37) Only Annie can seduce me

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       *****JACK'S POV*****

Some peace, at last.

Annie knew the big secret. Sure she had made quite a fuss, but I could handle any tantrum she threw my way.
I was also aware that I'd need to do more than apologize for the whole thing, I had to prove it.

    The telephone ring jolted me from my wandering thoughts and back on earth. It rang out again, stroking an angry vein in my body.
I picked up the receiver and leaned back on the chair.
   Working from the mansion was better, especially with the winter kicking in. The first snow had fallen the previous night and the temperature had dropped again.

  Why would I go out in the cold when I could comfortably control Shadows, and keep watch over Black Blood and WSG from the warmth of my home?

  "Boss, a Beatrice Bianco is here, to see you," the man from the other end announced in a professional tone.
I ran a hand through my hair and heaved a sigh, "Let her in."

What kind of trouble was she bringing this time? I had just made up with Annie, I did not want her to misunderstand me again.
I knew too well of the hidden lust or love she had developed for me over the years.

   Four years ago, I helped her reunite with her family, but the happy moment didn't last long. Her dear husband asked for a divorce with the excuse of Black Blood threatening their son.
     I had my people investigate the so-called husband and found out he had a mistress and she was the sole reason he was dumping her.

Years later, I still hadn't revealed to Beatrice about the past. She seemed happier and more focused without a nagging husband. And her son was safe under my wing, being raised on an island far away from any chaos.
  That was how my genius ass won her trust and loyalty. She answers to me. Betrayal equals death, that, was the one rule I always made it clear when an agent signed up for Shadows.

       A soft knock came from outside.

"Come in."

I shut the file I had been studying and set it aside, my glasses choosing to remain on my face. Whatever she had come for had to be a fast report, then I could get back to my work.

   "Sir, Miss-"

"Let her in."

The maid stepped aside and the squeaking of heels rose in the air as Beatrice sassied her way into my office. My lazy gaze swept her appearance from toe to head, taking in the figure snatched by the tight blue jumpsuit. Her curly hair was shining with life, telling a tale of extra care on this particular day. And the perfume she had on was the type that women used for their lovers.

Another female trying to catch my attention?

The script was getting boring now.
(Yet I couldn't change it, fuck you author).

    I sighed internally and pulled on my indifferent veil as she stopped before my desk. "Mr Raynatt," she smiled.

A gentle thud came to the door being shut, which none of us paid attention to.
   I only wanted her to be done with the report she had come to submit.

Beatrice gave another smile. One that was meant to charm me but it struck my defense wall, dying in the process. Rest in peace.

     "Did anything happen?"

The female cleared her throat, wearing a much more formal face. "Black Blood will be under investigation. There have been cases of human trafficking again."

A serious frown descended on my face. Again?
Was Noah messing with me?
I had clearly stated in the treaty that that activity was to be abolished. Did he really think I wouldn't take him down?

    "This will give the government a chance to pry on the project. I a Tually think it's an organized plan to infiltrate Black Blood without any resistance," Beatrice added.
That could also be a possibility.
But if I did find out that Noah's side had trafficked humans again, God help them.
   His stupid action would ruin things for Annie.

      "Jack? Jack?" Beatrice called, pulling my thoughts back to the office. She was leaning over the desk, a hand waving before my eyes. When my eyes moved, she grinned and lowered her hand on the surface top to offer more balance. But also removed any hindrance between my gaze and her cleavage.

  "Sit down Bianco."

The damned seductress didn't frown or express any disheartening, she only smiled and obeyed.
   "What should I do?"


I pinched the bridge of my nose and shut my eyes to think. A minute passed by while my mind was still running wild, going through the countless solutions I was coming up with.
    All that was interrupted when a pair of hands slid on my shoulders.

I jerked, every muscle in me tensing up to the invasion as my hand grasped the invader's before flinging them from behind me and on the desk with all my physical strength.
    "Ow!" Beatrice groaned when her back smacked the hard desk, scattering most of the files off of the surface. "Jesus Jack!"
   She cried wriggling on the desk, stroking her back.

   My eyes shot to her feet, no shoes.

No wonder I didn't hear her approaching me. My sixth killer sense had been half awake though, thus the reason I had attacked her.

   "It's your fault," I dismissed her pain and let go of her hand to get off the chair.
   "You may lea-"

"Ow! It hurts."

"Of course it does, you just had your ass beaten by me," I bragged walking around the desk to help her off of it.
   My right hand opened to her and she slid hers in mine. This was out of kindness, but Beatrice took advantage of it and pushed herself off the desk and into my arms while making it seem innocent.

    "Oh!" She breathed spooning herself on me, giving me the 'this-is-an-accident' look. Little did she know that if I dared move a step away from her, she would tumble forward and lose balance.

Which is exactly what I did without a shred of remorse or pity.
    Her body fell forward, thudding on the floor harshly.

I chuckled to myself, watching her writhe in pain from the fall. She continued groaning and cursing the devil and his demons while dashing me pitiful glances.
     "Could you please get off my floor?" I spoke, my tone expressing my displeasure in whatever she was trying to do.
   How could such stupid tricks lure me into her trap? Well, only Annie would look cute being silly. Only her.

    As if fate was always listening to my thoughts, her voice called out from outside, before the lock was tilted. "Jack?"

    *****ANNIE'S POV****

I was in the library going through some of my old books from high school, reminiscing, when scuffle noises from the next room snatched my attention.

   The next room, wasn't that Jack's office?

I paused my activities and glued my ear on the wall bouldering the two rooms in hopes of eavesdropping on what was going on.
      I had no plans of interrupting his business, but my reasoning flew out the window when I heard a muffled groan from a...woman.

Curiosity and envy collided, making my chest boil with an urge to barge into that room and see what was going on.
    I was weak, emotionally, even the devil knew.

In the end, I found myself opening his office door without waiting for Jack to usher me in. My heart was pounding from distress as my head created all sorts of images. Nasty images.

     My hands trembled as I tilted the knob and pushed open the door.

On the floor was a woman, writhing about from what seemed to be a fall. She was facing Jack, who had a hard look on his face as he glared down at the female.

   My heart had never experienced such relief from seeing a cold Jack.
I cursed at my mind for stressing my poor heart. Cursed at my heart for believing my mind.

Jack wouldn't...

    "Annie?" He called, his expression drifting from icy to warm as he offered me his attention.

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