The Festival of Magic: Out with a bang

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Both Chat and Marinette wished that the festival could last forever. Every night They would sneak out from their prisons to see each other, exploring different parts of the village. But alas, all good things must come to an end.....


It's the last day, this could be the last night I might get to be with Chat...

We may never see each other again....

"Marinette?" Chat asked at my side, snapping me out of my thoughts. We were currently sitting with slices of mix berry tarts on our laps. He then lifted it from the cloth to his mouth to take another bite. After swallowing he spoke again, "You seem distressed, something the matter?" he said whipping a few crumbs off around his lips.

I shake my head slowly, taking my journal to write.

'I'm sorry, I was just thinking' I paused afraid to write the rest, 'I was thinking of if we'll ever meet again after tonight'

Chat gasped lightly in realization. He had forgotten that the week and the festival was coming to a close. He sighed heavily as he averted his eyes from me when I turned to look at him.

"You're right, however...." He smirked and looked back at me, "But nothing is stopping this stray cat from visiting his favorite princess" he said. I simply roll my eyes, he was such a flirt. He's been calling me 'princess' a lot, in return, I call him 'Kitty' or 'Chaton'.

It was so late into the night that I knew what was to come. After finishing our tarts I stood, violin case in hand as I showed him the journal page.

'I want to take you someplace special'

He grinned again as he nods. "What could be more special then you?" he teased. Did I forget to mention his none stop pickup lines? Rolling my eyes again he stood offering an arm. I smiled this time as I took it and started to lead him through the crowds and into the woods and out of the village.

At the moment nature was our music, the rustling of the leafs above our heads and the soft chirps of crickets and night gales. It was soon accompanied by the flow of water as we neared the lake nearby. I led us to an oak so that we faced the direction of the village. 'We'll have to wait for a moment' I wrote showing it to him who nods replying.

"I'll wait a thousand years if you want me to" before we sat down. Just relaxing as we stared at the clear starry sky.

"Princess?" Chat spoke again as I turned to him, his emerald eyes glowing. "could you...close your eyes for a moment? It's a surprise..." he explained. I was confused at first but I trusted him so I closed my eyes.


The moment she closed her eyes, I took a breath as I reached into a small pouch attached to my belt. From it, I pulled out a small rose gold violin charm on a matching chain. I lifted her hair for a minute so I could clasp it around her neck. "Okay, you can open your eyes now..." I murmured.

Her bluebell eyes opened again and looked at me. I motion to the pendant, when so looked down she gasped lightly, holding it up so she could get a closer look. Her eyes looking at the little details before smiling. She lets it hang on the chain again as she takes her journal and wrote 'Thank you Chaton, You've given me so much already.'

I gave probably the dopiest smile ever. "It was nothing Princess, and if you're thinking I stole it? No! Never!" I exclaimed honestly laughing, "When it comes to you I never steal..." She nods understanding as she leaned against the tree again.

Soon there was a bang as we looked in the direction of the village. Beautiful colors flew and bursted into the sky brightening it up. Fireworks,  they were indeed beautiful, especially where we were. It made the water of the lake shine and shimmer with the ripples.

She stands with her violin, walking near the edge of the lake and she began to play again. Her music was so beautiful. Some of the fireworks didn't fade as they bursted. Instead, the changed form. They were first two firebirds, Phoenixes, one a vibrant red and the other an icy blue as they danced and flew in the sky, singing their song. Second, they shifted to a herd of wild horses that galloped over the crowd, lastly, they transformed to human figures that waltz together. They could hear the cheering from the village as the show was put on. Throughout her little show, her music would change to match the illustrations in the sky.

I could only gasp lightly seeing her talents. She was amazing, it would be impossible to hate someone as kind and beautiful as her. It would be impossible to forget someone like her. With a dreamy sigh I only sit back and watch her dance gracefully almost like a ballerina.

The dancing figures bow down as they fade away like Maris song. Everyone cheered. Marinette was tired but glad to have made everyone happy. She falls to her knees exhausted, using so much magic meant using so much of her energy. I hurried over to her side, helped her to a sitting position and letting her lean against me for support seeing how tired she was. Her head rested against my chest as I held her tightly in an embrace.

"That was....I have no words to describe your remarkable talent m'lady..." I murmured softly in her ear. What I said was true, I couldn't think of anyone else who was like her. "Do you want me to take you home?..." It pained me to say it but it had to come.

We had to say goodbye...


Marinette hated the fact that it was time to go. But it was late and Chloe is going to kill her if she woke up late and was being sloppy with her choirs the next morning. So she nodded still in his arms. That's where he wanted her, he never wanted to let this girl go....

Chat let Marinette hold her violin close as he gently picked her up and slowly made his way through the woods to the Bourgeois Mansion. Even pulling his cloak up for her to use as a blanket for the meantime. Once he arrived at her window, he shook the girl in his arms gently who had fallen asleep momentarily.

"Wake up princess, we're here...." he said softly as the girl woke up still sleepy. She looked around at their surroundings and frowned realizing their paths must part here. Chat caught her frown, he did as well as he held her tightly in another embrace for a moment. He never wanted to let her go, but he helped her through the small window. She looked up at him for a moment, then back at her hand that he still held tightly.

His eyes were filled with sorrow as he brought it to his lips and pecking her knuckles gently. "Farewell Princess, I've had the greatest time of my life spending it with you here at the festival..." Chat said softly before he flashed a reassuring smile, "But I know our paths will cross again someday..." With that he let her hand go before disappearing into the shadows of the lonesome night.


Adrien made his way back home safely when he overheard his father discussing a few things with his attendant Natalie.

"Do you have a backup plan since the performers aren't coming?" She asked. Gabriel was planning on hosting the traditional gala but, the entertainment wouldn't make it tomorrow night. "Umm.. is everything alright, father?" Asks Adrien tentatively as he steps out from behind the pillar he eavesdropped from. His father just glanced at him momentarily. Natalie however looked somewhat concerned.

"Adrien! You've been missing all day! Where have you- oh never mind... as long as you're here now..." Natalie sighs.

"As for what your father and I have been discussing, the music players for the Summer's Eve Gala being hosted here tomorrow has canceled. We are searching for someone to replace them."

Adrien couldn't help but hear Mari's violin in his head at what Natalie told him. An idea pops into his mind.

"I think... I think I know someone who can."

"Oh?" Responded his father in a rather cool voice. "And who would this be? A servant from the kitchens?"

"N-no..." Adrien stutters, losing his nerve at his father's tone. "A.. a fair maiden. Goes by the name of Mar-...Ladybug. her name is Ladybug. And she's the best violinist I've ever heard."

Gabriel turns to his son, eyebrow arching high.

"Ladybug...?" he asked about to speak again. He is unable to continue when Natalie jumps in. "Are you by chance referring to the Angel Ladybug in the village?" Natalie asked.  He looks at her, taken aback by how she even knew of this violin player

Adrien's face lights up a bit.

"Yes! She's the one!" he replies.

"Tales of her have spread" she said in thought, thumb rubbing under her chin. "Some say she's a which with the sorcery she's done" Adrien's face falls, turning pale ever so slightly. True, he HAD seen her do magic unlike he's ever seen (which he has seen, of course.) But he knew she wasn't a witch... was she...? He shook of the thought.

"She is a masterful violinist. If you allow me to go into the village tomorrow morning, I can go ask her to come. I'm paws- uh.. positive she'd accept!"

Natalie thought. She looked to Gabriel for his decision, it was his gala after all. Would he even let a 'witch' enter his household? Gabriel looks over his son in what almost seemed like a glare. "Fine...but..." Adrien's heart sank a tad. Uh oh... "you must bring two guards with you. I cannot have you going missing once more."

"But Father! Please I can-"

"ENOUGH!" Gabriel shouts sternly. Adrien's heart sank into his boots. "Two guards. No more. No less. That is what you'll take if you go to the village to find this "Ladybug..." Gabriel finished. "Do you understand Adrien?" Natalie asked.

Adrien's fists clenched, shaking in anger. "Perfectly."

He growls as he stomps off into his room. He slams the door, locking it behind him. He flops onto his bed, upset. How was he supposed to get near Marinette and Adrien?! Especially with two he-men tailing him?! He groans into a pillow. Suddenly, an idea hit him. A bad idea. But one he thought could at least make things better. He'd go to Mari's house tonight, warn her ahead, and fetch her as Adrien.


Later that night once he was sure everyone was asleep, he transformed and quickly headed to Mari's. He saw that her light was still on so good, she's awake. At least he thinks she is? He peeks in through her window, seeing the ravenette passed out on her wooden desk by candlelight.

Chat sees her sleeping. Not wanting to frighten her, he tests the window to see if it was still unlocked. Luckily for him, it was. As silently as a cat he slinks into the room. He crouched right behind Mari as he watched her chest rise and fall with her breathing. She looked so cute, she slept next to a book that she used with Chat for communication. And another labeled 'Play from the heart.' Of course it killed Adrien, the book was begging him to open it. Curiosity killed the cat as he took the book. He opened it and inside were handwritten sheet music. At the top of some of them were the names of the songs. Did she write them?

He flips through the music sheets, amazed by how complex the notes and melodies were. Chat ends up getting lost in reading the music as he leans forward to rest his elbows on the desk Mari laid at. Accidentally, he knocks over the metal candle stick. It crashes loudly to the floor, taking the light in the room out with it. Marinette bolts awake by the crash, no doubt panicking as to why the light was out as well. The room was dark and she couldn't see a thing. When she saw a figure against the moonlight, she was about to panic maybe fight back. Thanks to Chats night vision, he saw her actions and quickly placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Shh shh shh!!" He whispers. "It's only me! Its only me! Don't be scared. Shhh..." Once she heard the familiar voice, she calmed down and sighed as he removed his hands from her shoulders.

"I'm sorry Marinette... I didn't mean to frighten you... but I needed to see you." He whispers, picking up the candlestick, lighting it once more with a match from a drawer and setting it back on the desk. "There...that's better... see? Only me." He said reassuringly with his arms out to show it was truly him. He was immediately shoved by her, an angered look on Mari's face before she hugged him tightly.

Chat is confused when he gets shoved, and even more confused when she hugged him. Still, his face began heating up, undoubtedly turning red. He gently hugs her back. After they finally part, Chat nervously rubs the back of his neck, unsure of how he should continue, without potentially revealing his true identity.

"Ermm.. so Mari.. you know about th-the Summer's Eve Gala tomorrow, right? The one at m- the Agreste castle?"

She nods, tilting her head slightly in confusion of what he wanted to tell her. Chat begins blushing more, unable to find the courage to look into her beautiful blue eyes. Man up, Adrien! It's not like you're asking her to be your date! Chat Noir swallows a hard lump in his throat.

"Marinette, the hosts of the gala are in need of a musician for the event, and are interested in hiring you. Would you be interested? Well.. I mean they will pay you handsomely for your time. I know it."

Her eyes widened, this was such an opportunity for her! Shs quickly took her journal. 'I'd be honored to entertain the guest' she wrote smiling.

Chat Noir grinned. "Excellent! Tomorrow, Adrien Agreste will arrive here to "officially" hire you. You'll be able to enjoy free food and drinks at the gala, and it'll be so much better with you there, My Lady!" Chat rambles out, getting overly excited. He blushes again.

She giggled at his red tinted cheeks as she blushed herself. 'Is there a dress code or specific music I'm suppose to play?'

"Wear the best dress you have. Like that lovely red and black one you summoned a few days back! As for music... just bring a variety. You should definitely bring some of the songs from your book!" He says, grabbing her homemade music sheets

She quickly took the book from him and clutched it to her chest.

'Did you look in it?!' She wrote, he cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. 'You stupid cat!' She added.

"Uhh.. no...? Ye-maybe uh..." his face paled as Chat saw her fear in her expression. He sighs. "Okay, maaayybe just a few but they're really good, Mari!" She felt betrayed as she glanced down. Chat frowned slightly as he gently made her look up by lifting her head slightly by her chin. Their eyes locking.

"Marinette I'm sorry I looked in your book but I couldn't help it! You were asleep and it was open and you know how curiosity killed the cat." He sighs again, looking to the floor.

"You don't have to play those songs at the Gala, but I know everyone would love them..." Chat Noir looks out the window. He could tell it was late...very late...

"I've... I've got to go Mari. It's getting late and we both need our strength for tomorrow. I'll see you there!" He says. Without even waiting for a response, he climbs back out the window and into the night once more. He curses to himself all the way home. How could he be so stupid?! He'll see her for sure at the Gala, but the chances of Chat Noir showing up... slim indeed.

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