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Pauline June's POV


"Now you may kiss the bride", he said and that's all it took for him to kiss me. No, this is not a kiss of passion or a kiss of hunger. This kiss is full of love. The love we have for each other. The love we share. He kissed me slowly and lovingly. His tongue slowly escaped into my mouth and I gave him the control as I put my arms around his neck as he kissed me.

Everyone cheered and clapped. We pulled away and looked at each other. I have happy tears in my eyes.

He kissed my forehead and held my face. We just stared at each other for a few minutes.

"I love you Baby girl", he said looking into my eyes.

"I love you too Nick", I said back.

After that everyone sat for a toast and everyone congratulated us. Nick held my hand all the time. Amelia squealed excitedly all the while. She is now four months preganant and Zack is taking extra care of her. The photographer's took many snaps of us. There was even some media allowed inside, but not much.

After I proposed to Nick, we took our time, not because things are fast, but we wanted to spend time with each other as the 'would be's'. It was all over the news papers. The drew a circle on my ring finger showing that we are engaged. It was so good spending time with him. We took two months time and then, now we are married. We are standing here as a couple.

"Come on, let's go", Nick said taking my hand.

"But it is our marriage. We can't just go like that", I told him as he took my hand.

"Yes, it is our marriage and we have every right to do what we want", he said pulling me with him.

"At least tell your parents that we are going", I told him as we walked past the people and they smiled at us.

"They wouldn't mind and you know my father, he will understand. So, no need to worry", he said dismissing the topic.

"You know, not to hurt your feelings, but your father is really cocky", I told him what I always think in the mind. He really is. He won't let his wife go out of his arms even for a second.

"He is. Do you my parents eloped and got married?", he asked and I looked at him in shock. Eloped and got married?

"In this eleven years of friendship, never once did you mention me that", I specified him as I stopped walking once I heard that news.

"Sorry. Now that's not the topic. I will tell you about it later. Come on Mrs. Witmore", he said pulling me with him. I grinned at the name he called me. Mrs. Witmore. I have finally become his in every way.

"Pauline!", I heard my father call and turned to look at him. He is walking towards us with a huge smile on his face. Nick's parent's also came with him. I smiled at them all.

"Dad", I said pulling hand from Nick's and went to hug him. His surgery is done. Now he is safe and healthy. Although doctors told him to be careful and he is still using some medicines. I visit at least four times in a week. He is my only family then. Now I have big family.

"My Princess is finally married. Time flies so fast. It feels like just yesterday that I held your tiny body in my arms and you held my finger with your tiny tingers, now, now you are married. You are slready holding your husband's hand today", he said with happy tears in his eyes. I have tears in my eyes too.

"Dad". I hugged him again and put my head on his chest as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you Pauline. Take care of her son", he told Nick.

"I will Brad", he said and Nick's parents smiled.

"You don't need to worry Mr. June. I am always there for my daughter-in-law if my son does something", his mom said, pulling his ear teasingly. We all laughed.

"Although, since my son had seen me and my wife his whole life, by now I am sure he knows how to treat his wife", Mr. Witmore said winking at Nick. We all laughed again.

"Anyway, where are you going?", my dad asked.

"Nick is taking me some where", I informed them.

"But we already booked your honeymoon tickets", dad said and I blushed red.

"I just want to take her somewhere", Nick said and dad agreed.

"But you have to throw the boquet", Nick's mom reminded me.

"Oh yeah. Sorry mom", I apolgized smiling. She insisted that I call her 'mom'.

"It's okay dear. Now come on", she said taking my hand and we walked to his car, taht is fully decorated. Just married sign is stuck on the back. I smiled at the car. All the girls came and stood behind me. I was about to thro the boquet, but Ryan stopped me.

"Pauline wait!", he said and I rasied my eye-brows at him.

"What happened?", I asked him worryingly.

He left and pulled a girl with him, the girl who he brought as a date and she has a frown on her face. She clearly didn't want the boquet. But Ryan wanted her to catch it. I smiled at them. Oh! So she is the girl. She is really beautiful. He is lucky. I didn't have the time to meet her.

I turned around once she is ready and threw the boquet of white flowers. I turned around to find her catching it and smiled.

"Now, let's go", Nick said pulling me into the car. I gave Ryan a thumbs up before the car pulled away and I waved at everyone.

"Where are we going?", I asked Nick once we are in the city traffic.

"Just wait and watch my beautiful wife", he said smiling. I grinnedat him. His wife. It sounds so nice and real.

"At least give me a clue my handsome husband", I teased him still smiling.

"No. You will guess it. You are too smart. I don't want to ruin it", he said looking at the road as he drove.

"Beach? You brought me to the beach? I love it Nick", I told him and hugged him. This beach is really special for us. Our first date, me proposing him, everythig happened here.

"Yes", he agreed taking my hand and took me to the ice-cream stall in the beach. We both took black current and we started walking along the beach line. He held my hand all the time and we ate ice-cream. After a while we sat down and my back is to his chest.

This is so perfect.

"You are finally mine Baby girl. Only mine", he said and kissed my neck. I smiled and blushed watching the sunset. I turned to him and kissed his cheek.

"Yes I am and you are mine", I told him while putting my hand around his neck. We smiled and our lips met. We kissed slowly and passionately. Nick pulled away suddenly. I looked at him on confusion. He put hsi hand in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. I frowned. Then he looked at me.

"Put your left leg on my thigh", he said.

"What-", he cut me off.

"Do it", he said and I put it on his thigh as I lift my dress up a little.

He pulled out something for his wallet and I gasped looking at it. He smiled and put it on my leg. It's my anklet. I lost it on the graduation day. He still kept it. All the while. My eyes brimmed with tears

"I found it on the graduation day", he said and kissed me. I kissed him back.

After that Nick took me to the wooden house that is special for us and we made love for how long I don't know.

We told each other that I love you so many times, that it may seem like we forgot other words. I am so happy that we are finally here. My words can't express the happiness. Finally we are together.

After Ten Years

"Nick stop! Our son is right here", I said pushing at his chest as he kept kissing my neck.

"But you look so sexy in the morining while you make break fast for me", he said still kissing.

"Stop it. Nathan may come. He is sitting near the dining table", I reminded him.

"Don't worry. He wouldn't understand what we are doing. He is just nine years old", Nick said still kissing me. I was abotu to push him away when Nate walked into kitchen.

"Oh you both are on it again", he said looking at us boringly. I stared at him wide eyes and them glared at Nick. He shrugged.

"We are doing nothing. Now tell me how's school", he said taking Nate out as I brought the plate with pancakes out to set on the dining table.

"It's okay. But the girls I tell you", Nate said rolling his eyes. Nick and I laughed at him.

Nick tried to pull him in his lap, but Nate stopped him.

"I am od enough to sit on the chair dad. I am big man", he protested.

"Big man?", Nick asked looking at him amusingly.

"Yes. One day I will be big and tall like you", he said rising his hand into air, showing height.

"Yes son. One day you will", he agreed. I ruffeled Nate's hair.

"You are so cute", I told and kissed and his cheek.

"Mom please. I am tired of all the girls saying I am cute. Not you too", he said setting hsi hair straight back. My jaw dropped on the floor and Nick laughed. I hit Nick's chest.

"So Nate, tell me do you like any girls?", Nick asked and I glared at him.

"That's not what you ask a nine year old kid!", I scolded.

"What? We met in school. I want my son to meet one too. It's a very wonderful experience", he said and I blushed remembering our's. Nick put his arm around my shoulder.

"No. But one girl is good. We play a lot. I even winked at a girl and she just started playing with me", Nate said liek it's casual.

"Nick stop it. Youa re spoiling him. Ask him about his grades", I told him.

"But he is getting A in all. So, I don't need ot worry when you are his mother", he said kissing me.

We all ate breakfast after that and I sent Nate to school. Now it's only Nick and me.

"I don't want to go", he said.

"You are worse than Nate", I told him.

"But-", I cut him off.

"How about we make love and then.... you go to office", I said seducitvelya s I pulled him to me and played with his tie.

"Sounds like a good deal", he grinned and our lips met.

Now I look back, everything is a beautiful story. Me loving Nick, leaving, again meeting, being his very perosnal assistant and then his wife. It's a beautiful journey. Our journey.

This is us. Me. Nick.Our happily ever after.


Hey my cute dumplings!

So, this is the end. They had their happy ending. Please share it. Also don't forget that there will be Ryan's story.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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