46) Sparks in the kitchen

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***** A late mother's Day present for the moms  in here, myself included. We can do this loves. We are allowed to feel tired at times, but hang in there, they will be all grown before we know it. ♥️****

"What do you wanna eat?" he asks pulling back but not moving his hands even an inch. For a moment, I lose myself staring into those dreamy ocean eyes of his which hold a glint of an emotion I cannot uncover.
Why is a man this fine still single and living with his daughters?
   "Anything is fine." I paint a wide grin on my face.

Jack's hand slides from behind me and comes to deliver a light pinch on my cheek.
   "But you're helping me cook. You loved cooking."

My brow lift, suspicion drowning my sixth sense. Why do I feel like this is something I never did? It feels like a trap. But after convincing the cautious part in me, I give a nod, "Sure."


    "Gawd! Lower the heat Annie," Jack instructs from the other counter. He had left me to take over his vegetable-frying to go make us each a cup of coffee. But my hands had messed up, either I was not stirring them right, or it was the heat.
   The man rushes over to me, a thin mask of seriousness painted on him.
I have the urge to move aside and let him take over, but he comes spooning himself behind me. His right hand grips mine and together we hold the handle.

  You need to..." Jack begins his culinary lesson, but my concentration is disrupted by how close we are. I turn to look down at our hands and a strange longing echoes inside my chest. It leaves a sadness that cannot be explained nor understood by me, but it makes my heart bleed a little.

I feel safe, contented, and cared about in Jack's arms, but it's more than normal family love. This feeling that I can't understand is too domineering. It wants to be let loose yet it won't explain its existence inside of me. Had I fallen in love with Jack in my 'past life'? This is the only explanation I can think of. No, I have to remember what I was like, who, I was.

****JACK'S POV***

This is a torturous game. She's right here in my arms. I can smell her fragrance. I can feel her butt just below my groin. But, I cannot have it. Why did I think it'd be easy?

Holding her against me is the only thing I can draw comfort from to aid me in the battles ahead.
To protect her and everything she cares about, I have to be strong. Shadows is already a big organization to handle, now I have to watch over Black Blood and ensure the project is running smoothly. Only a month or two till the weapon is fully ready. Other than that, I need to be wary of WSG and its little bugs.

I have my suspicions about Annie's abduction, it could be related to them. I always knew they were watching me. What I did not expect, was for them to act this early. They must have sent one of their lackeys to distract me by wiping Annie's memories. Now that I will be mostly occupied with helping her, they can slip under my nose and carry out whatever monstrous plan they have designed.

My second greatest trouble makes her presence known. She sounds displeased at whatever she's looking at...damn her.
Annie and I glance over to the kitchen doorway and spot the blonde in nothing but short shorts and a white tank top. Her still-flat tummy is out in the open. Jesus woman, it's winter!

   "Pattie?!" Annie calls with a hint of surprise and... nervousness.
  I can feel her try to slip from my arms. How adorable.

My free hand goes up to the side of her waist and grips it firmly, pinning her against my body. It's an unnoticed scuffle that escapes Pattie's eyes, one that I thoroughly enjoy. Like a predator playing with its prey, the process is thrilling.

   "Do you need, anything?"

The second woman walks inside, her eyes holding a murderous scowl aimed at Annie.
  "I...I heard you were cooking. Came to, um...to help out."
Oh, the struggle in her words was satisfying. I want her to pay for her vile deeds against us, against my child.
After the check-up, the doctor secretly revealed the reason for her sudden abdominal pain. This cursed woman had taken some pills to induce the pain. Pills that could have harmed my unborn child.
     And she had done all that just to attract my attention. A damn desperate move.

Her feet move till they halt a short distance from us. I can tell, from her questioning gaze now trying to tear me from Annie telekinetically, that she expected us to peel away from each other for her sake. The disappointment creates an ugly expression on her pale face.

     My attention is snapped back on the vegetables as a burning smell stings my nostrils. Shit!
  The hand on Annie's waist dashes forward and turns off the heat completely, saving me from an embarrassing culinary situation.

     "Oh, wow!" Annie exclaims after noticing what was about to happen. "That was so close."
   "Because you weren't paying attention."

She gasps and whips her head to the side, throwing those eyes on me questioningly.
   And for a second, the world around us fades. It's just me and her. My hand around hers, her body against mine. Her eyes drowning in mine. Her face is close to mine, one dive down and I can smother my lips on hers.

Her hiking breathing draws me back to the present. And for the first time in a long time, I feel my heart tense from Annie's gaze.
   She takes a deep inhale facing away from me. "That...that wasn't my..." Her words sound like a constrained whisper. And before I can counter them with my predatory charm, she slides out of my hold, almost knocking the pan in the process. Thanks to my agility, our vegetables are saved.

     "I can help you with that," Pattie says rushing to replace Annie. She wraps her hand on the back of mine, earning a sour glare from me.

  Irritated by her courage, I mouth to her, "Don't, you, dare."
Her lips part but now words make it out. Not a single one.
Annie losing her memories wasn't an invitation to mess with me. Her taking advantage of me will forever be the greatest mistake she ever made.

        She lets go as a humiliated look descends on her face.

  "You don't need to help. We got it covered."
Or should I say, 'I got it covered'? If left to Annie, my mansion will be history.

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