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"How many times have I told you Mr. Rajan I can't do this , I can't do this! I'm now gonna pour my heart out to express all my rage." Mahir shouted
"Stop this mahir" Rajan tried to hide his shame.
"You gave me the responsibility of this presentation just because I'm the husband of Shivanya. I know it!" He said and went out of the hall leaving all shocked.

"She's having a premature delivery. Shall shift her to the OT" doctor of the hosp told on checking bela who was unconscious. Within moments she was shifted to the OT and Rekha and others where left waiting out. The hosp was of poor quality and infrastructure.

"Let's party today , it's our success! We got the permission for the next branch and belive me within 6 months we are gonna be the best architect company in India. As a gift I'm raising all of yours salary by 20k. This is not the only gift. Something else is waiting you all" Rajan said to the office members while partying.

"What happened to mahir?" One colleague asked
"This guy is already married and now having an affair with a girl who is half his age. " Another one replied.
"Are you guys talking about Mr. Mahir aka Mr. Gentleman" Rajan asked hearing the murmurs of those colleagues.
"Don't mock him! He's the best! Having 2 chicks beside him who are drooling behind him. He have the age to be the father one girl" Rajan mocked.

"Not only her father , I can even be your father." Someone shouted from behind.

Everyone turned back to see Mahir who was standing there. His coat was on his shoulder and the few intial buttons shirt were opened.

"Don't you have anything more to say now? Chicks! I may even make your wife my next chick. Do you have any doubts regarding that?" Mahir asked with an uncanny confidence. He was drunk

"How dare you to speak bad about my wife!" Rajan firmed his grip on his collar.

"Hahaha! I have the courage! I'll speak more if I want. What you'll do! You won't do nothing coz you are an asshole. Spineless asshole" mahir laughed hysterically shocking all.

After pushing away Rajan he broke everything, literally everything in front of him including the glass doors and liquor bottles. Rajan grabbed him towards him and said , "You are a big zero! You are a pervert. Now where's your spare girl. You don't even have an idea. Coz you only lusted her never loved her." He shouted.

Now mahir was out of the control of even himself. He grabbed Rajan with all his power and pinned him to the wall making him injured by hitting his head on the wall.
"You don't know the depths of my love. I loved her! I loves her! I'll love her! I love her more than I love myself. Shut up your nasty mouth! Nah , you shouldn't speak from now. You don't deserve to" mahir took a broken glass bottle and thrusted it onto the mouth of Rajan making him yell in pain.

A few hours later

"Ahhh---ahhhhhhh---I can't doctor. The pain---- it's unbearable....I can't" Bela screamed in pain.
"Don't worry bela! You are going to be okay! Don't worry" Doctor comforted her.

"Ma'am , there's a phone call for Ms. Bela Sharma. They are saying it's something urgent. Can you please hand it over?" Nurse pushed open the door of OT.
"Not now! She's in immense pain." Doctor declined.

"But doctor, they says they want to speak only for a minute. Something urgent" nurse said
"Ok then" doctor handed over the phone to bela who was shivering with pain.

"Hel--hello" bela said tolerating the pain.
"Hello bela , I know you are not in a situation to explain everything. But it's something urgent" the lady from the other side of call said
"Whose this" bela asked
"I'm Dr.Suja , a psychologist. Today Mahir came to me in a very awful situation. He was in such a pathetic condition that I haven't ever seen him so. He was drunk and ferocious. I tried to give him a sedative but then I noticed  that he was continuosly muttering the name "bela". I asked him the details and he told me everything.... everything that has happened between you.
He gave me the medium to contact you.

"Doctor , I'm going to deliver the baby soon. He cheated me and I'm not in the mood to hear anything about him." Bela mumbled while enduring the pain.

"I know what you think but you are seeing only one side of the coin. You don't know who mahir is and you aren't trying to know who he is! If you listen to me for a moment you won't regret it. Now you are going to give birth to the child of mahir and shivanya. You think he's happy with her. If he continues to live with her for a month more he's gonna suicide. Please understand! I want to tell something." Doctor pleaded.

"Tell me" bela was intrigued.

"Mahir is an anxiety patient. Severe anxiety!!! You know nothing about his past." Doctor said shocking bela.

"Mahir's parents were abroad a while ago when he was 10 years old because of which he stayed in the home of his uncle and aunt. His uncle and aunt were busy bees. Usually , when mahir comes back from school the only person in the home will be "Arun" , the son of his uncle and aunt. Initially he was friendly to him and spent time playing with him. But then he started taking little mahir to the nearby forest area where people didn't venture. Arun's friends join them there and they spent time till  uncle and aunt returns , almost 8pm. Slowly they started giving mahir drugs saying some fake story to him. Day by day they increased the dose of drugs given to him and then they started abusing him... sexually abusing him.

This affected him , mentally and physically. Once after raping him they left in the jungle and then some people took him to the hosp. His uncle and aunt got to know about it only then and they tried to protect their son by hiding this case and brain washing mahir. None knew this except me and now you. Actually mahir's social anxiety wasn't caused by shivanya. The seeds of those illness was sown even years before by that child."

Doctor ended.

"But doctor I can't believe all these! How this can be true!" Bela screamed.

"Whatever you heard is true. I have medical reports with me. This illness in him was left undiagnosed due to which he's having it even now. He don't know what's good and what isn't. His condition improved when he saw you as you were the only one who gave him the love he deserved. But then he thought it was against the morals to cheat shivanya and went behind her making you think against him."

Soon this story will be ending😊

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