, this old man has heart disease," Lisa had noticed that Rose's grandfather took medicine regularly.

"If you let him go you might not be able to find something else to control Y/N. If that's the case will you still let him go?"

Lisa was silent for a moment before replying, "Of course not. Serious business always requires a bit of sacrifice."

"Lucky we managed to prevent Y/N from going on Go Show. Or else...according to her temper, with what happened today, there's no way she would let it go." Lisa was suddenly angry, "That's because we haven't been harsh enough towards her. Jackson, we need to plan our next step!"

However, while the two were discussing their next move, Jackson's assistant suddenly started knocking on the office door.

"Director, President, something big has happened..."

"Come in."

The young assistant didn't say anything, he simply turned on the TV in Lisa's office and changed the channel to Go Show's live broadcast.

At this moment, they watched as Y/N took careful steps towards the host and sat down in the studio.

Lisa looked at the time and looked back at Y/N; she was in disbelief, "What is this? How did she manage to go on the interview? Hurry, get someone to take this show off air and replace it. Drag Y/N out of there!"

How was this possible? Didn't Y/N go to Media Center? Did she know how to teleport?

"This is an official program, we can't do anything about it," Jackson replied calmly. "After what we did to her assistant today...I wonder how she will reap revenge on YG and you."

"She wouldn't dare!" Lisa stubbornly stuck her chest forward.

What else wouldn't Y/N dare to do?

Seeing Lisa like this, Jackson immediately made a phone call to his contacts in the industry and realized he and Lisa both made a lethal mistake.

"We both had the wrong time."

"What do you mean?" Lisa didn't quite understand Jackson's words.

"The only reason Y/N appeared at Media Center so calmly was because there was no clash with the time. Go Show changed their broadcast schedule a few weeks back and pushed it back one hour; we completely missed this small detail."

Maybe because everyone was familiar that Go Show's broadcast time was 8pm, so even though they had announced a change in their schedule, Lisa didn't take particular notice of it. Hence, she thought there was no change.

"This Y/N is too smart for her own good!"

"What should we do now? Do we just sit here and watch her go on the program?" Lisa slammed her hands frustratingly on the desk in front of her. She had wasted so much energy and effort - even going so far as to use threatening and kidnapping methods - yet, in the end, did Y/N actually get the better of her?

In actual fact, when Y/N found out about Rose being threatened, she was already on her way to the studio. As soon as she realized Mina's show was at 7pm and her interview was at 9pm, she immediately decided to go to Media Center. She just found it weird that Lisa would give her a leeway of 2 hours to appear in both places.

Was this supposedly Lisa's way of stopping her? After putting in so much effort, was this really her way of preventing her from going on Go Show?

Was she being serious?

Bam Bam couldn't help but laugh, "From what I know about Lisa, she definitely calculated things incorrectly this time."

"What do you mean?" Y/N questioned.

"I reckon she didn't know Go Show had changed their broadcast time," Bam Bam couldn't help but chuckle.

Upon exiting Media Center, Y/N was supposed to board Bam Bam's van and rush to the TV studio, but as she entered the parking lot, she spotted Taehyung's car. So, she quickly gave Bam Bam an explanation, pulled open Taehyung's car door and sat in the front passenger's seat.

"Didn't I say not to come?"

Taehyung turned and looked at Y/N as he lifted her hands and examined her palms, "Didn't you bring bodyguards? Why did you need to use your own hands? Don't they hurt?"

Y/N thought Taehyung would be worried about Rose or he'd be curious about Mina's fate and Chanyeol's performance. Who would have thought the first thing he asked was whether her hands hurt.

"It hurt at the time, but now it's just a little numb," Y/N confessed. After all, she had given 5 slaps and used her full force, it would be impossible not to feel anything.

Taehyung gently rubbed her palms and looked at her with a helpless, yet doting expression, "I never thought you would personally make a move."

"Did you really think I have such a great temper?" Y/N smiled.

"That's because 'somebody' knows they have me backing them, that's why they had the courage!"

Taehyung glanced at Y/N as he complained in a doting tone. Of course, his current expression was a huge contrast from how he looked at work, "You still haven't learned your lesson...you have a surefire plan, yet you refuse to use it. Must you make me worry?" Taehyung gently let go of her hand and turned his focus to driving. He needed to get her to the interview.

"Sometimes, one needs to experience pain to fully remember how others have suffered on their behalf." This time, Rose was the one that had suffered; she had tolerated the humiliation and endured the threat from Lisa, yet she never considered betraying Y/N even once.

So, the pain was nothing...even if she was to break her arm, she would still find it worthy.

Taehyung understood her well and knew she was the type of person that would risk her life for her loved ones. The only thing was, the Y/N that was once alone...now had him backing her.

"Also, Lisa still has Rose's grandfather locked away."

"Aren't you on the way to ask for his return?"

Y/N was a little surprised as she leaned on Taehyung's shoulder, "There are times when dealing with these monsters that I feel I am slowly losing my humanity. But, the way I have dealt with Mina and the way I have retaliated against Lisa today, I have no regrets. I want Lisa to know, it's OK for her to mess with me, but if she messes with the people around me...I will not let her live in peace."

As Taehyung drove, he looked at the road ahead and spoke calmly and firmly, "No matter if you are a simple or complex person, as long as you are still Y/N, you are still the same person to me."

Y/N's heart was moved, but she didn't know how to express her love towards Taehyung. So, all she could do was bite down on his shoulder.

Taehyung did not cry in pain; the corners of his lips simply curved upwards. He understood how she felt: sometimes one could love another so much they didn't know what to do.

In the end, it was precisely because of Lisa's mistake that the scene playing out live in front of everyone was happening; Y/N was sitting in Go Show's studio, ready to accept her interview.

After careful preparations, Y/N appeared in front of the viewers in a light purple A-line dress. She had light makeup on and her hair hung loosely around her shoulders, showing her most natural state to the Seoul audience. As she smiled, attractive dimples appeared on her cheeks.

The two hosts in the studio had question boards prepared, and tonight, Y/N would have to answer these questions.

The studio staff also put in a lot of effort to decorate the studio with posters of Y/N's magazine shoots and commercials; they were well prepared.

As the clock hit exactly 9pm, the show officially started. As it was a live broadcast, both the hosts and the guest had to be careful with what they said. Because of this, many celebrities slipped and revealed secrets; many scandals had previously been exposed on this show.

Of course, Y/N was once again in her calm state. It was hard to imagine that just 1 hour ago she was in Media Center throwing slaps across Mina and her assistant's faces.

After initial greetings, the hosts quickly started asking some warm-up questions, "Y/N, we vaguely remember that 3 months ago you were a bride-to-be. Then suddenly, one day you announced your comeback and threw yourself into a series of battles with SM. Under what circumstances did you make such a definitive decision to start all over again?"

"Can I really answer this?" Y/N suddenly smiled after hearing the question.

"Be careful, our program is all about telling the truth. Otherwise, all your answers could possibly be made into memes; slapping you in the face," the host slightly smiled as she warned Y/N. She held up an adorable prop shaped like a hand as the sound effect of an audience laughing played in the background.

Y/N was stunned for a moment before answering, "It's nothing special. I simply experienced how it felt to be betrayed and matured from that experience. I am someone that let's go when I say I will."

"Great, now that we are done with the warm-up, it's time to move on to the big questions: Are you married?"

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