Chapter 1

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❝I met the guy with his smile when my pen started to phlebotomize, and my fate has begun writing a new story.❞

01 - Ruined Happy Day



Kamiya High, a very popular public school that every student wants to enroll. It is the school where you can find intelligent and so-called rich kids. Yes, it is a public school, but all the students from private schools have transferred to Kamiya High because it has a better quality education.

As a result, the school has become so crowded and traffic even on the outside, to the point that I was so nervous while riding a motorbike. I felt that I just had to pull over my motorbike and fly to get to my classroom.

It took five minutes before I got to our school's front gate. I quickly parked my motorbike and off I go. Without any hesitation, I ran towards our classroom.

Shit! I'm still a high school student but it feels like I'm late for a job interview.

I slowed down when I was about to reach my classroom. I even stopped for a second to catch my breath before I took a peek and damn! Our adviser was already inside. Luckily, she was sitting at the back where her table can be found while doing something.

I stooped down and slowly entered the room. I thought I was safe when suddenly, my classmates blew my stealth mode.

"Ma'am, Crystal is here!"

"She's late again!"

"She's the Queen of Late Aces!"

"You're my idol of being late, Crystal Xiamin Sandoval!"

"Hey, Ma'am? Exactly how many lates does she have?"

"Fudge! Hey, Crystal, where the hell is your foot mop, huh? Why are you still wearing your shoes inside the classroom and didn't take it off?" I looked at one of my classmates who was a front seater. "Can't you see, Crystal? We just applied floor wax on the floor and you just enter like a queen?"

All my classmates burst into laughter because of what she said. I could not help not to roll my eyes in irritation.

"Kate Ashleigh Nicole, sometimes you give me doubts if I'm your friend or not." I pouted, hoping to get her pity and would just let me in with my shoes on.

To be honest, all of our front seaters were traitors. But they are fun sometimes, too. They sometimes lighten up the mood of everyone here in the class.

"Crystal, you're my friend, okay? That'll never change but if we start talking about the classroom's cleanliness, friendship is a big no-no. Everyone and everything should be fair and square!" She pointed at me like I was some kind of a criminal. "And FYI, call me by my nickname K-an."

"Y-Yes, Pres!" I was not able to do anything. I almost forgot that she was our class president.

"Oh, Xiamin! You're here." I gulped when I heard that.

I took a deep breath before slowly turning to face my class adviser.

"G-Good Morning, Ma'am Kathleen." I tried myself not to stutter.

I am not afraid of her. She was not one of the terror teachers in my school. She was kind and beautiful. But, the number of lates I have is what I was bothered about.

She borrowed the class record from our class secretary, and I was sure she looked at my records.

"You already have twenty-one lates excluding now," she said without looking at me. "Your house is near, right, Xiamin? Your parents both have their cars. How come you're always late?"

She returned the class record to the secretary as I took a deep breath.

"Ma'am, I had so many things to do a─"

"What do you mean 'many'? You're a rich kid, Crystal. You have housekeepers, too. Why don't you just let them get whatever you're doing done?" said one of my classmates. Others, too, agreed.

Oh, wow! They're rude, aren't they? Instead of making comments, why can't we just switch places and let this classmate deal with my situation?

Instead of wasting my time entertaining their irrelevant opinions, I just focused on my adviser.

"Please, don't mind them, ma'am. I promise that I'll never be late again. I'll wake up early in the morning so I won't be late. So, ma'am, please," I flashed her my puppy eyes. "don't visit me in the house."

I knew where this was going already. I knew someday we are going to be talking about this and no way! I am not that rich. My life is normal. Plus, who knows what I would if my teacher will home visit me. It is just a complete shame that our house is so close and yet, I am always late.

"Okay," She sighed. "but this is your very last chance. When you'll still come to my class late, I will have no other choice but to home visit you and talk to your parents." After hearing those, it was like a huge knife was pulled out of my chest.

"Thank you so much, Ma'am!"

"Go now. You may now take your seat."

I smiled at her before walking towards my chair, ignoring my classmates' teasing faces.

Try not to be late again next time, Xiamin!

The thought of having my adviser talk to my parents about my bad, late habit was so scary to the bone.

"Boo, Xiamin!"

"Hey, ice cream!" I jumped in surprise and immediately looked daggers at my seatmate. "Damn you! What do you want, Les?!"

"You're so harsh. I was just going to ask you if you're done with our homework in Entrepreneurship." I was surprised by what she said.

"E-Entrep? Why, what day is it today?" She gave me a perplexed look.

"Wednesday, duh!" she said. Facepalm.

"Shit, I forgot! I thought we had English today."

"You're an idiot at times, you know that?" I just did not answer her.

For the information of everyone, my close friends call me Xiamin, my second name while my friends only call me by my first name which is Crystal. Only my subject teachers would call me by my last name. Well, except maybe my adviser, coach, and some of my elementary teachers who call me by my second name.

"Let's just to the homework together later." I just nodded to her suggestion.

Les Villamor, my seatmate, and my best friend. We are always together and we both want to become an I.T Professional someday. She is always tailing me and always has my back whatever happens. However, the only difference between the two of us is just I am short-tempered than her.


Time flew so fast and I did not notice that the bell already rang for lunchtime.

"Oh my God, Xiamin! It's a good thing that our Entrep teacher was absent and our homework was never collected," Les said while craving for junk foods. "She can't exactly blame us. The homework was too hard for us to handle."

"What do you mean difficult? It was all about financial planning, right? That's your field. " I took the sandwich in my bag and ate it.

I did not buy any more canteen food. Dad already made a sandwich for me and it was so enough and delicious for me.

"Xiamin, I don't plan on becoming a successful entrepreneur when I grow up. Isn't our goal all about becoming an I.T professional?" She looked at me. "Don't tell me you already gave up on that goal? What? Do you want to officially become a journalist now?"

I rolled my eyes and just ignored her. Les is a real friend, unlike my previous ones. Yes, she is really fun to be with. But she gets so over-reacted at times which was very irksome for me.

"Answer me, Crystal Xiamin Sandoval!" I was surprised when she suddenly took the sandwich from my hand.

"What the heck, Les Villamor?! If you're so famished and want my sandwich that bad, go to the canteen and buy one!" Goodness! I got carried away and raised my voice a little too much, the reason why we managed to catch the attention of other students.

"Wow! You're English's too deep for me. You want to kill my nose because of blood loss, huh? " I rolled my eyes again.

"Blood loss your face. Anyway, what were you trying to say?" I just asked her. She was so stubborn.

"I want you to tell me if you don't want to be an I.T professional anymore so that I can prepare myself if you're to enter journalism. Goodness, Xiamin! I don't have any idea about writing and literature, especially with deep English. What if I end up writing fake news? What if I go to jail? What if─"

"Wait, Les, what are you even saying? I didn't say that I don't want to be an IT. I still want to be one, that'll always be my dream." I tried to calm her down. "Writing is my passion and will always be. But being an IT Professional is my dream goal, so stop being a drama queen!'

She managed to calm down and sighed. She nodded and gave me back my sandwich. I thought she will not give it back.

I was about to take a bite when suddenly, my phone rang. I quickly checked it and saw a message from my mentor.

Greetings, my young writers! We will have training tomorrow for the upcoming contest next week. Let's work hard, writers. Aja!

"You're road to Nationals now, Bestie!" Les suddenly squealed beside me who was also reading the message.

"What do you mean, the road to Nationals? There so many better writers than me out there." I returned my phone to my pocket.

"But, there's nothing wrong in trying. I mean, as you said, it's your passion, right? Who knows what might happen." What she just said surprised me.

"Is that you, Les? Your English is getting better, eh?"

"Influenced by you." She giggled.

"Fine," I sighed. "I'll try my best, okay? But, thanks for the support, Les."

"Oh, come on! Give me a break." She patted my back. Ouch! Ain't that painful, huh? "You can do it, Xiamin. I know you can. You're the best writer I've ever met in my whole life."

She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Les. Thank you so much for the support, okay?" She let me go from that tight hug.

"Of course."


The class started until it was dismissal time. Les and I go home every day together since our homes were just a walking distance away from school. We will just be apart when I reach my house because ours can be reached first than theirs.

I smiled when I saw my mom waiting for me outside.

"Hey, Mom!" I ran towards her and kissed her cheek.

"How was your day?" We walked together to our house as I shrugged.

"Not much," I opened the door and I saw Dad doing something on the computer.

"Hey, Dad!" I kissed him on the cheek as well. "Paper works again?"

"Yeah," He nodded. "But I'm almost done. How was your day at school, honey?"

I put my bag on the chair and ignoring Dad's question, I checked the kitchen as the smell of my favorite food reached my nose.

"I cooked your favorite Shrimp Sinigang." I smiled at Mom again.

"Thanks, Mom. This is such a great motivation for my training tomorrow." I headed for the stairs to get changed in my bedroom.

"Your training will be tomorrow? How about your excuse letter, is it ready?" I quickly nodded.

The excuse letter is very essential. The teachers will not consider you excused if you do not have a letter to prove it. The adversity without an excuse letter is that you can get a zero score on the tests or outputs given on the day you are excused.

"So, you will be excused tomorrow the whole day?" Daddy asked me when we had our dinner.


"When will be your contest?" Mommy asked.

"Next week." They both nodded to me.

"Be sure of your excuse letter, okay?" Daddy reminded me again that I just simply answered with a nod.

Of course, my excuse letter will be my top priority. I do not want to leave the class without it and let the teachers mark me zero on the tests that they would probably give to the entire class in their class record.

After dinner, I flopped down on the couch and checked my messages on social media. I never really expected many messages. Les is the only person I often chat with. Other than that, the only purpose of my Messenger app is to see if there are homeworks sent online.

I just sighed. I still remember those times when our main purpose for Facebook was playing games, such as Dragon City, Candy Crush, Pet Rescue Saga, Diamond Rush, Cityville, Social Park, and more.

But, nowadays, it's different.

Lectures and assignments before were always written by hand but today, students depend on their smartphones by taking pictures and sending it to their various group chats, simply known as "GC".

My forehead creased when I saw that I had another message besides Les and our group chat. It was an absolute miracle.

"Zachrey Mizuno?" I read the name of the person who appeared suddenly on the upper-right corner of my screen.

What does he want? This is unexpected.

I swiftly clicked it to read his message.

CX Sandoval
| Active 2 hours ago |
Zachrey Mizuno

Zachrey is waving at you!
Yoohoooooo! Crystaaaaaaaaal??

I was still confused, so I quickly worked with my fingers and typed my reply.

You and Zachrey are waving at each other!

Oyyyyyyy! Calm down, dude! Chillax okie? Wassup?

I have a favor to ask you. Hehe

Will you look at that. This man replies so fast. He was utterly inactive the last time I checked. What's more, some people chat with us when there is something they need.


U mad?

Just what do you want?

Well did you receive Ma'am Jehr's message?

Yeah, why?

I want to back out.

I almost screamed "WHAT?" in the living room when I read his message. Jesus! He is our of his mind.

h a t ? Are you absolutely out of your precious mind? Do you even know what you're saying?

It's because I haven't passed a single article, yet.

She sent me a screenshot of Ma'am Jehr's message to him.

J E H R:

Zachrey Mizuno, where are your assignment articles? I gave it to you last month and only Crystal passed it on time. Tell me if you still want to win 'cause if you don't, I'll find someone better than you. You DON'T deserve the slot!

Oh. That's... hard and deep.

HAHAHA! I know. That's why I'm giving you my place.

Wait, what's your place in the School Level again?

3rd place. Such a waste that the only 1st to 3rd will go through the District Level. Those who were in 4th and 5th place were so good.

Ikr. But wait, you're in 3rd place? Ah! What if I go tell Jane? Aishh! Wait, I'll send her a pm.

Hey Zachrey! Get yourself together! Do you still even know what you're saying? As far as I know, you've been dreaming to get the 1st slow. And now that you have it, you're going to put it all to waste? Are you really out of your mind?


Damn, seen. I was irritated by it, so I just went to my room. I thought he was not going to reply when my phone beeped.

Woaah! Chill baby Crystal. Ayieee she's concerned about me.

Whatever Zach. What I'm saying is don't waste the opportunity that you have.

What the hell is wrong with him? I was so happy today, never imagined it would be destroyed by a mere Zachrey Mizuno.

Copy ma'am! I told Coach about my idea and she already replied.

What did she say?

Void. She asked the head of the school publication in our school and those who are in the 1st and 3rd place are irreplaceable.

Well, now you have an answer.

Yeah, right. I guess I'll start writing now so that I can submit the articles tomorrow. For sure I'll look haggard in front of our coach.


So much love.

So much love?

Yeah. That's the original meaning!


No one cares. Do you love abbreviations that bad?

You're out of it.


Do you know Zachrey? I'm so proud of you.

Really? For what? Gosh, I'm touched.

You should be! Because you succeeded in RUINING my precious day!

I hid my phone under the pillow. Damn that Zachrey! I hoped he would not reply anymore. I was about to leave my phone when I heard it beeped again.

You're so darn cute 'Tal! Okay, I'll go to sleep now. Don't wanna be late tom. See you! <3

I just left his message seen. I will not myself get so attached by his charms. No way. Just because he is prominent in our school, does not mean he can be that clingy to me.

He irritates me so much! He will pay tomorrow for ruining my day.

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