14) He's not the one

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A voice in my head was blaring alarms, warning me of some sort of danger. But my heart was screaming, 'Go to him!'. And my body followed my heart, casting aside anything and everything else.

I ran straight at him. Threw myself at his body as my hands snaked around his neck for support. "Jack!" I cried digging my face into his chest, wishing I'd be embedded in him forever so we'd never have to part again.

I pulled my head back after a few seconds of sobbing my eyes out. Gazing up into his face without the mask, my heart was quickly filled with all the relief in the galaxy. He was there. It wasn't an illusion.
But...why did he feel different?

"What's wrong?" He asked, maybe noting the hesitation in my eyes.

My lips parted, yet no words could come out. And before I could find a reasonable sentence, Jack's eyes seemed to fly over my head to someone or something else.
"What's he doing here?" Jack questioned, his expression turning angry and resentful.

I turned my head to the side, catching sight of an unbothered Zack leaning against the wall, watching us with little interest. He waved, obviously trying to irritate us.
Damned bastard!

I pressed my palm on Jack's chest. "Don't mind him. We'll take care of him later."

Jack's attention fell on me once more. He cupped my face, his mouth smiling widely. Too widely. And the way he had shifted his expression so quickly, made me feel on edge. "I missed you baby."

'Maybe he has been through a lot of torture out there,' I consoled myself, and ended up smiling back. "I missed you t-"

He didn't let me finish my words, he smashed his lips on mine. His right hand left my face and quietly made its way down to my ass. In one harsh grab, Jack smoldered me against his body, never letting go.
Tears of excitement, relief, and joy trailed down my face, some fusing with our kiss.

I wanted to pull away for some air, but Jack just kept kissing me with a sort of hunger that I never felt from him.
And when I managed to break the kiss, he attacked my neck while the hand on my buttcheeks grabbed each of them in turns.

"Jack!" I moaned, breathless from the soft lips savaging my neck. "We should...we..."

"Shh!" He shushed, bringing his head back up to my face. "I thought about this moment every day and night," he said breathlessly.

The fire in his eyes made reason fly out of my head and I gave in.
"I missed you too. So, so, so much!" I whispered a cry, my hands feeling his face affectionately.

"Ahem!" Zack interrupted, killing the romantic reunion like the damned devil he was. "Am I still playing your lover tonight?"

I darted him a glare, cursing him with my eyes and my heart.

"What is he talking ab-"

"Nothing! Could you give us a moment? I'll be right back."
Without waiting for his response, I tore myself from him forcefully and strode to where Zack stood. Grasping his big wrist with my small hand, I dragged him back inside and didn't stop till we were outside the hall. The hallway was still occupied, so I decided to use one of the rooms close by since we had the whole hotel to ourselves for the night.

He silently followed, either afraid he'd be punished, or he was satisfied with breaking our special moment.

The door shut, just as the lights turned on automatically.

The anger scorching my soul couldn't be contained anymore as I spun around and pushed him against the shut door.
An accusing finger was raised at his chest, stabbing it cruelly.
"Listen to me you piece of-"

A hand came snaking around my waist before tugging me to its owner. In a matter of seconds, I was firmly secured in Zack's arms and his lips were pressed on my right ear. "He's not the one for you, Annie," he whispered in an insanely hot tone. One that was maybe meant to seduce me.
It would have worked if it was Jack using it, but this was Zack.

"Let go-"

"Shh! I'm not gonna hurt you, yet. But I saw the way he looked at you. The way he acted. Does he even love you?"

"What do you know about love?!" I mocked wriggling to free myself from his right grip. "You're just a psycho with nothing but envy and greed in your heart."

Zack chuckled, sounding amused but in a sarcastic way.
"I don't know what happened during our previous encounters, but that doesn't sound like my character."

"Let go or I will do it!" I warned sharply.

"Do it, we'll both feel the same pain."

Dammit! He was smart.

"Zack, could you please behave for just tonight?"

"And then what? Be sent back to the basement while you fuck him all night?" He added a laugh, one that mocked that reality. Of course, we'd have mind-blowing sex tonight. Of course, Zack would be discarded in his little basement before execution.
What did he expect after tonight?

"Yes. I'll do exactly, as you've said."

He said nothing for ten seconds, just stared deep into my eyes through his mask. "We'll have the best sex we've ever had to celebrate victory over WSG. To celebrate our reunion after what you did... Then we'll decide the best way to erase you from existence," I spat coldly, scowling into his artificial blue eyes.

Now that Jack was back, only he deserved to have his blue eyes.

"Take off those lenses! Your usefulness has now expired. I'll have someone take you back to the basement. I want you to lay there in silence knowing that your brother won."

His entire expression crashed.
The deathly look he now wore pierced my heart like darts of fear. He seemed ready to snap my neck and toss my body on the floor like the inhumane bastard he was.
"I may be the villain in this story Annie, but that so-called brother of mine, will turn out to be eviler than I was. Not that I care, but I hate hypocrites and naive women."
With that, he shoved me away from himself.

His words felt dense and irritating.
Was he trying to show discord before Jack and I even began our third journey?


After arranging the evacuation of Zack, I joined the party, feeling dreadful and relieved at the same time.

After downing a glass of wine, I began looking for Jack. I wanted to brief him about today's details so he would know exactly what to say and do. With him by my side, I would feel less anxious and more secure unlike with Zack.

After five minutes of searching, I got an alert that the room I had arranged for the important meeting was in use. From the description given, the representatives from Angel's Heart, Jack, and his female companion were inside.

I frowned.
Why hadn't I been informed? I was in charge of this party. And the deal involved me as well.
Feeling a little betrayed and perhaps tipsy, I immediately left the hall for the meeting.

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