16) A threat on the unborn

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             *****3rd POV******

    Disrupting noises from outside Jack's office made his head surface from the prison of his computer screen.

Recognizing the feminine one that couldn't stop yelling his name, he let out a tired sigh.
   After an entire day catching up on his businesses accounts, Jack felt like his head was about to explode. Why did she have to come today of all days?

   He pushed his swivel chair back as his hand slid off the reading specs from his eyes.
Couldn't a man enjoy some peace after all the work he had been through? He wondered in rage while getting up.

    While he had given orders for Pattie not to be allowed in his office, he hadn't forbidden her from entering the building. Something that seemed ridiculous now that he was thinking of it. But then again, she was pregnant with his child.

   He sure did dislike her.
But the baby, it was innocent.
It needed absolute care. Which meant that the mother had to be taken care of.

The male walked over at the thermostat and pressed the screen, turning up the heat a bit more for the bundle of nuisance that was about to come in.


He would have turned it down had she not been pregnant. He would have gone as far as freezing the life out of her just to get rid of her.

    When the office warmed up some more, Jack changed his path and walked over to the door.
One deep breath. And then he unlocked the damn wooden frame.

  Pattie's head whipped to his direction, immediately dropping the verbal fight she had been having with the guards outside Jack's office.
Jack gave a nod, signalling them to allow the menace of a human to pass.

     "What took you so long?" Pattie demanded hurrying past the men, eager to get to Jack.
Without saying as much as a hello, she barged in the office, leaving Jack at the doorway.

  "Here we go again," Jack mumbled to himself. He clenched his jaw for a second, wishing it was his anger he was biting into.

"Gawd! It's so hot in here. Are you trying to fry your brain?"
   Pattie's scowl questioned as she shed her brown furry coat.

   "Why are you here Pattie?" Jack asked, ignoring her petty mockery while he shut the door behind him.

"What? Am I not allowed to visit the father of my child?" She questioned, lowering herself on his seat behind the desk as if everything belonged to her.

    Jack snorted.
Feeling amused and abused at the same time. She made him disgusted with himself for having sex with her. For allowing himself leave his seed in her cruel womb. Every day, Jack woke up praying that the pregnancy had been a dream. No, a nightmare. But nothing changed.

    He had actually fertilized the most bothersome and inconsiderate woman on earth.

And now he had no idea how to handle her. How to handle the whole pregnancy.

    "Out with it. I really have no time for your nonsense Pattie."

   "Oh really? I wonder if Annie will feel the same," Pattie teased, pulling on a satisfied smirk as her words sunk in Jack's soul.

  Jack could only frown.
Why had God abandoned him on that night?

   "So you still do care about what she thinks huh?!"

"We talked about this Pattie. Leave everyone else out of this. Annie is my problem. DON'T, get involved," Jack warned in a severe tone.

Pattie laughed. Laughed at her failure. She had tricked him to carrying his baby, hoping that he'd fall in love with her as he loved Annie. But even after the 'other' woman being out of his reach for five years, even after her carrying his child, he was still so protective over Annie.
    And so she laughed bitterly at the embarrassment Jack always made her go through whenever she came to see him.

Couldn't he be welcoming, even once?

    Jack stared at her as she laughed like sanity was slipping from her.

This was exactly why he wanted her as far away as she could be from him.
He had no problem catering for any financial needs she needed. If she wanted to go travel the world ten times, or dive in the deepest parts of the oceans, he'd finance everything.

    But he drew a clear line on his feelings.
That, was something only Annie had power over.

"You should leave," he said approaching her.
        With the distance growing thin, Jack could clearly see the glistening in her eyes. She was trying so hard to fight the tears. To appear strong.

Out of sympathy, the male pushed the tissue box closer to her and then turned around, sacrificing his back to her.

Pattie fixed herself, drying the tears and her nose. She took her time, and Jack gave it to her.

  When she was done, she lifted her head and her eyes ran over Jack's frame. Studying him from his perfect hair, to his shiny shoes while thinking to herself, that was the kind of man she wanted all to herself. That was the kind of man she had to have to herself. And by the devil, she would fight the entire world for him.

    She didn't care, even a little bit, whether the man in question would do the same for her. Whether he even wanted her.

Jack started turning around to have a sensible conversation.
   "Could you now le-"
But he bumped into something, or, someone.  "Jesus!" He cursed quickly grabbing her towards himself before she could fall on the desk behind her.

He carefully straightened both of them, making sure she was stable on her feet while ignoring how deep of worry he had felt in that instant, or how heavy his breathing was.

    And Pattie saw it.
She recognized the fear that was surging in his eyes. Yes, it had been worth it-risking her pregnancy just to see if Jack gave a single care about it.

  A smile filled her face. It was both wicked and soft.

    "You're perfect," she whispered and hastily shot on her toes, throwing  her hands around his neck like hooks.
Without asking, the female took in Jack's lips and started devouring them with a savage hunger.

Gawd! She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this horny. Was it the pregnancy, or was it from Jack's act of care?
   Pattie couldn't differentiate. Or give two fucking cares.
All she knew was the fact that Jack could not thrust her off of him from fear of hurting the baby.
Yes, she was taking advantage of him. And this, was just the begining.

   The kiss did knock him by surprise, but he was not about to let her enjoy it. No.
Jack's hands were fast to grip Pattie's elbows. In swift movements, he peeled himself from her and unhooked her hands from his neck. Finally freeing himself.

      "What the FUCK was that?" Jack yelled angrily, tossing her elbows back to her.

  "What did it look like?" Pattie screamed in return. "I'm feeling all sorts of things due to this pregnancy. And you're obliged to be here for me through it all!"

   Jack sent an accusing finger at her chest, stabbing her cleavage with feeling anything intimate. "Fuck you Pattie. This pregnancy, was your doing. And you'll do nothing if I decide to never see your damn face again. So be a good little bitch and go fuck yourself out there while you think about-"

      "I'll get rid of it!" Pattie cried, throwing the room in a cruel silence.

  Abort it?
Jack questioned himself.

  He sucked in a heavy breath, squeezing his eyes shut while cursing everything and everyone. What kind of mess had life left him in?

  That innocent being would be his first child. It did not deserve nothing but the best he could offer. But fuck fate. Fuck Pattie. And fuck Annie.

Why had he cursed Annie?
Right, he selfishly blamed her for leaving. If she hadn't left, Pattie would never have had the chance to drug him.

  But was it fair?
Annie had no blame in it, did she?

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