Harmonizing Melodies

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Marinette couldn't help but blush, "Awe, thanks Kitty, I do have you to thank for helping. I didn't think I had it in me after last night with you as Blanc and-" she gasped. "Your father!!!"

"What about my father?" Adrien asked. That was when Marinette grabbed his wrist and started pulling him through the halls towards the hidden entrance of the prison. It was still cold and dark like before, but Chat took a torch to provide light for them. His ring beeped, he only had a few minutes left before he turned back but that didn't matter.

They came to the fork again, but the hall of torches was dark, the fire had died out. They went down that hall, hurrying to the same space where Marinette's magic was taken. With it being day, the sun came in through the sky opening, it made the room less scary, and they could see all the moss on the walls. The stone beings seemed to have gone back to where they belonged.

Butterflies were fluttering around the room, their wings pure white in the shining sun. But one was unique among the group. Its wings were a faint violet with darker purple patterns. Marinette stepped up, summoning her violin again and letting it rest on her shoulders before she started to play. It was a simple melody, not like before in the hall. As she played, her magic swirled around the butterfly. It lit up and started to change, it grew and took on a new shape.

The two stared as the butterfly was no longer itself, but a man. One that was all too familiar to Adrien as he sat there stunned, his formal clothes ruined from the fight the other night. Their light blonde hair is a mess.

"F-Father?!" Adrien exclaimed as he stared at the stunned man who also looked at them in shock. "H-How-"

"He was the man from last night, the one that akumatized you, the one who took my magic which led to my corruption," Marinette stated, glaring coldly at the man, "He's the one behind the silver mask,"

Adrien fell silent. The man from last night that took Marinette, the one who turned him into Blanc, the one who used him as a puppet just to take his love's magic to gain some ultimate power...was his father?! His own father?! He couldn't find his words, fists clenching tightly in mixed emotions. The only thing he could think of was why?...

Why him out of all the bastards in the world? Why did it have to be him?


"We checked him thoroughly but so far no fatal or lasting injuries. Olivia, and Quinn, are doing some final checks." one of the nurses, Alyse, reported to Marinette who stood in the hall of the medical wing. After a long awkward silence, the two teens brought Gabriel up to be checked for any injuries. He would be locked up and awaiting trial later against the crown along with Lila. Adrien was leaning against the wall, arms crossed as he listened to the conversation between Marinette and the head nurse.

"Thank you so much," Marinette thanks with a kind smile, "you and the others are excused, for the time being, we'll let you know if something else is amiss," she adds. the nurses nodded and left the room, leaving the teens alone with the madman.

"Holler if you need anything," another nurse, Mirte adds before she walked off. Marinette nods to her before turning to look at Adrien in concern.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked softly, he's been acting off ever since she turned his father back. His demeanor had changed as well, he was more stern and cold, his glare hardening as he stared at the floor.

"Yeah. Just...give us a moment..." He grumbled, pushing himself off and walking passed her, before coming into the room. He kept his hard glare on. Gabriel sat up in bed with a glass of water when he walked in.


"Don't call me that!" he yelled as he marched over to the side of the bed, he felt betrayed! "You lost that right! You used me! And hurt my love! You turned me against her then corrupted her! Why!? I don't understand...." He was hurt, just as much as when he lost his mom.

"I just wanted to bring your mother back! That's all I wanted!!! I didn't even know it was you behind the black mask!" he protested, "If I had known it was you-!"

"That's no excuse! Do you realize how many people you've hurt!"

"They don't matter!! Everything would've been alright! We could've been a family again!!!!"

"NO! You broke this family when you decided to play the part of the corrupt villain! How can I even see you as a family anymore!!" He pointed an accusatory finger at him, the other hand curling tightly to a fist.

"Adrien, give me a chance," he pleaded, "I can make things right! I just need you and the girl and-"

"YOU WILL NOT GO NEAR HER!!" The boy lashed out, fist pounding on the side table causing the man to flinch, "YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS RIGHT!! YOU USED ME! YOU USED HER! HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF AFTER THE TRAUMA AND DAMAGE YOU'VE CAUSED!?"

Gabriel fell silent hearing his son snap like this. "Adrien this isn't how I raised you to behave-"

"CLEARLY YOU DIDN'T RAISE ME AT ALL!" He spat with rage, teeth bared "and Thank god for that because the last person I ever want to be like is a selfish bastard like you!" his words continued to stab into the man's pride.

Gabriel starred seeing his son's raging demeanor, his confidence was now gone. "Son...I-I-"

"Don't call me that!" He hissed, "you've lost that right when you tried to control me and my beloved!"

Nothing more was said by the man. His head hanging low in shame, what had he done? "I just wanted to bring our family back together...."

"You could've kept it together by being there for me, instead of pursuing the path you did...I hope I never see you again." Adrien asserted a final time, before storming out of the room.

"Adrien?" Marinette asked when she watched him come out.

"Leave me alone." he hissed in irritation. "I need some space."

Marinette watched him march down the hallway, she understood he was angry and respected he needed space. Then one of the maids approached her.

"Excuse me, your highness, we require your advice in the ballroom," she says shyly.

"Alright, Martha right?" Marinette asks as the maid nods. So the two made their way to the ballroom.


"Adrien please you need to calm down!" Plagg exclaimed as he followed his holder into the Garden. Sure there weren't any more akumas to worry about but he was worried that the kid might hurt himself.

"How can I Plagg! My own father turned out to be a monster!?" He exclaimed. Tears of anger, sorrow, and betrayal stung his eyes. He felt his heart was going to shatter and shatter again.

"I know it hurts, but you'll find a way out of this! Besides, look on the bright side!" Plagg says, trying to be optimistic about the situation, "Once he's locked up you're a free spirit!!"

"I...I know" his voice broke, "but it still hurts! That he was so selfish! That he used me and Marinette like that! That he didn't care who he hurt to achieve his goal!" Then it hit him. Now that Marinette was home he may not be able to spend as much time with her!! She'll be so busy as the new ruler she'll probably leave him too!! He would be left in the large mansion, alone more than ever now! Sure Natalie must still be there to watch him but it wouldn't make up for all his father has done. For all he knew, he might even lose his home and everything else.

"I'm losing her too..." he said brokenly, his voice beginning to tremble, more tears escaping and falling down his cheeks. His body began to tremble, he had to lean against a nearby statue to support himself "she'll...she'll be the new ruler...too busy for someone like me...sh-she'll forget about me entirely..."

"Kid no! No! No! No!!" He flew in front of Adrien, trying to wipe away the many tears he shed, "She loves you! There's no way she'd ever forget you!! Let alone neglect you!!" Plagg assured.

"She's the princess Plagg..." his voice cracked, "she has her people to care for now...she has a kingdom to rule over and settle everything Lila's ruined...I'll just be a memory in the end..." he sniffed

"Kid please, go talk to her! Work this out together!"

"Y-you think it would work..." he wiped at his eyes

"You never know," Plagg frowned. But Adrien's emotions were still a mess.

"I don't...I don't want to burden her with my neediness, she has far more important things to tend to now..." he said sorrowfully, "she finally has her throne and home back...she doesn't need me...I don't know Plagg,"

"Kid..." Plagg frowned, his ears flattening against his head. Adrien straightened as he went to find somewhere else to be by himself.

"I need some space Plagg, please..." Adrien pleaded with Kwami as he walked away. Plagg couldn't bear to see his kitten like this. So he flew off to get the only person that could help him.

"CLARINETTE!!!" he screamed as he flew through the palace halls. Marinette was surprised when her name was called, or what sounded like her name. She turned in the direction it came from and saw Plagg flying to her. "You're Clarinette, right? YOU GOTTA HELP ME!!!"

"Plagg?! What's wrong!?" Marinette asked worriedly, "And it's Marinette,"

"Yeah whatever, but it's Adrien! He thinks you're going to abandon him and forget about him once you start to rule!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, Adrien..." Marinette says solemnly, frowning at this, hurrying to follow after Plagg.

Adrien was sitting on the rim of one of the large fountains outside, hunched over, elbows propped on his knees as his hands ran through his hair. Incoherent mumbles escaping his lips along with a few unheard curses. He was furious! But he was also sad, his heart aching from all the emotions he tried to bottle up but he couldn't. He just let them all out, tears of sorrow and anger were let out. His shoulders trembled more. Marinette saw him from the garden's entrance, seeing his broken state. She was tempted to approach him now and try to calm him, but an idea came to mind as she summoned her violin.

Adrien hiccuped when he suddenly started hearing music playing, he wiped his tears away before looking back to see who it was, but it was none other than his dear violinist. A tired smile crept onto his lips as he continued to look at her.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

the translations are not the same I used a separate English translation that's still roughly the same but better)

Elle est debout juste derrière moi
(I'm looking up, she's right behind me)
Elle me sourit, détourne les yeux
(Confidently she smiles but does she)
Je crois comprendre son drôle de jeu
(know that I see the game that she plays)

Marinette came closer as she started to sing and play.

Quand je le vois, je ne suis plus moi
(When I'm with him, I'm not myself I)
Je deviens rouge et parle tout bas
(Stutter and blush, completely lost)
Le souffle court j'ai le cœur qui bat
(my heart's beating fast, I can't catch my breath)

He shook his head and stood, walking away from the fountain.

(Get away)
C'est la seule chose à faire
(That is all I can do)
J'ai le cœur à l'envers
(With my heart upside down)
Je sens comme un pouvoir
(There's a power so strong)
Qui me tire au-delà
(And it pulls me along)
Du mur qui nous sépare!
(Through this wall between us)

She followed him from a distance through the garden.

Mais pourquoi
(Tell me why)
Je n'ose rien lui dire
(Can't I just speak my mind?)
Je le veux que pour moi
(I want him to be mine)
Sa lumière, son sourire
(want his light and his smile)
Traversant pour un soir
(To surpass, for one night,)
Ce mur qui nous sépare!
(every wall between us)

Mais pourtant
(But I find)
Lorsque je pense à elle
(That when she's on my mind )
Je me sens infidèle
(There's this guilt within me)
Je veux fuir dans la nuit
(I can not help but flee)
Pour voir ma coccinelle
(Towards my ladybug)
J'ai le cœur un duel!
(cause it's her that I love)

They both stopped a small distance between them.

Toi et moi
(You and me)
Si nous pouvions nous voir
(How I wish we could see)
Au-delà du miroir
(Through what keeps us apart)
Bas les masques pour un soir
(Through our masks and our hearts)
Brisons de part en part
(We should fix this because )
Ce mur qui nous sépare
(There's a wall between us~)

He walked away again.

Je ne comprends pas ce que je veux
(What do I want?)
Je ne peux pas tomber amoureux
(Must I decide now? Could this be love? )
D'où vient ce sentiment mystérieux?
(Or something else? How can I describe this feeling inside?)

She came closer to him.

Un jour viendra, tu découvriras
(I know someday you'll realize we)
Le bonheur d'être à deux, toi et moi
(were meant to be, two halves, you and me)
Lorsqu'on se serrera dans nos bras
(Holding you close, that's when we'll be home)

Mais pourquoi si mon cœur est ailleurs
(But if my heart is somewhere else)
Je sens dans mon âme une chaleur
(why do I still feel this warmth inside my)
Un frisson qui me porte bonheur
(happiness grows through forces unknown)

He felt a light touch as he turned, Marinette taking his hands in hers.

Pourtant je le ressens
(Emotions overflow)
Ce tourbillon de sentiment
(A wind of feelings starts to grow)
Qui nous emporte au firmament
(It's taking over)
Dans le soleil et dans le vent
(I let go and close my eyes because I know)
Comme une chance unique
(This is a one-time-chance)
Un tournoiement magique
(A magical romance)

She wiped away what tears were left.

C'est fort quand je le vois
(And now I know it's true)
Je veux crier sur tous les toits
(I want to shout across the roofs)
Notre amour qui nous tend les bras
(About the love I feel for you)
Mais je sais que je ne dois pas
(But that is something I can't do)
Ce n'est pas le moment
(Because it's not our time)
Il faut être patients
(We have to wait, a while)
Être patients
(A little while)

She pulled him along gently down the path.

Je sais qu'un jour on s'envolera
(I know someday, we'll fly together)
Car mon amour un jour tu verras
(Trust me my love, now and forever)
Qu'auprès de moi tu deviendras toi!
(I'll give you space to be who you are~)

A smile came to Adrien's face as he followed her.

Je ne comprends pas ce que je veux
(What do I want? Must I decide now?)
Je ne peux pas tomber amoureux
(Could this be love? Or something else?)
D'où vient ce sentiment mystérieux
(How can I describe this feeling inside?)

Nous serons réunis dans la nuit
(We'll be together as the sun sets)
Comme dans le jour oú tous ce qui brille
(And when we rise, our feelings will last)
Sera notre amour à l'infini
(My love for you unmeasured by time)

The two began to dance together, in the garden.

Malgré ce grand mur qui nous sépare
(Though there's a wall between me and you)
L'amour traverse de part en part
(Love conquers all, our feelings flow through)
Nous sommes ensemble, une force rare!
(Powers combined, together we shine~)

Her violin vanished, arms wrapping around the other.

Pour toi je patienterai toute une vie
(I'll wait a lifetime if you'll have me)
Car oui je t'aime à la folie
(My love is true, call me crazy)
Je t'aimerai à l'infini...
(But I'll love you infinitely)

Their foreheads touched. Adrien's anger and sorrow having faded away, love and happiness filled him once more. What was he worrying about? He should've known his lady better than that! They would be together even when things were different. She was a princess and he a parentless Nobel, he'll work out on how to live on his own.
As he stared into his love's eyes, he could see it. He could see them dancing together in many balls. He could see him, coming to his knees before her and holding up the most beautiful ring he hopes he won't lose as she tackles him in a hug when she says yes. He could see her in the most beautiful white gown as she walked towards him, black tux and probably a crying mess but could you blame him? He can see them by the fire on a cold winters night, his hand rubbing over her swollen stomach and humming gently, fawning over when he felt the faintest of kicks. And he can see little kittens, three of them all running around the garden, sneaking into the kitchen to grab sweets despite the cook's scolding, but they would be his little cat burglars.

He can see it all! And it all begins right here, his lady in his arms as he held her close.

"I love you..." they said in unison, chuckling softly at their dorkiness, then sharing a tender kiss. One filled with much love and passion the universe couldn't contain.

Their lives would be magical, but they would also be bumpy. But they were certain of one thing.

Their lives would be filled with love! and Music in their hearts...


~Authors notes~

Wow, I never thought I'd be typing those three letters to this story. honestly4, I started this book back when I was in middle school in 7th grade! NOW! I'm a sophomore! It's been years of hardship for me with school, parents, and other things. But now this book is coming to a close.

The final art was done by yours truly. Possibly my best work yet! I'm really proud of what I've written and how far I've come since then. My writing has improved I hope. This chapter alone is 3,000+ words! That's something I'm proud of. I couldn't have done this without a few special people.


And so many more I wish I can mention!!!

Thank you all!! for all your support through the years!!! Do not worry, this will not be my last book, I will be writing many more to come! My writing journey doesn't stop here, cause this is only the beginning!! Now, I'm gonna go eat and rest my fingers so that when I'm ready to write my next book, I won't be having sore fingers.

Until then! See you soon my little snowflakes!!!

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