Succumbing to the darkness

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I don't usually draw but I tried it out and it turned out great!!!

The clicking of heels continued to reverberate through the halls of the dark dungeons. Before being discarded. Marinette now ran bare feet as she fled from the scene. She hated leaving her kitty alone to that Moth man but, she also didn't want to anger Chat...

She turned a corner, back pressed against the stone wall as she tried to catch her breath. That was when she heard another set of steps, it sounded like they were striding calmly. But the heavy thumps of their boots gave them away.

"Princess¬. I know you're down here, please come out my love," a familiar yet at the same time unfamiliar voice cooed out to her. The familiar, sweet and gentle tone now sounding like bitter honey. Playful, but yet mischevious.

Marinette placed a hand over her mouth to try and conceal her heavy and anxious breathing. She knew whose voice this was, but she didn't at the same time. Her other hand over her chest as she felt her heart pounding, it raced inside her as beads of anxious sweat formed on her brow. She could feel her muscles tighten as well. She slowly neared the corner, glimpsing around only to be paler, seeing a rouge clothed in guard as white as snow on winter's first days. Black hair slightly covering the violet eyes investigating the area around him as the purple flames reflected off of them. A golden rapier attached to his side in its seeth. He had a mischevious grin on his face as he looked down every hall, every cell, rather jokingly with a spring in his step, like he was playing hide-and-seek with a child.

She pulled herself away from the corner, a silent gasp being let out. What has that man done to her kitty?!

"Come out, come out where ever you are~," He sang, chuckling in the end. Marinette turned, hoping to go down the hall in hopes she could escape and find help. But she gasped sharply as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind like a hug as she was pulled close. Warm breath tickled her ear as someone chuckled. "I found you Purrrincess~"

Mari's eyes were now wide with horror as the cat pulled back a bit to turn her, their eyes now meeting. His own filled with a strange glee as he stared down at her, a soft smile painted his face as hands rested on both her shoulders. "Now we can go see Hawkmoth!"

'Kitty, this isn't you, you need to snap out of it!' she mouthed, her lips curving into a frown of concern. Marinette reached up, one hand caressing his cheek, 'What has he done to you?..'

"He's done nothing, my love, I purromise I'm not harmed!" he says cheerful, the cat leaning into her touch, "All he did was give me more power, I don't have to fear about hurting you with my powers anymore. I can protect you! We don't have to worry about people like Lila or Chloe anymore, we can run away, run away to the country and live our happily ever after together!" His smile grew as he took both of her hands in his.

'NO! I...I mean...' she sighs, shaking her head. 'That sounds incredible kitty, but...I want to live that life with MY Kitty, the one I met in the village, the one that gave me this,' from under her dress she lifted the rosegold violin he had gotten her.

"But Princess, don't you see? With these new powers, we can overthrow Lila and take back your position as the true Princess! Maybe even the queen! And I'll be right by your side, I'll be your voice, and if there's anyone that dares to defy you I shall silence them!" he swore as he grasped his golden hilt firmly as an indication. Marinette gulped at that.

'That's how Lila would rule, I'd rather rule my way than with violence. Please, just come back to me, you don't need to listen to him...' she pleaded once more. The cat's hopeful gleam in his eyes seemed to fade as he let out a sigh.

"Oh Princess, you don't have a choice," he told her, "this is the only way to secure our future together, whether you like it or not, now come on," in a swift movement, he had her swept off her feet and into his arms as he started to walk down the halls. Marinette didn't know where exactly he was taking her, nor what was in store for her, but she knew she couldn't fight against her kitty now.

She could try to fight him off with her magic but she didn't want to risk hurting him. She didn't want to hurt the one she loved most...

Chat's boots continued to thump with every step he took. His eyes locked ahead, and hold on Marinette being firm to ensure she didn't try to escape, but also gentle so he didn't hurt her. Marinette rested against him, hands kept to herself as the silence was filled with the steadfast beating of his heart she heard from his chest. Then he stops. Before they were a fork, two paths. The right, lined with the many familiar purple torches, while the other was nothing but pitch black.

'Go left!! Go left please!!' a voice pleaded in Blanc's head.

'No. The master said he needs her and he doesn't want to be disappointed.'

'But if you keep listening to him then you'll be endangering her!! He'll hurt her and you know it!!'

'That's a lie!! He's going to help us. That's all he want's!'

'But not without harming her first!'

Blanc groaned, wanting to grip his head but he had no freehand. To his astonishment, Marinette reached up to caress his cheek. A sign of reassurance. Her face one of worry for her kitty as his brows furrowed. Even when iniquity took him over, she could still see Adrien trying to break free. Blanc looked down as their eyes met, gazes locked before he shook his head once more. The voice dissolved as he turned to the illuminated path, walking down the hall of torches. Marinette could faintly see a dark, spruce door ahead he was able to open upon entering.

A slow clap sounding from the shadows...


SORRY NOT SORRY BYEEE!!! *runs off before someone tries to kill me*

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