Queen of Mean Vs. Princess of Lies

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((Art by yours truly 😉))

The black magic being released.

It rose and swirled around the girl. Lady Noire smiled, she did it! She was able to get her powers back! Her smile quickly fell, this magic, it wasn't familiar to her anymore as it enclosed her. She let out a silent scream, one of pain and agony.


Marinette awoke in darkness, looking all around in hopes of seeing a way out, or a familiar face that could help her. She stood, steps echoing as she walked. In the distance, she could see a figure, one that was familiar to her. Her dear Chaton. A smile now on her lips as she started running to him, but slowed to a stop, watching him come to his knees before another girl. It was the liar, the vixen, the false princess. Lila.

She watched, as her kitten presented a black velvet box before the monarch, opening the lid to reveal a stunning silver band incrested with diamonds. She watched, as the liar accepted his engagement, tears of joy spilling from her eyes and down her cheeks. She watched as the ring was slipped on, and he lifted his fiance into his arms, the two spun with joyous laughter. She watched, as the two shared a loving kiss...

The scene rewinds.

Whatever this internal torture, whoever was causing this, it wouldn't let Marinette turn away. All she could do was watch the scene over and over, her body paralyzed. She couldn't turn away, even when she closed her eyes she could still see it. Their voices growing more boisterous with their laughter,

Marinette tried to block them out, tried to neglect them. This was nothing but a lie! A lie! Adrien would never do this to her, he loved her! Not Lila!!

"I love mew, Lila..." Adrien whispered to the cheat. Was she even a cheat now before her?

"And I love you my silly kitty..." she says, a finger tapping his nose the way Marinette did. It broke the poor mute's heart as she watched it all before it vanished. She wasn't sure why, but she could hear voices of promise, promise that Justice would be served if she aided them. Lila would be gone and Marinette would be the true queen the kingdom needed. Queen...
They promised that Adrien would be hers and hers only, she could protect them and no one else would come between them.
But most importantly, they would give her a voice. She didn't believe them at first, but she started to speak in faint stutterers as she tried to comprehend the offer. Hearing her own voice, it was something that she could only hear in her dreams.

A tired laugh escaped her lips, hands slipping up to her neck. As she sang for the first time.

I'm so tired of pretending
Where's my happy ending?
I followed all the rules
I drew inside the lines
I never asked for anything that wasn't mine
I waited patiently for my time
But when it finally came
He called her name

She glared up, remembering what she had seen. Tears drying.

And now I feel this overwhelming pain
I mean it's in my veins
I mean it's in my brain
My thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train
I'm kinda like a perfect picture with a broken frame
I know exactly who to blame

She looked down at her own hands before clenching them and standing tall. Fury burning inside.

I never thought of myself as mean
I always thought that I'd be the queen
And there's no in-between
'Cause if I can't have that
Then I would be the leader of the dark
And the bad
Now there's a devil on my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me the queen

She reflected on her past, how she had been mistreated by others around her. But her kitty was always there for her.

Being nice was my pastime
But I've been hurt for the last time
And I won't ever let another person take advantage of me
The anger burns my skin, third-degree
Now my blood's boiling hotter than a fiery sea
There's nobody getting close to me
They're gonna bow to the Evil Queen
Your nightmare's my dream
Just wait until they fall to my wicked schemes

I never thought of myself as mean
I always thought that I'd be the queen
And there's no in between
'Cause if I can't have that
Then I would be the leader of the dark
And the bad
Now there's a devil on my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me the queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
The queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
The queen of mean (calling me, calling me)

A light shined ahead as she walked towards it.

Something's pulling me
It's so magnetic
My body is moving
Unsure where I'm headed
All of my senses have left me defenseless
This darkness around me
Is promising vengeance
The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive
There's nothing to lose
When you're lonely and friendless
So my only interest is showing this princess
That I am the queen
And my reign will be endless!!! (endless)

She stood before the small, golden, violet light. Taking it in her hands., she awoke.


The dark aura that surrounded her bursts. She stood unharmed but...different...

A new voice singing from the dark mist

"I want what I deserve!
I want to rule the world!
Sit back and watch them learn
It's finally my turn!"

Vibrant eyes glowed from within the mist.

"If they want a villain for a queen,
I'm gonna be one like they've never seen,
I'll show them what it means!
Now that I am that!
I will be the ruler of the dark and the bad,
'Cause the devil's on my shoulder,
Where the angels used to be,
And he's calling me the queen of mean! (calling me, calling me)
The queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
I want what I deserve!!"

The girl before them now was not in the crimson gown or the rouge attire from earlier. Now she wore an elegant dress truly fit for royalty. Eyes a sharp, and glaring bright lilac, not the bluebell blue Adrien loved. Her shoulder-length hair now flowing past like a cascade. Over her brow a beautiful diadem of pure gold and amethysts. The violet, wavy like skirt opening in the middle to reveal the underskirt of a darker gray. Her top now a richer orchid shade, heart-shaped bust, puffed black shoulder parts with dark grey sleeves just passing her shoulders.
In her hand, not only did she bear Adrien's ring on her finger, but she also grasped tightly to her own golden staff. Crystal orbs the same electrifying violet. Beautiful golden carvings covered. The bottom end almost like an arrowhead which frightened the two gentlemen. But Adrien's eyes landed on the pendant that she wore, it's rose gold had waned to silver.((why is describing clothes so much work and pain))

Her new voice seemed to echo as she spoke. Both Adrien and Hawkmoth stared at her in fear and confusion.

"I thought you said she was mute!" Hawkmoth snapped at the boy.

"She was...H-How did she..." Adrien stuttered, still in confusion at the girl before them was Marinette. Or was she someone else?...

Marinette just laughed at the man's outburst. "It's quite simple Mothy," she says cooly, staff infront of her as her fingers traced the engravings, "The reason you've been after my magic and Adrien's ring? So you can gain this...this...ultimate power! and it feels amazing! and with it, I finally have a voice," her tone softened as she turned to Adrien, "I can finally speak to you, my love,"

"Marinette..." He was happy that she could at last speak but the powers had entranced her. This wasn't good.

She turned to the man, seeing how he seamed to tremble now as he stood. "You do know it's impolite to not bow before a queen?" she questioned, with a motion of her hand, she forced the moth to bow at the waist. He couldn't pull himself up.

"And you Adrien, you know how to greet royalty," She turned to the blonde, beckoning him. He was suddenly pulled before her on one knee, his hand unwillingly taking hers as he kissed the back of it and making her giggle.

"Oh Adrien you're too kind," she smiled sweetly. Then, to Adrien's shock, Hawkmoth rushed forward and shoved Marinette away from him. His own staff, though much shorter and not as grand as the girl before him, but still of equal power in his hands. Adrien free from Marinette's control.

"I won't let you harm him." the supposed villain hissed. Marinette laughed amused.

"So the villain wants to be a hero eh? Let's see how well you do," She brought her staff down, Hawkmoth blocking it with his own. With the two miraculouses, she was given more strength and was starting to win over the moth.

"RUN!! GET OUT OF HERE" Hawkmoth yelled, looking back slightly at Adrien before he pushed Marinette back. From his staff, he pulled out a blade to use in the fight. Adrien still stared, blinking before he got on his feet, not wanting to question why the man was trying to help him now.

"RUN SON!!!" He faintly heard the man yell once more before there was a flash and a boom of was sounded like thunder. Adrien could've sworn he heard Hawkmoth call him...no. No, it couldn't be. His mind was a mess right now and he was hearing things. Soon he was out of the dungeon and out in the hallways of the palace. He still kept running to get as far away as possible. Once he felt like he was, he stopped, breathing heavily and back against the wall. A hand went over his chest as he tried to calm down and catch his breath.

"This can't be happening...it just can't!..." he said to himself. His love wasn't just able to save him, but now she can speak and wield god-like abilities as she fights against the one other person they thought was their enemy. Adrien started to panic as he looked at his bare finger. Without his ring, how as he supposed to save her? How was he supposed to save Marinette now?! Without his ring, without his powers, he felt useless, helpless, weak. He was stronger with it, he was stronger as Chat Noir! He needed Plagg right about now, despite his humorous behavior he did give some good advice when the time came for it...

Think Agreste think! What would Marinette do at a time like this? What would she do now that she has these formidable powers? Then it came to him when he heard someone screaming, followed by many more. He raced to follow the shrieks, having a hunch of where it was coming from.

"LILA ROSSI!!! SHOW YOURSELF YOU LYING COWARD!!!" Marinette's voice roared as she stood where the throne was. Guests screamed and fled the room as the dark queen blasted over their heads as a warning. Rage filled her, eyes burning intensely. She stepped down, walking forward and searching among the fleeing crowd. Adrien was pushing his way through the crowd and towards the stand where the thrones were, whistling and grabbing the girl's attention. Her cold gaze now aimed at him as he stood there with mixed feelings of fear and worry for his lady. But he had to do something to help her.

"Adrien! Welcome to the party!" she says joyously with a smile, seeing her love there.

"Marinette, this has to stop...this isn't the way!" Adrien called out to her, stepping down from the platform and walking towards her, "This isn't you...this isn't the Marinette I know..."

"No, this is the new Marinette! One far more powerful than before. With it, I can finally take back my place. WE can prove to the whole Kingdom that Lila is a false!!" Marinette stated, turning to him fully. The purple sphere on her staff glowing immensely.

"No...No this isn't my Marinette..." He now stood before her a hand gently taking the silver pendant, holding it up for the girl to see. "I gave this to you on the last day of the festival, I gave this to you as a parting gift, cause I thought I might never see you again.

"But we still did, you wore it that night when you came to play at my father's gala. You were wearing it when I walked you home, when we danced under the stars together, when we confessed our love for one another. I'll always love you Marinette, no matter what form you take. With or without a voice. Just please, please stop this..." he pleaded her.

Marinette stared, the glow of her eyes faded to show her violet ones. The snarl had faded to a frown as Adrien now stood before her. The two alone in the ballroom. "Adrien...I-No! No, I won't stop!! Not till I know the truth, why my parents didn't live the life that belongs to them!! Why that vixen took it from us!!!" her voice boomed.

"I know, but this isn't the way! We'll find out the truth together, you don't need these powers. Please..." Adrien implored.

"I Just want to set things right!!!" She screamed, her hands quivered slightly. Adrien slowly slipping his hand to hers, golden staff released and it clattered to the floor. The glow vanishing from both. Her knees buckled, Adrien helped her down as he held her. She concealed her face in his chest as sobs escaped. "I just want this to be over..."

"I know Mari, I know..." Adrien replies gently, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head, hand rubbing her back. For a moment it was just them again, the two alone in the great and deserted ballroom. But the familiar clicking of heels could be heard, orange dust drifting into the room. Adrien on instinct held Marinette tightly against him, glaring at the open door where the dust came from. Marinette drew herself back a bit to see what was going on.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

There was the figure of the false monarch in the dust, she pulled something long out of the folds of her gown, bringing it to her lips and began to play. The lights in the room dimmed and the dust before them began to glow brightly, illuminating their source of light.

The figures shifted and changed to the forms of people. Four of them., two were women, the other two were men. They were both pairs. One of them was pink, the other orange as they danced together. The pink figures had golden crowns on their heads. As the orange figures waltzed, a third figure appeared, that of a small girl. However, the mother staggered back, falling and vanishing. The girl's father began to grieve, neglecting the daughter his wife left before they faded for a moment as well.

The pink couple twirled and soon, the woman held a small bundle of joy in her arms. However, darkness fell upon the small and happy family. Black dust threatening to harm them. The father embraced his wife who held their child, before allowing them to flee. The king turned as the second man that appeared again, the king placed his crown on him before he went to join his family. The new king turned to his daughter as she reappeared, only this time she turned away from her father despite the news, walking away and coming across a box, picking it up and opening to find a necklace that gave a golden glow. When she wore it, she now glowed with the same light, illisions of friends created whenever she played her flute.

The figures swirled together and the music changed. Marinette recognized this song, it was the same one from so long ago...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Years passed. The once royal family happily left their bakery, their daughter skipping and twirling around with them as they entered the village festival. The young girl watched with in interest as the band played beautiful music. Nearby, however, the new princess of orange saw the family. The golden light turning red in anger and jealousy. The scene changed as the festival and the people faded. The scheming princess poured something into one of two chalices. As she approached her father, she handed him the laced chalice. The king falling dead soon after he took it. The princess used her newfound powers to create an illusion to make it look like her father was stabbed in the back by an assassin who fled through the window. Guards came and bowed down to the girl, who sent them after the supposed 'culprit'. But she also sent another party to go after another family. The princess and the guards vanished.

Now the baker family appeared again. Marinette remembered this scene very well. She watched as the family fled the shadows that chased after them, she watched as the family came to two new figures, both of yellow, pleading with the man, a young girl meekly hiding behind him. Then, the man nodded. The father handed his daughter a sleek, black case, while her mother placed a kiss to her forehead. The family shared a hug, their last hug while the yellow figure took the daughter by her hand, taking her away from her family. The young princess desperately tried to reach her parents, but it was too late as the shadows fell upon them. The song ended and so did the story.

"Why...why...WHY?!" Marinette yelled, threatening to lunge at the fake princess, but Adrien held her back. "HOW COULD YOU!!? THIS WHOLE TIME IT WAS YOU?! HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL?!"

"I'm simply doing what any queen would do, protecting my throne," she played a few notes as the dust swirled around her once more and she vanished. Marinette screamed in hatred, reaching for her staff but Adrien kicked it away.

"Marinette please calm down!" Adrien cried, still holding onto her.


Adrien started to panic. She could destroy the whole palace and bring everyone inside down with it! He pulled her against him again, knowing she was heavily grieving. He knew what that was like...
Looking down, he saw his ring in her clenched hand. He could get it back!!

Slowly but gently, Adrien turned her to face him. Amethyst meeting emerald. Hers welled up in tears again, many emotions built up. Adrien being the smitten kitten he was, he kissed away what tears were shed. She never expected him to lean in and kiss her after all that's happened. Shock being evident before she kissed back, the violet glow fading. Love and passion blooming between the two.

What she didn't see was Adrien slowly slipping off his ring. When it was off, a golden light surrounded the girl.

((2,999 words not counting this message. ENJOY YOU OCD BITCHES))

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