35) Paul vs Jack

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           ****JACK'S POV****

Stan banged on the door staring at me as if teasing me. I glared at it as my head recreated the image of Annie walking through it.
There was so much rage boiling inside my chest. It made my lungs feel constricted and my heart numb.

      When Stan was about to bang for the fourth time, I lifted my palm, signaling him to stop. I had heard a door slamming from the inside, someone was on his way to us.

  A few seconds and the lock clicked before the white door was pulled inwards to open.
   Paul stood there, dark circles around his bloodshot eyes, a sleepy veil hanging on his face. It all indicated his deprived sleep.

  My jaw clenched.
What had they been up doing?

   "Oh, it's you?" He spoke in a flat tone. Disinterest dulling his eyes to the sight of me.

  "Where is she?" I demanded, struggling to hold the fierce urge to knock him to the side and search for Annie myself. But he was her friend or whatever, I had to at least respect that.
   Paul just yawned, ignoring my question.

"Tell her to come out right now."

Paul chuckled amused and crossed his arms on his chest while resting his back against the doorframe. "I don't know what you're talking about."

    "Tell her, to come out, this damn second!"

Every vein in my body was vibrating with pure refined anger. Just looking at his smug face made my fists tremble, aching to deliver hard blows to his jaw and abdomen.
    "I won't ask a-"

The door was swung in fully, revealing a dull version of my Annie. Her eyes were void of life, bags under them to tell a story of sadness and lack of sleep. Her dark skin seemed to lack its magical touch from maybe dehydration and her brown hair was all over in a disheveled state.

   She lifted her heavy sombre eyes to me and asked, "Why are you here Jack?"

   I scoffed and looked away for a second.
"Why am I here?" My furious gaze met hers again. "You just left so late and didn't bother informing me."

   "Please go away. I don't feel like talking to you."

My brows scrunched from both confusion and fury. What was wrong with her? Was she in her luteal phase? Whatever it was, I could not let her stay there a moment longer.

  I reached for her hand but she dashed out of the way and hid behind Paul.
    Hurt, I retreated the hand, fingers folding into a ball.
        "Annie? Come here," I said with a fake calmness.

  "I said I don't want to see you. Please, just go away."
I caught the wetness spreading in her eyes which only made me feel horrible. Never before had I seen her so broken. Could it be that Daisy's death scarred her so deeply?
   No, it had to be more than her death.

  My scowl shot to Paul who still possessed a smug expression. Pattie might have spilled about the pregnancy, maybe he took the initiative to tell Annie.

   "Whatever he told you, we can talk about it."

   Paul suddenly laughed detaching his back from the frame to stand in front of Annie like a shield. "I wonder what I told her! Oh wait," he grinned devilishly to infuriate me, "-it was you. You leaked your own secret, hahaha!"

            ****ANNIE'S POV****

He sounded so angry, and the flames in his eyes were enough to burn a mortal to death. The only thing keeping us alive might have been death's mercy.
   The damned male didn't even remember what he said to me. Of course, he wouldn't. He was drunk and horny.
I bet the only thing he could remember was fucking me like he had never before.
     The sex had been unforgettable, but I still didn't want to see him.
My heart was in tiny pieces that needed time to fix.

    My hands grabbed Paul's t-shirt and clung to it like a leech. He was the only person I could draw comfort from.
"Let's go home."

"Home?" Paul snorted in my stead. "Is it home or your little harem mansion? Do you think-"

   "I'm not talking to you boy, shut the fuck up!" Jack bellowed and my heart shook.

That was the kind of anger that I had never felt from him before. He wasn't half furious at me or sexually angry, he was blazing with real anger. The glare in his blue eyes was enough evidence.

  I slowly stepped from Paul's shadow and walked to stand between the two men. With my back to Paul, I faced Jack with some chicken-ly courage. It wasn't reasonable to hide and let the two knock each other's teeth out.

      "I really don't feel like talking to-"

The older male suddenly gripped my arm and hauled me to himself. My body slammed on his, pushing a surprised gasp out of me. "You have to listen to what I say."

   "Let go of her!" Paul screamed from behind before scuffling noises filled the air.

I tried to look back but Jack pulled me away. When I started yelling to be freed, the male unapologetically swept me off the floor and hung me on his right shoulder like a sack full of sand. My hair spilled to the front, blocking my view no matter how much I tried lifting my head.

   The dangling position was torture, but I had no strength to fight him. If only I had those fart bombs, they'd have come in handy from how close my ass was to his face.

      Damn my diet.

The dominant male carried me all the way to the parking lot without putting me down even for a second like he was Hercules.

    Without vision, I could only rely on sounds.
  "The van!" Jack ordered.

"Where are you taking me Jack?"

  "Shut up. We're going home."

I wriggled weakly, smacking my right butt cheek on the side of his face. "I don't wanna-"
The bastard spanked me right then and there with such force that I cried out in pain.

   "Don't make me do this Annie."

Thin tears escaped my aching eyes and dropped to the concrete floor. God knows how much I wanted to scream, kick, and slap him. But I had cried the entire night, my body was drained of fluids and energy.

    With little protest, I let Jack dump me on a soft surface inside the van he had asked for before jumping in himself.
The door was slid shut with a soft thud, then...silence.

  For an entire minute, I remained still as a century-old rock, a veil of hair covering my face to keep away the image of Jack. He was still there, I could feel it.

    "Sit up."


"Sit up Annie!" He half yelled, startling me.

  Why was he being so harsh? This wasn't my fault at all. I had done nothing wrong.
  He should have been begging for my forgiveness.

My resisting body pulled itself together and bundled myself into a ball on the two-seater seat. Even in my weak state, I recognized the interior of the van from the expensive seats and design...a Mercedes Sprinter.

  What did I do to deserve such a domineering bastard? I questioned the world.

     "Don't glare at me."

Reacting to his words, I intensified my scowl and added an ugly frown to piss him off.

   "Could you please, let me explain?"

I huffed rolling my eyes at the male seated opposite me. "Explain what? The process of fucking and cumming inside a woma-"

   "Drop the sarcasm."

"Pf! Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?"

    "Annie?" Jack called impatiently.

I offered him my glare, only to catch the horrendous scowl in his eyes.
   So we were both mad at each other, huh? Well, I had no plans of backing down first. This was all his damn fault. I had every right on earth, heaven and hell to be angry at him. What excuse did he have?
    That I had run off and sought comfort in the hands of his rival? Jesus!

****Become my patron and catch the latest drama in book 3☺️☺️☺️****

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