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It was late in night, streets were almost silent, it was raining, the murmuring raindrops drummed against the street producing the musical chime. But still nothing affected him.

Water droplets tracing the path of his face that were dripping dowm from his chin, nose tip, hairs and the hem of the sleeves of his shirt. His head hung down in guilt, the rain drops perfectly masked his brimming eyes.

Since two hours, he was walking over these silent streets and haunting weather and only one thought has gripped his mind. That she is hurt, he hurt her, the person who saved his father's life. How can he damn do this? He always reacts without thinking twice. Whatever he owe a apology to her for what he did today.


He tried right, either it be his guilt or ego something stopped him. when it comes to destroy someone, he never backs off no matter what but now when it's about an apology he is satisfied with just a small try.

With his heavy heart due to guilt and heavy shoes due the water his socks soaked he walked inside the mansion which seemed really haunted due to the weather, the loud thundering and lightening flashed through the big windows all over the mansion.

He moves upstairs with slow soundless steps towards his room. He halts before the room of his parents as door was open. He moved forward taking few steps to close it and he stood there like statue once he found his wife siting on floor at the corner of bed. A unknown faint smile appear his lips seeing her massaging the feet of his dad, soon bitterness crawls his face as realisation of his deed strike him. As soon as his eyes darted across hee wrist his gaze locked right there, her hands were injured by which she was massaging his legs. And without any doubt he knew he was the reason for this injury.

It was more than fifteen minutes he stood there without any moments, without any noise, his eyes still locked at the vision of his innocent wife.


No wait Arav, she isn't innocent.

What you did today was definitely wrong, also all the tortures she bared, she didn't deserve them. You even owe a apology for your behaviour.

But, innocent, no she isn't!

She damn cheated you! And hell, for what! Only money.

Only tag!

A so called tag of being Mrs Kapoor!


Prestige in the society!

In nick of time he had himself being a nearby pillar as he realised her standing up picking up a empty plate from a table beside the bed and making her way out.

She carefully closed the door without making even the noise of a dropping pin.

He saw her moving downstairs towards the kitchen. He followed her, he stood at the entrance of the kitchen  and there he again stared her, she was washing the dishes.

If really she is this good, then what the hell did he do wrong to her. That she double crossed him, cheated him. If she was nice to everyone that why not to him. Either she is acting or she really is innocent. She was definitely acting. How can a person act this much? What bad did kavya do her? She damn kidnapped her. This was it for him. He cannot take this more. This double faced behaviour of hers is just killing him. Before he apologies he needs answer.

He didn't know what hurt him more?  Her lying,  cheating, kidnapping and faking herself or not acting towards him the same way she dose to everyone?

He stormed inside with all the anger precisely frustrating over the tip of his nose.

"what the hell you need? " he almost yelled. He didn't thoughts or decided how will he start the conversation? The words just rolled out automatically.

She turned in shock with his sudden appearance.
" nothing "she uttered not getting the meaning behind his word. He rushed towards her in just two long strides and holder her by her arms tightly.

" please damn! Stop you acting show these skill somewhere else. And behave like whom you really are?" he yelled in frustration.

His hold was so tight that it made her whimper in pain.
"What?" She squinted her eyes confused.
His word tightly gripped her mind and slowly each word registered getting meaning behind them and soon as she realised. She glared at him angrily but pain occupied the major part of her face.

"you need money right? How much speak? "he asked angrily.

She looked at him with disgust and pushed him back with all her strength. He stumbled and held himself back taking the support of kitchen counter.

"What the hell do you think of yourself Mr Arav Kapoor? Tell me" she yelled back now with the same intensity as of him."I need money, fame, tag of Mrs kapoor. Then let me tell you if I needed just fame I would have studied business management and joined my dad's business rather than becoming a doctor,but I needed prestige rather fame. If I needed tag than let me tell you tag of being Miss Malhotra is more worth than being Mrs kapoor as whole worth of my dad is twice than yours Mr Arav kapoor. You think yourself as a very great business man than let me show you the mirror that you are not even capable of owing a small shop at nearby square. You think yourself as a very intelligent person than let me tell you that you don't posses any brains, you have sold it years back. As if you had you would have used it and not just concluded, because if I just need money I would have never married in my life as my father have a lot more enough and also I am his only child so whole property would have been mine ultimately.  And you know what.... Leave it" she yelled angrily and left. He didn't have a word to say in defence. Nor had courage to stop her. He just stood there dumb folded trying to register each word she said.

Yup, each word she said was utter correct.

Did he get her wrong?

But then what was that?


Saying yes for marriage?

Is she just fooling him in her words?

He groaned in frustration with all thought that gushed his mind making him frustrated, irritated and confused. His mind was going insane with every thought passing through his mind.

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