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Chirstopher Smith leaned back with his chair staring at his both sons with lazy eyes and smoked to the cigarette one last time before smashing it's burning end over the ash tray..

"He didn't had the money Father!" Jonathan Smith, the elder one started his narration with a dismay. His hands were knotted behind his back in respect to his father and he was standing all alret unlike his younger brother who was standing leaning his shoulder with the wall just beside him, with hands stuffed in his pant pockets.

His style, his attitude was deviant..

He was Dylan Smith...

Christopher just hummed, his anger building up instantly..

"So you are here to tell that YOU failed Jon??" Christopher said in his ever so cold tone and Jonathan gulped..

"Father! We tried!" Jonathan started to explain but Christopher stopped him with the movement of his hand..

"I don't fu*king care about your tries! I wanted my money but you failed to get it? I asked you to have it either by hook or by crook! Didn't I??" He bellowed at his sons, throwing the ash tray on the floor breaking it in million, billion pieces.

Jonathan's eyes widened as he nodded frantically  while Dylan looked least affected. There was no change in his posture, his eyes were cold...dark as they always were..

"Ye--yes Father I...I am trying to explain that only!" Jonathan convinced Christopher to listen to him and his nostrils flared in anger...

"Then fu*king shot it immediately!!" Christopher and his all time bad temper, ah not so cool...

"Yes Father! We went to his home and asked for money! He refused to give any! We had a fight and Dylan shot him! The bullet hit his heart and he died!" He paused to take a breath and looked at Dylan with the corner of his eyes who was still standing least bothered on the mention of his name or whatever the angry glares he was getting from his Father..

"We searched for the whole house but there was not a single penny in his cottage!" Jonathan's voice was getting lower and deep..

"What's the point you want to explain Jonathan?" Christopher said in a tired tone and Jonathan nodded..

"We found a girl there boss!" He finally threw the card and Christopher frowned at him..

"What the fu*k do you mean by 'you found a girl there'!!?" He asked in a tone filled with curiosity and sat straight, leaning his elbows on his table..

"A girl Sire! An alive girl!" He insisted on his words and Christopher waited for Jonathan to explain further but he didn't, instead he waited for  Christopher to comment..

"Sooo?" That's all Christopher found himself saying and Jonathan looked reluctant..

"She tried to run Father!" His voice was once again going deeper. "And we warned her to stop but she didn't!" His eyes were filled with something which Christopher assumed was a little regret.

"Did you shoot her?" Christopher growled and Jonathan looked down..

"Yes Father! Dylan Did!" He said with a sigh, shaking his head...

But there was not a single wave of regret on Dylan's face and he was looking so calm as if he was unaware of the severeness of his act..

He stood straight buttoning his suit jacket and run his manly hands through his hair..

"Ok so! Enough of the fu*king sh!t for today! I think we should get going!" He said in a heavy voice and a different kinda husk dripped from his words.

He turned to leave but before he could, Christopher got up from his chair, stopping his son by holding his hand and pulled him back to face him..

"Is she dead?" Christopher asked to Dylan in a dangerous cold tone and Dylan frowned.

His expressions were turning furious..

"Do I look like fu*king care?? It's not my concern if she is fu*king alive or dead!" Dylan too bellowed loudly, that his voice resonated in Christopher's office and it's surroundings..

"Dylan Smith! I am asking you the last time! Is she dead??" Christopher was losing it that Jonathan noticed it and before both Father, son could grab each others neck like always, Jonathan came forward. He pulled Dylan away..

"She is alive Father!" He announced hiding Dylan behind him. "In the basement!" He added with a nod while Dylan shrugged his suit Jacket off in anger..

Christopher gritted his teeth and turned towards the door..

"Follow me Jon along with your Brother! And If he tried to run away from the path don't hesitate to shot him in his head!" Christopher spoke in an emotionless tone already walking towards the basement and Dylan punched the wall in extreme anger.

"Yes Father!" Jonathan said in a low tone and pleaded to Dylan silently to follow their father..

Muttering loads of abuses and curses Dylan followed both the men to the basement..

They were there in no time and before Christopher could open the door femine cries hit their ears and Christopher rushed inside..

All the three men saw a little girl sitting in the dark corner and she was crying loudly..

Ohh So vulnerable, so fragile...

All three of them walked closer to her and her head snapped up on hearing the footsteps..

None of them spoke anything. While the girl quietly searched their dark faces with glossy eyes..

Christopher was staring at the girl all the time rubbing to his chin, maybe thinking of what to do with her..

Jonathan's gaze on the girl was entirely different then his father's. He was looking concerned for her because she was loosing blood.

Lastly talking about Dylan...he was looking everywhere but at her. Why? Was he trying to avoid her? He shifted uncomfortably without coming in the notice and loosened his tie to breath properly...

And then...

Suddenly before any of them could say or react, the little girl got up with a jerk and the next second she had Dylan's collars in her tiny fists, grabbing them tightly..

"What the fu*k woman??!!" Dylan shouted on her sudden attack, flabbergasted and she jerked his collars badly..

"You!! You killed him!! You killed my brother! You are the one!! You....you shoot him!!" She was shouting like a maniac and Dylan held her wrists trying to free himself but her grip was too much tight..

Jonathan and Christopher quietly watched the scene without even frowing a bit..

"Stop itttt!" Dylan roared once again but she didn't instead kept shouting her heart out...

Her green eyes were demanding...

He was the killer of her brother that was the only thing the girl was shouting..

Soon Dylan had it enough and suddenly her shouts paused, and she fell on the floor with a thud as Dylan placed a tight slap on her cheek which instantly made her fall back on the hard floor..

"Fu*king b!tch!!" He mumbled massaging to his neck in nervousness and backed off.

While the girl was now once again sobbing and blood was now rushing out of her mouth because of the slap Dylan gave her.

"God Dylan! Take it easy Brother!" Jonathan shouted pushing Dylan more away and rushed towards the girl, gesturing his men to help her..

Her shoulder was also bleeding because the bullet had grazed it...

Jonathan gathered the tiny girl in his arms whose eyes were getting closed now. Jonathan, the good guy placed his hand on her bleeding wound but it didn't help at all..

"You are so Evil Dylan! A fu*king bastard you are! Get the fu*k outta here!" Jonathan shouted in extreme anger, shooting daggers at Dylan..

Christopher too glared at Dylan but said nothing..

"I am too not interested in this Sh!t Jonathan!" Dylan growled like at Jonathan like an angry bull.

"Make sure this b!tch don't survive! I won't be able to tolerate her face anymore!" He added in a cold tone and ran out of the basement without glancing back...

And the story Started...


Damn!! Am so freaking nervous!! *biting my nails already*
How was it? Was it good? Was it bad?
Who are these people?
Who you think will be the protagonist of this story? Jonathan Smith? Or, Dylan Smith?

First Chapter will be updated soon! :)

Love, Mawara

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