Her dreams, His Promise

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You will find your voice.........

You will make people smile............

Just remember Marinette..............

Follow your heart...............

'wait!' a young girl thought. 'I don't know who you are! What do you mean?!'


Mari sat up on her bed slowly. 'who was that?' she thought to herself. She shrugged getting out of bed and getting ready for what today might bring her. Today was a brand new day and the start of the villages harvest festival! Mari was ten at the time but she still loved to go. Getting dressed in a simple light blue dress and a white apron over her skirt. Her dark hair was a little short but the bangs bugged her a lot so she wore a red headband.  With a wide smile on her face she rushed down to greet her loving parents.

"There's my little Princess~" Tom said with a grin seeing Mari run down the stairs. He bent down to pick her up and swing her around in the air.

Sabine gave a warm smile before saying "You better put her down or we might miss the festival." with a giggle in the end. Tom could only chuckle, putting Mari down who rushed to her mother, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"How's my little bluebell?" Sabine cooed looking down as she hugged back. Mari met her mother's gaze and gave a huge smile, her way to say she was doing great! Sure she was mute but she found her ways of communicating with others. She was happy to have the best family in the world she thought.

Soon the afternoon came swinging by quickly and the Dupain-Chengs were out of the bakery and closed it for the meantime so they could explore the festival. Tom picked up the small girl and had her sit on his shoulders while she hung onto his head. She could see everything from up there! He parents chuckled as they walked on. Mari looked at all the things to see and smelled all the food that was meant to be tasted. But one thing caught her eye the most.

Beautiful music. She could hear it through the bustling conversations and footsteps of others around her. She looked all around and saw them. A small band composed of three, each playing either a flute, lute or violin. Oh, how she loved the music. Her parent's caught her eye and saw where she glanced. They nodded to one another and made their way closer.

The closer they got the more clearly Mari could hear their music. Her favorite of the three was the women who played the violin. She loved the sound it made and she watched in amazement a smile growing.

"Do you like them, Mari?" Her mother asked and Marinette nodded quickly, "who's your favorite?"

Mari quickly pointed to the women violinist as she spun and danced around as she performed with the other two. Maybe she could do that! But she couldn't, not without a violin or any kind of instrument.

Tom and Sabine looked at each other then back at their daughter. Seeing their daughter expression, they knew right away what they would do for her in the near future. They didn't have much now but they'll save up to make their daughters dream come true.


Not too far from the lively village, in a large mansion that's almost the size of the palace. Heck it even looks like one! Tall towers rising over the trees, large rooms, windows, and rooms. A beautiful flower garden and soft music coming from inside.

Fingers flew over the black and white keys of a piano in a grand ballroom.

"You're doing great Adrien..." a woman's soft voice complimented to the young eleven year old noble boy who played the piano beautifully.  Adrien only smiled as he continued to play while sitting on his mother's lap. She had platinum blonde hair that went past her shoulders in a wavy motion. Her eyes an emerald green as a soft smile and light pink tinted cheeks and painted her face. Her son was almost a spitting image of her. Same eyes and hair.  Her names was Emilie Agreste. Loving wife to Lord Gabriel Agreste, possibly the richest lord in the land.

The music softened as he finished and glanced back at his mother. "what do you think?" he asked with a grin. She only replied with a smile as her arms wrapped around him in a hug. "Amazing" she murmured.

Adrien loved these moments. Just him, his mom and their music. No lessons or anyone to disturb them.

"Adrien? I need you to promise me something" his mother said breaking the silence. Adrien nodded looking up at her. She reached into a dress pocket. Pulling out a black box engraved with red designs. She opened it and there was a black ring with a green paw print on it. There was a soft green light. As it faded, a small floating black cat appeared.

Adrien's eyes widened and said. "wow! what-er who is this?..." he asked cupping the tiny black creature. "Names Plagg, got any cheese?" the small cat asked. Adrien chuckled as Plagg flew onto his shoulder before looking up at his mother.

"Adrien..." she started before taking the small ring from the box and slipping it onto her son's finger, "Promise you won't let anyone have this ring or take Plagg," she said softly. Adrien lifted his hand to get a better look at the now silver ring. "they're very important and could disrupt people into greed."

Adrien smiled brightly at his mother and said "I promise mom...." with honesty in his voice. He would always remain loyal to those he loved and trusted.  The women only smiled as she embraced him once again.

"Can I eat now?" Plagg asked. The two pulled away to look at the tiny cat and laughed. So they left the piano and the ballroom as they made their way to find something to feed Plagg.

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