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"Startin to think you love that bird more than me" Clay muttered looking over at Gemma who was watching over her bird

"Sometimes I do" She replied while a smile formed on her face

"It's your lucky day little boy, You get to join your family" A doctor spoke looking through Abel's file before glancing down at him with a playful face

"Meetings all set, Oakland two thirty" Tig stated walking over to Clay

"Good, If Opies wired no way in hell is there a way we're gonna be able to separate him from everybody, Everything we're doin we've gotta protect our guys It's gotta happen today"

"Okay" He nodded as Clay took off

"You Knock down my door, You hurt Moon, You arrest one of my guys for a crime he didn't commit."

"Well we'll let the jury decide" Stahl Replied

"What you did to Ope and his family proves one thing" Clay spat "Your desperate, Cause you got nothing on us, Kills you doesn't it because you see me and my guys living good lives, Family's, Friends, Good Homes, You hate the fact that we get the same rights and freedoms as you do"

"Gee you make me so proud to be an American"

"You're a fascist pig and what Otto did to you is just the tip of the iceberg" Clay finished before walking out.

"Where have you been" Gemma questioned looking over at Wendy "Here take the other end"

Wendy walked over grabbing the other end of the sign before walking towards the couch "I know what your doing"

"Hangin a banner"

"With me and Tara."

"What am I doing?" Gemma asked stepping down from the chair she was standing on

"Using me to hurt her and Jax, Asking me if I still love him if I want my family together, That was all about pushing her out of the picture"

Gemma scoffed "That didn't change anything still meant everything I said, Who cares what my motives are you still get the thing you want the most so what?"

"Look I was okay with you slipping me enough crank to kill a horse because of what I did to Abel I deserved that. But I am not the same person I was two months ago I can't be apart of this..Your playing with peoples lives Gemma"

"I'm protecting the innocent, Step on a few toes in the meanwhile so be it"

"Jesus! I mean you really believe that don't you?" Wendy questioned

Gemma dropped what she was doing and turned around to face Wendy "So what putting down that needle for a few weeks somehow gives you the right to judge me? Better take a good long look sweetheart because you are burning a whole into the very thing you can't wait to become, Maybe that's why you hate yourself so much, Sooner you except that sooner you put down this holy grudge jesus is just a guy who cuts my lawn." She finished before walking off

"Hey Ope Donna's here" Juice stated walking in the doorway

"Alright thanks" Opie replied causing Juice to leave and go back to what he was doing

"Hey Sorry for bothering you, Your mom wants to take the kids to funtown and then to dinner. I didn't wanna say yes until I talked to you" She spoke with a smile on her face

"Mom's volunteering to spend time with the kids" Opie said with a confused look on his face

"Yeah I guess she had a good time with them, You know you really should talk to her Ope I think she's just finding excuses to stay around until she sees you"

"Yeah Maybe, Yeah she can take the kids" He stammered

Donna put her arms around his neck bringing him closer "That means we'll have the house all to ourselves for awhile"

"Shit..Jax is having a party for Abel it's a homecoming thing, You don't have to go I gotta swing by and drop off a gift"

"No I wanna go Abel coming home is a big deal Our family should be there" Donna replied with a small smile

"Yeah we should, I'd like that"

"I'll tell Mary to bring the kids home before dinner"

"Okay" He responded giving her a small kiss before she left

"Are you really doing this for your kids..?" Moon questioned as she stopped walking looking towards a lady holding up a sign 'Bailout My Kids, We Need Food'

"Yes Ma'am, We got two boys Uncle Sam cut off my aid..Again" She whispered looking back down at the ground

"You Look like you're not in bad shape..There's gotta be something better you can be doing instead of sitting here holding up a sign"

"It's hard for me to hold down a job, Got a mental illness I tend to fly into rages for no apparent reason"

Moon gave the lady a soft smile before reaching into her bag and grabbing the last few dollars she had handing them to the lady "I hope everything gets better for you and your family"

"This was very Kind and Generous Thank you Ma'am" As Moon was walking away the lady spoke again "Abel will help our little boys"

Moon stopped in her tracks for a moment turning back around "What was that?"

"Able to help my little boys" The lady replied "Bless you"

"What?" Opie questioned looking back a Tig who was frozen in his spot just staring

"I hate Dolls man, They creep me out" He muttered

"A story that needs to be told"

"Oh.." Tig murmured looking around him seeing dolls everywhere

"Your dead" A Niner spoke before Opie shot him in the back

"Shit thanks" Tig blurted

Tig Pointed his gun at the back of Opies head for moment but he couldn't pull the trigger. When he realized he couldn't do it he slowly lowered the gun before Opie turned his head to look at him

"Let's go" He mumbled as they exchanged nods

"What happened?" Clay questioned Tig as he watched Opie walk away

"I couldn't do it..Couldn't get a clear shot" He lied

"It's alright, Maybe Laroy was so pissed he'll bring his rage to charming..Saw Opies truck at the exchange"

"Drive By?" Tig suggested

"It'll have to be tonight After the party, Make it ghetto and make it quick"

"Yeah alright.."

"I been lookin all over for you" Unser spoke when he saw Hale sitting in a cell "The hell you doin in here?"

"Only place I can think without the ATF buzzing around"

"I can relate"

"I got some information" Hale blurted "And if I give it to you then i'm betraying my badge and if I don't someone could get hurt."

Unser walked inside the cell before sitting on the 'Bed' Next to him "That Badge ain't even real silver, What do you need to tell me son?"

"Hey!" A lady spoke as Jax arrived at his house with Abel. When the others noticed they all stood up and started clapping

"Ready for his first brewski" Clay suggested handing the bottle out to Abel playfully

"Hey Juicy" Moon smiled as she walked over to where he was on the couch and sat on the arm rest next to him.

He smiled up at her for a moment "Hey Moony"

Everyone went silent for a moment when Tara rushed out of the house slamming the door behind her

"Do me a favor, Make sure she gets home safe" Jax asked looking over at the prospect

"Yeah okay" He replied before following after her

"What happened?" Opie questioned walking over to Him

"I got no idea"

"Sorry" Opie let out a small laugh

"Yeah I can see that"

Donna walked over to the guys with a smile before looking back over at her kids "They gotta head home, They've had a long day"

"Thank for coming" Jax replied returning the smile

"Glad Abel's home"

"Cmon kids let's go" Opie spoke looking over his shoulder

Donna and Opie walked outside, Shortly after Moon followed

"Hey sorry, I heard you guys were leaving just wanted to say bye" She spoke softly Donna instantly smiled at her pulling her in for a hug. Moon was shocked at first but quickly returned the gesture

"Couldn't leave without saying bye to my favorite child" Opie laughed before pulling Moon into a hug as well

"Hey Im only two years younger then you butt face" She replied letting out a giggle

"Hey are you heading straight home?" Donna questioned looking over at Opie

"Yeah why?"

"I wanna come back help Moon and Gemma clean up" She stated

"Well why don't you just stay, I'll take the kids home put 'em in bed"

"You sure?" She asked


"Thanks Baby, You got any cash Gemma needs some powder for the dishwasher"

As Opie went to reach into his pocket Moon spoke "It's alright i'll pay for it"

"Are you sure, I'm fine with-"

"Yes." She replied cutting him off "I'll just go with Donna"

"I love that idea" Donna spoke up with a smile before placing a kiss on Opies lips "I love you"

"Love you back"

"What's going on?" Clay questioned walking outside where Unser was waiting for him

"Uh sorry to bother you on this occasion, But I got some information that probably shouldn't wait"

"Hey listen if it's about that Niner, Mayan shit in Oakland"

"No No No, It's about Opie"

"What about him"

"I know ATF's been hanging him out as a rat, But that ain't the case he's not working for them, The wires on him not to his knowledge. The witness is somebody that lived in the building where Hefner got killed, That's who fingered Bobby Elvis"

The color drained out of Clays face slowly "How do you know this?"

"Hale he's been privy to all of it, I just thought that you should know that incase you were having doubts about loyalty and such"

"I appreciate that" Clay replied giving him a small pat on the back

"Tell Jax I'm glad his kid is home"


Clay instantly pulled out his phone as Unser was walking away and tried calling Tig "Cmon.." He muttered but Tig never answered

"You alright baby" Gemma questioned when she saw how stressed he looked when he didn't answer she walked up to him "Who is it?" But he still didn't answer instead he just walked off.

Moon and Donna were talking about nothing and everything when they had to stop at a red light

"I love this song" Donna laughed as she started shaking her head along with the beat causing Moon to laugh along

Suddenly it was like time froze the sound of a gun could be heard and blood had splattered everywhere
Moon didn't take in what happened for a moment but when she realized a scream ripped out of her.
Donna slouching there head against the wheel dead..

"Shit.." Tig blurted when he drove past and saw Moon screaming in the car and Donna behind the wheel before he quickly took off.

Moon struggled trying to get out of the car she felt like she couldn't move, Couldn't Talk. A man walking his dog appeared and noticed what happened before quickly calling 911 and rushing towards Moons side trying to calm her.

"Juice.." Was the only word she managed to mutter out still staring off into the distance frozen

"DONNA!" Opie shouted running out of his car "Donna!" He screamed running over to her body that was now laid out on the ground.

"No.." He whispered gently holding on to her face "No..Baby" He cried

Moon was still frozen in her spot as Jax shot a dirty look over at her

"Moon!" Chibs shouted when he saw her standing there before he quickly rushed over to her pulling her into a hug as she broke down in his arms.

The sound of two more bikes could be heard approaching. When Juice got of his bike he froze for a moment looking over at Donna before remembering that Moon had been with her, His heart stopped until he saw Moon alive in chibs arms.

Juice instantly ran over falling to his knees "Moon.." He whispered

When Moon heard his voice she lifted her head up tears still falling from her eyes before she wrapped her arms around him. He held onto her like his life depended on it.

"What Do we know?" Clay asked Unser

"A man with his dog saw a black SUV roll up on 'em shot her through the back window, They must not have seen Moon in the passenger seat.."

"Did they see the guy? Was he White or Black?"

"He couldn't say, And Moons not talking as you can tell"


"Unless Donna's been living some kind of double life I'm thinkin this brutality was meant for Opie, Uh some scumbag made a tragic mistake."

"Yeah I guess that's a pretty fair guess" Clay replied looking over at Tig

The only sound that could be heard was Opies cries and Juice trying to comfort Moon

"Cmon.." Jax said leaning down trying to get Opie away from Donna's body

"No.." He muttered out as Jax took him away

"I told you this shit would go bad" Hale snapped walking over to Stahl who had just arrived "This bloods on you."

"Back off!" Her guard dog spoke pushing Hale.
Before Hale punched him in the face and walked off.

"I'm sorry.." Stahl whispered watching as they covered Donna with a sheet

"It's alright.." Juice whispered holding onto Moon before gently placing her on the bathroom sink so she could sit. He started filling up the tub and putting in her favorite smells and soaps as she just stared off at the wall never speaking. "I've got you" He whispered once more before before placing his hands on the bottom of her shirt "Is this alright"

Moon just nodded in response as he slowly undressed her leaving her in a bra and underwear carefully placing her in the bath making sure she was covered before unclasping her bra placing it on the floor beside him. She got the hint and slowly removed her underwear before throwing them somewhere. "I'm with you" He reassured her before using a rag with some soap to wash her up carefully moving her hair out of his way.

She clung onto him that night scared if she let him go he'd disappear. But he understood she was still in shock and he made sure she knew he wasn't going anywhere

"I'll always be here for you Moony, Forever and Always" He whispered placing a kiss on the side of her head before drifting off to sleep.

Writing this was painful..

I tried to proofread but if there are any mistakes please lmk

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