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"Shivanya , I can't understand why he's saying so! He's asking for divorce now all of a sudden." Yamini said to Shivanya over phone.
"What the hell!" Shivanya muttered.

"Shivanya babe , please try to understand! He's not at all perfect for you , so if he's proceeding for divorce let him be. Don't overthink and ruin your beauty. Tomorrow is the wedding function , among guests you should be the most beautiful." Arjun advised her making her rethink whether she should be sad or not.

"But our baby?" Shivanya raised her question
"Even if you guys go for divorce , you'll be subjected to reconciliation period. By that time baby will be born and you can be baby's custodian. As simple as that!" Arjun instructed.
"It's easy to say but ---" arjun cutted shivanya's sentence
"Difficult to do. I know , but sometimes it's better to take risks" he gave her a positive affirmation


"Are you ready?" Mahir asked bela who was in the room.
"Yeah, wait...wait" somehow she came down with her big belly.
"Look all my clothes are not fitting me! What should I do now! Nausea is not leaving me. I can't control my urge to urinate. Bad life!" Bela cursed
"It's already 5th month , now only few more time. Till then I'll take care of you." Mahir smiled

Bela was trying to wear her shoes but couldn't bent and wasn't able to wear it. Suddenly mahir came. After making her sit on sofa , he made her wear the shoes while she went "aww" in his pure love towards her.

"So this is our first date!" Mahir was excited telling this to bela sitting in front of the table in the restaurant. The soft lofi music made the candle lit restaurant relaxing. Apart from the light of candles some bright yellow bulbs where there emitting light.

"First date after pregnancy! Hahaha" bela laughed her heart out.
"For the first time in my life , I'm going out with a be honest I'm quite nervous." Bela told the truth.
"Nervous! For what! Hey girl! Don't be silly!" Mahir laughed
"Just like your social anxiety" bela mocked him.
When the food arrived their table , mahir served it for bela and they began eating.

"So tell me what's your plan?" Bela asked while sucking the noodles from the fork.
"Soon file the divorce. After a month or two let's get married. Who will have baby, let's decide later!" Mahir explained
"My age is not perfect for rising a baby" bela told
"I know, let's think about it later" mahir calmed her.


"How beautiful!" Shivanya's friend Jyoti exclaimed seeing her.
"You're going to be the most elegant guest....for sure" she swore making shivanya laugh. Entering car , they went to the wedding venue which was quite a few metres away.

After the wedding everyone danced and enjoyed their heart off.

"Shivanya , arey why are you going now! Please stay here for few more days! Please!!!" Arjun restricted shivanya from packing her bags.
"I should now itself , he has filed for divorce. Even now I'm too late...if I become more late , I may loose him." She said in a hurry while folding her clothes.
"Shivanya , why are you behind him? What quality you see in him? He's a lunatic , ugly , irritating fellow. Leave him....I...I want you" he opened up his mindset.

Before shivanya could reply , he grabbed her and smashed his lips onto her. She suddenly pushed him away and gave her a slap.
"What the heck! I treated you like a friend and you!!! Life sucks" she cursed while going down with him following her yelling at her.


Bela and mahir where back from the hospital after a checkup at night and saw shivanya at the doorstep.

"Mahir , mahir , what have you done! I love you! Why you filed for the divorce?"  Shivanya rushed to him completely avoiding bela.
"I don't want to be with you. I want to be happy. I want to start everything new. That's all" mahir said coldly.
"New life! How can you start a life without me"
"Without you , yeah , without you... with bela.." he confessed
"What? Bela! What have you done to him! What spell you casted upon him?" Shivanya raised her voice.
"The cast of love" bela said those magical words.

"Mahir , listen , I've been angry to you sometimes. On going somewhere you sometimes behaves oddly. Your social anxiety is the reason. That's why I behave to you sometimes. It's not because I hate you" shivanya explained her side

"Who caused that social anxiety! I was  quite normal before marriage. You made me feel inferior. You are the reason. Now go away. Day after tomorrow , we should go to family court" mahir said

"Ohh , because of this bela , you are kicking out yourself from heaven. Bela , mark my words "you won't ever make him yours" " shivanya went away saying this in her car.


At morning , when bela was busy reading newspaper mahir came to her anxiously with his laptop.

"What happened?" Bela asked
"See this , an international seminar on march 2022, I'm tensed. I'm also a part of it" he showed her his laptop.
"International seminar! That's a nice thing right! You can explore more , interact with more people and even get promotion." Bela advised him about his perks.
"But lots of people will be there. I don't know why, but how can I speak in such a platform." Mahir expressed worry
"Mr. Mahir sehgal , you have time to prepare , I'll help you" bela winked at him.

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