Kiss of the untouchable man

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Author's note: Hey guys! Thanks for sticking with this story so far! 

Looks like the first bit of original art for it is already here (lmao, I drew it)! Remember if you ever want to draw fan art send it to me on my Tumblr or IG (or just ask and I'll give you my email to send it) and I will feature it at the top of the chapter. Also, adding the song at the top to get ya'll in the mood for what's coming up in this chapter ;) I'm hoping to have the next chapter up Monday or Sunday cause I'm super excited to post it and this chapter is really short. Enjoy :D

Emery and I sat across from each other in the small tent like area. I don't think I have ever felt more like a worm being watched by an arrogant foul mouthed bird then in that moment. We were both dead silent and I could feel the tension building in the small space. We hadn't spoken since I had well...uh...punched him in the face. Emery watched me. A frown was prominent on his pretty face but he didn't say anything. I guess when he didn't have a crowd to be performing for he could actually keep his mouth shut. Finally I broke the silence.

"So uh...I guess I'll go first." I awkwardly flipped the hour glass. Nothing happened for a moment. I didn't really...know how to start touching Emery. He was like a statue or a painting, something you admired from afar but never thought of brushing your hand across. I began to reach forward for his shirt but was stopped immediately when his hand caught my wrist.

"Do not touch it. The shirt stays on." He said monotonly. His grip finally loosened and I shook my hand free, my wrist aching from his tight hold.

"Ow...holy shit okay. I got it. Don't want to ruin your nice little outfit." I fucking hated him. I decided to move for his hair instead. I slowly reached out and began running my fingers through his blonde curls. Light blonde hair and dark eyes. The face of an angel and the personality of a little spoiled monster. Emery was at least consistent.

"You're ruining my hair you bitch." Came a hiss. I nearly snorted before attempting to mess it up further when-

"Times up." Emery said suddenly. "Looks like it's my turn." He snatched the hour glass and turned it over, slamming it down on the little table. I hardly had time to think before his mouth was on mine in a sharp punishing kiss. I hadn't even noticed he had grabbed me by the wrists and pushed me down to the floor until I realized I was staring up at him, staring into the face that held those dark eyes and the bandaged nose. He kissed me again, this time pulling at my lower lip with his teeth. I could taste the iron in my mouth from the blood the kiss had drawn when he finally drew back from it. My train of thought was soon lost again as he latched onto my neck, nipping and biting at the sensitive skin there as he pulled off my jacket and slipped his hands under the thin fabric of my undershirt. This was...quite a difference to the soft gentle caress of Gani. The worst part was that my body was actually reacting to it despite itself and I hated that more than anything. His fingers slid up my body causing my breath to hitch at the touch. Without realizing it my arm had draped over his shoulder and I was grabbing at his shirt, gripping it desperately as I tried to not respond to each shiver the touch of his mouth and fingers sent through my spine. Then it was all over. Emery stood up as calm and collected as ever leaving me on the ground breathing heavily as he brushed himself off. For some reason he didn't move. He just stood there for a moment before finally turning to me, an almost bored expression on his face.

"So, are you planning on getting off your ass now or what?" When he said that it suddenly hit me that he had been waiting for me. I stumbled to my feet and tried to smooth down my clothes before I grabbed my jacket from off the floor and quickly pulled it back over my shoulders. Emery said something sarcastically under his breath in response and I assumed it was something I would just be better off not hearing. As I began to lace up my jacket he turned to me again passing me my evaluation sheet.

When we went to leave I felt Emery brush past me and I heard him murmur softly in my ear,

"You better give me a high score, don't think I didn't notice your little dick getting half hard just from a few kisses from me." It took everything in my power to not straight up punch him again. Suddenly he reached out and roughly grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, pulling my face close to his once more. Emery's voice was no more than a whisper when he spoke "...don't ever mess up my fucking hair again." Just as suddenly as he grabbed me he let go causing me to stumble backwards a few steps. With that Emery turned on his heels and with that he was gone. 

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