Chapter 15

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❝I met the guy with his smile when my pen started to phlebotomize, and my fate has begun writing a new story.❞

15 - The Revelation



The weather was very nice. The young children were too occupied playing outside with their friends. The students were on their way to school. The adults were on their way to their workplaces. The birds were busy singing and feeding their babies, and the same goes for the other animals, too. Today seemed like a pretty normal day.

But not for a girl who has been in the Apollo General Hospital. I have already lost count of how many days I have been confined.

"Good Morning, Crystal! Did you sleep well?" A ravishing doctor sat on the empty chair beside me.

The doctor gave me a very sweet smile, but I could only afford to give her a weak one.

"Ever since I was young, I was never comfortable staying in the hospital," The smile on her face disappeared because of what I said. "and I have a serious illness. I don't know how much time I have left. So, no, I didn't sleep well."

Mommy sat on the sofa, just listening to me and my doctor. Daddy already went to work. Daddy needed to work even harder to pay my hospital bills.

"I guess I shouldn't have asked you that," said the doctor. "I'm Doctor Fidji Saavedra, by the way," she formally introduced herself to me.

I looked at her from head to toe because I was wondering why her face was so familiar to me. It was like I have seen her somewhere before.

"Is there something wrong with my face, Crystal?" I blinked and immediately shook my head at her question.

"No, you are just familiar to me. Have we met somewhere before?" I placed my right hand on my chin to think.

She's so familiar to me!

She laughed softly and said, "I was the nurse who took care of you when you fainted during the Division Level Press Conference." She smiled at me again. "I'm a professional doctor and nurse."

"Ah, yes!" I snapped my fingers in realization.

That was why she seemed to know something about my illness when we talked. Fidji Saavedra is her name─wait, she has been my doctor ever since I was young? Damn, how did I forget about her?

"We're cousins, Crystal." I looked at Mommy in shock.

"She's your cousin, Mommy?" I looked at Doc Fidji again. "Why didn't you introduce yourself to me during the DSPC?"

My doctor all this time is Doctor Fidji, but I do not remember her anymore because I was only below ten years old since my last check-up.

So, should I call her aunt or doc? I shook my head in that thought.

"I didn't want to ruin everything. I also did not tell your coach about your illness because I know how much you love writing. Besides, if I told her, for sure she would be forced to forfeit you in the contest." I could not speak after that. I hate it when they start talking about my disease. Plus, I disdain the smell of hospitals; I disdain to stay in hospitals, and I disdain my illness so much. "I'm here to check up on you, Crystal. So please, if you feel sick, tell me."

I felt sad and angry at the same time. Everything was such a pain to me.

"You wanna know if I feel sick?" I heard my tone becoming sarcastic, and I tightened my grip on the hospital bed blanket. "Everything. My illness, my situation, and my life. My cancer destroyed my passion and my whole life. Doc Fidji, I know that sooner or later, I will feel greater pain in my arms, and I will not be able to move them like what happened to my legs."

The three of us went quiet in the room. I knew Mommy wanted to cry. but she held it back because she knew how much I despise to see her crying. Doctor Fidji felt the same.

"I-I have no hope, do I?" Doc Fidji's eyes widened when she saw tears dripping down my eyes. "Why is this h-happening to me?"

There was only one, then another one, then another, then another until my tears came out. It seemed like drama have always loved me.

My doctor-aunt and I could hear my mommy's muffled cries. I also saw in my doctor-aunt's eyes that she wanted to cry because of the pain, but she had to be strong because she was a doctor.

I buried my face on my hands. I could barely see Mommy, who was also crying rushed quickly to my side, and rubbed my back to comfort me.

"Crystal ... After all these years, you cried because of your illness." I raised my head to look at my doctor-aunt. "When I first met you and when I told you about your cancer, you were emotionless. When your parents brought you to the States, you were so brave and I never saw you cry, even before and after the treatment."

She was right. Seven years ago, even before and after the treatment I did not cry even once. I was so dauntless.

It was because I did not care about whether I live or die. I acted strong because I accepted my miserable fate. I did not care more or less. After all, I was and still a suicidal kid with a serious illness.

I was still crying and my hands were trembling, so, my doctor-aunt reached out to hold it.

"You're in love, aren't you? There's someone you love, isn't there?"

I was shocked by her question, but I slowly nodded as I cried heavily.

"Let me guess, it's that Zachrey guy, isn't it?" I surprisingly looked at her. "I saw him at the DSPC with you. He was the one who took you to the clinic when you fainted, and he was so worried about you like he was your brother."

I cried again when I cried and slowly nodded at my doctor-aunt's question. I did not care anymore if Mommy knows that I already like a man.

I cried again and slowly nodded at my doctor-aunt's question. I did not care anymore if Mommy knows that I already like a man.

I could barely see my mom wiped the tears from the side of her face.

"So, my daughter's in love with that handsome and kind guy who always takes care of her these past few days," she said and smiled.

I also smiled weakly.

Doc-Aunt Fidji stood up and checked my IV Fluid. Now I remember, she is not just an ordinary doctor, she is very professional, especially when it comes to cancers. She even successfully developed some medicines just to cure her patients, depends on the kind of cancer that they have. She is a genius, and believe it or not, sometimes she does not let her poor students pay for her developed drugs.

I remember it very well now.

"Just recently, I have successfully developed a substance so you can move your legs again without pain." She grabbed my mom's and my attention.

"S-Seriously, Fidji?" She nodded at Mommy's question.

She looked at me.

"But it's only interim. Your feet will return and return to normal immediately. It can only last for a maximum of two weeks, depending on how severe your illness is." She sighed and sat back on the chair. "Osteosarcoma is not common cancer. You can still move your legs, Crystal, right?"

I nodded and tried to move my legs. I screamed in pain, so I did not move it anymore.

Honestly, I can still move my legs. But it always aches every time I try to move it. A small movement equals a million ache, so I just told my friends including the person that means so much to me that I can not move it anymore.

"As you witnessed, it hurts like hell every time I move it," I said sadly.

Doc-Aunt Fidji nodded, then she looked at Mommy who had stopped crying.

"What do you think, Andrea? I can't let your daughter take the substance without you and Scott's permission."

"Fidji, I ... Scott and I trust you but," I never really saw their reactions because I got busy thinking about this substance my doctor-aunt was talking about. "Crystal still has to make the final decision. Wherever she is happy, we're happy there, too."

I took a deep breath and sighed when I felt Mommy and my doctor-aunt's gaze on me. An image of Zachrey also flashed in my mind, so I made a decision right away.

"I will take the substance," I forced a smile to both of them. Doc-Aunt Fidji was about to say something, but I signaled her to keep quiet. I already made up my mind. "no matter the cost."



Mizuno Residence...

I will take care of you, Xia. No matter what happens, I will never leave you.

In Zachrey's room, he suddenly remembered what he had said to Xia. He is still sad because of what he found out, but he has made up his mind. He will never leave Xia no matter what happens.

He also missed a lot from school because he always goes to the hospital, so he studies hard at home. He also does a lot of assignments and projects just to catch up. Cj also helps him, so it became kind of easy for him.

"Zachrey! Let's eat!" He immediately stopped writing assignments when he heard his mother.

"Coming, Ma!" He straightened his hair first and left the room to eat.

When he reached the kitchen, he kissed his mom on the cheek.

"I cooked your favorite Crispy Pata for you," said the smiling Bernadeth Mizuno, Zachrey's mother.

They both sat at the dining table and started eating immediately after they prayed.

Zachrey has an elder sister. But she is already a grown-up and has its own family living in New York. Richard Mizuno, his dad is working abroad, too. Same company with his mom. Zachrey and his whole family are close. However, he just got used to living alone in their house because his family only works abroad.

"It's a good thing that mom came home now," Zachrey said in his mind.

"How are your studies, Son?"

"Good," Zachrey replied sparingly.

"What about Cj? How is he?"

"He's also doing great," he still replied sparingly. His mom said something else, but he was just not in the mood to talk. He could barely even hear her.

His mind was too occupied because of Xia. He likes Xia however, he does not realize it yet. He only felt it inside of him and for him, it was still unfathomable. He decided to take care of Xia again tomorrow at the hospital. He doesn't care if there is a class or not tomorrow. He will just ask his friend Cj what they will do.


He was still feeling so miserable every time he thinks about Xia and her confession. He wants her to live. He does not want her to go. That is why he will do anything just to be with Xia.


Even though he does not want to think about it, he can never just shrug it off in case the day comes that Xia will be gone. He can not afford to lose her but is there anything he can do if it is her time? Still, he does not want it to happen.


"M-Ma!" He was suddenly startled when Bernadeth raised her voice. "W-Why? Why did you yell at me all of a sudden?"

"I've been talking to you, but you don't seem to hear anything." She let go of her utensils and reached out to hold her son's hands. "Is there any problem, Son? Look, I'm here to make up for you because your dad and I lived abroad for a few years because of work. So, please, tell me if you have any problems that I can help you with."

Zachrey sighed. He could not tell the truth to his mom because when his mother found out, she would not allow him to go to the hospital for sure. Not to mention that he already missed a lot of in class.

He shook his head to her mother.

"I have no problems, Ma. Maybe, I'm just exhausted." Of course, it was a lie.

He seems to have convinced his mom right away.

"is that so? Okay, go to your room now and have a good night's sleep." His mother smiled. "I'll wash the plates."

Zachrey stood up, hugged his mom, and thanked her. He then went upstairs to go to his room afterward. When he entered the room, he immediately opened his Messenger to message Cj.

Zachrey Mizuno
| Active Now |

Bro! I will not go to class again tomorrow. It's up to you what you say if the teachers ask why I am absent.

His friend was able to reply like a lightning flash.

Copy, Bro. Just send me your completed assignments and projects. Some of yours that I made right here is already done.

Okay, I will deliver it all tomorrow. The same drill again, shall we?

No problem! But we have a math test tomorrow. In assignments or projects, I can make sure I can do you like what I did these past few days, but I am not sure about the tests. Sorry, Dude.

All right. Leave it all to me. I will take care of the tests. Thanks, Bro!

No problem. Les and I will also go to the hospital immediately after class. I'll just see you tomorrow. Be very careful, especially now that your mother's here. She might notice.

I know. Thanks again.


After the two of them chatted, Zachrey put his phone on the bedside table.

He sighed. Indeed, Zachrey's close with his family, but there's still always missing─and that's "time". His parents are always out of town because of work, and her elder sister already has a family of her own. He and his sister gaped for nine years. Half-sister, to be precise. But even so, they're still very close.

Zachrey grew up all alone with his parents, not by his side. Zachrey also did not want to be with anyone else in the house, so he got used to living alone.

Since he was the only remaining child still studying with his parents, his parents became overprotective of him.

"No matter. I will make a way just to take care of you, Xia. No matter what happens." Zachrey thought and continued doing his assignments.


"Have you not forgotten anything, Son? Ballpen? Notebook? Lunch? Is everyone ready?"

Zachrey received a series of questions from his mother that he just answered with a series of nods, too.

"I have everything, Ma. Don't worry." He kissed his mom on the cheek again. "Bye, Ma!"

"Take care!"

When her son left, Bernadeth decided to start cleaning the house. Even though Zachrey has been living alone ever since their house is remarkably neat.

After a few hours of having a general cleaning, she took a rest and turned on the T.V. She headed for the refrigerator to get some water, and when she opened the ref door, she saw something that belongs to her son.

"What a heedless boy. I even asked him if he had everything." She sighed and drank a glass of water.

She returned to the living room and turned off the T.V. She looked at the clock and it says eleven-thirty in the morning. It was perfect timing for her to arrive at Kamiya High by lunchtime.

She went to her and her husband's room to change and fix herself. After that, she locked the house and got inside the car to bring Zachrey's lunch box to Kamiya High. She wanted to be the one to bring it because she was not there on his side when he grew up, so she wanted to make up for him.

It was a thirty-minute drive from their house to Zachrey's school. When he arrived at the school, he parked his car properly and asked the guard for a visitor pass to enter.

Bernadeth knows where Zachrey's classroom is because her son has told her before. He was about to reach Zachrey's classroom when a student suddenly collided with her.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The boy fixed his eyeglasses. "I did— Aunt Bernadeth?!"

The young man was surprised by what he saw.

"Uh ... yes! I miss you, too." Cj scratched his head. "A-Ah what ... What are you doing here, Aunt Bernadeth?"

Bernadeth raised her son's lunch box and showed it to her son's friend. Cj's eyes widened when he saw that Zachrey had left something.

"Pumpkin son! Why did you carelessly leave your lunch box, you idiot?!" the young man screamed in his mind.

"Zachrey left his lunch box," Bernadeth said. "He's been bothered by something lately. Have you noticed it? Do you know what's been bothering him?"

Cj shook his head immediately.

"Okay. Where is he? Why aren't you two together?"

"Shit! How can I say this to her mother?" Cj's sweat started to seep at the side of his face.

Cj swigged a large amount of saliva. He knows that his best friend's mother will always find a way just to know the truth, and he knows how angry it is when you lie to him.

"Cj, is there something wrong?"

"It's up to Doraemon! I'll just make up for Zachrey later. Even if I lie to Aunt Bernadeth, once she knows that I lied, Zachrey's situation will be much worst," Cj said on his mind.

"A-Ah, well... Zachrey is absent today." He did his best to calm down. "He is always absent to go to the hospital."

Bernadeth wondered and asked, "Hospital? Which hospital, and who is hospitalized?"

Cj shrugged and put his lying skills into action.

"I cannot answer your questions. He just said he was going to visit someone at the hospital." He could not say the whole truth to Zachrey's confused and curious mother.

Cj's defending his best friend because he knows how much Zachrey wants to see Xia. He does not care anymore if his Aunt Bernadeth scolds him, for his best friend's happiness is also his happiness.

Bernadeth was, curious, confused, and furious. But she did nothing but go home to their house with just the lunch box.

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