Chapter - 32

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Mythili's POV -

I was scared, was the least I could say.

After that incident, I could feel that everyone was on the edge just like I was, including Shivaay but the difference between him and the rest of us was that he was trying to hide his discomfort. It was clear that he had no will to talk about it, at least now and so I let him be.

Maa and him were in the living room with the television playing in the background while she had dragged him to put oil in his hair. That's how I left him there, looking grumpy and Baba was enjoying his misery while watching some movie playing while I was having a girls night in with Nupur, Anamika and Amrita along with a couple of their friends.

Maa was of course allowed, Shivaay and Baba weren't.

"Mythili what is Shivaay bhai doing, wailing that he's missing onto the fun?" Anamika asked and the others laughed.

"You think? He was working peacefully before Maa dragged him for a champi, according to his own words." I said, highlighting the quoting-unquoting symbol in the air.

"We can't even make him jealous! That's no fun, he should be jealous." Nupur announced, pausing the music.

I chuckled at Nupur's dramatic proclamation. "Well, jealousy or not, he's stuck with Maa now. The oiling session might take a while," I said, trying to suppress my own amusement.

"That won't work, we need to make him jealous."Anamika said, shifting all her focus from the earlier game of twister to this now.

"I don't think he minds in the least, not being able to attend this party. We need to plan something else." Amrita joined in and I rolled my eyes.

"Leave him alone!" I said, keeping my hands on my waist and giving them all a stern look.

"Aww...look at the wife getting all protective." Anamika teased, coming closer to me and pinching my cheeks.

Oh she was tipsy for sure.

"Why don't I go out with one of you and just casually drop a lie that Viraj lives Mythili, like a lot?" Amrita started with her scheming.

"Amrita, that is a mad genius plan, MAD GENIUS." Nupur sent a chef's kiss her way.

"Wait, wait, wait....this is your bachelorette, how did you manage to shift it to Shivaay and me?" I asked, borderline panicking because these girls most definitely were either going to get themselves into some lecturing or would make sure that I was in trouble with him and I couldn't have that!

"Because it is fun! We have already danced and wined and dined, it's time for some games now!" Anamika announced and like a pack-leader, started walking out of the room, followed by Nupur and one of their other friends.

"What? No." I was just about to stop them when Nupur threw an arm around me and dragged me to sit beside her.

"You know, you're too cute, Mythili. I love you so much." She said, tipsy and giggled.

"I love you too, Nupur but if we don't stop them now...." I started but she stopped me.

"Shhhh Bhabhi, you think too much, you know. Nothing is going to happen. Let Anamika get her mind off that man anyway she possibly can." She said, referring to that vile creature.

I sighed, realizing that there was no stopping these girls when they set their minds to something. The idea of trying to make Shivaay jealous was absurd to me, but their determination was oddly endearing.

"Alright, fine," I said, surrendering. "But keep it light, okay? We don't want to cause any real trouble."

Nupur giggled again and nodded, her eyes sparkling with mischief and we walked out along with them. "Oh, don't worry, Mythili. It's all in good fun!"

As Anamika and Amrita headed towards the living room, I could hear them talking loudly, clearly making sure Shivaay could overhear.

"Did you know Viraj really likes Mythili? He's been talking about her non-stop!" Anamika said, her voice exaggeratedly enthusiastic.

I cringed inwardly, knowing how ridiculous this sounded. Viraj and I were just friends, and Shivaay knew that better than anyone. But I let them have their fun, watching as Nupur turned up the music and started dancing around.

"Just wait," Nupur said, winking at me. "He'll be here any minute, all grumpy and jealous."

A few minutes passed, and then Shivaay walked in, looking perfectly calm. He had a slight smile on his face, clearly amused by the girls' antics. He leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Enjoying your night, love?" he asked, his voice warm and teasing.

I smiled back, feeling a rush of affection for him. "Yes, I am. And how's the champi going?"

He chuckled. "Torturous as ever. But I see you're having fun."

"I heard that." Maa said from the hall and I laughed.

But before I could respond, Anamika and Amrita swooped in, pretending to be overly concerned. "Shivaay bhai, did you hear about Viraj? He's got a huge crush on Mythili!"

Shivaay just laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, really? That's interesting."

Nupur pouted, clearly disappointed by his lack of reaction. "You're not jealous at all, are you?"

Shivaay walked over to me, taking my hand and pulling me up gently. "Why would I be? Isn't she already mine?"

I looked at him finding that his eyes were already on me and I felt heat rise on my cheeks.

The girls groaned collectively, realizing their plan had failed. "You're no fun, Shivaay," Amrita said, pouting.

Shivaay just smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Sorry to disappoint, ladies. But you'll have to come up with something better than that."

Anamika sighed dramatically, throwing her hands up in defeat. "Fine, you win this round. But we won't give up so easily!"

All he did was give my hand a little squeeze before leaving us.

Just when I thought the night was winding down. Maa and baba had already went to their rooms when one of Nupur's friends, Rhea, who I'd always known to be openly flirtatious, walked over to me with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Mythili, you look stunning tonight," Rhea said, her voice low and sultry. "I've always thought you were the most beautiful woman in the room."

I laughed, knowing exactly what they all were trying to do and I just played along too, this time. "Thanks, Rhea. That's sweet of you to say."

She moved closer, her hand brushing against my arm. "I'm serious. If I were Shivaay, I'd never let you out of my sight. In fact, I'd make sure you know exactly how much you mean to me."

I glanced over at Shivaay, who had just re-entered the room and was now watching us intently with a playful smirk.

"You're too perfect, Mythili. If only you were single," Rhea continued, her tone playful yet daring.

Was he really, truly getting jealous of her knowing exactly what she was trying to do?

I felt Shivaay's gaze like a physical touch, and when I looked at him again, the amusement was gone, replaced by a simmering intensity that made my heart skip a beat. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes, now darkened with jealousy, locked onto mine.

Was he really, truly getting jealous of her knowing exactly what she was trying to do?

"Rhea," I started to say, but before I could continue, Shivaay crossed the room in a few long strides. He reached us, and without a word, he took my hand, gently but firmly pulling me away from Rhea.

"Excuse us," He said, his voice low and controlled, but the tension in his tone was unmistakable. His gaze was fixed on me and without a moment's hesitation, he closed the distance between us, his movements deliberate and swift. In a heartbeat, he swept me into his arms, lifting me effortlessly in a bridal style that left me breathless. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck.

The girls' delighted shrieks, a chorus of "Mission accomplished!" followed us like mocking birdsong. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, a giggle escaping my lips despite the unexpected turn of events.

He didn't respond to their cheers, his focus solely on me.

"Shivaay," I whispered, my voice trembling with a mixture of surprise and exhilaration. His grip on me tightened ever so slightly, the playful smirk that had been dancing on his lips earlier was gone, replaced by a tense jawline and a glint of possessiveness in his eyes that both surprised and thrilled me. This wasn't amusement anymore. This was something real, something primal.

"We're done with this little game," he murmured, his voice low and gravelly, filled with a raw intensity that made my breath catch. He carried me effortlessly up the stairs to our bedroom.

He reached our bedroom door in a blur and kicked it shut with a thud.

"Seems like our little game night took a rather unexpected turn, wouldn't you agree, Mrs. Rathore?"  His voice was a low rumble but it effected me just as much nonetheless.

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I met his gaze.  "Well, Mr. Rathore," I stammered, my voice barely a whisper.  "It seems the girls succeeded in their mission after all."  A teasing smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

He chuckled, a low, dark sound that sent a jolt through me.  "Perhaps," he conceded, his eyes lingering on my lips for a beat as he made me lay down on the bed.  "But any game cannot not change this reality."  He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a husky murmur.  "You are mine, Mythili.  And no amount of flirting from overenthusiastic friends will change that."

The possessiveness in his voice was undeniable, a dark possessiveness that both surprised and intoxicated me.  In all the time we'd been together, I'd never seen him this way – jealous, almost territorial.

"No, Shivaay," I whispered back, my voice barely above a breath.  "You're absolutely right."  My fingers tightened around his neck, pulling him closer.  "I am yours."

The moment our lips met, it was an explosion.  All the pent-up tension, the playful teasing, the unexpected jealousy – it all came crashing down in a kiss that was both desperate and possessive.  He devoured me, his kiss a brand of possessiveness that left me breathless.

My breath hitched as he deepened the kiss, his hold on me tightening.  Just as I was about to surrender completely, a jarring sound shattered the moment.  A loud rapping on the bedroom door, followed by Anamika's voice, loud and insistent.

"Mythili! Open up! We're not done with you yet!" she shrieked, her voice laced with mock indignation but Shivaay refused to acknowledge her but with my thumb gently pressing against his lips, I stopped him from continuing any further, a playful smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as I met his gaze while pressing my forehead against his.

"I have to go Shivaay," I whispered, my voice barely above a breath. He groaned, a low rumble that vibrated against my lips. He reluctantly pulled away and I laughed.

"Sisters." he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with frustration, "A pain in the..."  He trailed off, but the sentiment was clear.

I couldn't help but giggle, the tension momentarily broken.

With one last lingering look, he reluctantly walked over to the door.  He flung it open, revealing a grinning Anamika and a group of her equally mischievous friends.

"Alright, alright," he said, holding his hands up in mock surrender.  "You win.  You can have your friend back for now."  He glanced back at me, his eyes fixated.

I mouthed a playful "thank you" back, a secret smile playing on my lips.  The girls squealed in delight, dragging me out of the room and back into the chaos of the party.




The next day of course was the wedding. Yeah, yeah we tweaked up the bachelorette a bit because the two brides wanted it the last minute.

"Mythili, beta is everything set?" Maa was just leaving with the girls for the hotel after breakfast. I was getting the last minute things ready like a few gift labelings and all.

I nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Everything is under control, Maa," I assured her, shoving the last few labels into a decorative box. "Don't worry, I've double-checked everything on the list."

Maa gave me a scrutinizing look, then seemed satisfied. "Alright, good. But if you need anything, anything at all, you call me, you hear?"

"I will, Maa. Thank you." I wrapped my arms around her for a hug, relishing the warmth and comfort of her embrace.

Shivaay was already in the hotel, looking after the guests and the rest of the arrangements while Baba was helping me here.

As I tied the final bow on the last gift, I glanced over at Baba. He was lounging comfortably in a chair, watching me with a bemused expression.

"Baba, you look like you're ready to fall asleep," I teased, putting the gift aside and walking over to him.

He chuckled, stretching his arms above his head. "Mythili, I think I've yawned more times in the last hour than I have in a week."

Him and I decided to take a stroll in the garden. The morning sun was gentle, casting a warm glow over the blooming flowers and the lush greenery.

"Baba, do you remember the time when you taught me how to ride a bicycle?" I asked, smiling at the memory.

He chuckled, nodding. "Of course, I do. You were so determined, even after falling a dozen times. You kept getting back up."

I grinned. "I was convinced I could conquer the world if I could just ride that bike without training wheels."

And that Dad would be proud of me. Or Mom. Or they'd just be happy seeing me smile. That never happened.

Baba's eyes sparkled with amusement. "And you did. You were zipping around like a little speed demon in no time."

As we walked, we came across the small fountain. Baba suddenly stopped and turned to me with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Do you remember how we used to play hopscotch in the backyard when you were little?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "I haven't played that in years, Baba."

He bent down, picking up a small stone. "Well, why not now? Let's see if you still got it."

We found a patch of pavement and quickly drew a hopscotch grid with some chalk Baba had stashed in the garage. He tossed the stone onto the first square and hopped through the course with surprising agility for his age.

"Your turn," he said, handing me the stone with a grin.

I followed his lead, laughing as we took turns hopping and throwing the stone, each trying to outdo the other. The neighbours passing by watched with amusement, probably wondering why two grown-ups were playing hopscotch like kids.

After a few rounds, we were both breathless from laughter. "Okay, Baba, you win. You're still the hopscotch champion," I said, throwing my hands up in mock surrender.

"I know that but now, if we don't reach the hotel on time, we will be penalised by your sister-in-laws so let's get going!" He said and I nodded my head in agreement but as we were just to walk back inside, my eyes landed on a Pani-puri cart parked right outside our home.

My stomach rumbled, instantly betraying my earlier resolve. I turned to Baba with a sheepish grin. "Baba," I began, my voice laced with a hint of pleading, "can we just get one plate of pani puri? Please?"

Baba chuckled. "How could I say no? You are always so excited for it."

"Come on, let's get some before we head to the hotel," I suggested, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the cart.

We reached the cart, and the vendor greeted us with a friendly smile. "Two plates, please," I said, excited.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted. The vendor's friendly demeanor changed as he glanced nervously at the van. Before I could react, two men in dark clothing emerged from the van and approached us swiftly.

"Baba, let's go," I said, tugging at his arm, but it was too late. The men reached us, and one of them grabbed my wrist with a firm grip.

"Let her go!" Baba shouted, trying to push the man away, but he was shoved aside roughly.

"Stay quiet, old man, and no one gets hurt," one of the men growled.

Panic surged through me as I struggled against the man holding me. "What do you want? Let us go!" I pleaded, but my voice trembled with fear.

Panic clawed at my throat as the other man pulled a cloth from his pocket and covered my mouth. The strong scent of chemicals filled my nostrils, and everything began to blur. I felt Baba's hand on my arm, his voice fading as darkness enveloped me.

When I regained consciousness, I was lying on a cold, hard floor. My head throbbed, and I felt disoriented. As my vision cleared, I realized we were in a dimly lit room, with no windows and only one door. Baba was beside me, still unconscious.

I struggled to sit up, shaking Baba gently. "Baba, wake up! Please wake up!"

He stirred, groaning as he slowly came to. "Mythili? What happened? Where are we?"

"I... I don't know," I stammered, my voice brittle with fear.  The memory of the men, their rough hands and menacing demeanour, flashed in my mind.  "Those men... they took us."

A wave of anger surged through me, hot and defiant, battling against the tide of fear.  These men wouldn't break me.  They wouldn't break us.  I wouldn't let them.

I scrambled to my feet, my legs shaky but my resolve hardening.  The room, though small, was empty except for a single, rickety chair in the corner.  We were trapped, that much was clear.  But trapped didn't mean helpless.

Glancing at the door, a flimsy wooden barrier against the unknown, I knew we wouldn't get out easily.  But I had to try.  Anything to get a message to Shivaay, to anyone.

I knelt beside Baba, checking him for injuries.  His arm, where the man shoved him, was red and tender, but otherwise, he seemed alright.  Relief washed over me, a small spark of hope in the darkness.

"Baba," I whispered, my voice firm despite the tremor within, "we need to find a way out of here. We need to get back to Shivaay, back to Maa."

He nodded and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. Today, for the first time in my live, I wished Baba wasn't with me and this was just a bad, bad dream.

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