[90] The Most Popular Award

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"But, that night..."

With the mention of 'that night', Jimin couldn't help but laugh in ridicule. The laugh tugged at his wound a little, putting him into pain, "Back then, I offered to take responsibility, but you pretended that nothing happened. Why are you concerned about it now? I know I was wrong, so what do you want me to do about it?"

"Suzy, do you want to hold onto your fiance with one hand and cling onto me with the other?"

"I am willing to give up on him..."

"But, I don't want you," Jimin replied swiftly without a trace of hesitation.

"Are you sure that Yeon-seo is the person that you want, then?"

"I'm not sure about anyone. But, it's not like I can't survive without being in a relationship," Jimin sneered before he pointed to the door, "If that's all you came here for, please leave. Stop wasting your time here."

"The fact that I've announced my retreat means that I will never turn back."

"Please give me another chance..." Suzy started crying in front of Jimin. The pain in her eyes looked like it was tearing her apart. The Suzy at this time was probably the most similar to the originally pure Suzy that followed by Y/N's ​side. "I truly want to be with you."

"I no longer have any feelings for you. What use do you have for an empty shell like me? Don't you have any self respect?" Jimin asked. "Suzy, leave this place and enjoy the rest of your life with your fiance. Stop letting your mind wander."

If Jimin's previous words hadn't fully hurt Suzy, the mention of self respect was like a sword that lodged itself deeply into her heart.

Self respect...

Of course she had self respect. And, it was because of this self respect that she could no longer reach out her arms towards Jimin.

A certain writer once said, "If you still maintain your self respect when talking about love, there is only one reason, the person you truly love - is yourself!"

Jimin had exhausted all his energy, so he decided to close his eyes and get some rest. At this time, Suzy was left looking insignificant and displeased.

"Jimin. Don't forget your decision today. You are the one that doesn't​ want me."

After speaking, Suzy turned to leave. As she walked out the door, she ran into Chanyeol.

As soon as Chanyeol saw Suzy, he looked at Jimin questioningly. But, Jimin simply shook his head, "It's nothing."

"Suzy has changed too much. I can't quite recognize her anymore," Chanyeol didn't question Jimin any further as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "She was previously by the Madam's side through many ups and downs. So, I thought she was a good person. Who would have thought that her true self was hidden so deep inside. I guess, only time could reveal a person's true nature."

"Was my sister frightened by what happened today?" Jimin asked, changing the subject.

"Of course. You were covered in blood!"

"What about Yeon-seo..."

"She doesn't know yet," Chanyeol sighed. "What was the reason for your actions this time? Aren't you afraid that Yeon-seo will end up like Suzy?"

"I've know Yeon-seo since we were kids. She is not that kind of person," Jimin explained. "By the way, don't tell her about this incident."

"OK. The Madam told me to do as you say. Anyhow, get some rest, you've just come out of a surgery..." Chanyeol placed Jimin's phone on the bedside table and Jimin immediately picked it up and turned it on.

As soon as it turned on, Yeon-seo's messages flooded in, "You aren't angry at me, are you? You wouldn't treat an old classmate like this, right?"

"Do you still remember the Japanese restaurant near our school? The old lady there used to give me a few extra pieces of sushi."

"I wish I could eat it again."

Jimin held onto his phone. He originally wanted to send her a reply, but after typing out a few lines of text, he ended up deleting them, one word at a time. "Forget it...Chanyeol, can you drive me somewhere?"

"In your current state?" Chanyeol asked with doubt.

"Nothing major has been damaged, right? In that case, let me follow my heart for once." Although Jimin's face looked pale, his eyes contained a hopeful glow. A glow that had also appeared in Chanyeol's eyes at one time.

So, Chanyeol did not stop him, "OK, I'll take you where you need to go. But, if you feel any form of discomfort or pain, you need to tell me."

Jimin nodded his head. Afterwards, under Chanyeol's protection he arrived outside the school that he and Yeon-seo once attended and bought a whole heap of Japanese food from the restaurant they once frequented.

"Should I deliver it for you?"

Jimin sat in the front passenger's seat as he closed his eyes and shook his head. "No need. I can go there myself."

Like he had said before, he wanted to follow his heart this time. He no longer wanted to experience any regrets.

Although Chanyeol was worried about Jimin's injuries, he still drove him over to Yeon-seo's home. At that time, Yeon-seo was just leaving the house. As soon as she saw Jimin in his car, she immediately ran over, "Why are you here?"

"Didn't you try to call me a few times? I'm here to apologize," Jimin smiled.

"Did you visit our old school?" Yeon-seo smiled in surprise as she received the bag of food from Jimin's hands.

After seeing the smile on Yeon-seo's face, the dullness in Jimin's heart disappeared, "Little Monkey, let's forever remain friends."

"Of course," Yeon-seo's gaze was focused on the food that Jimin had brought, "Old classmates will never change."

Jimin nodded his head as he forced a smile on his face and turned to Chanyeol, "Let's go home."

"You're leaving? Don't you want to eat together?"

"No, I can't, I still have some things to deal with. You enjoy it yourself," Jimin immediately gestured for Chanyeol to open the car door. Before Yeon-seo could even respond, Jimin had already driven away.

Seeing this, Chanyeol did not question Jimin whatsoever. He simply drove him back to the hospital in one piece as Yeon-seo watched him disappear from her sight. She had absolutely no idea what thoughts were running through his head while he went to buy her food from their memories.

But...the media were nosy. A few members of the paparazzi captured​ photos of the two and placed the images online. Originally, it didn't attract much interest, but...

...there were people that knew of Jimin's injury. So, the fact that he appeared safely in front of a beauty, naturally meant that his injuries weren't that serious, right?

Others may not have seen, nor did they have the opportunity to investigate further into it, but Suzy saw with her own eyes how Jimin lay weakly in the hospital bed. She had only left the hospital not long ago, yet these photos already appeared online.

Did Jimin really like Yeon-seo that much? So much that he'd drag his injured and limp body all the way to see her?

Suzy realized that things didn't seem right. Yeon-seo must not have known that Jimin was injured because Jimin wouldn't have wanted her to know of the cause. So, she began to wonder if Yeon-seo would also disregard everything and reciprocate Jimin's feelings if she knew the truth...

At the time that Yeon-seo received Suzy's phone call, she was in the middle of stuffing her face with food. After all, this food contained a lot of memories and was bought by Jimin, so she especially cherished it.

"Hi, it's Suzy. Let's meet."

Yeon-seo pulled the phone away confusedly before returning it to her ear, "If you have something to say, then just say it. I don't want to see you."

"I'll meet you in the lobby of Glory Hotel. You have 30 minutes. It's regarding Jimin. If you don't come, you will regret it," Suzy said as she looked at the watch on her wrist before she hung up.

Yeon-seo sighed at Suzy's arrogant and unreasonable attitude. It wasn't like she was a small assistant that followed her around. What right did she have to demand her to come and go as she pleased?

However, even though it made her uncomfortable, the mention of Jimin's name left her with no choice but to put down the food in her hands. After tidying up a little and getting changed, she left her house and headed for the hotel.

In less than 20 minutes, Yeon-seo was led into the hotel by a bellboy. As soon as she spotted Suzy sitting by the window, elegantly sipping a cup of coffee, she immediately walked over and asked, "Whatever it is, speak!"

Suzy lifted her head and looked at Yeon-seo. She had a mysterious look in her eyes that made Yeon-seo extremely uncomfortable.

Yeon-seo looked questioningly into Suzy's eyes. This was the first time that the two women had met in private.

"Have you seen today's news?" Suzy already had her phone opened to an article as she handed it to Yeon-seo.

Yeon-seo took the phone from Suzy's hands suspiciously. It didn't take long before she realized the main point, "This can't be possible, I just saw him not long ago."

"Anything is possible. I also saw him just before he came to see you. I was by his side the entire time," Suzy smiled. "I can confirm that he just came out of surgery and his injuries are, in fact, quite serious."

"But, why..."

"This is why I am here to see you," Suzy retrieved her phone and looked at Yeon-seo in seriousness. In a slightly helpless and contemptuous voice, she continued, "Jimin and I have made up...I'm sorry that he used you all this time. His injury this time was all because of me, but this incident has allowed us to see how we feel about each other; we are truly in love."

"So, could I please ask you to keep your distance from now on?"

"I don't believe a single word that is coming out of your mouth," Yeon-seo replied. "I am going to ask him to explain in person..."

"Go ahead. If it comes from his lips, it will be easier for you to accept," Suzy smiled as she did a welcoming gesture.

Yeon-seo turned around angrily as she headed for the exit. But, at this time, Suzy suddenly held her back, "I was just joking..."

"What?" Yeon-seo's​ mind was muddled up by Suzy's confusing words.

"I said, I was just joking. You're well aware that I am already engaged, so there's no way I would turn back. But, Jimin did indeed get hurt because of me."

This time, Yeon-seo did not hesitate as she directly threw a slap across Suzy's face, "Do you know how disgusting you look?"

"I've heard bits and pieces about you. You were once a great assistant by Y/N's side. But...what happened to you? Why have you changed so much? How are you really like as a person?"

"You are well aware of the pain that Jimin suffered because of you. To break away from the past, he gave up on the singing career that he loved and retreated from the entertainment industry. What else do you want from him?"

"Why do you think you are still standing here today? It's because Y/N is a grateful person; she remembers all that you have done for her. Otherwise, did you think that you could still survive in Seoul?"

"Suzy, you should remain level-headed. Have you thought about the way that the Park Family has treated you?"

"It's obvious that Jimin would never turn back, and even if he did, did you think you are doing the right thing by degrading someone that loves you wholeheartedly?"

Suzy did not say a word. To be exact, Yeon-seo had already read her mind. So, all she could do was smile.

"What about you? What are your feelings towards Jimin?"

"It's none of your business," Yeon-seo growled. "Suzy, I am not the one that should distance myself from Jimin, you are...No matter what you want to do, Jimin and I are not from the entertainment industry. We don't care if you want to create hype or do anything else. It has nothing to do with us!"

"If you want Y/N to still consider you as a friend, I think you know what to do."

After speaking, Yeon-seo left the hotel without looking back. As she walked away, she anxiously contacted Y/N, "Y/N, where is Jimin right now?"

In reality, Yeon-seo actually believed that Jimin had gotten hurt because of Suzy. After all, Jimin was a righteous person that viewed relationships highly. But she wondered, didn't he feel that it wasn't worth it?

Even so, regardless of the reason for his injuries, the fact that Jimin went so far to buy her food from their childhood, was proof enough that Jimin was a silly idiot.


Not long after returning to the hospital, Jimin fell into a deep sleep. After all, the weather was cold and​ he had just awoken from his surgery not long ago. So, when Yeon-seo walked into the hospital room, he remained asleep in bed without a clue that she had arrived.

It turned out that the silly idiot had indeed traveled all the way to buy her food even though he was seriously injured...

"You..." As soon as Chanyeol saw Yeon-seo appear at the hospital, he was full of curiosity. Didn't Kim Entertainment have everything under wraps? Had their line of defense been broken?

"Suzy came looking for me..." Yeon-seo explained. "She told me that this idiot was injured."

"Would she really be that nice?" Chanyeol's image of Suzy had been completely ruined. To him, she was practically in the same category as KU and Mia.

"I feel bad for this idiot. Why would he still risk his life for a woman like that?" Yeon-seo looked at Jimin disappointedly. She was so tempted to wake him up right at that moment.

Chanyeol realized something wasn't right as he raised an eyebrow questioningly, "Is that what Suzy told you?"

"Uh huh."

"And you believe her just like that?"

"If not, what other reason would he have? Anyhow, it doesn't matter. I already hit that woman. You can leave Jimin with me from now on, I'll take care of him. After all, he has helped me many times in the past."

Chanyeol gently held his head with a helpless expression. It wasn't easy for Jimin to be a hero, yet the beauty that he saved misunderstood him...

But, he was going to leave the explaining for Jimin to do himself.

"Miss Oh, there are a few words that I would like to say to you. After all, I think of Jimin as family."

"He has made a lot of mistakes in love, I'm sure you've seen how badly he's been hurt. I hope he won't come across another woman that wants to play around with him while they have another man in their heart..."

"He does not lack female friends. And if he wants, there are plenty of women who are willing to be his girlfriend."

Chanyeol's expression was serious. Within his dark pupils, only the image of Yeon-seo existed. He wanted her to know that he wasn't joking.

Yeon-seo glanced at the bedridden Jimin before looking back at Chanyeol as she nodded her head in a cautious but confused manner.

She understood why Chanyeol was acting so serious, but she didn't completely understand what his words meant.

A moment later, Jimin awoke from his sleep. When he opened his eyes and saw Yeon-seo sitting by his bed, he was a little stunned. He covered his stomach and sat up, "How did you find out?"

"Suzy came looking for me and told me that you got hurt because of her."

"Really?" Jimin laughed. However, he had no intention to explain things to her, "Don't worry, I have Chanyeol here to take care of me."

"Chanyeol has a family and wife, why would he stay here to take care of you?" As she spoke, Yeon-seo poured out some takeaway chicken soup that she had ordered and placed it in front of Jimin, "That's why you should leave that job to me."

"Is this a team building exercise between classmates?" Jimin gave a slight smile as he received the bowl from Yeon-seo.

"Can't you just ignore that woman?"

"I don't think it's possible!" Jimin replied as he took a sip of soup.


...the woman he was referring to was not Suzy, but someone called, Yeon-seo...


Meanwhile, Chanyeol returned to Hannam Dong to report on Jimin's condition. Of course, he also mentioned how Suzy deliberately provoked Yeon-seo. After taking in all the information, Y/N remained calm as usual. But, her words contained a deeper meaning and a slight sense of ridicule

"Has someone cast a spell on her? She's completely changed."


Y/N did not say anymore as she turned to look at the man that was hugging her with one arm while working.

Taehyung sensed his wife's gaze, so he said to Chanyeol without lifting his head, "Take all the good artists that are currently in Yeon-seo's hands and allocate them to other managers. From now on, she will only be in charge of those that are banned from taking jobs and those that have a bad record. This will pose as a warning to her."

"Is that all?" Chanyeol felt that keeping Suzy around would eventually lead to trouble.

"Rather than sending her somewhere else to scheme. We might as well keep her in our line of sight."

Chanyeol understood Taehyung's intention, but for someone that was once so close to Y/N to suddenly become like a stranger, made him feel a little unsettled.

However, it was normal for relationships to grow and fall apart within the industry. Even though Y/N felt that her relationship with Suzy was a pity, she did not force it to go the other way.

Because, her main priority at the moment, was the Fei Tian Awards and Gyeong-ree!

After everything that she experienced, Y/N started to view things differently. Especially since she was currently 6 months pregnant, the level of importance that some things held in her heart had begun to change.

February 30th was announced as the official day of the Fei Tian Awards Ceremony. So, all the biggest entertainment websites began to guess who they thought would win in each category. But, as a highly prestigious award in the industry, the Fei Tian Awards managed to maintain its secrecy as always.

Although there was a slight interlude during the selection stage, everyone knew that the final winners would definitely be well-deserved.

Regarding this matter, the internet was already filled with discussions.

"I never took notice of the Fei Tian Awards. But, because of the huge battle that went on, it attracted my curiosity. I'm sure I'm not the only one."

"You can add me to that!"

"Me too!"

"It's strange. Logically speaking, Kim Entertainment's Y/N caused the biggest drama, so it makes sense for everyone's attention to be focused on her. But, the most amazing thing is, everyone still has complete trust in the fairness of the Fei Tian Awards."

"That's because Y/N is unpredictable. Perhaps she'll win the award, reject it and then change to become a singer."

"Those with true talent have the right to act recklessly."

"Go Y/N!"

"The awards ceremony is almost here, I can't wait to find out who the winner of The Best Newcomer Award is."

Faced with the hype from the netizens, Taehyung did not feel anxious. Because in his heart, Y/N was already the best actress.

That night, inside Y/N's walk-in wardrobe at Hannam Dong.

Rose had delivered the outfit that Y/N was to wear to the ceremony the next day. Looking at the floral gown on her body, Y/N felt a little foreign.

"It's been a while since I've dressed up like this. I suddenly feel a little odd," Y/N mumbled. She then asked Rose as she looked in the mirror, "What do you think?"

The flown gown had a short-sleeeved, round collared design and the body consisted of a partially transparent chiffon. It was beautifully handmade and made Y/N appear pure and elegant. Of course, as her first appearance in front of the public since the announcement of her pregnancy, she wanted everyone to know that she wasn't the woman that had been previously rumored as unable to bear a child; she didn't need anyone to worry about her.

Rose scanned her eyes across Y/N and raised her thumb, "You are the only one that can still maintain such a great body even when you're six months pregnant."

Y/N smiled. At this time, Taehyung had just finished his work and entered the wardrobe. As soon as he saw Y/N in her gown, his eyes suddenly lit up...

"Rose, you can leave."

Rose looked at Y/N and gave her a wink as she reminded, "Be careful, this is handmade. There is only one in the world."

Y/N understood the hidden meaning to Rose's words as she looked at her helplessly. After she was gone, Y/N walked over to Taehyung and hooked her arms around his neck, "Don't listen to her nonsense."

"But, she seems to understand what I am thinking," Taehyung said seductively beside Y/N's ear, "Mrs Kim..."

Y/N's entire body began to tingle as she placed her hands on Taehyung's chest and gently distanced herself, "Be serious..."

However, Taehyung reached behind her back, unzipped her gown and began kissing her neck, "I want it..."

Y/N did not say a word. She simply lifted her chin as she searched for Taehyung's lips and pressed her lips firmly against his.

Taehyung couldn't kiss this pregnant woman too violently, nor could he touch her recklessly, so he simply pressed her against the wall and restrained her hands above her head as he covered each inch of her body gently with his lips.


Hearing Taehyung's charming voice, Y/N opened her eyes slightly and clung onto Taehyung's body.

This man always seemed to have a mesmerizing aura that uncontrollably drew her in.

Especially when his hands brushed past every inch of her skin.

Eventually, Y/N couldn't resist anymore as she lifted her chin, gesturing for Taehyung to take things further...

"Do you want it?" Taehyung gently lifted her up and placed her on the bed, holding her down from the right hand side.

Y/N opened her eyes and looked seriously at Taehyung. At times like this, she did not try to hide her admiration and obsession with this man, "Yes...I've always wanted it and will always want it."

Taehyung gently brushed Y/N's hair behind her ear and tore off the clothes on his body, ignoring the buttons that fell to the ground. He straightened his strong body; even at a time like this, he was like a noble and imposing king.

Meanwhile, Y/N was still the same Y/N. Even though she was pregnant, it did not skew her perfection. In fact, it made her even more attractive.

Because Y/N was pregnant, the couple could not move too drastically or intensely​. So, their entangled bodies could only rub together slowly and gently...

"The gown..."

"Am I not being serious enough? How could you think of your gown at a time like this? Huh?"


Over the past few days, Gyeong-ree had no idea that her whereabouts was already discovered by Taehyung. But, she was still as terrified as ever.

Especially after seeing Mia and KU's fate, all she could think about was how to hide herself well and not get discovered by Y/N. In reality, it was all because of the awards ceremony that Y/N had not dealt with her yet.

She fell pregnant before Y/N, so her stomach was bigger and rounder. Of course, her days did not pass by as well as she had hoped. A mere $2 million wasn't enough to support the extravagant lifestyle she was used to. Even though she was supposed to be hiding, she did not forget to eat and drink well, so she left a lot of evidence for Chanyeol to easily trace.

At this moment, she was hiding on a quiet island. Of course, she was no longer living in the extravagant resorts she was used to. Instead, she was staying in an average residential area. As the security wasn't guaranteed, she was often harassed by the local troublemakers. But, a precarious life like this was better than being found by Taehyung and Y/N.

The funny thing was, within the seemingly average apartment that she stayed in, she discovered a whole heap of counterfeit money hidden beneath the bed. To live a more comfortable life, she took the money and used it to scam old people. This was the easiest way to avoid detection.

However, she wasn't always lucky. One particular time, the bakery owner's son decided to help out at the store. As he looked down at the note that she handed over, he said to Gyeong-ree, "This note is fake."

"How could that be?" Gyeong-ree asked with a trace of guilt.

"I was wondering why my mum kept receiving counterfeit money recently. So it's you!" the young man's expression darkened, making him look extra fierce, "How could you trick an old person..."

"I didn't..." Gyeong-ree denied, "Don't...don't, blame the innocent."

"Come with me to the police station!"

With the mention of the police, Gyeong-ree fell into a panic as she turned to all the customers and started screaming, "Help! This man is harassing me!"

Although the people in the bakery did not physically help, their judgmental glares were full of disdain. As a result, Gyeong-ree managed to escape. But, as she left, the man pointed to her angrily.

The look in his eyes seemed to be warning her, "This isn't over!"

Gyeong-ree was so frightened that she immediately ran off and no longer dared to step foot in the bakery again.

But, there was no way that she'd give up on using the counterfeit money. So, she continuously changed locations and found different old people to scam. Eventually, someone tracked down where she lived. In fact, it wasn't just one person.

Gyeong-ree was so frightened that she didn't dare to open the door. All she could do was huddle up on the sofa until the people left. But, to prevent her from escaping, the people took shifts at guarding her door; regardless of whether it was day or night.

"B*tch, if you have the guts to trick old people, why don't you have the guts to come out? Don't think that we can't do anything to you just because you are pregnant!"

Gyeong-ree trembled in fear...

She remained on the sofa for a good few days, too afraid to go anywhere.

Eventually, news of this traveled to Chanyeol's ears. To ensure that she remained safe until Y/N got the chance to deal with her, Chanyeol compensated all the people that she had tricked and said to them in seriousness, "Don't worry, you will see the result that you want. But, it won't be right now."

"A woman like this should just die. To trick old people like this is completely immoral. You need to teach her a proper lesson."

A little while later, Gyeong-ree's front door finally returned to peace and quiet. There was no more knocking on the door.

Gyeong-ree thought they had lost their patience, but she had no idea that it was Chanyeol's doing and a bigger form of torture was on its way.

Of course, they would have to wait until tomorrow night was over before it happened.

Actually, in Gyeong-ree's heart, she felt that she was more pitiful than the old people. So, when she scammed them, she did not feel an ounce of guilt.

When Y/N heard about what had happened the next day, she couldn't help but laugh, "There are people in this world that could be more shameless than demons even if you throw them into hell."

"Do you still have hope that a person like this would know shame?"

"She can't even be considered a person," Taehyung said coldly from the side.

"But, why do I feel like she would make a great inspiration for a film?"

Hearing Y/N's joke, something suddenly clicked in Taehyung's mind. But, she had no idea that her simple joke would some day create another miracle in the film industry.

After breakfast, Taehyung accompanied Y/N to shop for another gown. The gown from the previous night was now just a lump of mess.

Don't forget, tonight was the night of the Fei Tian Awards Ceremony!

It was the biggest annual film event!

Without exception, the awards ceremony was inevitably a stage full of competition. But, the Fei Tian Awards was a little different to other awards. The nominees all fought to keep a low profile because the judges of the Fei Tian Awards did not like things that were​ overhyped with no substance. As a result, actors felt like they had a higher chance at receiving awards.

Of course, this was just a non-physical form of comfort.

However, the strangest thing about this year's awards, was the fact that everyone's focus was not on the Best Actor and Best Actress, but on The Best Newcomer!

Naturally, because of the huge battle that went on, the nominees of The Best Newcomer all appeared in related searches for some of the hottest keywords online.

This award was such a popular topic of discussion that even actors discussed it amongst themselves, "The Best Newcomer Award is quite important this year. It's never been this hyped up before."

"Hey, take a guess, who do you think will win?"

"I...really don't know..." - Everyone laughed - "But, regardless of who wins, Y/N's appearance is already a highlight, isn't it? It's just, not winning anything will be a little...awkward..."

"I personally don't think it will be her!"

Y/N frequented the hottest searches and faced problems with a tough attitude, making her appear like a star amongst the industry.

She was obviously an actress with talent, yet, because of a few heated discussions and random opinions, some people viewed her as 'just a pretty face'.

People in the industry all knew that she was capable and they all acknowledged her, but it didn't mean that she didn't appear like someone that hadn't settled down. Compared to the celebrities that depended on creating hype to get famous, she didn't appear any different.


The awards ceremony was scheduled for 7pm. So, the celebrities began walking up the red carpet at 6pm.

As the biggest annual film event, the awards ceremony naturally attracted the interest of the public and attention of the media.

It was an obviously cold night, but those that stepped onto the red carpet were all wearing a thin layer of clothes whilst maintaining dazzling smiles on their faces. Especially when facing the cameras, they did not allow themselves to show any flaws.

The two sides of the red carpet was covered by a sea of cameras. Although the scale of the Fei Tian Awards was the biggest, it ran just like any other awards ceremony.

As they were nominated, the attendees included two actors that had previously worked with Y/N: Sehun and Namjoon. And because they were both super talented actors, they were regulars at the Fei Tian Awards.

Apart from these two men, Bam Bam was also invited as a guest presenter.

So, apart from the ceremony itself, Y/N was most excited by the notion of catching up with old friends...

It didn't take long before Taehyung's car pulled up at the head of the red carpet. Plenty of reporters recognized it, so their excitement immediately increased. In fact, some stood up and started snapping frantically at the car. At this time, Taehyung first stepped out wearing a dark blue retro suit. Afterwards...

...Y/N appeared in front of everyone wearing a flowing white gown.

This was her first appearance in the public since the announcement of her pregnancy. The design of the white, deep-v-collared gown beautifully accentuated the curves of her body perfectly highlighted her air of elegance...

To ensure that Y/N wasn't cold, Taehyung covered her in a beige shawl, displaying his responsibilty as a personal manager. However, Taehyung tried his best to avoid the cameras as he did this, making his actions natural and thoughtful. If it was someone else, their caring gesture may have appeared fake.

Y/N smiled. She had always been appreciative and thankful towards her man's thoughtfulness. After all, no one's kindness was ever a given and she was well aware of this.

"Y/N, look here..."

"Y/N, over here, over here..."

Y/N approached the signing wall under Taehyung's protection as the media requested for photos. Her popularity at this moment was higher than any top actress or actor that was present...

The host stopped the couple in their track. He wasn't going to let this climactic moment go so easily. Above all, his questions were going to be more tricky than others, "Y/N, who do you think will win The Best Newcomer Award tonight? Don't say something too generic. Be honest with me."

Y/N had always been good with PR; everyone knew this. Plus she was famous for having a high EQ.

"If I answer you honestly, will I be exempt from answering your next question?" Y/N negotiated jokingly.

"Yes, but you must answer this question properly."

Y/N let out a gentle laugh as she turned to look at Taehyung.

Taehyung never worried about Y/N's responses, so he simply looked at her in seriousness without saying a word.

"If I was to say that I don't care if I win the award, that would be a lie. This is, after all, the best form of acknowledgment for an actor. But, if you were to ask me who I think would win, I don't think someone that can't be considered a proper actor would be professional enough to give their opinion. So, I can only trust in the judges."

"I hope it is me, but if it isn't, then it simply means that I'm not as good as someone else. It's as simple as that."

"Indeed..." the host smiled. He was completely convinced by Y/N's ability to play Chess around a question.

Her words sounded both honest and false. On the surface, it appeared like she had said a lot, but in reality, it was almost like she hadn't said anything at all.

Of course, the host did not put the pregnant lady in a difficult position. If something was to happen to her, he wouldn't be able to handle the repercussions.

So, after taking a few photos, Y/N was allowed into the venue of the awards ceremony. As she looked up at the big screen and saw the golden phoenix that represented the Fei Tian Awards, Y/N felt a little emotional.

"Don't be nervous," Taehyung felt the sweat on Y/N's palms. So, he rubbed her hand between his comfortingly.

"If it's not me, what should I do?" Y/N asked. "I don't like it when things are beyond my control."

"Your competitors aren't weak. Would you feel embarrassed if you were to lose to them?" Taehyung gestured to the empty seats next to her. "Both of us - especially you - have already done our best."

Y/N was aware that Taehyung had already gotten rid of any outside factors that may pose an obstruction, so he had already done more than enough.

If he wanted to influence the internal operations of the awards, it wasn't impossible, but Taehyung knew that she wouldn't want him to do that.

"In that case, let's wait patiently together for the result."

It didn't take long before the other actors piled into the venue. Of course, actors like Namjoon and Sehun, naturally received the best seats in the house. Y/N clearly saw the distance between herself and them.

The host of the awards ceremony was a famous variety show MC, Yoo Jae Suk. He was cool and carefree and had a good reputation. This man practically owned every single hosting opportunity for the Fei Tian Awards. And after watching him for so many years, barely anyone found him annoying.

"Our attendees today are amazing..."

"Namjoon brought along his little assistant, while Y/N brought along her personal manager; each person is outdoing the other. They are definitely doing well in both love and career; how admirable. More importantly, Y/N and President Kim are actually attending as a family of three!"

"Yoo Jae Suk, be careful what you say. What if it is actually a family of four?" the female host beside him smiled.

"Oh, if that's the case, then that would be even more amazing! Our Y/N will need to try her best!"

"For the sake of her child, she decided to retreat from the industry. God will definitely protect her and have the best things planned for her."

Yoo Jae Suk spoke with complete sincerity. This was why the public did not dislike him. His blessings always came straight from the heart.

"OK, let's stop wasting time. I'm sure everyone can't wait for the winners to be announced..."

"Firstly, let's welcome the Oscar award winning screenwriter and national treasure, Mr. Chen Feng, to the stage to say a few words and present our first award."

As the crowd erupted into an applause, an old man with a head full of hair and black-framed glasses appeared on the glittery stage. He stood behind the microphone, clasped his hands together and began speaking in a loud and confident voice.

"Too many generic words have been said, so I won't say too much. I will simply mention one thing that has sparked my interest. The competition for this year's Best Newcomer Award has been fierce, and the popularity of the award has surpassed all the other awards this year. This is the first time this has happened on the Fei Tian Awards stage."

"So, Idecided to watch the films of the women that were nominated: SongHye-kyo's 'Glory', Shin Ha Ri's 'Old Tribe', Kim Yong Ji 's'Green-blooded Bullet' and, of course, Y/N's 'W.H.'. I also watched the filmfeaturing the eliminated KU..."

"After watching all of them, I personally have a favorite. Of course, I won't mention any names just yet. I simply want to say that this particular film made me realize that there are still people out there willing to invest their entire soul into the acting profession."

"So, I have a deep respect for this particular actress. Because her hard work is no less than those of us that have been in the industry our entire lives."

"This is all I'm going to say. Following on, I will be announcing the winner of the 37th Annual Fei Tian Awards Best Supporting Actress. This will be the first award for the night. Every actor starts off as a supporting character and every director and screenwriter starts off as a rookie. I hope the winner of the Best Supporting Actress will some day become the Best Actress."

"Could everyone please look to the screen for the final results!"

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, the screen behind him began naming the nominees. Of course, a spotlight lit up each of the women one at a time. After a few rotations, the spotlight finally stopped on one of the women as the name of the award recipient appeared on the big screen.

During this time, Y/N's gaze happened to fall upon a certain person. A person that she had met once, but left a lasting impression.

Kim jong-hun.

This so-called 'President of the Film Association' and top grade actor and director, was currently sitting proudly, not too far from her.

Although the incident between them had happened quite some time ago, Kai's mother and her husband, had used this man to slander her in the past. At that time, Taehyung had also said a few words to refute against him.

At that time, Kai's Mother had mentioned that this man was a judge for the Fei Tian Awards.

After such a long period of time, Y/N had already forgotten about this. But, the industry was small...

"What's wrong?" Taehyung noticed something wasn't right.

Y/N pointed to the man with her chin and Taehyung followed the direction of her gaze. As soon as he saw Kim jong-hun, he knew what she was thinking.

"I almost forgot that I had offended this man. If I had known..."

"It's fine," Y/N cut in. "You didn't do anything wrong. If he insists on involving personal grudges, then I'd rather not receive the award."

Taehyung did not say anything. He simply ran his hand through Y/N's hair.

"Following on, please welcome our next guest presenter..."

According to the normal order of presentation, after the Best Supporting Actress was announced, the Best Newcomer Award was supposed to follow closely behind. After all, compared to the highly important awards at the end, The Best Newcomer Award did not hold much weight; it was simply a form of encouragement for rookies. Plus, winning a Best Newcomer Award did not guarantee that they would end up winning a Best Actress/Actor Award in the future. But, this year was a little different...

The organizers delayed the Best Newcomer Award towards the end...

All the guests sighed. It seemed, the Fei Tian Awards finally knew how to keep up with the times and play with gimmicks.

Of course, this proved that the competition for this year's Best Newcomer was fierce and was held in high esteem.

"Following on, we will be presenting the award for The Most Promising Director. I would like to take this opportunity to thank these young people for contributing to the film industry. It's because of you that the older generation feel deeply comforted and can see hope in the industry."

"The winner is...please look at the screen..."

"The director of 'W.H.', Bam Bam."

Bam Bam froze at the sound of his own name. He had not received any notification about this award and had simply shown up to be a guest presenter. He never expected to receive such a surprise.

The way that Bam Bam was hurt by YG and the way that he changed from being a manager to a director was all witnessed by Y/N. On top of that, his persistence during the filming of 'W.H.' was what encouraged Y/N and Namjoon to keep persevering.

So, seeing Bam Bam receive an award, naturally made Y/N happy for her friend.

"Taehyung, Bam Bam received an award!" Y/N smiled. Taehyung was surprised by this smile, because it had been a long time since he had seen such a simple and pure smile on her face.

She was simply happy because her friend had received an award.

"He will receive even more awards in the future," Taehyung said as he watched Bam Bam walk up onto the stage.

Y/N nodded her head before she listened intently to Bam Bam's speech.

"I am very surprised," Bam Bam began. "I never thought that I'd receive an award. 'W.H.' was my first film and a great start to my career as a director. As I stand up here, the first person I want to thank is Y/N."

"Thank you for not complaining and asking questions. For the sake of this film, she was willing to go to any lengths."

"She has always been a friend that I have truly respected."

"Secondly, I would like to thank Namjoon. Of course, I am referring to the fact that he participated in this film for free!"

"It was because of these two people that I truly understood how it felt to have a film come to life."

"As for my production team, they are all of the same heart. So, I won't go into too much detail about who else to thank. However, there is one more thing I would like to address."

"I hope that everyone can be nice to Y/N. She is truly a good person and extremely talented. But, I know she is constantly thrown into a storm and being hurt and attacked."

"Up here, I would like to declare that Y/N and I will forever be the best of friends! From today onwards, no matter what happens, I will be on her side!"

"So, Y/N..."

"Keep up the hard work!"

"Lastly, I know that everyone is waiting to see the winner of The Best Newcomer Award, so I won't take up any more of your precious time. I will now hand the stage back to the hosts." After speaking, Bam Bam placed a kiss on his trophy.

The Best Newcomer Award!

How many people inside and outside of the venue were waiting for this award?

"Following on, we will be presenting the winners of the Best Newcomer Award. Please welcome our guests: the president of the film association and one of the nation's best directors, Mr Kim jong-hun; as well as the honorary chairwoman of Times Media, Ms Yim Soon-Rye; to the stage."

As the crowd erupted in an applause and watched the two important personalities appear on the stage, there was a deeper meaning to quite a few people's smiles. No matter how popular this award was, they couldn't lose sight of the bigger picture. They couldn't allow the most important Best Actress/Actor awards to be overshadowed by the Best Newcomer Award.

"Mr Kim is a much respected senior in the industry..." Yim Soon-Rye clapped her hands.

"And Ms Yim has produced a lot of miracles in the film industry," the old man smiled. "But, the film industry now is definitely a lot different to how it was back in our time."

"Why would you say that?"

"Real actors are becoming scarce, whereas those that only know how to flirt and suck up are increasing. Storytellers are dying out, whereas those that deceive the audience are growing in numbers. Cheap graphics are everywhere, but ticket sales are still through the roof. I am struggling to understand the way that this generation judges quality. Perhaps I am getting old..." the old man laughed in self-ridicule.

"Let's take this Best Newcomer Award for example. Although newcomers deserve encouragement, shouldn't the public's attention be focused on those that have spent a lifetime dedicated to acting?"

"I am especially disgusted by those that decide to become an actor just because they can't survive in their own industry. Acting is indeed a money-making profession, but people like this, end up skewing the public's judgment and is not healthy for the development of the industry."

"You are indeed a straightforward senior..." Yim Soon-Rye said awkwardly.

His words were much too obvious and direct.

All that was missing was for him to mention Y/N's name!

He was from the previous generation and had achieved a lot, but he was arrogant and ignored the current market trends, even though Y/N was practically aloof from the world like a monk.

"I won't say any more, we should focus on presenting the award. Over the years, the awards that have been handed over from my hands has never been this cheap," Kim jong-hun spoke without showing any mercy and naturally attracted a lot of hatred...

"The winner of the 37th Annual Fei Tian Award for The Best Newcomer is..."

The spotlight suddenly alternated between Y/N and the other nominees as everyone held their breaths and stared intently at the image on the screen.

Y/N felt unusually nervous so she began to hold nervously to Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung's heart ached as he looked at the nervous expression on her face. He subconsciously held onto her hand and rubbed it comfortingly.

"...Y/N from 'W.H.'!"

Seeing this result, everyone was overcome with complex emotions. The result seemed both expected, yet also surprising.

Y/N also felt quite complex. She knew that to outsiders, she didn't seem to deserve this award. Otherwise, Kim jong-hun would not have said what he did.

And it was because of this that everyone watched in deep thought as Y/N stood up from her seat. Of course, as her husband, Taehyung also stood up, held onto her hand and headed to the stage with her.

Kim jong-hun was unwilling to present the award to Y/N, so the entire process was handled by Yim Soon-Rye. Y/N got what she wished for and finally held the golden phoenix trophy in her hands. But...

"Y/N, could you please share with us your thoughts?"

Hearing the host's invite, Y/N walked up to the microphone, scanned the audience and began speaking in a loud and clear voice, "Firstly, I have a few words I would like to say to Mr. Kim jong-hun." Y/N turned to the side and placed the golden phoenix trophy on the floor.

"If Mr. Kim's opinion is representative of the entire older generation, then I can only say that it is a shame."

"The seniors of the film industry are indeed the founders and creators of the industry, but they should not represent arrogance and prejudice."

"Each generation leaves it's own mark. Perhaps in Mr. Kim's eyes I am not worthy, but, to the generation before you, were you viewed as perfect?"


"I indeed changed from a model to an actress. But, firstly, I do not lack money, and secondly, I have put in the same amount of effort as everyone else, including the great actors that you speak of. In your eyes, can effort and sacrifice be separated into distinct categories?"

"For example, if a painter suddenly becomes an engineer, are they being disloyal to the arts and architecture industry?"

"I'm sorry, but it is our freedom of choice."

"You have indeed made a lot of contributions to the film industry, no one can ever replace that, but...Mr. Kim, you must admit that you are getting old and times are changing. We need to keep up with trends. The current generation loves to look at things objectively. If the film industry has failed to be objective, I'm sure they would have been destroyed by the public already. Did you think it would be as prosperous as it is today?"

"Do you think that the younger generation is all wrong and you are the only one that is right?"

"Plus, we are indeed newcomers, the most lowly of creatures in your eyes. But hasn't everyone seated here today, including yourself, been a newcomer some time in their lives? Haven't they struggled their way up from nothing? By looking down on us, you are merely denying your past..."

Everyone was shocked by Y/N's words.

Of course, they were shocked that Y/N dared to be straightforward. But, they were cheering on the inside over what she had said.

This was the perfect way to deal with old men that looked down on newcomers.

Kim jong-hun wanted to argue back, but, as the words reached his lips, nothing came out. He could only glare at Y/N as the veins in his forehead began to show.

"As a senior of the industry, you aren't encouraging nor helpful to your juniors. You've already lost your dignity. Especially since you slandered a junior in front of everyone."

"Even a primary school student would not be taught in this way. Don't you think?"

In other words, she was saying that he was worse than a primary school student.

With these words, time seemed to have frozen. But, a few seconds later, the venue erupted in an applause.

Y/N had spoken exactly what everyone thought.

Seeing Kim jong-hun breathe out angrily as he left the stage, Y/N once again turned to face the audience.

"I placed this award beside my feet because I know a lot of people think that I don't deserve it."

"I'm sorry, but I Y/N, will only accept an award if everyone believes I am worthy of it."

"I know I attracted a lot of news, but I will always remember that I am an actress. Even when filming, I will always be serious."

"Today, I'm going to give the hosts a chance to challenge me. You can set the conditions and I'll perform in front of everyone. If everyone feels that my acting isn't up to standard, I can immediately give up on this award and never act again..."

Everyone was shocked by Y/N's words...

Y/N was going to act in front of everyone?

Didn't she know where she was currently standing?

The best of the best in the industry was right there. Wasn't she afraid of embarrassing herself? Why would she make such a big gamble...?

Why would she give up on the award?

Of course, there were plenty of people that were impressed by Y/N's bravery. If they were in her position, they wouldn't care what the judges thought. After all, the award was already in their hands and this was their glory. Which person in their right mind would toss it away? Yet, Y/N was exactly this person.

This part of the ceremony wasn't part of the rehearsals nor was it preplanned.

But, seeing Y/N like this, the hosts were more than willing to give her an opportunity to prove herself. After all, she had fought her way here and struggled through many obstacles. So, they were willing to believe in a young person's persistence and abilities.

"In that case, have you watched the film 'Insanity'?"

This Oscar Award winning motion picture was a benchmark in the crime category.

And the female protagonist, Allie, was a very famous character.

Allie was a multiple personality patient who had been held hostage by the male lead. As she tried to negotiate with him, she slowly became his therapist. But, the most spectacular part of the film was the fact that Allie had a second personality hidden inside her: she was a psycho that was even more terrifying than the male lead. While her first personality tried to redeem the male lead, her second personality helped him commit murders. Allie suspected that the male lead had an accomplice and one of the most famous scenes was when - after a series of investigations - she discovered the accomplice was herself...

"Yes, I've watched it," Y/N nodded her head as she remembered the film.

Not only had she watched it, during the time that she filmed 'W.H.' she even pretended to be Allie, just so she could get a better understanding of Namjoon's psychotic character.

"Then, do you remember the scene when Allie woke up after her second personality had killed someone and tried frantically to find the killer?"

"Of course," Y/N nodded her head.

This film was much too famous. At the time of filming, the actress that played Allie, Pira, actually ended up with multiple personality disorder in real life. To this day, she was still being treated at the psychiatric hospital.

Most of the people present had watched this film before and had a deep impression of the scene that Yoo Jae Suk had mentioned. But, could Y/N really pull it off?

This was an impossible task. It was too difficult...

Even Pira had gone insane!

It was clear to see how consumed in the character she was at the time.

Could Y/N...

...really do it?

The scene took place in an underground garage with steam vents. Allie was sitting inside a car with a driver who was having a nap.

When the male driver awoke, he wanted to have his way with Allie, but he ended up being hit in the head and fell unconscious. At this time, Allie's second personality was awoken and directly slashed him to pieces skillfully without being stained by a single drop of blood.

Allie's first personality woke up to find that the garage roller door was open and a corpse lay beside her. She frantically tried to find the killer. But, when she went to investigate the surveillance footage, she realized that no one had entered the garage during that time...

She began to realize what was going on.

So, she ended up returning to the corpse to search for clues.

The scene that Y/N would need to act out, would be the scene when she checked the surveillance footage.

There were no props and no help. Just an empty awards stage.

Y/N started off with her head down like she was deep in thought. Then...she suddenly lifted it and shocked everyone.

The look in her eyes...

It seemed she had discovered something, but at the same time she appeared terrified as if a demon was standing behind her with an axe. The expression that sent chills down one's spine gave an immediate effect without the need for any words.

Everyone was drawn into the scene by the look in her eyes. It was almost like they were right there on the set of 'Insanity'.

Afterwards, Y/N suddenly turned around like she had thought of something. With her back facing the audience, she started walking away. But then, she suddenly turned back around and tugged at her hair like she was amused by the theory she had in her head. There couldn't possibly be demons right? However, a few moments later, her expression darkened. The expression made one shudder...

Not a single person had stepped foot into the underground garage, so she suspected that something supernatural had happened and a demon of some sort must have appeared to cause this murder. But, a moment later, she started to think about why her arms felt a little sore and why there was dark fabric between her fingernails.

She frantically returned to the garage and searched the body of the corpse. Finally, she discovered a pair of black gloves. She was so frightened that she immediately let out a scream and threw the gloves as far as she could.


Y/N stood up calmly. As she was pregnant, she couldn't do any more complex movements, so she could only stop there.

But, the audience was disappointed that the performance had stopped...

Everyone wanted to see what was to happen next, but the act had ended.

That's right, it ended!

Even though this was a classic film that already had a stunning performance, it didn't mean that there wasn't other ways of expressing the scenes.

Y/N had added a lot of her own elements and interpretation on top of Pira's performance because she believed that it would bring Allie to life even more and complete the character in a way that was closer to reality.

The scene of the awards ceremony fell into silence for quite some time before the audience finally erupted in an applause.

At this moment, Y/N looked down at the audience, then at the hosts and finally at Kim jong-hun. She then picked up her golden phoenix trophy and raised it above her head before she left the stage under Taehyung's protection.

Her faceslap was much too ruthless and fierce.

Y/N had never been afraid of proving her abilities because she believed in herself.

She performed a classic scene live on stage. In fact, she surpassed the original performance. She used her actions to prove to everyone that she deserved the award!

Would anyone still doubt her?

Only if they could prove that they could do better than her.

But, who had the confidence to do so?

The video of Y/N's performance quickly spread online and her acting ability and talent was once again acknowledged by everyone.

Who would still feel that she didn't deserve the award?

Kim jong-hun's stubbornness was slapped in the face by Y/N. Out of all the years that the Fei Tian Awards had been hosted, she was the first newcomer who dared to offend a person of seniority live on stage. She was also the first to display her acting ability in front of so many heavyweight actors.

Her courage, confidence and determination made everyone feel admiration for her.

And her method of faceslapping was fierce and shocking.

"The stubborn old fools should have been dealt with in this way long ago. Y/N did something extremely satisfying today; I truly admire her."

"What if she was competing against you for Best Actress?"

"With her acting ability, she will win it sooner or later. She doesn't need to fight with me for it."

This was one of the many conversations happening amongst the crowd. At this time, Yoo Jae Suk returned to the stage and concluded, "I am personally a huge fan of the film 'Insanity', so when Y/N asked me to challenge her, this was the first film that came to mind. Of course, I knew this film would not be easy to act out and could easily drive a person mad. So, I set out a very difficult task without ever expecting that Y/N would respond in such a serious way."

"But, I believe that everyone clearly saw Y/N's acting ability. Out of all the versions of 'Insanity' that I have ever seen, including theater productions, Y/N's performance was the most complete. In fact, she managed to include small details that even the original Allie did not portray."

"I am extremely impressed..."

"I must applaud Y/N. I sincerely think that she deserves this award."

After Yoo Jae Suk expressed his thoughts, he looked at everyone below the stage. At this time, the man that had previously said that he had watched all the films featuring the Best Newcomer nominees, Mr. Chen Feng, suddenly stood up from the front row and walked onto the stage as he received the microphone from Yoo Jae Suk. With a smile, he said, "I originally didn't want to waste everyone's time, after all, there is still a lot of spectacular awards waiting to be presented."

"But...since Y/N has already proven herself, I feel that there are a few words that I can't leave here without saying."

The old man bowed to everyone and continued while maintaining his straight towering body, "As mentioned before, I've watched all the films featuring the newcomers and there was one that I particularly liked."

"I'm sure you would have guessed by now which film I am referring to. That's right, it is 'W.H.'. It's not because I'm a fan of disaster films, nor is it because Namjoon is the male lead. It's because I clearly saw Y/N's dedication to the film industry."

"After watching 'W.H', I looked into information regarding Y/N and found out that she was almost at the level of an international supermodel. She's received a Special Contribution Award and has ignited the Oriental Trend in the US, changing their standard of beauty. She has also been the spokesperson for many big brands and is a legend in the modeling industry."

"Yet, after changing career paths and becoming an actress, she has been clear of her position and focused on acting seriously."

"I really couldn't understand why people had to make things difficult for her every step of the way and why they had to endlessly create obstacles. She is obviously an actress with great talent and has a promising future, why must she suffer so much?"

"After careful thinking, I finally came to a realization. The reason why Y/N has suffered so much scheming and obstruction is because she is so capable. At such a young age, she has already reached heights that others would never get to!"

"'W.H.' has its flaws, but that can't represent Y/N's level of acting because her acting was perfect for the other 80% of the film."

"Plus, we can see from the behind-the-scenes footage that Y/N had received many injuries because of the film. Yet, she never got Kim Entertainment to release any statements, nor did she create any hype."

"She's neither lacking in confidence nor arrogant, and she tries her best to keep a low profile. So, why can't she receive the respect that she deserves?"

"Today, I would like to declare that as soon as I receive my next great film, the first person I will consider will be Y/N, regardless of whether it is a domestic or international film."

"Those that can't compare, yet don't know how to improve, can stay where they are. Y/N is a courageous person. No matter how many obstacles you throw her way, you will not be able to prevent her from becoming a top-class actress."

"If you don't believe me, let's give it a try..."

"As for why Y/N received this award, the reason will be announced soon by the organizers of the Fei Tian Awards. I will leave with a few last words: Y/N, keep up the good work! Don't mind all the useless nonsense and gossip. Especially when it comes from people that like to categorize others. They are falling behind and simply want to drag you down with them! They are completely ridiculous!"

Everyone knew that Chen Feng was lofty and unyielding. Over the years, he had never openly announced his support for anyone in particular because there were many things in the industry that he did not like. But, due to the Western education that he had received growing up, his EQ was quite impressive. Even when he didn't like something, he did not go around placing his judgment on them.

So, not only had the old man never scolded anyone, he had never praised anyone either. Yet, he did both these things in the same day. He praised Y/N in front of everyone at such a big scale event and even invited her to partake in his next film.

What a great honor this was...

However, after hearing the old man's words, Y/N did not rush over to suck up to him; she remained calm and peaceful as usual. This was one of the main reasons why Chen Feng liked her.

"Even if I was to personally meet with him, getting a role in one of Chen Feng's films isn't an easy task. Wifey...you've benefited again!" Taehyung said beside Y/N's ear. "Shouldn't​ you go over and thank him?"

Y/N did not say anything. In a gentle and humble manner, she stood up and bowed at Chen Feng, expressing her sincere gratitude.

Everyone else had come in the hopes of receiving an award. Yet, Y/N not only received an award, she also received an invite from a great director and secured a role that many would rack their brains to get.

Kim jong-hun held a high status in the industry, but after being named as a top class director and actor, he no longer produced anything. Whereas, Chen Feng continued to move forward and advance...

As a result, everyone was more convinced by Chen Feng.

Seeing that even Chen Feng stepped out to ridicule Kim jong-hun, it was clear to the public that he had become too big of a joke.

The youth was bound to overtake the old; this was the main theme of the awards ceremony. Of course, to prevent herself from wasting any more of everyone's time, she gestured for Yoo Jae Suk to continue with presenting the rest of the awards...

At this moment, both inside and outside of the venue, everyone was discussing Y/N. But, as the center of attention, Y/N remained as calm and careful as ever.

Her intention was clearly written on her face: she wanted to keep a low profile!

Live at the awards ceremony, an argument had taken place and a performance had been performed. The entire Fei Tian Award was practically like a personal meet-and-greet for Y/N, and everywhere one went, they would hear her name.

Afterwards, when the Best Actor and Best Actress was announced, Yoo Jae Suk deliberately teased the two winners, "Do you feel upset that Y/N stole the limelight tonight?"

"No!" the Best Actress laughed. "I am impressed by her courage. She was able to say what a lot of us thought but didn't dare to say."

"So, I support her!"

Meanwhile, the Best Actor also laughed, "I'm tempted to hand my trophy over to her. But, I know she has the ability to win one herself."

There was actually a huge difference between those that liked and disliked Y/N. Those that liked her, naturally saw how she tried to keep a low profile and high EQ. Whereas, those that didn't like her, were like those rare few viewers who were bound to dislike a film no matter how good it was. They were the type of people who would nitpick at the tiniest of flaws.

In reality, the netizens had already been taught a lesson by Y/N too many times. So, whether it was her character or her acting, they already knew what to think.

But in the end, Y/N did not have many films yet. So, she could only depend on her skills to convince more and more people.

After the awards ceremony was over, all the artists began leaving the hotel venue. At this time, the trophy-bearing Bam Bam and the impatient Namjoon stood in front of their seats and looked at Y/N.

"Congratulations, Y/N!"

"Congratulations to you too," Y/N said as she raised her trophy towards Bam Bam.

"Y/N..." Naeun hadn't seen Y/N for a while, so she rushed past the rows of red seats, ready to pounce into Y/N's arms. However, just as Y/N was within reach, a pair of long arms grabbed onto her and pulled her back.

"She is currently pregnant. If you pounce over with too much force and hurt the baby inside, the man over there will eat you up!" Namjoon warned.

Naeun looked at Y/N and then glanced at Taehyung.

Ever since Y/N had fallen pregnant, Taehyung practically never left her side, but, this made him even harder to read.

"It's fine," Y/N responded.

Taehyung glared at Namjoon. He was obviously jealous, yet he was trying to throw the blame onto the baby in Y/N's body...

"Y/N, you are amazing! It's a shame that 'Stupid' did not receive any awards...President Kim was obviously a great screenwriter."

"'Stupid' is participating in international awards instead..." Taehyung responded calmly.

Taehyung had not nominated 'Stupid' for any categories in the Fei Tian Awards, because his motive was simple - he did not want to reduce Y/N and Bam Bam's chances of winning.

The couple's minds were in sync, so Y/N obviously knew why Taehyung had done this. As a result, she simply wrapped her arm around Taehyung's waist without a word. Because, all she needed was him, and that was enough.

"I don't care Y/N, let's go celebrate tonight..."

However, just as Naeun's words left her mouth, Namjoon wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled her away, "We still need to return to the film set. What are you trying to celebrate? The fact that I still need to work at night?"

Like that, Naeun was forcefully dragged away. But, it was obvious to everyone that Namjoon was filled with jealousy.

"Why do I feel a little bad watching Naeun being bullied by him?" Bam Bam scratched his ear as he smiled.

"You're wrong. Namjoon may be a green-eyed monster, but he treats Naeun exceptionally well. He simply doesn't show it."

In reality, Bam Bam was also joking. Just as he was about to leave with Y/N and Taehyung, a familiar figure suddenly appeared behind Y/N. It was someone they all knew really well, Lisa.

The current Lisa seemed to have lost her horns. As she approached them, she no longer had the powerful presence that she once possessed. However, Bam Bam still couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

After all, he would never be able to fully recover from Jisso's death.

"Congratulations Bam Bam, I never thought that apart from being a manager, you could actually become a director. What a surprise!"

Bam Bam looked at Lisa's outstretched hand, but he did not shake it.

Lisa smiled in self-ridicule and retrieved her hand before she turned to Y/N, "And you Y/N, I never thought you'd become an actress and become so successful. I watched both 'Stupid' and 'W.H.', they were both amazing!"

"I am so regretful for not holding onto you in the past. Although I know, even if the past did not happen, I wouldn't have been able to hold onto you anyway..."

Lisa glanced at Taehyung.

"I mean, at least if the past hadn't happened, our situation wouldn't be so awkward right now."

"Congratulations anyway..."

"Thank you," Y/N replied politely before she said to Taehyung and Bam Bam, "Let's go."

Although the entertainment industry was one where people stepped on other's while they were down, Y/N did not need to be so ruthless.

"I simply hope you know what to do from now on. You will definitely come across another Y/N in the future. When that time comes, I hope you treat her well."

Lisa smiled and so did Y/N...


Meanwhile, over at the hospital, everyone was filled with excitement. Practically every single room was watching the live broadcast of the Fei Tian Awards.

Jimin lay in bed and sighed, "It seems, Sister Three was born to be an actress."

"What do you mean she was born to be an actress? She can do whatever she wants! When your sister decides on something, she charges forward courageously without turning back," Yeon-seo said as she sat beside Jimin. "Now that I think about it, I think I saw your sister when I was young. At that time, she hadn't left the Park Household yet."

"Look at how powerful your Sister Three is. How come, when it comes to you, you are constantly hurt because of a woman?"

"It's worth it!" Jimin smiled.

"Is there something wrong with your brain? How is it worth it to get hurt over a woman like that?"

Jimin burst into laughter, "You better remember everything you've said during this time."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it."

"It's worth it. If I say it's worth it, then it's worth it."

Yeon-seo glared at Jimin and shook her head disappointedly before she looked down at the apple in her hands and began cutting it, "Forget it, I can't be bothered talking to you."

At this time, Suzy suddenly showed up once again.

Yeon-seo lifted her head. At the sight of Suzy, she immediately stood up to leave. But, Jimin quickly grabbed onto her hand and gestured for her to calm down.

"You're here again."

"It's a sign of goodwill from your ex-manager."

"I heard that I supposedly got hurt because of you. How come I didn't know about this?" Jimin asked straightforwardly as he looked into Suzy's eyes.

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