Chapter- 37

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Hey everyone,

I want to take a moment to share something that's been bothering me. Writing a story takes time, effort, and heart. Every chapter is crafted with care, and every character is built from a piece of my imagination and love for storytelling. When I post updates, I'm not just sharing words—I'm sharing a part of myself with you.

So, it really hurts when I see comments that are made just to hit a target—things like "Thank" "you" "for" "updating" in separate comments, or just random numbers up to 50. It's disheartening because feedback is the one thing that keeps me motivated, and when it's reduced to numbers or single words, it feels like my effort isn't really enough.

I truly value your opinions and thoughts. Whether it's positive, critical, or something in between, I want to know what you think about the story. What did you enjoy? Which parts made you feel something? If something didn't sit right, let me know! It helps me grow as a writer and brings more to the journey we're sharing together.

I love writing for all of you, and your honest feedback really means a lot to me. I just hope that from now on, we can use this space for real conversations, thoughtful comments, and true engagement.

Much love,


Target for the next chapter -

1000 votes and 200 comments.

I'll publish the next chapter as soon as the target is complete, I already have the draft ready 😝

2 years leap.

Shivaay's POV ~

Maa's voice cut through the lazy afternoon air as we sat together in the living room. "Shivaay, now that Mythili has finally finished her MBA and is officially joining your office as an employee next week—and with your two-year anniversary coming up—shouldn't you have started planning a party two weeks ago?" There was that familiar teasing edge to her voice, but beneath it, I knew she meant every word.

I shifted in my seat, my thoughts wandering, thinking about Mythili. She was on her graduation trip to Lakshadweep with on her graduation trip to Lakshadweep with Amrita, Hritik, Viraj and was supposed to be back tomorrow and as much as I wanted her to have all the fun, all I needed was her to be back in my arms.

"Maa, please look at who you're talking to. Shivaay bhai and party planning? Not his strongest skill," Anamika chimed in with a teasing smirk. "Leave that to Nupur and me."

I glanced at Anamika. Even if it came with a jab, it was better than more party-planning pressure.

"Mythili isn't big on parties, and neither am I. We'll go out for dinner, maybe grab some ice cream afterward. That's her idea of celebrating, and you all know that." I said this firmly, glancing at all of them, hoping that would settle the matter.

"Shivaay," she began, her eyes softening, "this is a big moment for Mythili. She's worked hard, and she deserves to celebrate. Plus, it's a chance to celebrate the two of you as well. A small gathering wouldn't hurt."

Nupur nodded enthusiastically. "Maa's right. It doesn't have to be extravagant, but a little gathering with close friends and family would be lovely. It's a chance to show Mythili how proud we are of her accomplishments."

Anamika joined in with a grin. "And think of it this way, it'll make for some great memories. A little effort now will mean a lot later."

Their combined enthusiasm made it hard to resist. I sighed, realizing they had a point. "Alright, alright. I'll give in. But let's keep it simple—just a few close friends and family, and nothing too elaborate."

The day stretched on, but my thoughts kept circling back to one thing, Mythili. Knowing she'd be back tomorrow made the hours feel unbearably long. The house felt incomplete without her.

Later that evening, I found myself pacing in our room, my phone in hand, hoping tomorrow would come with the blink of an eye.




The moment Mythili stepped into the room, my entire world clicked back into place. She looked up, her eyes lighting up as soon as she saw me. I barely had time to say anything before she rushed over, practically bouncing with energy, her face glowing with happiness.

"Shivaay!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug. Her scent—familiar and warm—flooded my senses, and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. I had missed her so much more than I'd let myself realise.

Before I could even respond, she pulled back, eyes wide with excitement. "You won't believe how amazing Lakshadweep was! The beaches were like something out of a dream, Shivaay! The water was so blue, and I went snorkeling! Can you imagine? Me, snorkeling!"

I couldn't help but smile. I loved this side of her—the way her eyes lit up when she was excited, the way she got so wrapped up in her own enthusiasm that she didn't notice how animated she became. She was glowing as she paced around the room.

"And guess what? Amrita tried to convince me to go parasailing! I almost said yes, but then I remembered that I'm absolutely terrified of heights, so, you know... maybe next time," she laughed, tossing her hair back, the sound filling the room and tugging at something deep inside me.

"You? Terrified of heights? Says the girl who jumped down a floor to sneak out with her friends the first time I visited her house." I said, not wanting to miss a chance to tease her.

"Oh God Shivaay, you'll never let me live that down now, will you? Anyway...." She said, continuing with her rant.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, watching her as she moved around the room, her hands gesturing wildly as she spoke. She had a way of pulling me in, making me hang on to every word without even trying.

"The sunsets were unreal. I kept thinking about how much you would've loved by the beach, just sitting there, watching the sky change colours..." Her voice softened, and for a brief moment, she stopped pacing, turning to look at me with a soft smile.

I didn't say anything. I didn't need to. I could see this trip had been incredible for her, and that was enough for me.

She sat down next to me, her hand instinctively finding mine. "I took so many pictures, you have to see them." Her voice still held that excited tone, and her fingers laced through mine, squeezing lightly.

I watched her as she fumbled for her phone, her excitement still bubbling over. And in that moment, all I could do was admire her. The way her eyes sparkled when she was happy, the way her lips curved into the most genuine smile, how her laughter filled the room with a lightness that made everything else disappear.

As she started flipping through the photos on her phone, showing me picture after picture, I barely glanced at the images. All I could do was focus on her—the way her hand rested in mine, the way she kept glancing up at me between pictures, her face glowing with excitement.

She was beautiful, in the way that went beyond just her appearance. It was everything about her—the way she threw herself into life with everything she had, the way she found joy in the simplest things, and the way she could light up a room just by being in it.

"And this... this is the sunset I was telling you about," she said, holding up the phone for me to see. "Isn't it beautiful? I couldn't stop thinking about you when I saw it."

I glanced at the photo briefly—a breathtaking view of the sun dipping below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of pink and orange. But my eyes went right back to her. "Yeah," I murmured, my voice low, "beautiful."

She smiled, her eyes meeting mine, and for a moment, the world slowed down. I reached up, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, my fingers lingering on her cheek for just a second longer.

"You're really not looking at the pictures, are you?" she teased, her eyes narrowing playfully.

I grinned, caught red-handed. "I'd rather look at you."

She blushed, laughing softly, and leaned into me, resting her head on my shoulder. "I missed you," she whispered.

"I missed you too," I said quietly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. I held her close, feeling her warmth, her energy, her everything.

Mythili's POV ~

It was one week already since I was back from my graduation trip and within this one week, Shivaay, Baba, Anamika, Nupur and Maa had thrown me the most amazing graduation party. It was also our two year wedding anniversary and for that, Shivaay and I went for a dinner date and the next day, all our family went out for lunch.

Another most wonderful thing was happening this week. Anamika and Nupur had put up an application for adoption of a baby which got approved and I was officially going to welcome my four months old nephew in the evening and for that, Maa, Anamika, Nupur and I were were going to the mall while Baba and Shivaay were going to set up the whole room for the little guy.

"I still can't believe we are going to be mothers, we'll have our baby with us tonight!" Nupur gushed as we parked the car. Her eyes were shining with anticipation, her excitement almost infectious.

"I know! I can't wait to spoil him rotten," I replied, imagining how sweet it would be to hold that tiny little bundle in my arms. "Have you guys thought of a name yet?"

Anamika, who was walking ahead with Maa, turned around and gave me a playful grin. "Oh, we have a few in mind, but we're not telling anyone yet! You'll just have to wait and see."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Fine, but I'm going to bug you about it until you do."

As we wandered through the baby section of the mall, the shelves filled with tiny clothes, stuffed animals, and cribs, I felt a wave of warmth wash over me. There was something so innocent, so pure about preparing for a new life, and I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of love for this little one who wasn't even here yet.

"I think he needs this," I said, holding up a tiny onesie that read "Cool like my Maami". Nupur and Anamika burst out laughing.

"Perfect!" Anamika said, grabbing it from my hands. "He's going to look adorable in this."

We spent the next couple of hours picking out all sorts of things—clothes, toys, bottles—and by the time we were done, the car was packed full of bags.

"I can't wait to see the nursery Shivaay and Baba must have finished by now." Anamika bounced her head in excitement as we carried the bags. The crib and other big things would be delivered to us in a while.

"I just hope my home is still intact. My son is multi-talented but carpentry is not one of them." Maa said with a scared sigh and we laughed.

"Honestly Maa, remember last year when bhai tried to fix that curtain rod?" Nupur asked and we all burst out laughing.

"That idiot thought that he could hammer right into the walls." Maa added and we just couldn't stop laughing as we made our way to the nursery.

But the moment I opened the door, my breath caught in my throat. The room was perfect. The walls were painted a soft blue with little stars and clouds scattered across them and the shelves were already lined with some colourful toys—plush animals, wooden blocks, and tiny cars.

But the part that made me smile the most was the look on Shivaay's face as he stood in the middle of the room, surveying everything with pride. He turned when he heard me enter, his eyes meeting mine with that familiar warmth.

"What do you both think?" he asked, his voice soft, turning his head to Anamika and Nupur.

Anamika and Nupur exchanged excited glances before they hugged Shivaay tightly, "It's perfect, bhai. Absolutely perfect."

Maa stepped forward, clapping her hands. "Alright, alright but thank you god, my house is still intact and now, we need to go bring my grandson home!" She winked at Anamika and Nupur, who giggled with excitement.

"Let's go, the little one is waiting!" Baba chimed in, his voice filled with joy as they all started gathering their things.

As they began making their way out, Anamika turned back to us. "We'll be back soon with him! You two finish setting everything up."

Shivaay and I nodded as the door closed behind them, the room suddenly quieter.

I looked around at the scattered bags and boxes filled with toys, clothes, and other baby essentials we'd picked out earlier. "Okay, let's get everything sorted," I said, walking over to the small shelves and starting to organize the toys.

Shivaay joined me, grabbing a stack of tiny folded clothes and carefully arranging them in the dresser we had set up earlier.

We unpacked the plush animals, placing them strategically around the room, arranging the wooden blocks neatly on the shelves, and lining up the tiny toy cars along the window ledge. I couldn't help but laugh at how serious Shivaay looked while setting up a row of baby rattles like they were fragile artifacts.

"You're really getting into this, aren't you?" I teased, nudging him lightly with my elbow.

He grinned, shrugging. "Well, it has to be perfect for our nephew. He's family."

Once we were done, we stood back, surveying the room.

"We did a nice job." I said and he agreed, nodding his head.

The nursery was ready and everything that would make it a perfect home for the baby. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and turned to see Shivaay watching me, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"You ready to welcome our nephew?" he asked, his voice filled with quiet excitement.

"More than ready," I replied, leaning into him.

"Let's set up the welcome thali.," I said, grabbing the tray and gathering all the essential items from the mandirkumkum, rice grains, a diya, and a small garland of flowers.

Shivaay nodded, watching as I carefully arranged everything on the thali. He helped by lighting the diya and adjusting the garland around the edge of the tray.

"Perfect." I grinned.

Just then, we heard the sound of the front door opening, followed by the excited voices of Maa, Baba, Anamika, and Nupur. They were back, and with them, the little one who was about to become the centre of all our worlds.

I quickly grabbed the thali and made my way to the front entrance, Shivaay following closely behind. We stood by the door, anticipation building as they walked in.

Nupur was holding the baby, wrapped in his soft white blanket, his tiny face peeking out as he blinked up around.

"Welcome home," I said softly, holding up the thali as Maa and Baba gathered beside us.

Shivaay lit the diya, and I began the aarti, slowly circling the flame in front of the baby.

I placed a small dot of kumkum on his forehead, followed by a sprinkle of rice grains as I whispered a prayer for his protection, health, and happiness.

After the aarti, Shivaay handed Anamika a small garland, which she gently placed over the baby's tiny head.

"Welcome to your home, cutie pie." I whispered, my heart swelling with love as I gently touched his tiny hand. He was so small, so perfect.

The baby gazed up at me with wide, innocent eyes, his tiny fingers curling around the air. My heart melted instantly, and I couldn't resist leaning in to kiss his soft forehead.

Anamika, her eyes filled with happiness, glanced over at Shivaay. Nupur gently walked toward him, cradling the baby in her arms. "Bhai, do you want to hold him?"

Shivaay looked slightly surprised, his eyes widening as he glanced at the tiny bundle in her arms. "Are you sure?"

Anamika smiled, nodding as she carefully handed him over to Shivaay. He hesitated for a moment, his usually confident hands unsure as they reached out to support the baby's head and body. As he nestled into his arms, I saw a rare, tender expression cross Shivaay's face.

"You're a natural with babies bhai." Anamika looked at them so cutely and I nodded my head in agreement.

We all then let the baby and his mummas' settle down well while Maa and I prepared for the naming ceremony for tomorrow.





That's what the girls named him and it was the most beautiful name of him.

We had planned on spending the entire day with little Aarav but there was an important meeting at office but today was one of those mornings where nothing seemed to go right. I stood in front of the mirror, frowning at the mess of fabric I was supposed to be draping around myself. I'd wrapped it, unwrapped it, and tried again at least three times. Each time, the pleats would either bunch up awkwardly or the pallu wouldn't fall right.

I glanced at the clock, panicking a little. Shivaay would be ready by now, and we were already running late for the office.

As I struggled with the pleats again, I felt a presence behind me. I looked up and saw Shivaay reflected in the mirror, leaning casually against the doorway, arms crossed. His gaze was intense, watching me with that familiar look of amusement mixed with something else—something that always made my heart race.

"Need some help?" His voice was deep, calm, and laced with a hint of playfulness that made my pulse quicken.

I opened my mouth to protest, but then I saw the smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He stepped forward before I could say anything, his fingers brushing against mine as he reached for the saree.

"You look like you're about to get tangled in this," he murmured softly, his lips dangerously close to my ear. I could feel his breath against my skin, making me shiver a little.

I swallowed, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "I was managing fine, you know."

"Sure you were," he murmured, amusement in his tone. He slowly started undoing the messy pleats I had made, his hands moving with a practiced ease that surprised me. His fingers brushed against my waist as he adjusted the saree.

"Shivaay..." I started to say, but my voice trailed off when I felt his hand linger for just a moment longer than necessary.

"Hmm?" He was standing close now, his chest almost pressed against my back as he focused on making the pleats perfect. I could feel the warmth of his body through the thin fabric of my blouse, his nearness making it hard to concentrate on anything else.

His touch was like a live wire against my skin as he adjusted the saree, every brush of his fingers sending jolts of heat through me.

His breath was hot against my ear, making me tremble slightly. "You know," he murmured, his lips brushing my ear, "you look absolutely stunning when you're frustrated."

I bit back a gasp, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "And you're just enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Maybe," he whispered, his fingers gliding over the curve of my waist as he positioned the pallu. "But it's hard not to when you look this beautiful."

I swallowed hard, my pulse quickening as his fingers lingered just above the waistband of my underskirt. "Shivaay..." I began, my voice faltering as I felt his touch in places that made it hard to focus.

"I am going to need you to hold still," he murmured, his lips grazing the back of my neck. "Otherwise, this is going to take even longer."

I shivered, my body responding to the intimate touch of his lips. "I'm holding still," I whispered, trying to keep my voice steady. "But I don't think I can stop my heart from racing."

He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through his chest and against my back. "That's a good thing. It means I'm doing my job right."

Finally, Shivaay stepped back, his grip still firm on my hips, his eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that sent a jolt through my entire body. "There," he murmured, his voice deep and rough, sending shivers down my spine. "Perfect."

We left for office together but he made sure that all day, the only thing on my mind lingers is him.

PRECAP FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER - Jealous Shivaay, steamy office romance.

Mythili's Look ~

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 1000 Votes and 200 comments are required on this one.

Please vote and comment! Motivates a lot!

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!❤❤

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