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Chapter-17-"Never doubt my love for you again"

Pauline June's POV

"Come on. You are eating lunch with us", he said pulling me along with him.


"Yeah. Our gang", he said and my eyes widened. I stopped him.

"Nick. I don't want to eat with your gang members. I mean you are all a team. I will feel like a new member. I don't want to. I am happy with myself. I will go to my usual eating spot", I said while trying to free my hand from his grip.

"Nonsense. You are eating with me Baby girl and that's final", he said sternly. I huffed.

"Nick please".

"No. I will lift you up and take you with me", he threatened.

"Now you sound like a creep", I teased.

"I will be one if you want me to be Baby girl", he said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at him and was about to walk away when he pulled me to him again.

"Nick leave", I commanded.

"No", he said and suddenly lifted me in his arms, bridal style. I squealed.

"Put me down! Put me down! Okay! Okay! I will sit with you! Now, put me down!", I said and he grinned before putting me down.

"Come on", he said and practically dragged me with him. As soon as the canteen doors opened and we both walked in, I tried not to look up. I even heard gasps. Of course! Why wouldn't they be surprised? The school's popular guy came to canteen by hand in hand with the school's very unpopular nerd. I put my head down while Nick took me to a table.

I clutched to Nick's shirt, scared like they are going to harm me.

"Guys meet Pauline. Pauline meet my brothers and my friends. I mean you will get used to them and know their names once you talk with them. Come on sit", he said as he pulled a seat for me. I sat down and they shyly looked up at them.

"Hi", I greeted and they smiled at me.

"Hi Pauline", they said and smiled. This is awkward.

I saw that two of the Witmore brothers are present at the table. Tyler and Xnader.

"Hi Baby girl!", I heard a happy voice beside me and turned to look at the best friend of Nick, Ryan Keller.

"Hi", I said shyly.

"God she really is beautiful and innocent. You got a really good one this time", he said and I frowned at him. I turned to look at Nick and he glared at Ryan. This time? What does it mean?

"Stop it Ryan! Don't listen to him Baby girl. He doesn't know what he talks sometimes. Also Ryan, you stop calling her Baby girl! Only I can call her that!", he said angrily.

"Cool dude". Nick put his hand on my shoulder.

"So Pauline. What is going on between you two? Everyone in the school is talking about you both since the past two weeks", Xander asked with a cocky expression.

"There is noth-".

"She is my girlfriend", Nick said and I glared at him.

"No, we ar-".

"That's cool", Tyler said smiling.

"That is fast", Ryan said and I gave him a confusing look again. Nick glared at him again. It's like they are having a conversation with their eyes. At last I saw Nick smirk , while Ryan gave him a thumbs up and turn to me. He smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek.

I can sense that something is not right, but what is it?

I looked at Ryan as he stared back at me in shock. I have never thought about what I will do if I face him. I just hate him. I hate everyone of Nick's friends. Because they are the one with whom he made the bet with. I should have known that day itself that it is not good for me to be with Nick.

"Hey man! Come in", Nick said to Ryan while standing up.

Ryan walked inside still looking at me. I averted my gaze away from him back to Nick. Ryan came and stood beside Nick. I sat there, not being able to stand.

"I get that you are shocked to see her", Nick said smiling.

"Yes", he whispered looking at me. Then he came out of shock and looked back at Nick. "How did you find her?", he asked him.

"She is working for Zachary Reynold Knight, my sister's husband", he told Ryan. Ryan thought about it for a minute and then he nodded his head getting the whole picture. He looked back at me and grinned as he came and sat beside me.

"Finally he found you! So, how are you beautiful?", he asked smiling. I didn't even turn to look at him. I folded my hands and turned my head away from him.

Beautiful. That's what he used to call me then. He was like a brother to me. But not anymore.

"Pauline", he called but I didn't turn to him.

I saw that he stared back at Nick and found Nick shrugging.

"What happened? Why are you not talking with me?", he asked, but I ignored him.

He surely didn't know that I knowabout their stupid bet. I get it that it is not about my virginity, but it surely did involve me.

"Paul-", Ryan started, but Nick cut him off.

"Ryan. Come out with me for a second", Nick called him and Ryan sighed before standing up and following him outside before giving me a look.

As they both went out, I heaved out a breathe. I know that I am being rude. But what am I to do when I see the person with whom Nick made the bet? The bet! Urrgh!!!! I hate to even think about it! What might it be? Why am I involved in it?

I came out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and Nick came in, alone. He came and sat beside me before taking my legs and put them in his lap, making me turn to him. He massaged my twisted ankle lightly.

I sat there staring at my toes as there is a silence between us.

"I get it that you are not ready to meet any of them", Nick tried to start a conversation.

I simply nodded my head. I have a feeling that I will meet him soon.

"Don't worry. He won't disturb you again-".

"He is not disturbing. I just don't want to meet him. I trusted him so much and....".

We just sat there in a complete silence again. I lifted my head up and found him looking at my feet.

"Nick", I called him and he looked at me.

"Yes", he answered.

"Can I ask you something? I want a true answer", I said and he nodded his head.

"Of course Baby girl", he said.

"Did you really love me back then?", I asked him finally. It's has been bugging me since the past ten years. Suddenly he pulled me by my legs and I am face to face with him. Our noses are touching. I gasped a little.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I truly loved you. I always did and I always will", he said caressing my left cheek with his hand while looking into my eyes as I stared back into his. His eyes showing the complete truth.

"When did you start loving me?", I asked him still looking into his eyes. He just laughed at me shortly. I gave him a confused look.

"You should not laugh at me if I tell you", he ordered as he stopped laughing, but still there is a smile on his face.

"I will not", I told him. What would there be to laugh? He took a breathe while looking down and then looked at me.

"I started loving you since.... since we are in eight grade", he said and a very slight blush formed on his cheeks.

I gaped at him in shock. What? Since eight grade?! Really? For some reason, my heart is fluttering with happiness. He looked at me.

"Now, don't give me that look", he scolded me. I closed my mouth and let out a small laugh. He glared at me.

"I am sorry", I apologized immediately stopping myself from smiling and blushed a little.

"I don't want you to tell anyone about it", he ordered. I smiled and nodded.

"But how do you know that? I mean you said that you realized you loved me on our prom", I asked him again. He pulled me into his lap completely and nuzzeled my neck with his nose.

"That day you were wearing a dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt. So normal and yet so beautiful. Those white diamond ear buds that shined when sun fell on them as you sat under the tree, on the green grass. You beautiful golden blonde hair falling down your shoulders to your breasts as you had a short hair then.

You pushed it back you ear while writing something on your notes with concentration. You looked like an angel that day. I can still remember that day. You were so beautiful and innocent and just like that, I fell in love with you. Though till then I used to have a big crush on you", he completed.

I just stared at him as he talked.

"I love you Baby girl. Now do you believe me?", he asked cupping my face with his one hand.

I nodded my head.

"Never doubt my love for you again", he said and he hugged me. I hugged him back.

I will never. But what about the bet?


Hey my cute dumplings!

I posted a small part of Beautiful Nerd where Pauline meets Ryan and other friends of Nick for the first time. Do you guys love Nick?


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