Chapter- 20

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Shivaay's POV -

My wife was going to be the death of me. She was everything I once loathed in a person. Weak, vulnerable and self-depreciating but as she started opening herself to me, even if that was unknowingly, I couldn't help but admire every single thing about her.

She had gone through the worst of the world and yet, there was still the ability left in her to find good in people, to put others before herself.

She had taken over my days, nights and thoughts and there was not one moment where I wanted to change it.

Perhaps, if there was, the one thing I would change about her was her utter lack of faith and belief in herself.

" You are falling in love with your wife." Anamika had made her way into my office unannounced as she took a seat opposite to me.

" Don't you have to be somewhere?" I asked her, avoiding the statement she had just made.

" Exactly where I am right now." She grinned, snatching my phone away into her hands and look at what I was looking at.

" You are turning into a big softie bhai. I never thought this day would come where I will catch you looking at a picture, most of all, your wedding picture and be lost in your wife's thoughts in the middle of a workday, provided that perhaps you are hosting the biggest success party of your career." She said, still looking into my phone but her voice had turned from taunting to understanding.

" Why don't you tell her that you are falling in love with her?" She asked, breaking the silence once again after I had shifted my focus back to the excel sheet in front of me.

" She is not ready for anything Anamika." I let her know the truth. What was the point of lying to her.

" OMG. You did not even deny. You have got it bad bhai." Her annoying taunts were back.

" Don't you have work to do? It is a work afternoon." I tried to her her to go away but knowing my sister, she was not planning on doing anything like that.

" Nupur is handling. Bhai I am serious. Tell her. What is this about her not being ready? Have you not seen her? She looks at you like you are her whole world now. I am sure you haven't missed this detail, nobody can!" She exclaimed, handing my phone back.

" She is not even comfortable around me and there is nothing I am going to do unless that goes away." I told her.

" Have you even given it a thought as to why is it that she is not comfortable around you? Bhai you keep her on her toes and force her to feel things which she has been guarding for anyone. She hasn't even got any basic affection from her parents, let alone any importance. The you storm into her life and start giving her everything she deserves. She does not know what is going on with her. She needs you to take the first step and I am sure she will take the rest on her own. I can see that in her." She is one person after Maa who knows what to say and when to say it to me.

" Go home Anamika and take Nupur with you. I need you both at the Party and entertain the guests. I can work but I for sure as fuck am not going to play host." I told her and she dropped the topic and left before giving me a nod and asking me to think about her words.

Yesterday, after Mythili fell on me and I felt her lips on mine, it took every ounce of effort to not tuck her underneath me and kiss her senseless. To keep a hold of her and never let go but I would not do anything against her wish and consent. That is why when she squirmed, trying to free herself from my hold, I let her.

When I got back home, instead of finding her waiting for me for dinner like she did every night, I found her sleeping on the couch in our room. If she needs space, that is what she will get but not at the cost of her comfort.

When I took her in my arms and she snuggled into me, that sense of warmth was something I had never felt with any one before. It was not just a sense of protectiveness, it was belongingness.

I belong to her as much as she belong to me and even though the circumstances of our marriage are not ordinary, she is my wife and I was falling in love with her, everyday.

Another knock on the door broke my chain of thoughts and I asked whoever it was to come in and to my surprise, Mythili stepped in. But she was not supposed to be here. She was supposed to be with Maa today.

" Mr. Rathore Maa has asked me to give your suit to you for the party. She told me that you'd reach at the venue directly from here." She said, looking at me in the eye, something she rarely did.

I pulled myself from the chair and made my way towards her as her eyes flickered from me to the surroundings and back at me.

" I also want to talk to you." She murmured and had I not been close to her, I would have missed it.

" What is it?" I asked as she gave me the suit and then started at me with those big brown eyes which seems to fit a million galaxies in them, that's how deep they were.

" It's about the other day...when I..." She was about to finish her sentence off when my company's COO, Varun knocked at the door.

" This better be important." I warned him but his one look told me that it was.

" I will leave now." Mythili cleared her throat before speaking and the disappointment was clearly evident in her voice but I would have to talk to her later today.

" I will see you in the party." I said and she gave a small nod before taking her leave.

It was clear what she wanted to talk about but it had to wait. I couldn't afford any delays in today's announcement and party.



Mythili's POV -

I was this close to making myself talk to him and apologise for that day when Varun sir had come to Shivaay's office and by the looks of it, it was most certainly something important.

As much as I wanted to get this apology out of me, I knew that this was not the right time or place for it. Perhaps, I will get sometime in the Party in the evening.

I got back home and had lunch with Maa. Anamika and Nupur had taken a half day from work too and then we all went to rest a bit before getting ready and reaching the venue.

But there was one slight hiccup for me.

I had no dress for the event and it would be stupid of me to ask anyone this at this point of time.

" You have so many sarees Mythili which you got during the wedding and they are nice!" I exclaimed to myself and then reached to the closet to scan my options.

I found a beautiful white saree with golden zari work and reached for it when my eyes fell on the maroon one with a bit of golden work all over. It had a velvety touch and finish and then suddenly, I could find nothing as beautiful than that in my clothes.

Now I could sleep for a while but all my attempts were washed away when my phone went off. It was a video call from my friends group.

" What's up? Aren't we meeting in like three hours?" I asked him.

" Amrita wants to discuss clothes." Hritik said, rolling his eyes and earning a well deserved smack on the head from Amu.

" What are you wearing M?" She asked me.

" Wait a minute, let me show it to you!" I exclaimed, getting out of the bed to show her the saree.

" Gorgeous! I am thinking of wearing a saree too. You know, dresses are too overrated." She said and I couldn't help myself but agree.

" Wear that blue chiffon one. It looks really good on you." I told her.

" OMG I was thinking of the same thing!" She replied.

" Why are we here?" Viraj asked, clearly getting impatient.

" Why don't you both go and watch a movie?" Amu gave them a sarcastic smile and they took less than one second to agree and leave her alone. They were at Hritik's place.

She and I talked a bit more about jewellery and sandals before hanging up.

My eyes landed on the clock which read that it was already four and we have to reach the venue by 5:30 so I decided to go and take a bath again to feel fresh. I also had to wash my hair because I had no time in the morning.

Coming out of the shower, I put on my underskirt and blouse before proceeding to wear the saree. By now, I had learnt almost perfectly how to wear and carry one. Maa was of great help here!

It took me another half an hour to get ready because initially I had made a hair bun but then I did not like it so I let my hair loose again after taking a middle partition and with one look in the mirror, I felt like I did a good job!

Mythili's Look -

I had never been comfortable in wearing party dresses and gowns once I grew up because Mumma always wanted me to show some cleavage or have a wardrobe malfunction to be in the Page 6 headlines and now, I officially I hate party dresses. Sarees are way more elegant and Chique.

As I made my way downstairs, everyone was ready and I think waiting for me.

" Oh My God Mythili you look so freaking beautiful! Sarees suit you so much." Nupur looked at me and gave me the biggest of her smiles. Anamika and mom agreed.

" Look at the three of you first ladies. Maa, this gown looks absolutely amazing on you!" I said, returning the compliments.

" Thank you beta. Now let's leave before we get late by standing here and just praising each other." She joked and we laughed, making our way to the car.

" Shivaay bhai should have come home first. Look at our dearest bhabhi, having to go at the party like this." Nupur pouted and Anamika hit her arm.

" Stupid, bhai is already there na! He has to be the first one there and looking at our bhabhi, she would most definitely taken her own sweet time." Anamika said and this time, I hit her arm lightly.

" Girls...behave." Maa said glaring at us three and we nodded like obedient kids.

" But I am not wrong." Anamika whispered to me. I nodded my head sarcastically and she grinned.

It took us about half an hour to reach and by the time we were there, Shivaay's employees and him were already there. Even a few guests had started to arrive.

" Mythili, come on. I need to introduce you to some people." Maa said and I followed her while Anamika and Nupur made their way to Shivaay who was standing with Varun sir.

I was busy making small conversations with the people Maa had introduced me to when I felt someone watching me and I could practically feel goosebumps at the back of my neck in anticipation, suddenly making me feel very conscious of myself but in a good way, if that makes sense. I turned my eyes in the room and just as soon, found Shivaay who was looking at me. His gaze was so intense that a shiver ran down my spine but my eyes did not leave his.

" And this is Mrs. Gupta. She has been donating generously to our NGO." Maa's voice suddenly grabbed my attention and I found myself coming back to reality and immediately taking my eyes off Shivaay who was looking like an absolute Greek God who has just walked on Earth in his Grey suit. I felt heat rise to my cheeks with embarrassment as if I was caught of stealing candies!

Even when I had averted my eyes away from him, I found myself looking back to him time and again and every time, found him looking at me.

Shivaay's Look -

After a few more minutes, I was finally free when I saw Nupur and Anamika with my friends as I walked to them.

" You look hot in the most simple manner. Absolutely gorgeous Mythili!" Amu gave me a whistle as she scanned me from top to bottom and I laughed.

" Look who's talking." I replied and she grinned before she handed me a glass of coke.

" What were you guys talking about?" I asked them.

" How you are going to go and ask Shivaay for a dance now." Nupur replied and there was a playful smile on everyone's lips. (@pahadichyeli Astha thank you so much for this idea! I hope I do justice to it and you like it!!🫶🫶)

" Of course not." I replied, shrugging my shoulders and taking a sip of coke.

" Of course yes." Viraj copied my tone.

" I am doing no such thing." I glared at him.

" If you don't, I am going to go and tell your husband that you have been trying to avoid him." Hritik threatened me and my eyes widened. What is wrong with themm!

" Yes. We are giving you fifteen minutes. Go and ask Shivaay bhai for a dance or else we go and tell him that you have been avoiding him." Anamika joined them, clearly enjoying my embarrassment as I felt my ears and cheeks turning pink.

" But why?" I must be half pouting by now, looking utterly ridiculous.

" Because you need to be a bit bold in front of him and not a scaredy cat. Besides, you wanted a chance to talk to him without someone interrupting right? Here it is!" Amrita shrugged her shoulders and they all smirked evilly.

" I hate all of you." I stomped my feet and left them before going to join a few people from office when I got the same sensation back when Shivaay was looking at me but this time, I was determined to not look back and give another chance to my friends, Anamika and Nupur to make fun of me.

I then made way to the water counter next to the drinks counter where Shivaay was now standing along with a few senior officials of the company when a woman, perhaps a few years older to me made her way to him.

" Care for a dance Mr. Rathore?" She asked, dropping her gaze up and down in a coy manner in front of my husband and suddenly, I felt angry and disturbed as she battled her lashes furiously, looking at Shivaay. I call him that, Mr. Rathore. Why was she?

" I don't dance." He replied, gulping the rest of the Scotch down his throat. I just stood there, facing my back to them, pretending to have water.

" Come on Shivaay, don't be like this. It is your success party after all. Just one dance." She said once again, this time in an overly sweet voice and I couldn't help but turn around a bit to look at the two of them when I saw her touching his hands while he took them away.

" I said that I don't dance. Leave." He took a step back away from her and this automatically put a smile on my face.

" Mr. Rathore....." She was going to say something but suddenly, I found myself walking to them and speaking to her.

" Does not want to dance. But I am sure there are a lot of guys here who would kill for your company." I gave her a sugary sweet smile and this was the first time I heard myself speak to someone in this manner, surprising myself.

" And you are?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

" Mrs. Rathore. It's a pleasure to meet you." I replied, not caring to ask for her name but she most definitely got my message when I found her walking away and I was proud of myself!

I then turned around to look at Shivaay who was now standing with the glass in his hand with a smug smirk playing on his lips as he looked at me.

" What?" I asked him.

" You are jealous." He made a statement which was true indeed but too far fetched for me to accept.

" Why would I be jealous?" I shrugged my shoulders, taking a seat next to him.

" You tell me, Mrs. Rathore. Why were you jealous?" He asked, taking another sip of his drink.

" I was not jealous Mr. Rathore. I was just helping you. She wasn't leaving you alone." I found the perfect reply to his question.

" Helping me or helping yourself to get rid of the jealousy?" He threw another one at me and I looked away from him.

I refused to dignify his question with a response because I had no idea what to say in the very first place. Yes, he caught me red-handed.

" No." He said, finishing his drink after we sat in silence for a while.

" What?" I turned my head to look at him now.

" I overheard your friends, Anamika and Nupur." I clarified, keeping the glass away and my jaw dropped. He knew!

" So you heard that I have been avoiding you." I couldn't help but feel ashamed.

" I am no fool Mythili. I did not have to hear it to know it." He said but his voice still had the playful tone to it.

" So why are you saying no?" I asked, raising a brow.

" I don't dance." He replied, clearly having fun putting me in this situation.

" That is a lie. You danced with me the first time we met." I deadpanned.

" It was an exception." He teased, going for another drink before I took it in my hands, away from him and he gave me a quizzical look. I thought he'd be angry but he wasn't!

" You stop me from having too much water, I stop you from doing this." I said the first stupid thing that came to my mind as a defence.

He stilled for a second before giving me a smile of his own.

" Fair enough." He replied, nodding his head.

" Ask me for a dance nicely and I might say yes Mrs. Rathore." He spoke up again, standing up from his seat. I followed.

" Please dance with me?" I complied, extending my hand for him to take it which he did and guided me to the dance floor.

He had one of my hands in his and his another one was on my waist as I held onto his shoulder, moving in symphony. He and I were looking at each other as he twirled me across the dance floor with the highest grace.

" I haven't been able to tear my eyes away from you all night Mythili. I don't think I can get enough of seeing you in a saree." His words broke the comfortable silence we had fell into and just like that, once again, I blushed.

" I am sorry for the other day Mr. Rathore, I swear it was an accident and I did not mean to do that." I couldn't stop myself from clarifying. I really wanted things to go back to normal.

" You are sorry? For what?" His voice, which was all teasing a while ago was starting to turn a bit harsh.

" For making you uncomfortable." I replied, looking directly at him and a chuckle escaped his lips. What was so funny?

" Making me uncomfortable? Mythili if you must know, all I wanted to do that morning was pin you underneath me and kiss you senseless. I wanted to explore every corner of your mouth but I knew you did not want that. That is the reason I did not say anything to you afterward. Hell, all I have been thinking about in these past two days are how incredibly soft your lips were. I wanted nothing more than to wake you up when you slept on that bloody couch and set it on fire. You know why I did not do that?" His words were making me go weak in my knees and leaving me a hot mess as I focused on the ground instead of his face and whispered a no.

" Because I knew you were uncomfortable around me after that morning and that was the last thing I wanted." He answered his own question which made me look at him again.

" I thought that you did...did not like it." I finished my sentence.

" Did you, Mythili? Did you like it?" He in turn asked me.

" I don't know Shivaay." I found myself answering and he stopped in the middle of the dance floor for a second before swirling me off my feet.

" Say that again." He demanded.

" I don't know." I replied.

" Say my name again Mythili. You just did." He made me realise that this was the first time that I had allowed myself to call him by his name in his presence.

" Shivaay." I rolled his name off my tongue out loud in front on his again.

He said nothing, just leaned even more in and placed a small peck on my right cheek and then my forehead once again as I let a smile work its way to my lips.

He understands.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 900 Votes and 260 comments are required on this one.

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I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!❤❤

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