[59] Boss Has Revealed Your Relationship!

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As well as this, Taehyung also gave Suho a phone call, "Keep mine and Y/N's name at the top of search rankings..."

"If Y/N sees this, she will feel a lot better."

Suho's mind exploded. Taehyung had asked him to place a photo of the couple together at Kim Entertainment's celebration dinner, just so Y/N would feel more comfortable.

Must he be such a wife slave?

"Following on, what else should we do?"

"On behalf of the agency, send Star King a warning not to stir up trouble and to tell Jae-min to clarify the entire incident," Taehyung instructed.

"But, that spoilt heir definitely won't cooperate. Didn't he create this incident on purpose?"

"So, let's wait until the issue escalates before we hold a press conference and invite this 'rumored boyfriend'. At that time, let's see how Y/N will deal with him," Taehyung explained calmly. "We don't need to help Star King protect their pride. Since the spoilt heir wants to play, then stripping Star King of their pride is a reasonable consequence."

"I've heard quite some time ago that Star King's board of directors have an interest in the Jae family's authority over the operations of the agency," Suho added.

Hearing this, Taehyung removed the phone from his hear and hung up.

His eyes looked dark and piercing.

Because when it came to interest in authority, Star King wasn't the only one faced with this problem. There was also someone in Kim Entertainment that had been wanting to cause trouble.


Online, arguments regarding the photos posted by Jae-min could not be resolved. So, people were bound to complain and try their best to uncover the truth.

However, this time, fans were no longer battling on their own. Because before she went overseas, Y/N had promised Taehyung that she would treat her fans well. So, she logged onto Rose's account and made an appearance on social media.

"With this incident, our Y/N is bound to be defamed again..."

"Why can't these people let our Y/N be happy?"

"They must be envious of our Y/N and Taehyung being together..."

"But, if we are to complain, it would only attract people to say bad things about us fans. What did our Y/Niee do wrong to be defamed like this. I can't let this continue, in a minute I am going to calculate how many times our Y/N has been defamed altogether."

"We have suffered so much and received so many insults. I am about to cry from the anger."

Seeing this, Y/N immediately used Rose's identity to post a comment, "Let me hand you a tissue."

At first, the fans did not notice. But then someone spotted Rose's photo and quickly responded.

"Slow down...Was that Y/N's assistant that just commented?"

"Rose! Quick, tell us how Y/N's doing!"

"Geez...I reckon she's not allowed to speak recklessly."

"I am well," Y/N responded directly.

She responded with 'I am well'...not, 'she is well'...

The fans erupted in excitement. In a few seconds, Y/N's message had already been overtaken by the flooding of comments.

"Am I seeing things? Did she just say 'I am well'?"

"Rose, have you gone insane?"

Y/N looked at the comments of disbelief and typed another comment, "Uncover what should be uncovered, no need to be afraid. President Jae-min and I aren't familiar with each other. So, don't let yourselves suffer. If your complaints don't work, let me know, I will help."



"Are you Y/N?"

Y/N stared at the screen blankly for a moment before taking a selfie and posting it online, "Yes, I am."

With the appearance of these three words and a photo, the fans were fueled with firepower. They immediately shared Y/N's comment to all their friends, and fans that weren't online, were immediately notified. In an instant, the forum multiplied in users.

Luckily, Rose was the moderator. So even though Y/N couldn't continue chatting to them, she was able to post up an announcement.

"I won't attack unless I am attacked first."

This was the motto Y/N lived by. Hardcore fans all knew this was the type of person Y/N was.

So, with Y/N's encouragement, her fans finally had the confidence they needed. They believed in Y/N, because they felt having brains was a good trait that not necessarily everyone had.

When it came to the current scandal that was going around, those with even the slightest intellect would be able to see the truth. Regardless of the fact that Taehyung was Y/N's manager and had control over all aspects of her life, even if he wasn't her manager, those with eyes would be able to tell that there was no way Y/N would give up Taehyung for Jae-min.

Above all, it wasn't like Y/N was blind!

So, her fans had 100% trust in her. With the addition of her appearance online, they were given the confidence they needed and were no longer going to tolerate the abuse of the outside world.

It turned out...being able to interact closely with one's fans would give one's existence so much meaning and satisfaction.

Y/N had a cold appearance, but it didn't mean she was cold-hearted.

Previously, she didn't have time for her fans because she was still working hard to advance.

She didn't have much of a status, so how could she protect the status of others?

Now, she had the ability and confidence, she could finally protect her fans...

Not long after...

...Seoul entered into darkness. Taehyung returned home from Kim Entertainment with a cold vibe.

Upon seeing Y/N sitting on the sofa looking at her fans' comments, he sat down beside her and pulled her into his embrace, "These days I can return home to see your smile. Y/N...you sure have changed."

Y/N put down her phone and leaned into Taehyung's arms, "Is it a good change, or a bad change?"

"Have you not noticed? When we first met, your heart was rock hard. Although you trusted me, it was because you forced yourself under the belief that it would benefit you. But, slowly, your heart began to soften even though you still had your doubts about the world."

"Now, you have completely let go of everything. You actually have the impulse to interact with the outside world and share your thoughts with them. You've even started to argue with me. I feel, the Y/N right now, is truly made of flesh and blood."

After hearing Taehyung's words, Y/N was a little surprised.

All along, she had thought she didn't change much, but now that she thought about it, she was indeed just like Taehyung said.

"That's because you treated me so well, so I was able to trust there are people in this world that are willing to give without complaints and regrets. It was because I first started trusting you that I slowly started to trust the rest of the world," Y/N held back her tears and continued, "President Kim, it sure is true that only when one gets treated with love will they learn to love."

Taehyung reached out his hand and gently wiped away Y/N's tears before planting a kiss upon her dewy eyelashes. He smiled, "I'm going to go have a shower. Don't look at your phone for too long, it's not good for your eyes. Plus...what are you crying about? Our lives will continue to be happy like this."

"So, even if Jae-min defames you like this..."

"...there is no need to be afraid."

Y/N nodded her head as she wiped her tears, "I've never been afraid. I've got you."

"Then, let's just wait to watch a good show. I am going to get something out of Star King and give it to you as a gift!" After speaking, Taehyung stood up, took off his jacket and headed for the bedroom.

Good show?

It seemed President Kim wasn't merely going to punish Star King.

After all, this black-bellied man had also placed a photo of them online and was currently ruling over the search rankings...

Just before going to bed, Somi called asking for the entire story. She wondered if Y/N had somehow got on the spoilt heir's bad side.

Y/N held onto the phone as she giggled, "Who told him to be the heir of Star King? He can mess around whatever way he wants without caring about other's feelings."

"If we look at the ultimate cause, it is all because of Taehyung." Somi was aware that Taehyung had not given Jae-min face at multiple events. So this was a result of his revenge.

"You don't need to differentiate between myself and Taehyung. Let's meet up tomorrow. I'll come to your place."

As soon as Somi heard Y/N suggest going to her place, she suddenly remembered she had not yet told Y/N she had moved to Suho's home. Previously, when she wanted to tell her, Taehyung had picked up the phone. Now that Y/N brought it up, she didn't know where to start.

"I am currently packing and my home is a mess...I have also started interviewing for Fashion Week..."

"OK, I guess we'll talk later." After speaking, Y/N wanted to hang up the phone. But, suddenly, a man's voice could be heard coming from the other side of the phone.

"Have you finished packing?" Suho strode into the guest room and noticed Somi's bed was a mess.

"If I remember correctly...your manager and assistant are both women, right? Somi..." Y/N asked.

Somi glared at Suho and pointed to her phone. Suho understood, but he did not remain quiet; he was well aware that Somi only had one friend, Y/N.

So, he grabbed the phone from Somi's hand and said, "Y/N, she is currently packing her luggage. She will be taking an early flight tomorrow and needs some rest..."

Y/N recognized Suho's voice and guessed what was going on. Previously, she had put in so much effort to matchmake them, but all they gave her were looks of disinterest. Now that she had given up, they suddenly got together themselves.

Love was something that only those involved knew the truth.

"Are you at her home?"

"She has moved to my home," Suho explained.

"Then, don't sleep too late," Y/N did not disturb them any longer. She was truly happy for Somi, but...she couldn't help wonder about the child.

"Did she say anything else?" Somi asked after he saw Suho had hung up.

Suho helped Somi close her suitcase before turning around and smiling ambiguously, "She told us not to sleep too late."

"Actually, I was about to tell you that I accidentally spilled some moisturizing toner on the bed."

Suho put Somi's suitcase on the floor and looked at the wet patch on the bed. He picked up Somi's pillow and then grabbed her hand, "Tonight...sleep in my room."

"Before you leave, I'll let you use me as a bolster."


Meanwhile, after Y/N hung up the phone, she noticed Taehyung had not yet returned to the bedroom. So, she went to look for him in the study room and sat down beside him.

"How come you still aren't sleeping?"

"It seems, Somi and Suho are officially together," Y/N leaned against Taehyung's shoulder as she looked down at the document in his hands.

"Wasn't this what you had hoped for? You should always trust your instincts."

"You should stop working now. You still need to attend the filming commencement press release for an IP drama tomorrow," Y/N pulled the document away from Taehyung's hands, intertwined her fingers with his and headed back to the bedroom together.

The next day.

Taehyung was getting changed in the walk-in wardrobe when Chanyeol made a phone call. He called to report that Jae-min was once again stirring up trouble. On his personal social media page, he posted up a bold poem about the sexual pleasures between a man and a woman.

Jae-min did not clarify who the poem was directed at, but he was obviously trying to battle it out with Taehyung. As Taehyung had taken over the search rankings the day before with his suggestive post, Jae-min decided to make his own suggestion that he and Y/N had already taken things to the next level.

Taehyung did not say anything. He put on his grey checkered suit jacket and stepped out of the wardrobe to remind Y/N who was cooking breakfast, "You don't have anything scheduled today, so there's no need for you to leave the house."

"Are you trying to hide the poem from me?" Y/N asked in a soft voice.

"I'm just afraid, with all the mess that's happening outside, you will be accidentally injured."

Y/N handed a glass of milk to Taehyung and nodded her head, "I'll stay at home and watch movies."

"Don't look at the discussions online."

"I can practically imagine what they would say. There's no difference whether I look at it or not."

By doing this, Jae-min had forcefully exploited her. Even if this incident was to pass, it would leave a stain on her name. Because she couldn't deny that a large majority of people didn't actually care about the truth.

They simply followed the crowd.

And joined in with the complaints.

In reality, they were simply bored and didn't care who they were dealing with and how great their personality was.

"I will handle it."

So, without even eating breakfast, Taehyung directly left home. After getting in the car, he instructed Chanyeol, "Head to the press release."

Afterwards, he pulled out his phone and gave Father Jae a phone call. His voice was stable without a trace of worry, "Either your son disappears or Star King will disappear."

Father Jae had only just found out what his b*astard son had done and understood that he had offended Taehyung quite badly. So, he wasn't surprised to receive a phone call like this. Taehyung was forcing him to make a choice.

"President Kim..."

"If he steps out and says one more word, then both he and Star King will disappear together."

Father Jae shook with fear. Just as he was about to explain things, Taehyung had already hung up the phone. Taehyung immediately picked up his laptop, wrote out an official statement and sent it to Suho.

"Step one: Warn Star King."

"Step two: Release the statement."

"Step three: Hold a press conference at 3pm and present the video evidence."

"Step four: Another warning, but this time, it's a warning to the outside world and the media: Before the day ends, I want them to clean up everything on the surface..."

As for himself, he was naturally going to do what he needed to do.

Suho didn't dare to delay. He immediately ordered the legal team to contact Star King, warning them that if they didn't control Jae-min, Kim Entertainment would have no choice but to take on coercive measures.

"Kim Entertainment has made a move, they've already sent out a legal notice to Star King."

"I have a feeling this Jae-min has something wrong with his head. Does he think everyone's stupid?"

"But, he still posted up the photo even though he knew he'd be defamed. Isn't this a show of true love?"

"From what I see, this is merely two men fighting over a woman, how childish!"

"Poor Y/N is being insulted by all the passersby who have no idea about the truth. If she steps out to explain, they will scold her; if she doesn't step out to explain, they will still scold her. She's in a pretty difficult position."

"I'm still determined to support the 'Tae-Y/N' coupling. President Kim isn't stupid; if Y/N really did do something to betray him, he would have sent her away a long time ago. There would be no way that he'd continue to protect her."

"President Kim...when will you step out to speak for Y/N."

This question from the fans was also the question Rose wanted to ask. After witnessing Jae-min further intensify the situation, she felt like she was about to explode from anger as she stormed over to Hannam Dong.


"I know what you want to say. However, I trust in Taehyung," Y/N replied as she held a book in her hands. "I know what he plans on doing. I know better than anyone how much thought he has put into it."

Because Taehyung knew better than anyone; this time, he had to personally speak up.

"Plus, I can't step out to counterattack Jae-min since it would degrade Taehyung's style. Taehyung and I are one unit, I can't act like I'm on my own against the jerk."

"So, what can I do? All I can do is trust in him!"

Rose rubbed her chin and thought for a moment before suddenly saying in an excited tone, "I heard from Chanyeol that internally at Star King there is a power struggle happening. The more Jae-min does stupid things, the more the Jae family's standing in the agency will be at risk."

"A power struggle means there will be a movement of shares. Rose, go find out how the shares are currently split."

"You're also interested in seizing Star King?" Rose asked. "Even though you did quite well this quarter, buying out Star King's shares will be very tiring."

"I just want to understand where they're at. Where has your mind wandered off to?" Y/N looked at Rose and shook her head. "Perhaps, someday, Taehyung will have use for it even though he may not need us to investigate for him."

"Don't underestimate me. In reality, lots of important information started spreading from small channels like myself." After speaking, Rose stood up from the sofa. After confirming that Y/N didn't need anyone to keep her company, she swiftly left Hannam Dong; she needed to put her strengths to good use...


10am. The super IP drama that was adapted from the web novel, 'Evil Child', was holding its press release.

This web novel that had accumulated a huge following online was to be adapted into one of the most anticipated dramas of the year. It was to be directed by a top local director, produced by Kim Entertainment's subsidiary company and brought together A-lister actors and actresses.

Taehyung's attendance at this press release obviously received as much attention as the author of the story.

As a few of the actors/actresses came from Kim Entertainment, they couldn't avoid being questioned about Y/N and Taehyung. Of course, this all happened for a few hours in the backstage.

Although they were asked questions that were unrelated to the drama or themselves, they still responded calmly, "We trust in President Kim."

"And do you also trust in your junior sister??"

At this moment, Taehyung exited the press release with a few of the drama's important people. His footsteps were deliberately slower than usual; it seemed he wanted to give the reporters time to surround him as he faced them calmly.

Meanwhile, the few people that were walking with him stood to one side and waited for him as they acted serious.

"President Kim, can you answer the current hot topic question?"

"Which hot topic question?" Taehyung wasn't pleased with the reporter's cowardice, so he pushed him to continue.

The questioning reporter analyzed Taehyung's expression and realized he had the desire to answer, so he gathered his courage and asked, "The...the question about the love triangle between yourself, Y/N and the heir of Star King."

"I'm afraid I can't give you an answer regarding this, because it's not something I partake in," Taehyung said directly into the cameras.

The reporter was stunned for a moment before realizing Taehyung's response was a form of clarification, so he took the opportunity to continue, "In that case, how is Y/N doing? What was her reaction when she found out about this matter?"

"She is fine. As for her reaction, she did not have much of a reaction. After all, she's not very familiar with Star King's heir."

Apart from the time he protected Y/N at the awards ceremony, this was the first time he talked about Y/N in the open.

The couple were both not people to give explanations. Even when rumors of their relationship were spreading like wildfire, Taehyung did not mention a single word about Y/N. And even when the two people didn't seem to leave each other's side, at least at events like today's, Taehyung never mentioned Y/N.

But today, Taehyung had finally opened his mouth.

He wanted to let them know that Y/N and Jae-min weren't familiar.

This was a clarification in disguise.

He didn't say much, he simply said they weren't familiar.

But, it was enough to draw a clear line between Y/N and Jae-min...

"So, you are saying Y/N is completely unaffected?"

"Why should she be affected by something that is unrelated to her?" Taehyung asked back.

"Then what about the incident with Y/N meeting Star King's heir in France..."

"Regarding whether they met, Kim Entertainment will release evidence this afternoon." After speaking, Taehyung instructed for security to clear the way as he left the scene.

This was the response Taehyung gave to the public as Y/N's manager.

His words seemed to contain multiple meanings: what kind of joke is this and how does it relate to Y/N?; our Y/N is simply another member of the audience, she has no idea how she ended up 'meeting' with someone; our Y/N and Star King have no relations, please don't drag her onto the same level as them; to be honest, we are also waiting to witness a good show...

Although his response wasn't official, it was consistent with Taehyung's approach. Not long after, Taehyung's response entered the hottest search rankings.

"Although President Kim spoke in all seriousness, his real response was obviously, 'Oh, so you guys are talking about my Y/N?'"

"Haha, let's imagine President Kim's expression as he goes home to deal with Y/N: 'Hubby has taken on all the rumors for you today, how will you thank me?'"

"Since Taehyung has denied Y/N and Jae-min's relationship, that must mean...Jae-min lied?"

"Our Jae-min is, after all, a rich heir, why would he release his anger on a sl*tty model. Isn't that degrading himself?"

"What a sl*tty model! She cheated and she won't admit to it."

"Wait a minute, President Kim said Kim Entertainment will be releasing evidence. I wonder what evidence it will be."

"I've finally heard news about Y/N from President Kim's mouth. God, what a rare event. These two are way too low profile..."

"We've already dreamt about it for long enough, when will these two come out and give us a treat? Are they lovers? Please stop being so ambiguous..."

"Just sit and wait for Kim Entertainment's press conference!"

Online, discussions were still varied. But, after Taehyung's response, insults towards Y/N decreased. Everyone was well aware that Taehyung had no time for trash talking, let alone creating a story to lie to the masses.

This was definitely something he wouldn't do!

After the press release, Taehyung returned to Kim Entertainment. En route in the car, he gave Suho a phone call, "Contact Star King and tell Jae-min to attend this afternoon's press conference."

"If he doesn't come, he will face the consequences!"

"President, what about Y/N? Should we bring her as well?"

"No need," Taehyung replied in a stable tone.

Since Y/N said she was disgusted by Jae-min, for the sake of his wife's appetite, there was no way he was going to let Jae-min appear in front of Y/N again.

"OK, I understand...I will handle it."

Afterwards, Taehyung hung up the phone before calling Chanyeol.

"Help me make a personal social media account. I need to use it this afternoon," Taehyung instructed.

Chanyeol was a little surprised; it seemed Taehyung was about to make a big move.

Taehyung was never one to use social media. For him to suddenly be interested in it, what reason could there be?

He obviously wanted to announce something, or perhaps...reveal something...

"I understand President. I will have it ready by the time the press conference comes around," Chanyeol replied swiftly.

Star King Chairman's Office.

Father Jae was watching the entertainment news. He sighed as he turned off the television and called his secretary over the intercom, "Tell President Jae-Min to come see me."

"I'm sorry Chariman Jae, President Jae-min isn't in the office..." the secretary replied cautiously.

Father Jae held his chest subconsciously; he was so angry he could barely breathe, "Send someone to find him immediately. Kim Entertainment has requested Jae-min appear at a press conference at 3pm, we can't let this piece of trash damage the interests of Star King."

"Yes, Chairman Jae."

The secretary hung up the phone and immediately contacted Jae-min.

But, the man involved did not show the slightest bit of regard towards the situation. He sailed out to sea as planned, wrapped his arms around as many models as he could and completely flaunted the life of a rich heir.

At this moment, Jae-min was out at sea drinking with his lousy group of friends. The few rich kids raised their glasses of champagne at Jae-min and laughed, "Kim Entertainment and your father are looking everywhere for you. You've caused such a huge a mess your father is going to skin you alive when you get back."

"Plus, this morning after the press release of 'Evil Child', President Kim directly said that Y/N isn't familiar with you, meaning the poem you put up has nothing to do with her."

"Bro, don't tell me you are so underhanded as to frame a model? How embarrassing!"

Jae-min's face changed from red to white and from white to green.

"Let's sail back."

"Are you really planning to attend Kim Entertainment's press conference?"

Jae-min smashed his glass of champagne on the floor and pulled out his phone, ordering for his people to post up the photo he had photoshopped of Y/N kissing Taehyung (which had been edited to look like him). The caption that accompanied the photo was, "Was the love we shared fake?"

"The heir has released another photo and has admitted to being the man that Y/N was kissing in the photo released not too long ago."

"No way! Does this mean Y/N had a secret affair with him from a long time ago? Does President Kim know of this?"

"What kind of a show is this?"

"Now that I look at it, the man in the photo does look like the heir."

The original photo had been completely removed by Kim Entertainment's PR, whereas the photo that circulated afterwards, was the one that Jae-min photoshopped. So, there was a huge percentage of people that believed it.

With the addition of Jae-min's personal admittance, it seemed, Y/N and Jae-min's relationship was pretty much confirmed by observers.

Was Kim Entertainment going to present evidence?

He couldn't wait to see what evidence they had.

After returning from the seaside to Star King, Jae-min directly threw open the doors to his father's office. Father Jae glared at him coldly and said in a deep voice, "I am already old, how much longer do you want to clown around? You obviously know the difference between you and Taehyung, must you insist on provoking Kim Entertainment?"

"In your heart, am I always wrong?"

"Over the years, apart from causing trouble and flirting with girls, what results have you achieved? Have you made a single penny for Star King?"

"Do you know how many people have their eyes on your father's chair?"

"I can't live for a few hundred years and I can't take care of you for a few lifetimes!"

Jae-min was struck by Father Jae's words. His eyes opened wide as he yelled back, "I am determined to cause trouble for Taehyung!"

Seeing his son couldn't be saved, Father Jae pointed his finger shakily at the door, "Get out!"

"Also, you created the problem. Kim Entertainment has asked for you to attend their press conference at 3pm. If you don't want me to cast aside my so-called CEO son, you better not drag Star King down with you."

After hearing this, Jae-min left the office without turning around.

So what if he played around? Wasn't this world a rich person's playground? She was just a measly model that had slept with multiple men. Couldn't he insult her a little bit?

He completely did not understand why Taehyung would put a wedge between the two companies over a simple model...

So, he decided he was going to go to the press conference. Why wouldn't he?

After all, in his father's eyes, he was a good-for-nothing brat.


The scandal continued to escalate and discussions became more heated. Taehyung simply wanted to draw a line between Y/N and Jae-min, yet Jae-min refused to let it happen...

So, just before 3pm, Suho finished preparing the press conference with a serious expression. Of course, he had got his hands on extra evidence, since Jae-min had just made another disgusting move.

Underneath the stage, neat rows of reporters were seated. Their expressions were filled with excitement.

Originally, they thought Taehyung's words were final. Who would have thought, Jae-min would once again throw out a counterattack.

Right now, one man simply said they weren't familiar with nothing to show, whereas the other claimed they were in love with evidence to support. The truth was now dependent on the evidence Kim Entertainment was about to put forward.

"It's almost 3pm but Jae-min hasn't arrived!"

"I doubt the heir will show up."

"Who knows? I heard someone ran into him taking some beauties out to sea."

Suho watched as the reporters chatted amongst themselves. His face didn't contain much emotion. He knew today's press conference wasn't merely aimed at making Star King pay, Taehyung was also going to painfully criticize these reporters below the stage.

Unfortunately, for the sake of preparing this press conference, he did not have the time to even escort Somi to the airport; he let her leave on her own. Thinking about it made him feel like an incompetent boyfriend.

3pm on the dot, the press conference commenced. However, there was still no sign of Jae-min. It seemed he really did not have the intention to appear. But, Suho did not care. If Jae-min appeared, it simply meant the revelations that were about to unfold would be more spectacular.

Suho signaled for silence and the entire hall was quiet. All that could be heard were the sounds of camera shutters.

Suho scanned the audience, gave a slight bow and began, "Firstly, I would like to welcome our friends from the media. By now, you are probably sick of seeing me. After all, I am the one that represents Kim Entertainment at every single press conference no matter big or small. But, I have no choice, who told me to be so good looking?"

The reporters laughed.

"OK, let's return to the main focus and let's talk about something serious." After speaking, Suho turned around to look at the huge projector screen behind him. But suddenly, there was a commotion around the doorway of the hall; Jae-min appeared from the crowd wearing a black coat and blue glasses.

"How could you start without me?"

Suho looked at Jae-min with a smirk, "Welcome, President Jae."

"What? Am I the only one brave enough to come? Where's my precious Y/N and President Kim?" Jae-min smiled provokingly.

Suho suddenly smiled, stood up straight and replied, "Our Y/N said she is disgusted at the sight of you. As for our President, he has no need to drop all his work and waste his time on a spoilt heir."

As Suho said these words, his tone wasn't very friendly; releasing the powerful anger he had concealed inside him.

Of course, he also held Jae-min accountable for preventing him from seeing Somi off at the airport.

"What did you say?" As a spoilt heir, Jae-min had never experienced such an insult. So, he too, released his anger...

"Compared to what you have done, what I have said to you can be considered as polite."

"That can't change the fact that Y/N and I are in a relationship."

Suho couldn't be bothered to look at Jae-min. He directly pointed the remote at the screen behind him and began to present the evidence...

Upon the screen, the first thing that appeared, was the photo Jae-min had released in the afternoon. However, it had been enlarged.

Indeed, it could be seen that the figure of the man was very similar to Jae-min and a few of the features resembled him.

So, the media were curious what Suho was trying to say.

Was he trying to clarify the truth or was he trying to say that Y/N and Jae-min were indeed in a relationship?

"That's indeed President Jae-min..."

"It is, isn't it?"

"What is Director Suho trying to do?"

Suho looked at the reporters and asked them, "Can you see any flaws? Neither can I. Now...let's look at the original photo," as soon as he spoke, another photo appeared on the screen next to the photo Jae-min had posted up; the two photos looked almost identical.

"I would like to ask everyone to compare the two photos carefully. The picture on the right came from Jae-min's social media account, whereas the left one was the first photo that started circulating. We got this photo from a netizen."

"Don't tell me you guys haven't noticed that the height of the man has changed?" Suho led the audience.

"Although we can't see his face, our Y/N is roughly 178cm tall, and in the original photo, there is a height difference of about 12cm. What about President Jae-min's photo? The man is practically the same height as Y/N. If everyone looks closely at the background, doesn't it look like it has been edited?"

"What can this prove?" Jae-min sneered.

Suho remained patient and continued to present his evidence. On the screen, another photo appeared. It was a message from the estate that the manor belonged in, "This is a private estate and from what we know, Jae-min does not own any property here."

"Y/N took me there..."

"I'm sorry, but Y/N doesn't have property in there either. According to the rules of the estate, only an owner of a property is allowed to bring guests into the estate. In a moment, the owner of the manor and car in the photo will make an appearance to clear everything up. Let's not waste any more time. I'm sure the conclusion is clear..."

"...that President Jae-min's photo has gone through professional editing..."

As soon as Suho's words left his mouth, the reporters at the scene were in an uproar. Kim Entertainment's evidence was extremely conclusive. Plus, there were plenty of those familiar with photo editing present. Simply looking at Jae-min's photo wasn't enough to pick out the flaws, but when placed next to the original, it looked much too fake.

"OK, we have finally clarified this issue; there was never any love between Y/N and Jae-min. Now, let's move onto the question of whether Y/N is familiar with Jae-min," Suho continued to lead the media as he presented another photo that Jae-min had posted up.

"2 coffee cups appear in this photo posted by President Jae-min. At the same location, there appears to be Y/N's back. Since, they don't appear in the same frame, does that mean they are on a date?"

"Don't tell me you have evidence against this as well," Jae-min's expression changed. When he had asked someone to trail Y/N, he specifically told him to avoid the bodyguards.

"President Jae-min, even if I don't have evidence, do you think the people of Paris are blind?" Suho couldn't help but laugh.

"Kim Entertainment has connections everywhere and can pay passersby to say whatever they want. I feel like I am the one that is blind. How could I have been interested in Y/N, the sl*t. Now, all I get in the end is Kim Entertainment messing with me."

"Thinking about your father, my cheeks are hurting on his behalf." After Suho sneered at Jae-min, he pressed the remote control in his hand and revealed a video on the screen.

In the video, Y/N was all by herself from the moment she stepped out of the hotel...

Including when she strolled the streets, went shopping and drank coffee...

Date? What nonsense.

Jae-min's mind suddenly went blank as he clenched his fists nervously.

Suho saw through to Jae-min's emotions. An heir like Jae-min only knew how to have fun. He didn't consider logic at all and felt that hurting others made him feel better.

But, today, he was going to teach this spoilt heir a lesson on behalf of Taehyung, Y/N and even Father Jae.

"I'm sure everyone can see that Y/N was all alone from the moment she left the hotel. She did not go on any dates and did not meet up with anyone. She was simply passing time as she waited for her flight back to Seoul. As for this video, where did it come from?"

Suho connected a phone call to the hotel where Y/N stayed and allowed the manager to explain to everyone, "On that day, President Kim hired our bodyguards. In order to protect Miss Y/N, our bodyguards had pinhole cameras attached to them. It does not intrude into our guest's privacy; it is merely used to monitor their surroundings."

"This is something that all our hotel guests are aware of. Of course, it can also be customized to our guest's needs."

After the call ended, Suho spread out his arms, "I'm sure the truth is clear to see. Unfortunately, our Y/N was attacked online and received various insults because of President Jae-min's recklessness. President Jae-min, you seem quite heartless. Y/N has no past grudges with you, yet you did this to a woman. Could it be that you only have the ability to bully women?"

"Everyone knows that Y/N is not one to explain things. She knows she hasn't done anything wrong. But, if you guys were in her place, how would you feel?"

The reporters below the stage looked down in shame.

"I really want to ask, how has Y/N offended you? Why is it that everytime something tiny happens, the media would blow it up and attack her?"

After hearing this, Jae-min got up to leave, but Suho held him back, "Since the situation got blown out of proportion, Kim Entertainment has no intention to call it a truce. The police want to see the person that maliciously started spreading rumors. President Jae-min, as the heir to an entire agency that did something as unmanly as bullying a woman, shouldn't you express your thoughts?"

"Actually, there's no need. After all, you are a famous spoilt heir, it is only reasonable for you to be prodigal. So, after all this, Kim Entertainment will seek Star King for responsibility."

Jae-min turned and glared at Suho. However, Suho was unfazed.

Meanwhile, the media whispered and pointed at Jae-min. Worst of all, everyone in Seoul was now aware that Jae-min was the type of man to bully women.

To top it off, Suho's last sentence completely trampled over Jae-min's pride.

"If you're looking to cause trouble, you should come look for me."

Suho shook his head and looked at Jae-min provokingly, "Why should I look for you? All you know how to do is bully women..."

...you scrawny man.

Everyone finished the sentence in their minds.

Of course, with the humiliation Jae-min suffered in front of so many people, Star King's people would have to walk around with their tails between their legs from now on. Perhaps, they may even need to wear masks to hide their embarrassment.

Jae-min framed Y/N!

The almighty heir of Star King; the Jae family descendant, Jae-min, who had loads of potential, actually tried to frame a model. Worst of all - this model was a woman!

At this time, not only the public but also the people at Star King were filled with discussions, "I feel so ashamed. Star King has been completely embarrassed by this spoilt heir."

"I feel that a real man wouldn't bully a woman in this way. Only women would make things difficult for other women. Could the heir be a transvestite?"

"How did the chairman give birth to rubbish like this? If I was him, I would have trampled him to death a long time ago to prevent him from dragging me down in such a way."

"Right now he is framing women, what other disgusting things would he do in the future? It's not like a spoilt heir like him would care about other's feelings."

Father Jae held onto some documents as he walked into Star King. As he overheard the whisperings of his staff, his face turned red. In anger, he directly kicked open his office door.

His secretary followed behind in fear as she asked him cautiously, "Chairman, would you like me to go look for President Jae-min?"

Father Jae took a deep breath. Suddenly, he gripped onto his chest and knelt on the floor in pain. His secretary was so frightened, she immediately called the ambulance.


Y/N's innocence had finally been proven. At this time, her fans began to circulate the message she left online when she made an appearance not too long ago.

A netizen naively asked the fans, "Why didn't Y/N step out to explain earlier?"

"If our Y/N stepped out to explain, would you have believed her?"

"We are also women, but why is it that when you see a male celebrity, you would make up an excuse for them no matter what they do. Whereas, when it came to Y/N - an innocent model - she had to suffer malicious speculation and insults from her own gender?"

The netizen was speechless and no longer responded.

"Enough! We've had enough. Y/N has been defamed in every way possible. All that is missing is her being forced to kneel to the netizens. From now on, we will protect her."

"That's right, from now on, Y/N will be protected by us and we will no longer allow her to get hurt."

Her fan club created an international Y/N anti-defamation alliance and quickly attracted tens of thousands of fans that wanted to join. As they had experience dealing with the industry, the fans split up their workload and created a system.

Some took charge of spotting defamation claims, some took charge of researching information and some compiled a database of Y/N's achievements since her debut. In conclusion, the forming of this alliance was extremely meaningful to Y/N.

Because, she could finally see that there were more and more people wanting to protect her.

Meanwhile, another big event happened on social media. The CEO of Kim Entertainment, Taehyung, created a personal social media account.

In an instant, a countless number of fans already started following him. By the time 7pm came around, he already had over 100,000 followers.

This was a frightening number. The thing the fans were most curious about was, what reason did Taehyung have for opening a social media account?

That night at 8:15pm, Taehyung finally posted up a photo. It was a photo from Kim Entertainment's celebration dinner; the photo of him carrying Y/N on his back.

In the photo, Y/N peacefully clung onto Taehyung's back as her eyes twinkled in the light. Meanwhile, Taehyung was carrying Y/N; his head was slightly turned as he looked at her with his gentle and caring gaze.

Of course, he not only posted up a photo. He also included 6 words, "I am her one and only."

These were 6 simple but powerful words. It was a simple response to Jae-min's insults towards Y/N, but...

...it was enough to stir up the entire industry.

"God, am I dreaming? I'm not, right? Is President Kim actually revealing his relationship?"

"Oh Oh Oh! I'm so excited; I'm excited to death! I once again believe in love. I love this couple so much!"

"Apart from Y/N, who can make the entertainment industry's Big Boss become her manager as well as bed warmer? Y/N you are amazing!"

"So, this is Kim Entertainment's highest level of PR...Are we witnessing the President being possessed by a wife-protecting demon?"

"I suddenly feel like the heir is quite a joke."

"It's so weird, these two people seem to be on a different level in terms of social standing, yet, I don't feel like they don't suit each other at all."

"Although I really want to ask questions about LM's wedding ring commercial and Go Show's interview, after seeing this post, I suddenly feel like the past is no longer important."

"I want to dig up information about this couple's daily affectionate activities. Don't anyone stop me!"

"Y/N...Y/N, come to the surface and say a few words. We request to see you guys in the same frame!"


Of course, it was impossible for Y/N to satisfy their requests. After all, she had yet to find out about what had happened. Rose was the first to come across a news article before she searched up Taehyung's social media account and felt like her brain almost exploded. She immediately called Y/N on the phone, "Y/N...Y/N!"

"What is it?" Y/N felt powerless towards the excited Rose.

"Boss has revealed your relationship! Was this something you guys agreed to in advance?" Rose was so emotional her hands trembled.

"What do you mean?"

"Wait a minute!" After speaking, Rose sent Y/N a link to Taehyung's social media account, "I am shocked to death, really..."

Y/N remained on the phone as she clicked on the link sent by Rose. After the main feed loaded, the first thing she saw was a photo of her and Taehyung. Most importantly, the time at which the post was made was 8:15pm...

It turned out, Taehyung was still at work, because of this?

"Y/N, did you see it? Boss is practically telling the entire world that he is staking his claim on you. Haha, we no longer need to worry about another Jae-min making an appearance."

"It's been revealed, it's been revealed! I am going to go pop open a bottle of wine with Chanyeol..."

After hearing this, Y/N let out a laugh. She didn't know why every time something good happened to her, Rose would be more excited than anyone. In fact, she would be even more excited than Y/N herself.

"By the way, is Boss home?"

"Not yet," Y/N replied.

"Hurry and look for him, why are you still at home? Hurry over. I'm going to hang up now."

After putting down the phone, Y/N actually did what Rose said. She grabbed her jacket and handbag and left the villa. However, as she reached Kim Entertainment, she gave Taehyung a phone call and discovered he wasn't in the office.

"I am downstairs at Kim Entertainment, where are you?"

"I am at the hospital," Taehyung replied in a dull tone, "Old Man Jae has been admitted to hospital."


"Star King's people invited me here. It seems his condition is quite serious and has something to do with the internal battles in Star King. I will come home later. You go home first and get some rest," Taehyung reassured.

"Everything will be fine, right?" Y/N asked anxiously.

There were so many people at Star King, yet, Father Jae had specifically asked for Taehyung; this was a bit odd.

"Everything will be fine."

"I saw your revelation..." Y/N relaxed a little, "Originally, I wanted to talk to you about it when you got home, but, since you are already on the line, I want to tell you as soon as possible that I am really happy..."

"Mrs. Kim, the entire reason I did this was to make you happy."

"I won't bother you then. At a time like this, I don't want to become a burden for you. Come home soon, I'll be waiting for you."

Although Y/N spoke in a composed manner, she was actually filled with worries on the inside...

Father Jae was seriously ill...After being admitted to the hospital, he was diagnosed with gastric cancer.

After waking up in his hospital bed, the first thing Father Jae did was instruct his secretary to call for his lawyer and invite Taehyung to see him.

Star King's people quickly heard of the news as they slowly piled into the hospital. Some told Father Jae to take care, while others requested for him to hand over his authority; these people had long had their eyes on the position.

Because his anger was triggered, Father Jae's stomach began to hurt even more. Seeing this, his secretary asked whether she should contact Jae-min.

Father Jae shook his hand weakly. At this moment, in his current state, he didn't want Jae-min to witness it.

Inside the hospital room, a few shareholders tried to convince Father Jae to hand over his shares. At least, they believed, it was better than giving the shares to Jae-min.

However, Father Jae held on with all his life; not saying a word. His frail expression was filled with stubbornness and resentment.

If only he didn't fail at teaching Jae-min.

If only he had put more effort into teaching his son, would today have turned out different?

"Chairman Jae...for the sake of the big picture, you should nod your head and agree to handing over your authority. If Star King is handed over to Jae-min, we won't feel right."

"I'm not dead yet," Father Jae said in a raspy voice.

"We don't mean it that way..."

Not long after, Taehyung entered the hospital room accompanied by bodyguards. As soon as they saw Taehyung, the shareholders reacted with caution, "President Kim, why are you here?"

"I invited President Kim here..." Father Jae signalled for his secretary to help him up and to bring the lawyer over.

"I created Star King with my bare hands. I am well aware that I can't hand it over to my son because he is too incapable. But, there is no way I will hand it over to any of you!"

"In order to protect Star King, I have decided to sell my shares to Kim Entertainment. Star King will now become a part of Kim Entertainment."

Before Taehyung could even sit down, Father Jae swiftly grabbed the contract out of his lawyer's hands and handed it to Taehyung, "I know you are the only person that can make Star King better. So, Taehyung, I am willing to use the lowest market price to sell all my shares to you. Are you interested?"

"My only condition is...you cannot fire anyone from Star King."

Taehyung received the contract and flipped through a few of the pages. He could suddenly sense the persistence Father Jae had towards Star King; he'd rather give it to an outsider than to leave it for his own people to destroy.

"What about your son?"

"I haven't done anything wrong to him. From now on, he will need to walk his own path," Father Jae shook his head as he held back his tears. He knew, even if he was to hand Star King to Jae-min, it would one day end up in the hands of Taehyung.

Rather than letting Star King feel defeated, he might as well hand it over now. At least this way, he could feel rest assured.

"I am a businessman, there is no way I would pass up an opportunity like this," Taehyung replied.

"President Kim, this isn't right," Star King's people immediately protested.

"I am handing over my money and Old Man Jae is giving me his shares in exchange. In what way isn't this right?" Taehyung asked. "Is it because you all want to take over the authority of Star King?"

"Did you think, as the CEO of Kim Entertainment, I wouldn't be able to control Star King?"

After feeling the full force of Taehyung's might, the old men secretly wished at that moment that Jae-min would show up to stop the deal. However, Jae-min was still hiding out on his boat with no intention of returning to the mainland anytime soon.

"President Kim, Star King is in your hands from now on."

"Old Man Jae, as long as you don't regret this decision."

All Father Jae wanted was for Taehyung to take over. He didn't care whether Taehyung continued to run it as a modeling agency or something else. He knew, no matter what Taehyung's decision was, it would be for the better. So, he did not worry at all.

"Too bad, though...I am worried about my son but there is no way I can watch over him for the rest of his life."

After hearing this, Taehyung didn't know how to respond. As he was already married, to a certain degree, he could understand how Father Jae felt. After all, he too would someday become a father.

"Old Man Jae, take care."

"I'll leave Star King with you," Father Jae said solemnly.

So, within a day, a few big events happened within the entertainment industry. Firstly, it was Kim Entertainment's chain of PR successes, followed by Taehyung's revelation and lastly...whispers amongst the industry rumored that Kim Entertainment was about to take over Star King!

Kim Entertainment taking over Star King...

Star King's staff were suddenly in a panic. At this time, Father Jae asked his secretary to pass on a message: Taehyung had agreed not to change the structure of Star King and not to fire a single person!

So, did this mean, Star King was really going to be taken over by Kim Entertainment?

News quickly spread to the spoilt heir from his friends. As soon as he heard, he quickly rushed to the hospital. As he arrived, Kim Entertainment and Star King were finalizing the contract with their lawyers.

Jae-min's eyes were red as he pounced towards the men, however, he was stopped by Taehyung's bodyguards.

"Taehyung, if you want revenge, you should come after me. Leave Star King alone and leave my father alone."

"If you had been this responsible to begin with, Star King would not have needed an outsider like myself to protect it," Taehyung sneered. "Over the years, have you contributed the tiniest bit to Star King?"

Jae-min breathed heavily as he clenched his fists.

"From today onward, you are no longer the heir to Star King..."

Jae-min looked at Father Jae in disbelief as he handed the completely signed contract to Taehyung, "Taehyung, from now on, I am really depending on you!"

"Father, would you really rather give Star King to an outsider than to me?"

"Star King has a lot of people to support. Someone like you, who only knows how eat, drink and play, won't be able to support them," Father Jae replied harshly. "So they say, ' to feed without teaching, is the father's fault'. Right now, I am receiving my retribution!"

"I am going to leave first, you two can continue to catch up." After receiving the contract, Taehyung turned to leave, however, Jae-min pulled a military dagger, which he kept for protection, out of his pocket and pointed it towards Taehyung's waist.

Everyone was shocked...

Luckily, Taehyung reacted quickly and dodged just in time. His waist only suffered a slight scratch on the surface. Although there was blood, it wasn't serious.

Taehyung's bodyguards immediately held Jae-min against the ground, "Watch it!"

Father Jae's emotions were once again stimulated, causing his stomach to be in so much pain that he fainted. Meanwhile, Jae-min collapsed to the ground screaming, "I dare you to kill me!"

"You think too highly of yourself," Taehyung covered the left side of his hip as he knelt in front of Jae-min, "Without your father and Star King's protection, I wonder how you will continue to survive in Seoul."

After speaking, Taehyung stood up. At this moment, Chanyeol noticed Taehyung holding onto his waist and immediately ran up to him, "President? Is it serious? Do you need the hospital to look at it?"

"Don't let Y/N find out..."

Chanyeol looked at Taehyung awkwardly as he replied, "I'm sorry President, I've already given the madam a call. She is on her way."

"So, I think it's best if you behave and go get your wound bandaged..."

Just the thought of Y/N's reaction when he had a flu or migraine made Taehyung nod his head obediently. "Regarding Jae-min, don't worry about calling the police."

Chanyeol looked at the dazed Jae-min who was sitting on the floor and had no intention to step on him any further. Instead, he hurried ahead of Taehyung to look for a doctor.

Luckily, it was just a light external injury. All it needed was a bandage and it was fine. However, Y/N was terrified. She immediately rushed to the hospital, ran out of the car without even putting on a disguise and questioned the reception desk about Taehyung's whereabouts.

Luckily, Taehyung knew her well enough. He was already waiting on the first floor as he asked Chanyeol to bring her over.

"Was that...Y/N?"

"I think so. And the person talking to her appears to be President Kim."

The nurses noticed the couple and secretly pulled out their phones to take photos.

Y/N didn't have time to care about them. She simply ran up to Taehyung and asked, "Where are you hurt?"

"My clothes are thick. I only lost a layer of skin," Taehyung replied.

"I still want to see it."

In order not to be surrounded by onlookers, Taehyung led Y/N into a quiet hospital room, sat down on the bed and removed his jacket. He then pulled up his business shirt, "It's really just a small injury."

Taehyung's left waist was covered in bandages. Although a little bit of blood had seeped through, it was indeed just a small injury. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief before leaning over and helping Taehyung put his clothes back on, "Did you know, you scared the hell out of me?"

"Everything's fine now," Taehyung reached out his hand and pulled Y/N into his embrace as he comforted her.

"What exactly happened?"

Taehyung sat up straight. Just as he was about to explain the complicated situation that had happened earlier, Chanyeol suddenly came knocking on the door, "President, Chairman Jae has just passed away."

Taehyung immediately stood up, pulled open the door and looked at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol explained, "It turns out, he not only had gastric cancer, but also a stroke."

"He is, after all, an old friend of second uncle's. Y/N, let's go up and have a look," Taehyung turned around and said to Y/N. No matter how many grudges they held against each other, nothing was more important than respecting the dead.

Y/N nodded her head as she hurried to Taehyung's side. The couple returned to Old Man Jae's hospital room together. As they entered, the atmosphere was filled with grief.

At this moment, Jae-min still wanted to run up and grab onto Taehyung's collar. But, the bodyguards quickly held him back, "Taehyung, are you satisfied? My father is dead! Aren't you happy?"

Y/N looked at Jae-min's fierce expression. She opened her eyes wide and asked, "What is there for us to be happy about? Aren't you the one that wanted him dead?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you know that your father had gastric cancer?" Y/N questioned. "If you didn't want him dead then why did you muck around all day, flirting with girls and not doing any serious work? You obviously knew he had no one to assist him, yet you never withheld your responsibility as a son and instead went around causing trouble, stimulating his emotions. If your actions weren't done because you want him dead, then why did you do them?"

"Why do you think your father handed Star King to Taehyung? It's because he knew his son wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility of managing Star King. He didn't want all his hard work to be completely destroyed."

"You just wait and see. Without your father, who would take a second glance at you?"

Y/N's tone was strong, but all she said was the truth. Her words felt like silver needles, stabbing one at a time into his heart.

Of course, there was another reason for her angered reaction: Taehyung was injured out of nowhere. If he didn't have such a swift reaction, there may have been another body lying in a hospital bed at the moment.

Jae-min had no way of refuting against Y/N. He simply leaned against the hospital bed and took a few last glances at his father. Aferwards, he walked solemnly towards Taehyung and declared, "I will definitely retrieve Star King from your hands and I will do it legitimately in front of everyone."

"I'll wait for you." After speaking, Taehyung gave a slight bow towards Father Jae's body and turned to leave with Y/N.

On the way home, Taehyung looked at the woman beside him and couldn't help but rub her shoulders, "Originally, I was supposed to give you a pleasant surprise today, instead, I ended up giving you a fright."

"Did you really buy Star King?"

"I acquired the Jae Family's shares, so I am now the biggest shareholder," Taehyung did not deny. "You own 15% as shared assets."

"You know I don't understand this stuff," Y/N didn't care.

"But, from what I remember, Star King once banned you."

This was one of the main reasons Taehyung decided to acquire the shares. As long as he could wipe away one of Y/N's unhappy memories, it was money well spent.

Y/N leaned against Taehyung's body, trying hard not to use too much force. Even though his injury was small, she was still careful.


Late at night. Inside the suburbs stood a quiet house and inside the damp living room sat a few computers. The staff sitting in front of the computers had an expression of concern.

"After all the energy we wasted to collect information, Taehyung ended up being one step ahead of us by announcing his relationship with Y/N. With the addition of Jae-min's incident, the public is currently siding with Y/N. We are not in a position to release bad news about her. Even if we release something, Kim Entertainment will immediately cover it up."

"Editor Lin, what should we do? We already missed our timing..."

"Just because he announced they are in a relationship, doesn't mean they are married!" Editor Lin waved his hand, stopping the others from saying another word, "Who do you think Taehyung is? He is the CEO of Kim Entertainment. How long can he focus his interests on the one person?"

"Have a look at the male celebrities that change women every few of days. Don't tell me Taehyung is any different from that..."

"But, how does that relate to us?"

"He's simply playing with her for a few days. After he gets bored, he will get rid of her. We just have to wait patiently. Who told us to miss our timing?" Lin Chong sighed. "Take advantage of this time to follow another story."

As the company had been endlessly spending money with no income, it was currently operating under a loss.

Following another story?

What other story at the moment could beat the story of Taehyung announcing his relationship with Y/N? While everyone was worried about Y/N's story, a secret guest came to visit Lin Chong.

He didn't know how the man managed to find him. All he knew was, inside the dark car, the man handed him a cheque, "I know you are the reporters Suho was previously turning the entire Seoul inside out to find. I've come to ask for a favour."

Lin Chong saw the numbers on the cheque under the dim lighting and asked, "What favour?"

"I want to take over Kim Entertainment. So, I hope you can assist me. The reason is simple, your trailing skills are indeed impressive and I know you won't betray me because of Taehyung."

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