Summers Eve Gala: A Forgotten Lullubye

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Chat stepped into the room once more. The guests talking amongst themselves, Mari's music in the background and Chloe constantly searching for Adrien. Adrien was gone, for now, It's Chat Noir's turn to show up.


It was a little uncomforting as I passed a few of the guest's father had invited. Most were a little suspicious seeing me.

Two reasons. One; I'm the pawsome 'Rouge' Chat Noir, thief of the land at a party I wasn't invited to~.

And Two; I'm the only one with a mask. But who cares! Slowly making my way to where Mari stood, her music is still as beautiful as ever, it grew louder with every step I took to her.

Soon her song had finished and everyone gave soft claps. I smiled seeing how she was enjoying her time here. As the applauds faded, I slowly make my way up to her. The way she brightened up when she saw me was adorable. Her smile wide as I stepped forward before her, bowing slightly but never leaving eye contact.

With a smirk, I stand straight up again. A hand gesturing to the piano behind her.

"May I Princess?" I asked. Her smile still remains as she nods, stepping aside and motioning to the large instrument. I nod back walking past her and sitting down before the keys of black and white. "This will be mew-sic to your ears~" I teased only to see her roll her eyes as she turned back to the audience.


With that, Chat began to play a simple melody, Mari soon starting to play along. Their melodies together were in perfect harmony! Mari swayed slowly to their song, dress flowing with her movements as Chat's fingers danced over the keys. Many of the guests danced to their music, slowly swaying or waltzing in the middle of the floor. Marinette was surprised at first, she didn't know Chat could play let alone if he was really going to be here.

Mari only pushed the thought aside as she continued to play with Chat at her side. It was like both were casting a spell through the room, seeing how everyone was smiling a little to the music. She started to dance around a little, spinning too. Chat Noir was enjoying his time with his lady, playing at her side. Playing freely for everyone rather than the lessons he was given in the past, his playing stiff and stone. But not tonight.

As their song drew to a close another soft applause for the two was heard. Mari put her violin near one of the chairs before rushing over to hug her kitty from behind tightly. Chat chuckled at her excitement. He turned to return her hug. "I told you I'd come" He murmured into her ear. He felt her nod as she pulled away with a bright smile. She pulled her journal out from a dress pocket and flipped to a page. On the top was labeled 'Miraculous'

The Rouge cocks his head to the side reading the name then looking down to the notes. "'Miraculous' huh? Your wish is my command Princess" He said with his signature smirk, taking the journal from her and propping it up on the sheet stand on the piano. Mari jumped in delight and excitement as she went to grab her violin.

Chat read over the first few lines before he started to play. The song was beautiful as usual. Even more beautiful once Marinette joined in. In anyone's opinion, the piano and violin have always been a popular choice for duets when it comes to instruments.

Keys and Strings.

"Who is that?" Natalie asked motioning to the Rouge as she leaned over to Lord Gabriel.

I'm not sure..." Gabriel replies eyeing the uninvited guest. He'll have to approach them later.

The Rouge smiled as his eyes shifted from the journal to the maiden who played at his side from the corner of his eye. He loved the song. He loved all the songs she's written. But this one had to be his favorite of all. Their music sounded almost like an orchestra with its grand size.

But of course, Marinette couldn't help herself when she saw some of the other instruments on the other seats that were meant for the previous musicians. Then she glanced back at the crowd, seeing Lord Gabriel who was among them. She looked at Chat, catching his eyes and motioning to the other instruments. The cat understood, nodding with a smile and wink.

Mari smiled with the cat's agreement as she nods back. The second chorus was coming up next, she took a deep breath before letting it out. There was a burst of the pink aura and the guests gasped at the sudden feat of magic. The aura flew and surrounded the other instruments, they were surrounded by it as some floated. The audience gasped as the other instruments soon joined, becoming an orchestra as they played the song too! Trumpets, other violins, flutes, and clarinets! You name it! All together plus hers and Chat's playing, it was quite the show. Chat smiled widely at his lady as they continued. More people watched than danced as their eyes remained on them.

By the final notes, the instruments were gently put back down and the crowds applaud louder than before for the two. Mari smiled widely as she takes a deep bow and motions to Chat who stands from his seat and bows as well before walking over to his lady's side and smiling.

"Not bad m'lady!" Chat chimed with a smile. Mari beamed brightly nodding. "Shall we take a quick break? I know that probably drained you." Chat suggested.

Marinette nods putting her violin on one of the empty chairs before she and Chat walked arm in arm to the buffet table. Chat could already feel his mouth water just smelling all the things he could eat tonight without having to worry about his strict diet.

Tonight he wasn't Adrien...

Tonight he was Chat, Chat Noir, and his princess...

They approached the buffet table, Mari's eyes bright seeing all the food while Chat's mouth watered. Screw his diet, he's eating what he wants tonight. He started to take some of the food, a whole bunch he usually doesn't get to eat. Mari simply skipped to desert, taking some of the fruit tarts and cookies. She nibbled on it and it was some of the best tarts she's had. Chat started to eat one of the turkey legs that was laid out.

Before Mari could help herself to another cookie, she saw that Gabriel was there at her side. She quickly puts her plate down and wipes her mouth of any crumbs. She faced the lord looking more presentable.

"What -he -atter -ari? -at -ot -our -oung?" Chat asked with a full mouth, nearly choking seeing his father.

"And who might you be?..." he asked with a cold stare.

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