[8] The Number One Shameful and Stupid Model

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Kai: "If you really want to be this childish, I think, our wedding...should be called off." He used their wedding as a means to threaten Y/N

After all, all these years, Y/N had been the one that struck by his side willing to do anything. Quite some time passed...Y/N remained silent like she was contemplating. Kai assumed she had given up and was regretting going against him...But who would have thought, this would be Y/N's response.


Y/N: "Oh, you don't want to get married? Then we won't do it..." she smiled,

Y/N: "Let's wait until you are no longer busy, we can talk about it later."

Like this, Kai was flustered. He reached out his hand and placed it onto Y/N's shoulder.

With an angry look in his eyes, he asked,

Kai: "Do you not love me anymore?"

Y/N: "What about you? Do you love me?"

Y/N carefully slipped out of Kai's grasp; she had promised Taehyung she wasn't going to have physical contact with another man.

Kai was stunned. He opened his mouth, but no words came out towards Y/N, because he had never had any feelings. He was just using her.

Kai: "We are already at the stage of getting married, why would you question our love? You will become my wife soon, can't you think from my behalf? It wasn't easy for Jennie to be nominated for the Top Ten Model Awards. Y/N, I'm just annoyed that you can't be more understanding."

Y/N slowly distanced herself from Kai. She remained composed,

Y/N: "Then from now on, you may have to get used to how I am now."

After their conversation, Y/N left Kai standing there alone as she left the building. Kai was puzzled, he didn't understand why Y/N's attitude had changed so much. After careful thoughts, he assumed she was still jealous of him and Jennie. However, he didn't have the energy to go after her and argue.

He knew, after her anger reduced, things will most likely go back to normal. She's always been so useless, without any temper to even stick up for herself

Y/N knew Kai wasn't going to chase after her-her heart had already given up on him. Instead, she was quickly hurrying home to see Taehyung. At the thought of Taehyung, Y/N's heart felt like it was suddenly lit up by a bright light.

Rose: "Y/N, I'll take you home first so you can recharge your batteries. Tomorrow, we will be signing a contact for you and fly to shoot on location," she said happily to Y/N.

Y/N: "Rose, move over to my old home. Give my home a bit of life. You can change locks as well. If Kai asks, just say you have moved over to take care of me and it is no longer necessary for him to have the keys."

Rose: "OK, this way I can save some money."

After their conversation, Rose looked at Y/N with an smile,

Rose: "The mighty president of Kim Entertainment, how is he in that aspect?"

Y/N: "Don't be so nosy, ok?" she replied, staring into Rose's eyes. Rose just smiled at her

After returning home, Y/N had a lot of free time since Taehyung was still at the office.

She headed to the Kitchen and found the servants cooking. Lifting up her sleeves, she offered, "Let me help!"

Servant: "Madam, how could we trouble you?" The chef in charge of the meals was a middle-aged woman over 40

Y/N: "How about this, you rest for the day and allow me to cook for Taehyung tonight." she led the chef out of the kitchen

By the time Taehyung arrived home, it was already late at night. However, as soon as he entered the house, the first thing he did was to look for Y/N.

Wearing an apron and standing in the kitchen barefooted, Taehyung found Y/N concentrated on cooking. Taehyung was surprised as he stared at her quietly. He was immediately attracted by her long slender legs.

He walked straight over to her and hugged her from behind as he gently kissed her on the ear.

Y/N: "President Kim, don't play around, I'm cooking fish..."

Taehyung reached over and turned off the stove. Lifting her chin, he went directly for her lips and kissed

Taehyung: "But, right now, I just want to eat you up..."

Y/N put down the kitchen utensils in her hands and turned around to hug Taehyung, clumsily returning his kiss. His soft touch making her weak as she noticed the charming mole on his ear, she became completely infatuated.

Taehyung's kisses were becoming intense but gentle, slowly making his way down to her body, eventually returning to her collarbone where he stopped,

Taehyung: "Any lower, and I won't be able to control myself."

Y/N: "Fish, I need to finish cooking the fish." she pulled away from Taehyung's lips, once again lighting up the stove.

Taehyung chuckled and reached his hands out to pat Y/N's head as he admired her creation.

Taehyung: "Let me help you."

Y/N: "President Kim can cook?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

Taehyung: "Today, I'll allow this. But, from now on, no more entering in the kitchen. I don't want you to get hurt."

Taehyung was protective over Y/N, especially her legs, inside his mind he was even thinking buying insurance for them.

Y/N: "So controlling..." she commented, but, deep down she understood it was because he cared for her.

The married couple prepared dinner quietly-it turned out they were both great chefs. Y/N cooked Taehyung's favorite dish, while Taehyung cooked Y/N's favorite dish. Without difficulty, the dinning table was soon filled with a satisfying feast.

In perfect sync, the couple looked at the dining table amazed. After all, enjoying life like this couldn't be done by just anyone.

Y/N: "Tomorrow, I might have to go to Tokyo for a photoshoot. I won't be able to return home," she reported tom him honestly.

Taehyung: "Aren't you signing the contract tomorrow? Are you leaving straight away in the afternoon?"

Y/N: "Hmm, HK's new product launch is urgent, Taehyung gave me a bit more time. I will definitely rise to a position you are proud of."

Taehyung: "I've never doubted you." he placed some food in Y/N's plate. Their eyes met, both looking at each other admiringly.

Of course, Taehyung was most looking forward to seeing Y/N rising and how miserable Kai and Jennie would be.

After returning to Kai's House, Jennie grabbed everything she could and threw it on the ground, breaking them into pieces. Especially when she thought of Y/N signing the contract tomorrow, her heart could not accept it.

Worst of all, Kai had actually helped Y/N-this was the most unbearable thing for her.

Kai open the door to find a shocking scene in front of him. He spotted Jennie standing with a vase in her hands. Immediately, he ran over and embraced Jennie in a hug,

Kai: "Don't be so upset, it's not good for the baby."

Jennie: "I'm surprised you know that it's bad for the baby, even though you just watched as Y/N stole my deal."

Kai: "We still have plenty of chances. I'm already working on securing an even bigger collaboration. Stop paying attention to Y/N. Even if she will become spokesperson, what would come of it?" he continuously patted Jennie on the shoulder,

Kai: "Babe, listen to me, don't hurt yourself."

Jennie: "Even if you do this, I'm still not convinced," she raised her head with tears in her eyes.

Jennie: "She's held on to you for so many years, I will definitely not allow her to have what she wants."

In reality, she had already ordered her assistant to create a commotion among fans and she was already seeing results. Her fans had already started discussions about tearing down Y/N and were throwing insults at her. If she was to lose, she wasn't going to allow Y/N to win.

Most importantly, she ordered her assistant to post up the details of Y/N's tomorrow schedule giving anti-fans the opportunity to cause trouble to Y/N.

Jennie's mind: Does Y/N really think it's so easy to be a spokesperson? Tomorrow, she will become the airport's number one shameful and stupid model.

The official contract signing ceremony with HK was to be held at 9am and would be broadcasted live as well as officially announced to the public.

It seemed, regarding the war between Y/N and Jennie, HK had chosen Y/N's side. 3 years had passed since Y/N last attended an event like this - she had almost forgotten how it felt.

But as soon as she put on her dress and the jewelry that HK had sponsored her, she was once again glowing with confidence.

Rose left the house early to drive over to Y/N's home. As she was Y/N's assistant, Taehyung had given her special permission to enter their villa whenever she want.

She had originally prepared a dress for Y/N...but when she entered the huge wardrobe Taehyung had given to Y/N, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Rose: "He is indeed the president of Kim Entertainment, generous with good taste!" she praised.

At the exact time, Taehyung came out from his own wardrobe. As soon as he saw Y/N he turned to Rose,

Taehyung: "I have something I need to say to Y/N."

Rose: "OK, I'll step out for a bit." she turned and leave

Y/N stood in front of the mirror smiling sweetly at Taehyung; fresh and elegant like a blooming lily. It was hard for one not to turn all their attention to her.

Y/N: "What do you want to say to me?"

Taehyung didn't say a word, instead, he took big steps towards Y/N and hugged her from behind. He then turned her neck so he could cover her lips with kiss,

Taehyung: "I want to kiss you and even more...I want to adore you."

Y/N: "I'm going to be late" she also didn't want to part with Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung: "I will watch the live broadcast..."

Y/N nodded her head with satisfaction. She hooked her arm onto Taehyung's as they walked out of the villa together.

Truthfully, anyone looking at the couple would believe they were a perfect match. Y/N was like white snow, whereas Taehyung was alluring like a dangerous dark night.

A little while later, Y/N boarded the car with Rose's assistance. On the way, Rose spoke while driving,

Rose: "The contract signing will be at 9am, we should arrive at 8:50am - just right."

Y/N: "Your arrangements have always been on point." she looked down and swiped her phone.

Rose: "The plane will be at 3pm and Jennie has arranged anti-fans to stop you at the airport. Among her fans, they have discussed a plan to make you look bad. One of them will find the chance to embarrass you and others will pretend to showing how disrespectful you are" she screwed up her nose in disgust,

Y/N: "All this information, how did you find out about it?" she was quite surprised.

Rose: "Because I have someone hiding amongst them..." she hummed proudly,

Rose: "We'll just let these kids be happy for a bit...after the video is released, we'll see whose face gets slapped harder..."

8:50am, right on time, Y/N arrived at the hotel where the contract signing was to take place and walked down the red carpet in front of the reporters.

Reporter: "Y/N, after your public apology, you disappeared. When you appeared again, you took Jennie's contract, was this all part of your plan?"

Reporter: "Jennie released photos of her working hard to stand up again this morning, is she accusing you of stealing her deal?"

Reporter: "Y/N, are you planning to make a comeback?"

Y/N smiled the entire time without responding to any of the reporters questions.

After entering the hotel, she listened carefully to HK's arrangements and cooperated accordingly.

On the other hand, Kai, who was originally meant to attend the signing couldn't attend because he was busy, This gave the public the impression that Y/N and SM Entertainment were on bad terms.

However, Kai was indeed busy - busy being held back by Jennie. There was no way she would allow Kai to attend the signing and support Y/N

Kim Entertainment, Taehyung was sitting in his office watching the live broadcast on screen. She was quiet and beautiful but was hard to ignore. As the contract signing reached its end, Taehyung phoned his assistant

Taehyung: "This afternoon, send 4 bodyguards to protect Y/N all the way until shew boards the plane."

Chanyeol: "Yes, President..."

He knew, regarding this spokesperson deal, on the surface everything seemed to be smooth sailing but in actual fact, there were rough seas ahead.

After the contract signing, Y/N and HK's founder sat down for lunch together. 1pm,Y/N left the hotel to heal directly for the airport before changing into different clothes...the closer they got to their destination, the more nervous Rose became,

Rose: "Y/N, I will try my best to protect you, you also have to protect yourself."

Y/N: "Rose, do you think I haven't prepared myself?" she smiled as usual. Right now, everything was within their control,

Not long after, Rose got out of the car first. After taking the luggage out, she assisted Y/N out as well.

At first, no one noticed the two of them. However, as soon as they stepped into the airport, a bunch of fans ran over with flowers to greet them. The flowers were shoved into Y/N's hands, but before she could grab hold of them, the flowers and other gifts fell on the floor.

In an instant, everyone was stunned. Wearing sunglasses and face masks, her fans were disappointed upon seeing their gifts being mistreated.

Fan 1: "Y/N, what is the meaning of this? We gave you flowers because we like you, how could you throw it on the floor?"

Fan 3: "Even famous celebrities wouldn't dare to treat their fans like this, but someone like you who isn't famous yet, how could you do that!"

Y/N knew these guys were here to cause trouble, so she immediately apologized,

Y/N: "Sorry, I didn't get a grip yet. It wasn't on purpose!"

Fan 5: "As if it wasn't on purpose, it was obvious that was your intention."

Fan 2: "I saw it too! You threw it away deliberately."

Fan 9: "Just on your personality alone, how can you compare to Jennie? Jennie always greet her fans with a friendly smile, offering to take photos with them. Did you think, just by signing one contract, you would be able to replace her?"

More and more people crowded around and the number of curious people increased. In an instant, Y/N surrounded by over a hundred people. Because of the increasing number of people, the anti-fans decided to initiate the second step of their plan.

Gathering the crowd closer, they started to push and shove Y/N around,

Fan 17: "Why do you think Jennie has stayed famous for 3 years while you became old news. I've realized now, it must be because you have a bad personality. Look how nice Jennie is in comparison."

Fan 20: "Give the contract back to Jennie!"

Fan 17: "I agree...originally, I quite liked you, but you actually went ahead and threw the flowers your fans gave you onto the floor. You can't compare to Jennie even a tiny bit. You don't deserve to take Jennie's contract. What schemes did you use? Tell us"

The fans interrogations got louder and louder as passersby started to take photos and discuss what was going on. They felt Y/N was shameless - to them Jennie's character was much more trustworthy.

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