[51] The Couple Were to Appear at the Airport Together!

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"Hasn't there been a rumor going around? I heard someone likes playing tricks. If we look at the companies that have been messed up one after another, we can see how terrifying she is. However, if one can't win, then they can't win..."

Y/N ignored the taunting from Areum's manager and remained calm.

At this time, the lift doors opened to reveal Stenson's assistant standing outside. Upon seeing Areum, he walked up to her and greeted, "Miss Park, welcome...Mr. Stenson is inside waiting for you."

Everyone that walked out of the lift froze in confusion, especially Areum and her manager as their faces turned red.

Y/N suddenly understood when Stenson told her something went wrong, what he was referring to.

It turned out, the assistant had messed up their identities...and Stenson had forgotten to correct his assistant.

"Miss Park?"

"I am not Miss Park!" even though Areum felt a little awkward, she still rectified the truth.

"I can't be wrong. Stenson wanted Y/N, which is you..." Stenson's assistant pulled out Y/N's portfolio and flipped through it. After seeing Y/N's photo, he realized he had made a mistake, "Oh God, I made a mistake."

"So, the spokesperson Excalibur Q wants, is it Areum or Y/N?" Areum's manager asked angrily.

The assistant's face flushed red as he looked ambiguously at Areum and Y/N. He struggled to make out a word.

Instead, Suho straightforwardly said, "Let's go, it's almost time to sign the contract. It's impolite to be late."

Y/N walked past everyone and walked ahead, leaving the awkward Areum and her manager behind.

Areum's manager didn't want to admit defeat, so she pulled Areum and followed behind, "We were also contacted by Excalibur Q to come sign a contract..."

After seeing this, Stenson's assistant's face changed from red to white. He didn't know how he was to settle this situation.

Upon noticing Areum and her assistant following them, Suho couldn't help but laugh, "If you can't win, then you can't win."

"I refuse to believe that they wouldn't pick someone as great as Areum. Is there something wrong with Excalibur Q? Why would they pick someone with such a low international status?"

Suho didn't respond. He knew, if Areum was to walk in like this, she would be even more embarrassed.

Not long after, they entered Stenson's office together. However...Stenson spotted Areum entering behind. He couldn't avoid feeling awkward. He patted his head and said to Areum's manager, "I am so sorry Miss Areum, it was all my assistant's mistake. He contacted the wrong person. I am truly apologetic."

"Excalibur Q chose Y/N?" Areum directly asked.

"Yes, that's correct," Stenson nodded his head. "Let my assistant escort you back to the hotel."

"Can you tell me why?" Areum sounded like she was suppressing her anger; she obviously did not understand Stenson's decision. If she had lost to a supermodel like Jeon Somi, she would not have questioned it, but what was so great about Y/N?

She couldn't win against the other people at Kim Entertainment. Couldn't she even win against Y/N?

"This is the result of a vote held by Excalibur Q. We believe that Miss Park is a more suitable spokesperson for Excalibur Q than Miss Areum."

"What vote? If it was internally set, just say it..." Areum's manager couldn't contain her emotions as she spoke to Stenson with hostility.

Stenson straightforwardly replied, "That is an insult to us and an insult to yourself."

"We didn't select our spokesperson based on the model's influence. The most important factor was whether the model suited our product. Miss Park is indeed better suited than Miss Areum. I hope Star King can be open-minded."

"Suitable my ass!"

Stenson lost his patience and directly said to Areum's manager, "We don't want a stereotypical model."

Hearing this, Areum was stunned as her manager angrily demanded, "Mr. Stenson, I want you to apologize to Areum."

"I am just stating the facts. Indeed, in all aspects, Miss Areum is more outstanding than Miss Park. But, what we want is not simply a safe bet. Plus, Miss Areum, even if you won't admit it, in terms of professionalism, you are indeed inferior..."

"How can you prove that?"

"I've already asked someone to investigate what's been happening in Seoul. Every project Miss Park has worked on has created a huge sensation, what about you Miss Areum?"

"Stirring up the Oriental Trend in North America; making TQ go from low sales to best-selling; helping LM's wedding ring series become number one; pushing Go Show to the top of viewership by making an appearance. Miss Areum, have you done anything like this?"

Areum froze, suddenly not knowing what to say...

She originally had all sorts of arguments to throw at Stenson, but suddenly, she couldn't say a word. It was like her words were stuck in the back of her throat, making her throat burn and suffer.

When she thought about it carefully, there really wasn't anything she could use to compete against them.

She didn't have any unique achievements...

Even though she was easily remembered on the international stage, doing something truly meaningful such as igniting a trend like Y/N was not something she had ever done.

Even if others didn't know, as a model herself, she was well and truly aware of how difficult this was to achieve.

"If you don't have anything else, I'd suggest the two of you leave," seeing Areum had nothing to say, Stenson politely reminded them to leave.

Areum took one glance at Y/N. Y/N's results over the past few months flashed through her mind as she finally stabilized her emotions.

"There will definitely be a day when I win against you."

After speaking, Areum left Stenson's office with her manager. However, her manager couldn't suppress her anger, "What's so good about Y/N?"

"Don't say that. Y/N is indeed quite capable. That's why I had no way of refuting against anything Stenson said," Areum replied with a pale expression.

"But, Areum, after losing this endorsement, how are you going to explain yourself when we get back?" her manager asked uneasily with her hands on her hips. "We lost to Kim Entertainment once again. In fact, we lost to a model without much of an international status. If word gets out, what would happen to Star King's pride?"

"What else could we do?"

"I can tell that it took a lot of effort for Y/N to win against you. If her contract gets ruined, then neither of you would be the winner and Star King wouldn't lose to Kim Entertainment," her manager suggested.

"What do you plan to do? Y/N's already been through a lot, did you think she would be afraid of you?" Areum sneered.

"Tonight I'll investigate who her manager is before we make a decision," her manager said thoughtfully.

Areum understood, even though Star King usually lost when competing with Kim Entertainment, at least it was always a battle on the same level. However, this time, she had lost to such a 'low level' Y/N. What pride and status did she still have in Star King?

This was no longer her own problem; it was a problem between Star King and Kim Entertainment...

However, Taehyung was more sensitive than Areum's manager. As soon as he knew Y/N had signed her contract, he got his PR department to release an article congratulating Y/N on becoming Excalibur Q's new spokesperson.

So, Areum lost!

Star King's Artists Director contacted Areum straight away, asking her what had happened. The company had spent so much money and provided her with so much backing, yet the endorsement was snatched away by Y/N.

Areum was speechless. As for her manager, she was filled with anger. Kim Entertainment's actions were so fast that she didn't even get a chance to investigate Y/N's manager yet!

The entire industry already knew that Y/N had defeated Areum. If she was to retaliate at this time, Star King would draw too much attention and be attacked. So, not only was there nothing she could do, she even had to wish Y/N all the best.

Who was Y/N's manager? He had actually managed to cleanly prevent Y/N from any incidences without giving them the tiniest of chance.

Areum understood there was no chance of reversing the outcome of Excalibur Q's spokesperson, so she told her manager, "Let's immediately go home."

Her manager was unwilling to admit defeat, but at this moment, she was more occupied with being curious.

When did Kim Entertainment's managers become so difficult to deal with?

Not long after, Y/N also saw the news. She suddenly had an inkling of who her manager might be. Not being able to make an appearance, yet still being able to deal with the situation so smoothly; who else could it be? Actually, Y/N should have guessed a long time ago; Taehyung had already mentioned it in the past, but Y/N did not take it to heart at that time. However, now that she thought about it, that man had it all planned out.

"Director Suho, who is Y/N's manager? He's done so much behind-the-scenes, yet he hasn't once made an appearance. Are we playing hide and seek?" Rose lost her patience as she looked at the news. She couldn't deny that he was capable, but not making an appearance even though he was her manager, was he trying to play games with them?

Suho neatened his suit jacket and glanced at Y/N. He realized she wasn't curious about this answer at all. He then smiled at Rose and said, "He should be on his way...he was absent before because he still had other work to do. But, Excalibur Q's contract has already been signed. So, he is on his way to help Y/N plan out her next step."

After speaking, Suho remained silent for a few seconds before continuing, "Therefore, my work here is done. I have already booked an afternoon flight back to Seoul."

"That quick?"

"I still have a whole heap of PR news to release," Suho quickly replied. However, Y/N didn't sense any urgency in his voice at all.

"Fine then..." Rose did not say anything else because her flu was hitting her pretty badly.

Suho glanced at Rose and said, "Rose, you really need to find a man to take care of you."

"Screw you..."

Rose threw a pillow at Suho.

Actually, after spending some time with Suho, one would quickly realize he was quite a charismatic person. Not only was he eloquent in his speech and known as the face of Kim Entertainment's PR, he also had a great sense of humour and appeared carefree. He was like that one student in class who would always fall asleep but still come out first. He did things with his own methods, got along with everyone and was extremely likable.

Suho smiled at the two women. After returning to his room, he grabbed his luggage and left the premises. As he left, he didn't even say goodbye.

Rose watched Suho leave from the window and turned to ask Y/N, "Do you have any idea who your manager is?"

"I can roughly guess," Y/N stood up from the sofa and retrieved some medicine from her suitcase for Rose.

"Who is it?"

"What type of manager do you think Taehyung would arrange for me?" Y/N asked Rose, who was getting uncomfortably close. Y/N pushed Rose's germ-filled face away so she could stop breathing on her.

Rose sat down on the bed and started analysing, "He's definitely a capable person. That's why he managed to deal with this recent incident perfectly."

"He is someone that knows how to take care of you. In fact, he must be more thoughtful than Suho."

"He needs to be extremely professional and needs to have a special understanding towards you. Most importantly, he needs to have the ability to plan out your future."

Rose listed all the requirements.

"In that case, who do you think is capable of satisfying all this?"

Rose ran through all the names of Kim Entertainment's managers in her head and their faces. Although they were all capable...to completely meet Y/N's requirements, there could only be one person.

"Big Boss."

Y/N looked at Rose like she had finally been enlightened. This was also the only answer she could think of.

At first, Rose had no reaction. But after remaining stunned for a few seconds, she suddenly jumped off the bed and started shaking Y/N's shoulders excitedly, "Is this real? Big Boss will personally be your manager? It's not a joke right?"

Y/N pressed firmly on her excited hands and nodded, "He mentioned it in the past, but I never expected he would actually do it."

In reality, it wasn't hard to see that Y/N had a lot of worries and fears towards Taehyung being her manager. Firstly, Taehyung's work was too busy, he couldn't possibly have enough time to run around with her.

Plus, she didn't want him to be so tired.

"Then it must be real!" Rose remained excited. How many people in this world would be able to have Kim Taehyung as a manager?

Only Y/N!

He wanted to manage his own wife.

"This isn't what I hoped for..."

Rose understood what Y/N was worried about, so she quietened down and smiled, "Don't worry, since Boss made this decision, he can definitely coordinate it with his own work. After all, he doesn't want you to worry. Plus, haven't you heard of this saying before? 'When a couple works together, work is no longer tiring'."

"Y/N, think about it...you are born to be a model. As long as you are given the chance, you will definitely be able to create a miracle. All you are missing is a manager that can protect you, and Boss possesses the ultimate power. If the two of you combine, wouldn't you be invincible?" Rose winked at Y/N with an unconcealable excitement.

"Look at the incident with Excalibur Q, isn't this the best proof? Just a few simple words from Boss was enough to make them reconsider their criteria. Isn't this enough to prove his capability? He is simply amazing!"

"Above all, he is busy, but he can also put down some of his power. Rather than letting him get tired in a place where you can't see him, why not keep him by your side? At least you can make sure he gets some rest, what's so bad about that? If you really feel that he is overworked and tired, you can always help him out...between a husband and wife, what aren't you capable of?" Rose asked.

This decision was not within the scope of Y/N's control, so...she felt a little scared. Taehyung was of course the best; he was unique and no one else could compare. But, she couldn't anticipate how the public would react. Would being her manager affect him negatively? Above all, Taehyung's work was what worried Y/N the most.

However, Excalibur Q did not give Y/N time to dwell on this thought. After signing their contract, that very afternoon, they jumped straight into shooting their commercial.

As she was working with Western models, Y/N was lacking in physical strength in comparison; especially since her stomach was still unwell. After 6 hours of continuous work, Y/N was obviously struggling to keep up.

Rose felt a little anxious. There were a few times she requested the photographer for a short break, but he either ignored her or told her everyone was currently working hard and Y/N wasn't the only one that was tired.

Being in a foreign land, when it came to matters like this, Rose felt powerless as a mere assistant.

However, from beginning to end, Y/N endured through one take after another. Because of mistakes made by other models she had to film some scenes multiple times.

"Y/N, are you OK?" Rose asked in between takes as she handed her some warm water.

Y/N placed her hand on her own cheek and nodded, "I should be able to hold on."

"This was clearly not in the contract...do these Western models have a death wish?" just as Rose's angered words left her mouth a loud 'BANG' echoed through the set. A relatively skinny model had fainted, "Did she just faint?"

"Isn't this a common sight?" Y/N handed her cup back to Rose with an unfazed expression.

"Does this mean you can get some rest now?"

"Come on, come on, back to work..." the photography staff called.

Rose lowered her head to look at Y/N's feet; 7-8 hours of wearing heels, how torturous.

"What's wrong? I've done things like this in the past. Just because Taehyung is now my manager, does that mean I am more precious than before?" Y/N looked amusingly at Rose. In the past, she had experienced shoots that were even more demanding and in more of a rush than this, how did this compare?

"But it's been 8 hours!"

"Don't worry, I can handle it." After speaking, Y/N was just about to have her makeup retouched, when suddenly she felt a strong tug on her arm.

Y/N was stunned...

So was Rose.

Actually, everyone present was in shock; an extremely distinguished man had appeared on the photography set.

The set filled with whispers; some people were surprised while some whistled at his appearance, thinking he was also a model. In fact, they thought he was a top-tier model. However, Taehyung simply pulled Y/N over and gestured her to sit on the side.

Y/N struggled a little as she looked into Taehyung's black diamond-like eyes. It only took a few seconds before she gave up and obediently sat on the chair, leaving everything for this man to handle.

Rose was so excited she clapped secretly to herself. Now that Boss was here, Y/N's saviour had arrived...

As anticipated, Taehyung simply walked over to the photographer and said, "It has been stated in Article 3.2 and 6.4 of the contract that Y/N's work hours are from 8am until 6pm. If you need to work beyond these hours, it should not exceed 2 hours. Did you want to breach the contract?"

In order to speed up the shoot, the photographer had indeed denied the models of their rightful resting hours...

But, none of the Western models opened their mouths to protest...

So, the photographer replied, "Everyone is working hard towards finishing this shoot. Did you expect everyone to wait for Y/N?"

"Just because they are willing to be oppressed by you, that is their problem. Our Y/N is different. We will work according to the contract."

After speaking, Taehyung turned around and approached Y/N as everyone gasped, "Can you still walk?"

Y/N looked down at her heels. Just as she was about to respond, Taehyung wrapped his arm around her waist and carried her horizontally.

"Hey, all this time we've been speaking, you haven't told us who you are," the photographer chased after them. He had only been told that Y/N had brought along an assistant and a few bodyguards.

"Y/N's manager."

Rose snuck in a smile as she followed behind the two...

After bullying Boss' wife like this, it would surprising if he wasn't upset.

It goes without saying, Rose was once again amazed by Taehyung. During the contract signing, Suho was the one that had read through the contract. Yet, according to Boss' confidence when he recalled the terms, it flowed out of his mouth smoothly like he had completely memorized it.

Y/N leaned into Taehyung's embrace as he placed her into the car. Seeing the angry expression on his face, she couldn't help but ask, "Are you really going to be my manager?"

"What other choice do I have, Miss Park?" Taehyung asked as he started driving.

Normally he would call her 'Mrs. Kim'. It seemed, he really made a clear distinction between work and personal life. His manager aura could immediately be felt.

"Now that work is over, can Manager Kim finish up?"

Taehyung turned his head to look at Y/N as he let out a sigh. He couldn't bear to blame her for what had happened. Towards the person he loved, even if he was angry, he wouldn't be able to say any harsh words.

Not long after, they returned to the hotel.

As soon as they entered the hotel suite, Taehyung directly pressed Y/N on the bed and forced a kiss on her lips. After savouring her for a while, he finally moved away and knelt beside the bed to help her remove her shoes.

Seeing her heels and soles were covered in blisters and sores, his heart broke.

Not long after, Y/N sat up from the bed and approached Taehyung from behind to wrap her arms around his neck as her body pressed against his...

"I have not seen your feet in a good state before..."

"You knew the photographer was being oppressive, why did you continue to work?"

Hearing his complaints, Y/N suddenly laughed, "While I was working, everything was bad. My feet hurt, my stomach hurt and my head was dizzy."

"But, after seeing you...everything's better."

Taehyung felt helpless, he couldn't continue to be angry at her. With his back still facing her, he stood up and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window, "I won't allow anyone to bully you ever again."

"During the shoot, if I was to retaliate, I was bound to make the photographer and other models dislike me. I wasn't sure what they might do behind-the-scenes. So, before you arrived, I could only select the safest option. I'm sure you understand..."

"Plus, Manager Kim, hurry and get off work. You talk too much. I want my husband back..."

With his back to her, he gently shook his head a few times, "How could you complain that I'm talking too much...when have you ever seen me care so much about another person?"

"Don't think about it too much...let's go have a bath."

Taehyung stopped talking; he knew Y/N was tired. So after having a bath together, he carried her out and placed her on the bed, "I'm staying opposite, if you need anything, give me a call."

Y/N was immediately wide-awake, "You're not sleeping with me?"

"During your working period, let's stick to the contract," Taehyung tucked her into bed and turned off the lights.

Y/N watched as Taehyung left and smiled. All the fear she originally felt had completely disappeared...

The next day, because Y/N had work at 8am, she woke up at 6:30am. She instructed Rose to make breakfast before she quietly took it into Taehyung's suite.

As Taehyung had rushed straight over to the photography studio after landing yesterday, he did not have time to organize his clothes and documents. At this moment, they were strewn across the sofa.

Y/N knew he was tired, so she gently tidied everything up neatly before placing the fragrant breakfast on the table outside his bedroom.

Finally, she walked barefoot over to Taehyung's bed and sat on the edge before gently running her hand across his attractive face.

Taehyung seemed to have already been awake a long time ago. As he felt her fingers climbing across his face, he grabbed her and placed his head on her thigh.

Y/N's heart ached as she played with his hair before linking her hand with his ring-bearing left hand, "In a moment, Rose will accompany me to the shoot. Stay here and get some rest, OK?"

"Not today..." Taehyung replied with a double meaning.

Y/N lowered her head and looked down at the watch on her wrist; it was still early. So she lay on the bed and wrapped her arms around Taehyung.

"Today you're not going to ask me why I insist on being your manager?"

Y/N thought for a moment and answered with a sweet smile, "What's done is done, I will trust in your decision. Even if I am afraid and doubtful...I will not be the one to drag you down. If you're not afraid, then why should I be afraid?"

"Yes, don't be afraid."

"If I scour the entire entertainment industry, no one's manager is as capable as mine. In that case, what should I be unsatisfied with? Taehyung...you've given me confidence, taught me to put down any false pretence and helped me build a strong outer shell. You have made me better."

Taehyung quietly held onto Y/N's hand without a word. The relationship between husband and wife had always been interdependent; that was the way to make each other better.

The couple lay like this for 40 minutes. In order to make it in time to the photography studio by 8am, Taehyung finally pulled away the bed sheets and got up. But...because he had a habit of sleeping naked, Y/N's cheeks unavoidably turned red.

Taehyung gave a gentle laugh as he hooked Y/N's chin in his hand and instructed, "I'll have a shower, help me pick out some clothes."

"Uh huh."

"We've been married for quite some time now...aren't you used to my body yet? You're actually blushing?"

"Because it's a perfect body." After giving her response, Y/N walked over to the wardrobe and retrieved a set of clothes which she had just placed inside not too long ago.


8am, Y/N and the others arrived at the photography studio, right on time. Y/N quickly got into the right state of mind and started getting her clothes and makeup ready. However, things were very different to the day before. As Taehyung was present, the photographer held back a little.

He held back for no other reason, but simply because of the dangerous aura that emanated from Taehyung's body. In front of Y/N, Taehyung was gentle and thoughtful as always; he was considerate right down to the tiniest detail. But, in front of outsiders, he was still the unapproachable king; like the sun that couldn't be looked at directly.

"Who is that man?"

"Apparently, he's Y/N's manager..."

"He doesn't look like one. With his great features, why isn't he a model?"

"Should we go flirt with him?"

The staff in the studio whispered amongst themselves as they worked; some even wanted to flirt with Taehyung in private. However, before they even got close to him, they were scared motionless by Taehyung's piercing glare.

Rose stood beside Taehyung enjoying the glory. It was so satisfying...With Boss' appearance, no one dared to look at them lightly again.

They spent the entire day in the studio. While monitoring the shoot, Taehyung pulled out his own work and started working on it. As evening neared, Stenson and the other people-in-charge came to visit the set and check on its progress. However, as soon as they arrived, their eyes were immediately drawn to Taehyung.

Stenson felt he had seen this man before...

He had a sense of familiarity...

He even turned to question his assistant quietly. In the end, his assistant answered, "Sir, he is the president of the famous Kim Entertainment agency, Mr. Kim Taehyung."

"No wonder..." Stenson immediately remembered the man he had spoken to on the phone: Y/N's manager also had the surname 'Kim'. Could it be...?

Stenson did not delay. He walked straight up to Taehyung and offered his hand, "I never expected President Kim to make an appearance, sorry for not realizing."

"You're being too polite Mr. Stenson. Our Y/N has troubled you."

"No, not at all, she is extremely talented," Stenson did not hold back his compliments.

"Too bad Y/N's not in her best form today. It's probably because she worked too long yesterday. Otherwise, she would have been able to perform better today," Taehyung hinted.

As soon as Stenson heard this, he immediately understood Taehyung's words, "Don't worry President Kim, Excalibur Q will definitely help Y/N maintain a pleasant working mood."

Stenson secretly sighed to himself and was glad that he did not choose Areum.

This model Y/N appeared to not possess any power, but, who would have thought, she actually had the ability to make a world-famous entertainment agency CEO become her manager.

She definitely had a promising future!

This was Kim Entertainment's way of escorting Y/N through all the competition she was faced with.

"I wonder if Taehyung would give me the honour of sharing dinner tonight?"

"My pleasure. But, I may bring a female partner..." Taehyung replied politely before placing his gentle gaze upon Y/N.

Stenson smiled and nodded his head.

However, the trio ultimately did not succeed in having dinner together, because that night, an extremely embarrassing scandal was released in Seoul regarding Jeon Somi.

An entertainment reporter revealed that Jeon Somi had been cohabiting with a gambling addict for 10 years. Not only that, they also claimed that she had multiple abortions for this man and often got hit by him...

After seeing this news, Y/N started thinking about the words Jeon Somi had told her at the club: Do not reveal it, definitely don't reveal it .

It had only been a few days, and Jeon Somi was in trouble...

She was an international supermodel, yet overnight she had suddenly been tied to a gambler. Moreover, multiple scandals arose about her, making her reputation plummet.

Kim Entertainment immediately utilized their PR methods to block 70-80% of the scandals, but an uproar was still ignited. In fact, it was worse than Y/N's Naeun incident.

Some people even started rumours that all this happened because Y/N had joined Kim Entertainment. Any company that she was involved in would eventually have a tragic ending; YG Entertainment's defeat was the perfect example.

"Rubbish!" after seeing the news, Rose directly threw her phone to one side.

Y/N had no time to worry about herself. At this time, she was more worried about Jeon Somi.

Inside the study room, Taehyung was in a video conference with Kim Entertainment's higher-ups. During the conference, he instructed Suho to handle everything related to Jeon Somi's incident. However, even though they managed to suppress the scandal, they had no way of reversing the damage the rumours had already made on Jeon Somi.

Y/N didn't know why she suddenly felt a little scared.

She was afraid that if her and Taehyung were to reveal their relationship, all that would be awaiting them would be chaos and bloodshed.

So, Y/N asked Taehyung for Jeon Somi's phone number. After pondering for a moment, she gave her a call.

Y/N thought Jeon Somi wouldn't pick up the phone. But she unexpectedly picked up...

"It's Y/N," afraid that Jeon Somi would hang up, Y/N immediately revealed her identity.

"I know," Jeon Somi's voice was a little raspy. It was obvious she had been crying. However, her voice also contained a sense of stubbornness; it seemed she hadn't fallen into complete despair.

"The scandal..."

"Everything they said in the scandal is true," Jeon Somi appeared to have finally found someone to chat to as she continued Y/N's sentence. "The infamous international supermodel, Jeon Somi is taking care of a gambler at home. On top of that, she has had an abortion three times and is often beaten."

"He and I met when we were 17 years old and we started dating when we were 18. At that time, I never dreamed of being a supermodel. However, I wasn't financially well-off. So, when my parents were in need of money, he suggested I become a model. He even did all he could to help me find resources."

"We were happy in our first few years. Y/N...we were even happier than you and Taehyung. However, with the temptations of this industry ever increasing, he eventually couldn't keep it in his pants and slept with another model."

"Yet, I was so cheap I couldn't let him go. The problem was, after his mistress passed away, he even concluded that I was the one behind it. Since that day, he hasn't looked me in the eye once..."

"I can't even remember how many years it's been..."

"I kept the promise I originally made to him and have been leaving half my pay at home. However, I know he's simply been gambling it all away. He also drinks often, and once he's drunk, he would hit me..."

"There have been plenty of days when I've thought of ending my life. I thought things would be better; it would all be over. Until I met my current manager, he brought out my potential. As for Kim Entertainment, they accepted me and trained me..."

"I even thought at one stage, for the rest of my life I would be willing to work like a horse for President Kim. I never thought everything would get exposed one day. It's been hard keeping it a secret for so long."

Y/N listened as Jeon Somi shared her experience. She could imagine, for a woman at her status to continue sticking to her man, how deep her love for him must be.

"You've already done really well."

"He was the one that exposed the scandal. It was because I refused to give him money. I can't believe he sold the information to Star King..."

B*stard! Y/N cursed inside.

He was no less than Kai.

"Now that I've gotten everything off my chest, I feel a lot better."

Y/N didn't understand why Jeon Somi trusted her so much. Perhaps it was because they had both been through difficulties that they felt like they could relate to each other.

"I will officially announce that I am quitting Kim Entertainment. I don't want to implicate my friends and family, especially you. I know it wasn't easy for you to get to where you are today. But right now, there are too many rumours about me...I..."

"Somi, since Kim Entertainment is your home, you have even more reason not to leave it!" Y/N tried to stop Jeon Somi. "I believe you've already seen enough of this life. Perhaps you are tired and annoyed by it. However, listen to me, if I can meet Taehyung, you can also find someone that is genuine towards you."

"Just hang in there..."

"Just hang in there a little longer!"

Jeon Somi did not respond. She simply gave a bitter laugh as she hung up the phone.

Y/N put down her phone. Just thinking about Jeon Somi's situation made her tremble in fear; the entertainment industry made her fearful and the unpredictable human mind filled her with panic.

As Taehyung came out of the study room after finishing his conference, he saw Y/N's pale expression. He reached out his arms to support her trembling body and realized her hands were icy cold. He immediately carried her over to the bed, "What's wrong?"

Y/N clutched Taehyung's arm in a daze, "The person that betrayed Somi was the man she had loved for many years."

In an instant, Taehyung understood what Y/N was afraid of. He cupped her cheeks between his hands and began to kiss her.

Sensing Taehyung's warm breath upon her lips, Y/N closed her eyes and became entangled in the moment. It was not until she felt her entire body completely heated up did she finally pull away from his lips.


"Much better," Y/N nodded.

The couple's eyes met. Taehyung did not need to hear a word from Y/N to know what she was thinking. Kim Entertainment was definitely going to get revenge on Star King and most importantly, they were going to make the betrayer face his consequences. Otherwise, what hope was left in this world?

What else...would give one courage to get back on their feet?

After Y/N calmed down her emotions, she gave Taehyung a nudge, "Go do your work. I'm fine."

Taehyung did not respond. He simply pulled Y/N up and led her into the study room. He was going to continue working, but he wasn't going to let Y/N out of his sight.

So, Y/N ended up sitting quietly as she observed Taehyung's serious expression while he worked. Every single decision he made, he would put it through careful consideration. This was exactly the look of a man that she admired.

After Taehyung finished working, Y/N wanted to return to her suite, but Taehyung carried her into the bathroom to bathe together. They then laid on the bed beside one another.

Y/N felt Taehyung embrace her from behind and couldn't help but laugh, "Didn't you say, during my working period we will stick to the contract?"

"Yep, but I am the President."

"Just because you are the President, does that mean you can cheat?" Y/N turned around, smiling as she pressed her body atop Taehyung's.

"For you, there's nothing I can't do," Taehyung replied after being stunned for a moment.

This sentence resonated clearly from the tip of Y/N's head to the rest of her body, making her freeze in surprise.

"I know you are afraid of losing me. But, I am more afraid of losing you."

All of a sudden, Y/N let out a giggle because she realized Taehyung understood her fears. It turned out, she wasn't the only one that was afraid...Taehyung was also afraid.

"So, why do you think I insisted on being your manager..."

"It had always been because of you..."

"All because of you."

Y/N's heart suddenly filled to the brim with a thing called 'confidence'. It all came from Taehyung's adoration. Because of this, she was no longer affected by Jeon Somi's situation. She simply believed in the feelings in her heart.

This man was the right person for her and he deserved her love.

"I still have one day of work. After I am done, let's return to Seoul together. Taehyung...promise me you won't let Star King and that man get away with what they've done."

Taehyung did not say a word. He decided to respond with his actions as he flipped his body and pressed Y/N firmly underneath him.

Y/N hooked her arms emotionally around Taehyung's neck. When it came to moments like this, the couple had long been in sync. Even a simple gesture was enough to understand each other's desires.

However, before they took things further, Y/N couldn't help but bite Taehyung on the shoulder...

It was like she wanted to leave an everlasting mark on his body; a symbol of exclusivity. This man is exclusive to Y/N, don't anyone dare lay a finger on him!

Jeon Somi's scandals spread rapidly. Even with Kim Entertainment's powerful attempt at suppressing the issue, they couldn't beat the exposure rate of 3+ scandals a day. The one-time international supermodel was once in an unreachable position, but because of the scandals, Jeon Somi's status plummeted and she suffered the ridicule and insults of netizens. She even directly affected Kim Entertainment.

Suho's PR method was to attract sympathy for Jeon Somi. After all, she was originally the victim. However, Jeon Somi wasn't in a positive mental state. If he wanted her to step out courageously, it wasn't going to be an easy task. A body was easy to teach, but, teaching a heart was harder than ascending to heaven.

Suho had never been betrayed before, so he couldn't possibly relate to the bone-penetrating pain of being humiliated. However, Y/N understood that pain well.

So, Y/N spoke to Suho on the phone before Suho went to Jeon Somi's apartment that night.

Jeon Somi's assistant tidied her messy home as Suho walked around and inspected the place.

Traces of Jeon Somi's man remained present in the home. However, he had pierced a million holes into the woman he was living with.

"If you want to drink something, just take it from the fridge. I have no energy to move," Jeon Somi said in a dispirited tone as she sat on the carpet.

Suho scanned his eyes over Jeon Somi and discovered her clothes were untidy, her hair was a mess, her face was pale and her eyes were lifeless.

"Y/N asked me to come over...she said you needed someone to keep you company." After saying these words, Suho felt a bit awkward, so he continued, "She's quite nosy isn't she? She can't even handle her own matters."

"I think she misunderstood. She probably thought I treated her as a friend," Jeon Somi laughed bitterly.

"Didn't you treat her as a friend?" Suho turned around and sat down on the sofa. He rested his elbows on the arms of the sofa and turned to look at Jeon Somi, "I spent a day with Y/N. It was during the fight for resources with Star King. Did you know? On the runway, she's so much better than Areum. She was born to be a model."

"However, during the selection process, she was faced with various obstacles. While waiting for the results, if it had been you, you would have turned and left Milan because of your pride. Even I was prepared to suggest she give up. Instead, she asked me for the client's phone number."

"She personally told them, if she couldn't be their spokesperson she would feel great regret. I'm not sure how moved they were by these words, but at least, if it was me, I would definitely give her a chance."

Jeon Somi listened quietly as Suho recalled everything that happened on the runway and everything that happened to Y/N. Admittedly, in this short 1-2 minute period, she had completely forgotten about her pain. Her mind was occupied with imagining how things would have been like if she was the one that went to Italy.

Suho analyzed her expression and smiled, "In all honesty, you are still deeply in love with your career, aren't you? It's not like you can't live without being in a relationship."

Jeon Somi lifted a bottle of wine and continuously emptied the contents into her mouth. She did not admit to what Suho said, nor did she deny it.

"Y/N said, your silence condones that man to continue hurting people around you: you, your parents, your friends, Kim Entertainment and Y/N. If you want to suffer on your own, then go ahead. But, have you thought about the people that care about you? How many years have Kim Entertainment supported you? Now they are being humiliated by Star King, where is your conscience?"

After hearing this, Jeon Somi's gaze finally revealed a trace of emotion.

"Right now, everyone is saying that you are in this predicament because you were jinxed by Y/N. Some of your fans have even started attacking Y/N. What has she done wrong? Why should she deal with your aftermath?"

"Jeon Somi, you shouldn't just blatantly accept how you are being treated, men can also show affection. How badly does your man hate you, for him to be violent towards you for so many years? The worst thing is, you did nothing wrong at all."

Hearing these words, Jeon Somi suddenly burst into tears. The person that was being betrayed, was her; the person being hurt, was her; and right now, the person being destroyed, was also her.

Suho approached her and wrapped her in a hug, allowing her to release her tears. It was not until she was quiet that he finally released her.

Jeon Somi sat quietly for a short moment before lifting her head and saying firmly, "What do you want me to do? I will cooperate."

Suho let out a sigh of relief and revealed a smile, "This is more like you; our heroine! Tomorrow morning, we will hold a press conference to clarify the entire incident. Trust me, as long as you work with me, I can guarantee that Star King will be in for a good show."

Jeon Somi nodded her head, "I will lift myself back up!"

Suho patted her on the shoulder to show support. He could sense the power in her voice.

Once a person's heart is already pierced with thousands of arrows, they are invincible - because they are no longer afraid of anything.


At the time Y/N was notified of Jeon Somi's decision, she was in the middle of finalizing her commercial. Perhaps it was because she was influenced by the power of rebirth, she was extra serious about her work; she was in the perfect state of mind as she stole the limelight from the Western models around her. Normally, in a commercial that involved both male and female models, because of the powerful presence of males in general, consumers' attention would usually be drawn to them first. But...Y/N's gaze was shockingly amazing; it was more wild and aggressive than a man's.

This was the last day of the shoot. After everything was completed, Y/N immediately held onto Taehyung's hand and said, "Let's return to Seoul."

"You don't want to have a day of rest?"

"I want to go cheer for Jeon Somi," Y/N pleaded for permission from her man.

Taehyung had no choice as he flipped her hand and held onto it tightly. He then met with Stenson one last time before booking the next flight back to Seoul.

However this time...the couple were to appear at the airport together!

They no longer had to act as strangers and no longer had to enter the airport at separate intervals to avoid the reporters. As Y/N entered the airport, she habitually checked around for reporters, but...

Taehyung reminded her, "Walk properly. Did you want to look shady in the reporter's photos?"

"But...you are with me."

"Correct, I am here with you. I am your manager, shouldn't I be here with you?" Taehyung placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him, preventing her from being swept away in the crowd.

Y/N looked at the busy airport filled with tourists and realized there weren't many reporters. She let loose and looked dependently at Taehyung before walking ahead; Taehyung and Rose followed behind.

This was something the media did not expect. When they were trying to stalk her for photos, she wouldn't allow them to even get a single shot. Yet now, when they were no longer following her, she was revealing everything out in the open.

However, someone did end up spotting Taehyung and Y/N. They approached Y/N for an autograph and asked, "Sister Park, why are you with President Kim?"

Y/N was stunned for a moment before suddenly answering in a gentle tone, "Because we have just finished some work together."

The girl smiled, jumped in front of Taehyung and handed her notebook to him, "In that case, can President Kim please give me an autograph? This is a rare opportunity."

Taehyung looked at the young girl and glanced at Y/N. Y/N shrugged: You were the one that didn't want to hide. So, you deserve to be asked for an autograph.

Taehyung's eyes swept over Y/N as he grabbed the black pen from the girl. After he signed his name he said to Y/N, "Can we go now?"

Y/N smiled. Being more cautious than before, she put on her sunglasses and face mask before boarding the plane.

"Since we've returned to Seoul, let's attend the Super Queen Awards Ceremony as a guest."

Super Queen was a ranking of the highest earning models in the past year. Jeon Somi's name was at the top of the list. However, with her current state, if she was to go alone, it would be much too worrying. So...Taehyung arranged for Y/N to attend as well. Not only because he wanted her to see the difference between herself and the top 3 ranked models, but also so she could cheer on Jeon Somi.

On that day, he was going to make a move. He was going to utilize the Super Queen Awards Ceremony to officially announce his role as Y/N's manager. By doing this, he would elevate Y/N's status to an all-time high.

"I'll let you decide," Y/N completely trusted Taehyung as she responded in a tired voice. Taehyung wrapped his arm around Y/N and placed a kiss on her forehead. At this moment in his mind, he didn't want to think of anything else. He simply wanted to give the best things to her.

Because of Jeon Somi's popularity, the media placed all their focus on Kim Entertainment's upcoming press conference. Not many people noticed Y/N and Taehyung were already on their way back to Seoul.

During her entire journey home, Y/N continuously heard similar conversations, "Stop saying Jeon Somi is pitiful. Who knows...maybe she is an even bigger gambler, it's just she is good at concealing it."

"I never expected a supermodel's life would be such a mess."

"She's even had 3 abortions! She probably can't have kids anymore."

"Definitely, how disgusting..."

After hearing these words, Y/N suddenly scoffed. She thought about all the times she had become other people's topics of discussion around the dinner table. All of a sudden she discovered, the most depressing thing was, all these people thought they knew everything, but they had no idea the suffering and helplessness that was happening behind closed doors.

Who said celebrities were the most liked..?

In reality, celebrities had the most enemies...

While sitting in the company van, Y/N suddenly held onto Taehyung's arm; only when Taehyung was around, did she feel rest assured. Taehyung placed Y/N's head on his lap and gently stroked her ink black hair with his warm hands, "I'll wake you up when we arrive home."

"No, Taehyung. You should deal with the problem at Kim Entertainment."

"A matter like this doesn't require me to step in," Taehyung replied in a cold tone. The small tricks played by Star King didn't hold any weight in his eyes, "Suho can handle it."

"In that case, I want to see Jeon Somi. Between us women, we need to have a bit of heart to heart."

Taehyung did not refuse. He simply asked Chanyeol to retrieve a not so flashy car from their garage and escorted Y/N to Jeon Somi's home.

However, Jeon Somi's home was surrounded by reporters. Jeon Somi had no way of leaving her home and Y/N had no way of getting in. So, Y/N gave Jeon Somi a phone call. Not long after, the carefully disguised Jeon Somi snuck out through a secret exit and boarded Y/N's car. Chanyeol drove the two women to a peaceful spot by the sea.

Jeon Somi had a scarf wrapped around her face the entire time. Even when there were no people around, she still did not remove it. Y/N seemed to have guessed something was wrong. She directly pulled the scarf off Jeon Somi's face and discovered her face was covered in wounds and bruises.

"Did you get hit again?"

Jeon Somi threw her scarf on the beach as she coughed up blood, "I had a showdown with the a*shole. As a result, he was so furious he wanted to kill me. So, I found an opportunity to run out."

Y/N looked at her quietly, without a word.

Jeon Somi leaned against the front of the car as tears uncontrollably rolled down her cheeks, "He wants all my assets. Otherwise, he will expose a sexual photo of us. I really want to kill myself and take him down with me. I'm too tired, much too tired!"

Y/N looked at Jeon Somi and asked in a serious tone, "Tell me honestly, how did that jerk's mistress die?"

"She was beaten to death on the streets. He assumed I had hired people to do it."

"Didn't you go investigate the truth afterward?" Y/N asked.

"Of course I did. But, even so, I needed someone to believe me..."

Y/N uncovered the crux of the issue. Perhaps this was the key to fighting the man, "Tell me all the evidence you have in your hands and instruct some people to investigate further."

"Somi, the best way to reap revenge on that jerk is to make him feel regret. You need to make him turn around and beg you...while you won't even take a second glance at him."

"You are still the same you: the famous supermodel. There is still a chance to turn the tables."

Jeon Somi looked at Y/N and was suddenly impressed by her clear-mindedness, especially when she suggested to make the jerk feel regret. There had been many times in the past when she would wake up in the middle of the night and be tempted to strangle the man beside her. However, in the end, she wasn't ruthless enough.

This time, she wasn't going to be so weak. She closed her eyes and agreed with Y/N's idea, "OK."

After speaking, Jeon Somi looked at Y/N and suddenly started laughing and crying, "Were you always this calm, or...was it because of training from President Kim?"

"He pulled me up from hell. He gave me a new lease on life."

"Y/N, you and President Kim must continue to love each other. At times, seeing people in love gives others strength. It makes one believe they can also find love."

Y/N turned around and stood side-by-side with Jeon Somi, "I'll fight for you and help you drown out the crowd."

"Let's go back. Suho has organized a press conference."

Y/N thought for a moment and suddenly suggested, "Let's not go to the press conference, let's go to the hospital instead...if you want to play the sympathy card, simply crying isn't enough. You need to show your wounds to our fellow females."

Jeon Somi understood Y/N's intent and nodded her head in agreement. The two similar women didn't need to say a word at this moment, they were pretty much good friends...in fact, they were practically like sisters.

Afterwards, Y/N returned to Hannam Dong. Not long after, a new entertainment news update was released: Just before the press conference, Jeon Somi had received new wounds and appeared to have been threatened to keep her mouth shut!

Following closely behind the news update, Suho revealed evidence of the truth; it was Jeon Somi's personal diary.

The diary was written from the point of view of a woman that had been wounded for many years. It chronicled all the sufferings and oppression she had experienced. Following the revelation of the diary, many people felt they could relate. Especially women, as soon as they read it, some even started crying...

The fuse that started this reaction was Jeon Somi's wounds...

Fellow females immediately ignited with a terrifying combat power. Not long after, public opinion started to sway...

" Somi, Y/N is amazing. Also, Suho's PR was handled really well. Right now, the majority of public opinion is on our side." Inside the hospital room, Jeon Somi's assistant read the news as her expression filled with joy, "However, you need to promise me, from now on, you won't be so silly. Even when I read through your diary, I cried for ages."

Jeon Somi felt she had risen from despair and was given new hope. Inside her heart, apart from anger, all her other painful emotions had subsided; perhaps it was because of Kim Entertainment's effective counterattack.

"All along, I thought Y/N was simply a pretty face. I didn't think she qualified to be as close as a sister to you."

"Did you think President Kim would look for someone with just a pretty face?" Jeon Somi asked.

Her assistant scratched her head awkwardly as she smiled.

Jeon Somi lowered her head and contemplated for a while. All of a sudden, she lifted her head and looked out the window as she spoke in a tone that surprised herself, "Y/N has the power to revive a person's heart. What do you think now? Do you still think she's just a pretty face?"

"I can completely understand why President Kim likes Y/N. In fact, I feel, in this entire world, only Y/N is worthy of Taehyung. Anyone else...I cannot accept."

"I don't know how Y/N used to be. All I know is, the current Y/N, is capable of seeing through to a person's soul."

Her assistant didn't understand a word she was saying. All she knew was, the reason Jeon Somi stood back on her feet so quickly was largely due to Y/N.

In fact, she could sense, this was a completely new Jeon Somi!

Possibly because Jeon Somi's gratitude towards Y/N had grown roots within her heart, from this day onward, she decided she would help Y/N achieve everything she wanted.


Because of her diary and her wounds, Jeon Somi managed to win this battle. However, if Star King thought Kim Entertainment had plenty of tolerance, they were underestimating Kim Entertainment and Taehyung...

Not long after, came the testimonies of the public; the fans counterattacks; the uniting of neighbours and close friends; and the praises from past collaborators. Everything the jerk had revealed became evidence against him.

Kim Entertainment's motive was to sweep Star King to the side as they directly turned Jeon Somi into a woman with a sad past. Her shocking past even attracted the attention of multiple film and television companies. They wanted to turn her story into a book and possibly adapt it into a film. Of course, regardless of whether the rumours were true or not, those that had previously disliked Jeon Somi or scolded her, no longer felt like they could hate her. Some even bought a spot in the newspaper to officially apologize to her.

Like this, Jeon Somi felt alive again...

Even if the jerk decided to release more scandals, the media's attention was no longer focused on him.

That night, the hospital room was extremely quiet. Meanwhile, Jeon Somi's assistant was interacting with fans online on behalf of Jeon Somi. A moment later, the assistant lifted her head and looked at Jeon Somi, "Somi, this..."

"What is it?" Jeon Somi retrieved her phone from her assistant. She realized fans were discussing the idea that Jeon Somi had been exposed because she was jinxed by Y/N.

"It's all because of the cheap model Y/N that our Somi had to face a situation like this."

"That's right! Y/N is like a poison. Wherever she goes, someone gets hurt!"

"How about we go defame Y/N?"

Seeing the fans comments, one after another, Jeon Somi logged into her account and personally responded, "The three fans that just talked negatively about Y/N. I hope you can stop liking me."

Seeing Jeon Somi's personal appearance, the fans went crazy as they frantically swiped their screens. However, Jeon Somi continued in seriousness, "I will only say it once. Without Y/N, I would not be reborn. So, from now on, if any of my fans insult Y/N in any way, I apologize in advance - because I will definitely tear you apart myself."

"My god, Somi is so powerful!"

"Somi...are you feeling better?"

"It seems Y/N has helped our Somi. Did you guys hear it properly, from now on, don't say anything negative about Y/N."

"Y/N isn't a poison, she is truly amazing."

Hearing Jeon Somi's words, her fans stopped their scolding for a bit before they started proclaiming one by one, "Somi, don't worry, I will pass your words onto your other fans. From now on, Y/N will become a target of our protection. We will definitely support the both of you until the end!"

"Go Somi!"

After seeing these comments, Jeon Somi was finally satisfied as she handed her phone back to her assistant.

Because of Jeon Somi's action of tearing her fans apart online, she attracted a lot of attention; not many celebrities would tear apart their own fans for the sake of another person. It was from this point onwards that word of the 'Park-Jeon friendship' began to circulate.


Late at night, Y/N was still looking through the information Jeon Somi had compiled. She was determined to find the real culprit and help Somi clear the suffering from being wronged for so many years.

Sitting to the side, Taehyung was busy with work. As soon as he saw how serious Y/N was, he put down his documents and walked to her side, "You've already done enough for Somi."

"Taehyung...what if that jerk decides to create hype by saying Somi instigated murder?"

"No one believes his words anymore," Taehyung told Y/N in a serious tone as he pulled her into his embrace, "It's not that I want to stop you from finding the real culprit, I simply don't want you to be so tired."

"What if I say Somi is my friend?"

Taehyung smiled as he picked up the information, "Mrs. Kim, how can I let you have no friends. Let me help you!"

Y/N hooked her arm around Taehyung's neck and kissed him on the lips before loosening her grip and continuing her investigation.

However, half a day passed without any progress. This made Y/N extremely disappointed. All she discovered was, the jerk's mistress wasn't anything great and she definitely had more than one man. So, Taehyung put down the information in his hands and turned to Y/N, "Sometimes, you don't necessarily have to find the truth, you can also create an illusion."

Y/N turned her head towards Taehyung. With one look the couple could understand each other.

"I understand."

Y/N gave a simple 2-word reply.

"No matter how the mistress died, she is definitely not someone with a clean past. Since Somi has suffered so many years because of her, it is her turn to suffer now."

Y/N understood Taehyung's intention. He was suggesting she create an illusion that the woman was killed by another male lover. This would make the jerk that had tortured Somi for many years get a taste of his own medicine; the 'true love' he had been so adamant about turned out to be a joke. He was simply one of the woman's many men!

Taehyung hugged Y/N from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder as he took a deep breath, "When I'm with you, I don't need to say too much because you will always understand me."

"That's because you also understand me..."

"That's why you deserve to be given the best..."

As soon as she heard this, Y/N furrowed her brows, 

"What do you plan on giving me this time?"

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