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Chapter-29-"Nick, you are teaching me!"

Nicolas Witmore's POV

I opened my eyes as I woke up and felt someone snuggling into me. I looked beside and found a familiar blond hair. Her arms are on chest and mine are around her. Then what happened last night came to me. A smile instantly formed on my lips.

Did last night really happen? Finally she is mine!

I leaned down and kissed her head. I moved her hair out of her face and cupped her face. She moved a little. A cute scowl formed on her face as she remained asleep. I stared at her face remembering how amazing last night was.

She had my jersy. It means all these years she didn't want to move on, even though she tried to have a boy friend. I felt her move and turn on her back, but I still held her in my arms. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling, then she turned to look at me and smiled. I smiled back at her.

"Good morning Baby girl", I greeted, pulling her close.

"Good morning Baby", she said and then her eyes widened suddenly.

"What happened?", I asked in confusion. Please don't tell me that she regreted what happened last night. Then she blushed and hid her face in my chest. I smiled widely at her.

"Last night....", she mentioned and trailed off.

"Was amazing. It's beond words", I completed.

"Yes. It was", she agreed. I pulled her up and made her face.

"You still kept my jersy. Why?", I asked her the question that's nagging in the back of my mind.

"Because I never stopped loving you", she answered with so much love in her eyes.

"I am sorry for getting angry on you the day before. It's just that.... I thought that only if you just came to me and talked the things out, we could have worked things out", I said while playing with her fingers. She moved her legs which are tangled with mine and held me tightly.

"I am sorry Nick. I am really sorry. I was sixteen and I was amdly in love with you. Then I found out that you made a bet on me and assumed the bad senario. Also with you being the school's most popular person and me being the nerd didn't help. I was scared. I was so scared", she explained.

"Are you kidding me? Do you know how beautiful you are? When we were in school many boys thought to ask you for a date".

"You are joking right? Casue no one ever did".

"It's because I didn't let them to", I told her looking down.

"What?", she asked in shock. Oh no! May be I shouldn't have said that.

"I am sorry. But I didn't litk the thought of any other men dating you. I didn't liek the thought of you being with someone else other than me. In fact I hated it!", I said holding her hand, hoping she won't get angry at me. Then I heard her laugh and looked up at her to find her laughing hard.

"You a-are c-crazy", she said laughing.

"Yes, but for you", I said kissing her lips. She kissed me back and we made out for a quite some time. Our naked bodies pressed into each others. Her nipples rubbing against my skin, my bluge pressing into her core, our amrs holding each other, ignited our passion again, but I stopped her.

"What happened?", she asked.

"Baby we are going back to Los Angeles today. I need to be there", I told her.

"But, you have meeting for two days right?", she asked sitting in my lap with her hands around my neck.

"No, it's over yesterday. I was about to come back, but Ryan told me you are coming", I said kissing her nose.

"Oh no. He told you! I told him that this is a surprise! God! Then, why did you look surprised when you opened the door?", she asked with her forehead creased.

"I thought it was room service. I didn't think that you would be here so fast".

"But.... Were you really that angry with me?".

"No. I just acted", I told her.

"But why.... Wait a minute! On no! Did he tell you that I decided to seduce you too?!", she asked pulling away feeling upset.

"Baby it's okay", I told her getting up along with her.

"No. It's not!", she said angrily as she got off the bed, not caring that she is naked. Seeing her naked and angry, only made me get a hard.

"But listen to me", I said standing up naked.

"You played me!", she accused, folding her ahnds near her chest and that only pushed her breasts up, showing her full swell breats and the peaks of her nipples. I gazed at them with lust and then looked up at her. I found her looking at me with same look in her eyes.

"Fuck it!", I cursed and kissed her hungrily. She instantly responded and we both fell on bed, with her under me. Our tongues moulded and my hands roamed her body.

"Shouldn't we get ready to go?", she asked in between kissing.

"I don't care. It's my pricate flight", I told her back fastly still kissing.

Soon we are making a hunry, passionate and mindblowing love.

"Are you ready Baby girl?", I asked putting the buttons of my suit, going into the closet and found her in her black lingerine while going through her bag. That instantly effected me.

"Almost. I just need to take out my dress from my bag", she said pulling some clothes. I stood there as hunger stirred inside me. She finally found the dress and pulled it out grinning. It a dark blue dress. She wore it and struggled on the zip. I went to her and put my hands sensually on her waist and ran then abck to her zip and slowly pulled it up.

I moved closer and hugged from behind, making sure all my fornt body is pressed into her back. She leaned back, closing her eyes as I kissed her neck from back while looking in the mirror. Her blond hair is pulled to a side and she is looking like an angel with the pair of dark blue studds on her ears.

I ran my hands down to her butt and kneaded it. Her dress stopped just a few inches below her butt, showing her long sexy legs. She gasped and bit her lip.

"Look in the mirror", I ordered her. She opened her eyes and met my eeys in the mirror.

"Nick", she gasped again as I kissed her neck and sucked from behind.

"You are mine Baby girl. Your body, soul, your heart, everything bleongs to me and me alone", I told her and turned her around to kiss her lips.

I nibbled her lower lip and she opened her mouth instantly. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and we were kissing passionately when my phone rang. I ignored it, kissing her. But she pulled away.

"You should lift it, it must be important", she said, but I pulled her closer.

"No. It's not", I said trying to kiss her.

"No Nick. We should stop. You know where it will will. I just bathed. We made love just an hour ago and also we should go, remember?", she said stopping by putting a hand on my chest.

"But it was an hour ago", I compalined.

"Lift the call. It must be important", she said and turned away from me to look at herself in the mirror. I groaned and went out to lift the call.

"Hello", I said grumpily into the phone as I lift the call without looking at it who it is.

"Good morning to you too man", Ryan said sarcastically.

"What?", I asked.

"You asked me to do something remember?", he said and then I remembered that I told him to make arrangements for me to propose her. But last night, my place for proposing her changed again.

"Sorry man. Cancel all that. I changed the plan", I told him.

"No need to say sorry. I can always use it", he murmured the last part.

"What?", I asked him in confusion. What is he talking about?

"Nothing. Good luck". Who do you think are Mr. Ryan.... Whatever you are?! I heard a women shout from behind in the phone. Who is it? I thought. "I have to go", he said and cut the call. I scowled at the phone and dialed another number. The phone rang a few times, before the person lift the call and I told them what to do. Once I explained them, I cut the call.

"Baby-", I said and was about to go inside the closet when she came out with a little angry face and her duffle bag in her hand. I frowned at her. Why is she angry?

"See what you did?", she said pushing her hair a side showing me a big red hickey on her neck. I grinned looking at it.

"Good. Now everyone will know that you are taken. Also it's not a hickey. It's my love mark", I said holding her close. She hit my arm.

"Aren't all the love marks you gave me not enough, that now you gave me a new one", she said pointing at it. I grinned.

"No. They are not enough", I told her kissing her cheek. She sighed.

"I can't win talking with you", she said giving up.

"Let's go", I said taking her hand and took her duffel bag in my other hand.

We are both sitting in my private plane. We are in the bed room of my plane and she is in my lap.

"You want some more?", I asked her as she ate the last spoon of her black current ice-cream.

"Yes please", she said grinning cheekily. I grinned back at her and called the hostess in my plane to order more. After while we are both eating the ice-cream as she is feeding me while eating herself as we cuddled.

"I want to ask you something", I told her. She looked at me curiously.

"Yes, what is it?", she asked me.

"If you win the bet that day, what would be the one thing that you would have made me do?", I asked her wanting to know the answer to that question from a long time. She thought about it for a while.

"I don't know. To say truly, I didn't think about it. May be I would have made you tear the contract", she said putting a spoonful of ice-cream in her mouth. I rasied my eye-brow at her.

"Seriously?", I asked.

"Yeah. But now I have other thing in mind", she said with a mouthful of ice-cream.

"What is it?", I asked her, taking the ice-cream that is on the corner of her lips with my thumb and licking it.

"Leave it. You will not do it", she said waving the topic off.

"No. I will. I promise", I told her and she looked up at me with wide eyes. Then she sat up in my lap, putting the ice-cream beside.

"You will?", she asked, not believeing what I just said.

"Yes. I will. Now tell me", I demanded.

"I.... You.... You have to teach me a few curses", she said shyly looking down.

"No. I am not", I said instantly rejecting.

"But you promised", she said.

"No. I don't want to hear foul words coming out from your mouth", I told her giving her her ice-cream back.

"Nick, you are teaching me!", she finalized.

"But I-", I started, but she cut me off.

"Either you teach me or I will ask Ryan", she said and I glared at her for a minute although I am not angry at her.

"Okay", I said sighing.

"Good. Let's start", she said sitting up and put her chin on her palm, looking at me like I am teacher. I smiled at her and shook my head.

"What do you want to learn first?", I asked her. She thought about it for a minute while tapping her fore finger on her chin.

"I don't know. Anything. How about the f words?", she asked.

"No! That's a very bad word", I said, but that didn't stop her.

"F.... fff.... ffuuucc-", she tried saying it, but I stopped her off with my palm on her mouth.

"No! Okay. But only small words".


"Let's start with.... Jerk", I told her.

"J-Jerk", she stuttered.

Soon the plane stopped and I taught her small words. She fell asleep in middle, but woke up again as I did my office work for sometime.

"Bullshit! Jackass!-", she kept cursing.

"Okay, enough", I cut her off. She is practicing the words since she woke up and I can't stop her.

"Sorry", she whispered.

"I am sorry. But I can't hear you saying those words. Promise me you will not use them", I said putting a hand on her shoulder as we got down the plane and walked towards our car.

"Okay. But, can I use them sometimes?", she asked. I looked down at her asI opeend the door for her.

"Only sometimes", I told her, closing the door and went to sit on the other side. I waved off my driver by taking the keys from him and sat in the driver seat.

"I want you to fuck me senseless once you go home", I heard her say as she put her hand on my chest and her breast rubbed on my arm as she turned. I gulped in my desire form taking her.

"Baby girl, don't ever say that. When we have sex, it's only making love, got it?", I told her seriously. She looked at me for a minute and then smiled genuinely.

"Okay. I will not use them", she agreed seriously.

We are going throught the traffic of the city, but I turned the car to other side from the side of out house.

"Nick, you took wrong road. We should go that side", she told me.

"It's okay. Just sit back and relax. We are going somewhere. It's a surprise", I told her as I drove through the city traffic.

"Okay", she said grinning and sat back.

We are almost there when I hear her talk.

"Nick. I went to dad, when you left to Paris and he told me that you paid for his treatment", she said. I just looked at ehr and then back at the road. Since, it's outside of the city, there is not much traffic.

"Yes. So?", I asked without looking at her.

"I don't want to ask you why.Because that is a stupid question. I just want to thank you. Thank you so much", she said taking my hand that is on the gear and kissed the back of it.

"You are mine and everything that concerns you conerns me too. I know how much your dad mean to you", I told her.

"Still, thank you so much Baby", she said laning down and kissing my cheek.

"I love you", I told her.

"I love you too", she said smiling at me. I smiled back. Hearing her say those words, brought me immense pleasure and happiness.

"We are here", I told her as I pulled off the car and got out. I went to her and opened the door for her. I gave her my hand and she took it before coming out.

She looked to front and gasped as she saw where I brought her.

It's the place where she first told me she loved me and the place where I first made love to her.


Hey my cute dumplings!

I wanted to write it all in one chapter, but I can't. Boring? Sorry. But don't mis the proposal in the next chapter.

Also a question. Do you want Ryan's story? But I am telling you, it will be a small story. Still, if you want, tell me.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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