Fit a Future Into a Day

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Author's Note: AHHH! I am SO sorry about how long it took me to get a new chapter out! I've been working on a new story called Kill Your Friends which was kinda taking up my time. The good news is that story has officially been completed and will have new chapters out consistently on Sundays on my Wattpad. If you want to read a story which is pretty much about if the Ouran High School Host Club had psychopathic tendencies then Kill Your Friends is the story for you. Alrighty, anyways thanks for being so patient about this chapter. We now take you back to the regularly scheduled daring adventures of a prince and his super gay assassin turned kinda boyfriend.  

Nicky's PoV

As we made our way through the crowded seaport of Neeve Mikhos cast me a glare.

"Why the hell do you keep clinging to my arm like that?" He shook me off of him, scowling. I let out a little snort.

"Because it's literally my job to make sure nothing happens to you. I don't want to lose you in the crowd." I could feel a slight grin spread over my face. "That and it annoys you." Mikhos rolled his eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me Nic-" I shook my head, stopping him mid sentence.

"You almost said my name. You can't do that! Remember we came up with under cover names and identities, it was your idea!"

"Yes it was, but then you picked a stupid ass name. I refuse to use it." I gave him a little nudge.

"But you was still your idea."

"Being in hiding is no joke. If you fuck us over with your stupid fake name we could both be killed-"

"Just say it once." Mikhos narrowed his eyes.


"Just once," I pleaded, grabbing him by the arm again. "Please, just do it for me!" Mikhos grumbled something, rolling his eyes.

"Fine! Would you please shut up..." he sighed heavily, "Ollie Tabooger." I nearly buckled over laughing.

"It's funny cause it sounds like you're saying...haha...I'll eat...pfft...a booger-"

"I know that's what it sounds like!" He sighed heavily. "Honestly, what makes you think you can be all buddy buddy with me all of a sudden?" I smirked slightly.

"Cause you kissed me." I was most definitely not imagining the flush that immediately spread across Mikohs's face when I said that.

"W-Well you kissed me too," he stammered back. I felt a sudden swell of pride in my chest. Had I seriously managed to make Mikhos flustered? This was a day I planned not to forget anytime soon. I simply grinned at him, taking a step closer.

"That's not the only thing I did." Mikhos turned quickly.

"Let's keep going. We need to get to the harbor. We don't have time to talk about these things." I simply shrugged, trailing after him.

"You don't have to act so modest about it," I said with a chuckle. "I mean, unless it wasn't really your thing. Then I get it..."

"No," Mikhos said quickly. We rounded a corner heading into a little alleyway that according to the crappily hand drawn map the healer women had given me was supposed to lead us to the docks. I arched a brow.

"No, okay. So that means you liked it?" Mikhos didn't say anything, continuing to walk. "It's not that hard to give me a simple yes or no answer," I told him helpfully.

"Shut up," he retorted.

"C'mon, just a yes, or no, that's it."

"Uuuuuugh," he stopped walking abruptly, rolling his eyes. "Okay, fine. Yes. I liked it. Are you happy now?" I moved closer, grinning. Damn, I had never realized how easy it was to tease him like this.

"Yeah, I am. Would you want it to y'know...happen again?" He glared at me.


"Well too bad." Mikhos's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean Nicky?" I suddenly moved forward, pinning him to the wall. Mikhos tensed against me, his breathing quickening slightly.

"Well," I said with a smirk. "I think you need to have to work for it now. If we are going to have a relationship-"

"This is not a relationship."

"Okay, well...if we are going to keep up whatever this is it can't just be solely based around sexual chemistry, I'm not that easy. You're going to have to woo me." Mikhos let out a little snort of laughter which caused my stomach to feel like someone had unleashed a little cage of butterflies in it.

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, I am. I'm completely and one hundred percent serious. If you want to keep this up you need to find some way to woo me your majesty." Mikhos sighed heavily.

"I've never needed to 'woo' a man before. I don't know where to start." I gave him a little wink.

"How about flowers? Poetry maybe? Perhaps a love letter." Mikhos thought for a moment.

"I could serenade you." In that moment I had a pretty horrible flashback to the time Mikhos had tried to sing at that tavern and it had literally sounded like a baby being murdered. I shook my head quickly.

"No, no, no singing." Now Mikhos was the one smirking.

"Really? Cause I think you like it. I could do a full concert for you," he cooed. "Hell, why stop there. I could sing non stop for 42 hours if I knew it would please you. Anything for you, Nicky my love." I knew he said it jokingly but I could have sworn that my heart literally skipped a beat when he said it.

"Shut up," I said, hating that fact that my voice trembled slightly when I spoke. Mikhos simply laughed.

"No, you shut up." There was something about being one of the only people that could make Mikhos laugh that made me feel like I was one of the most important people on the planet.

"Make me." And with that he grabbed me by the collar and pulled me into a kiss and the universe felt like it was falling away. He pulled me closer and I could feel his heart pounding against my chest. Mikhos's arms dangled over my shoulders and his eyes shut. And just like that I felt a sickening ache in my chest because...fuck I didn't want this to end. Not just the kiss, or the moment, or the feeling of Mikhos's body so close to mine. I didn't want this new thing that had begun between us to have to stop. But that was impossible, we couldn't have a future together, not like this. The funny thing was that it wasn't even my past that was stopping it. Pecore wasn't completely opposed to two men sleeping together for pleasure but the idea of an actual relationship was almost unheard of. That didn't mean people didn't still do just never could be public. If that wasn't enough Mikhos was royalty and I...though a Kingsmen, was still nothing more than a servant. The scandal that would be created if this was discovered, especially with Mikhos already having to struggle for power over the throne, couldn't happen. There could be no future between us. I didn't want to think about it but...we would have to end this when we returned to Pecore. I couldn't be selfish and cause even more trouble for him just because I wanted him more then I had ever wanted anyone in my life. Mikhos finally drew back now, brushing his hand gently down the side of my face. Everything he did, every movement he preformed made me want to take him back up in my arms and kiss him again. He looked up at me through dark, lidded eyes.

"We need to go. We don't want to miss the boat." I nodded.

"Yeah let's go." We began to walk again and this time he let me take his arm without complaint. We stepped back out into the bustling streets of Neeve.

"Look at all these shops!" I exclaimed suddenly. "I wish we had more time, we could have checked them out." Mikhos shook his head.

"Well we don't so..." he suddenly was cut off by a coughing fit. I froze, a slight wave of panic passing over me.

"Are you okay?" Finally it stopped and Mikhos took a deep breath, brushing the strands of golden hair out of his face. He stared at me, his face looked pale. After a moment he took a deep breathe. His voice was slightly hoarse when he spoke.

"I'm fine."

"You look terrible."

"I'm just still getting over that fever...that's all. I haven't had a coughing fit like that since..." he stopped, shaking his head. "We're going to be late. Let's just keep going to the docks."

"No," I stammered, almost too quickly. "What were you going to say?"

"It doesn't matter." He tried to push ahead but I grabbed him by the arm holding him back.

"Please..." I almost said his name but I managed to stop myself. "Just say it..." I didn't want it to be true but I knew the words which were going to leave Mikhos's mouth the moment I asked. Mikhos sighed heavily.

"I haven't had a coughing fit like that since well...when I was supposed to be dying." He grabbed my hand now when he saw how I had paled. "Stop over analyzing everything. It was just a little cough, I'm sure it happens to tons of people. I'm fine now-"

"The fever and now this. What if resuming the ritual somehow is causing this? What if you're sick again..." I knew Mikhos had been thinking it but hadn't wanted to say it outloud. He simply shook his head.

"Nicky, I told you. It was just a coughing fit, alright? It's nothing to worry about. It's completely common."


"I promise, I'm fine." I took in a deep breathe, maybe he was right, maybe I was over analyzing. I needed to just calm not think about it. I glanced down at him now and a small chuckle escaped me. Mikhos looked to me, arching a brow.

"What?" I gave his head a little poke.

"Your roots are showing. I know you told me you dyed your hair but I don't think I ever believed it until now." Mikhos's eyes widened.

"Shit, how bad does it look?" I shrugged.

"It looks like your hair is having a mini identity crisis. It's okay though, I still think you're attractive." Mikhos simply rolled his eyes, giving me a playful shove.

"Shut up Nicky. Come on, let's go to the docks." 

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