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"If Anyone can take a blast it's him" Unser assured

"Yeah." Clay agreed

"I ran the registration and VIN on the minivan. Both bogus, I need to know what happened"

"A lot of volatile liquid here at the garage."

"Forensics finds anything else feds will be all over this place. Bombs are homeland security shit."

"You got to make the evidence point to what it was an accident"

"I know what you got to do here, Clay but we both know Zobelle has caused enough damage in this town. What happened to Chibs cannot blow back in Charming."

"Well, then you get me a home address on him and Weston." Clay spat getting closer to Unser "They both live out of town. Otherwise, I do it here and then you'll be watching Main Street on the 10:00 news."

"Jesus Christ."

"This was Zobelle" Hale spoke walking over to Jax

"Otto, now Chibs. This guys trying to break us. All of us."

"There's gotta be something we can find on this guy."

"He doesn't make mistakes. I pushed us off retaliation for Otto. But after this, Clay will go at Zobelle full bore. I got a bad feeling we'll be walking right into a trap."

"Then don't play it out"

"Not the way this works. Someone hurts us like this we retaliate. Have to."

"That's it? You're gonna run blind off the cliff?"

"Maybe not. If I can get to Zobelle first, I can protect the Club."

"What happens when you find him?"

"You tell me."

"You asking me to help Samcro?"

"We both know this guys got some kind of leverage on you. Think of it as a self serving favor."

"I go off the grid and I help you find this guy you've got to promise that you will hand him over to me alive."

"What do you do? You cant arrest him"

"Bring him in as a person of interest. Question him up to twenty four hours. At least it gives Clay a chance to calm down. Maybe you get your crew thinking straight."

"All right, I get to him first, I give him to you. Do it by the book."

"I'll dig into the cigar shop records, see if I can find that home address."

"Pull Weston's info too." Jax added "If they're a dead end we can always rattle Darby." He finished before walking off.

"It's alright" Juice whispered running his hand through Moons hair "He's gonna be okay"

"Promise.." Moon muttered looking over at Happy

He didn't reply for a moment. If I say yes and he doesn't she'll hate me. But if I say no..
"I promise"

"Jax" Mary spoke walking over to him

"What the matter?"

"Don't know what to do. This thing with Chibs is gonna push Ope farther away."

Jax sighed as he stopped walking to face her "What are you talking about?"

"Don't come home much anymore. If he does, he barely speaks to his kids. They have no idea what's happening." She paused for a moment as Jax looked at the ground. "I didn't sign up for this. Kids need a mother, a father. Tried talking to Ope. I didn't raise him. We got no history."

"Talk to Piney about it?"

"He's on his way to the cabin. This will be a four day bender at least."

"Mary, I don't know how to help Ope."

"Talk to him. Please."

"All right"

"I'm gonna head over to St. Thomas, I'll call you as soon as I hear anything"

"Okay. Thanks."

Tara went to walk away before Gemma spoke again "Hey, Maybe you should take Moon with you. Being there might help her"

"Yeah, Alright"

"Unser is getting us those Home addresses" Clay stated

"You really think Zobelle is sitting in his Barcalounger waiting for us to swing by?" Bobby questioned

"Why should he hide? Asshole thinks he's protected on every level."

"He Is" Juice stated

"Probably riding four deep. Weston, skinhead crew." Opie cut in

"Then we ride five deep." Tig snapped

"Yeah, And what's the plan? Roll up on him in broad daylight? cut off his head?"

"Okay" Happy nodded

"You know I don't give a shit what the plan is. I am tired of sitting here playing 'What happens if?' Zobelle tried to kill two of us in the last twelve hours. This Charter doesn't wait any longer. We kill him!" Clay spat slamming his fist on the table.
Everyone stayed silent for a moment "Do I need to take a vote?" When nobody answered he got out of his seat and walked out.

"You living here now?" Jax questioned leaning against the doorframe

"Crashing once in a while" Opie responded

"I talked to your mom. She's worried about her grandkids. Said they never see their dad anymore."

"It's not your worry."

"Problem of my brothers is a problem of mine, right?"

"I don't have a problem. My kids are fine."

Jax closed his eyes for a moment before standing up straight "Okay, look, man. I think it's all good you getting deeper in the club. But you're obviously still dealing with some shit. Donnas deaths got to be a nightmare-"

"How do you know what Im dealing with?" Opie snapped "You got to figure out your own shit, brother."

"I know what I'm doing."

"Oh, Yeah. You got things you wanna change. I get it. This beef with Clay It's not about what's best for Samcro. It's about you pushing to be king. It's not your time yet man. This is Clays club. You got to back down, Get in line" He paused grabbing his things "Before somebody gets hurt."

"Hey you being here in broad daylight, it's not the smartest move."

"My dad thought it'd be wise to find out what all the noise was last night."

"Accident. Chibs rubbed some wrong wires together." Bobby informed

"I grew up in South Armagh, boys. Sodium nitrate was a fragrance of my youth. Know it anywhere."

"We're dealing with the problem." Jax stated

"The problem is the feds. This blast will bring 'em around." Edmond replied.

"Ain't gonna get that far. Tell your old man we got it contained."

"Sure. I'll let the folks know there's nothing to worry about."

Unser walked over as Edmond was leaving. Handing Clay a small paper "Location of our two white friends."

"Thanks. How long until forensics gets out of here?"

"This blast. It's Flagged as a priority. I'm surprised they're not here yet."

"Well, you might wanna send your boys out for doughnuts. Let us tidy up a little bit."

"Yeah. They do look famished."

"Hey" Jax spoke as he answered the phone

"Zobelle rents a house in Morada. Had their P.D. pay a visit. No one's home. still getting Weston's info."

"Okay. Meet me a Darbys."

Clay leaned closer to Juice "I want you to power scrub the shit out of this place. I want it Clueless for the C.S.U."

"Sparkle and Shine" Juice replied

"Hey you need me with you?" Jax questioned "I'm thinking one of us should go check in on Moon, she's still at the hospital."

"Yeah, you should go."

"Call if you hear anything else."

"For sure. sir."

"His trucks not here" Jax stated walking over to Hale

"Yeah his workers saw him last night. But Darby told him to be here at 7:00."

"He's crawled into a hole."

"I'll put out an A.T. now. If Darbys in Charming, we'll find him." Hale finished before walking off.

"Thought you were at St. Thomas" Opie questioned walking up to Jax

"No news on Chibs yet, And Moon's finally sleeping. I figured maybe Darby could point us to Zobelle."

"Guess Hale had the same idea."

"Guess so. Thought you were running down the home addresses."

"Clay wanted fewer guys. Lower profile."

"His club. He knows best."

"Yeah. Anything here?"

"Dead end."

"I'll wait for ya. We can ride back together."

"Sure thing."

"What's that about?" Hale questioned walking back over to Jax

"It's about shit being upside down. Call me with Weston's address."

"Where you going?"

"Lose my best friend."

"Oh shit." Unser muttered walking into the office

"What the hell you doing?" A man shouted "This is a crime scene."

Juice sighed before he turned around. "Im sorry. I have O.C.D. and the mess was, like, freaking me out."

"Where's Charming P.D.?" The man questioned

Suddenly Unser walked out of the office "What the hells going on here?" He shouted throwing his hands up

"Oh, shit. I thought you guys left, and you were-" Juice rambled

"Get the hell out of here." Unser cut him off "It's a goddamn crime scene. Idiot."

Juices eyes widened for a moment as he looked at the ground taking off his gloves before walking off.

"This your watch?" One of the men questioned

"I was taking a piss. I'm sorry."

"We'll take it from here."

"What are we gonna do here?" Juice asked watching the men investigate the crime scene.
Unser handed him the cup he was holding. "What's this?" He questioned looking inside

"Cancer drugs. Turns my waste radioactive."

"I'm holding a cup of your piss?" He questioned holding out of cup.

Unser took the soda Juice was drinking pouring it inside the cup. "Spill this on their lab kit. turns the results into a bad chemistry experiment." He paused looking back over at them as Juice looked inside the cup with a disgusted look. "Just need to figure a way it don't get me arrested for evidence tampering."

"Hey, go chat 'em up, and then take me lead" Juice replied "You and your piss." He finished handing him the cup back.

"Hey, Can I get you boys anything? Beverage of some sort?" Unser questioned walking over to the men while Juice got inside a car. "What do you think caused this blast?"

"Chief, you need to clear out of here. We're still collecting- Woah! look out" He blurted as Juice started driving right towards them. They both fell to the ground and the cup spilled on the Man.

Juice quickly got out of the car "Oh, my- Holy shit. I am so sorry. I- Are you guys alright? I thought that they changed out the brake drums. Damn I'm sorry"

"You stupid shit head" The man replied before scrunching his face "What the hell is that?" he questioned looking at the cup.

"Uh, diet cola. Tastes like piss, don't it?"

"Apparently, some of our friends in Charming have been looking for me." Zobelle stated "When we finish here, head to the shop. I suspect that they will be coming to you."

"They're here." AJ informed walking into the room.

"Ah, Ethan Zobelle and AJ Weston." He spoke shaking their hands. "This is my daughter, Polly."

"Cameron Hayes. My boy, Edmond."

"Glad we finally got to meet in person" Zobelle replied

"Someplace private we can talk?"

"Yes. Of course."

They went to walk inside as Polly put her hand on Edmonds chest. "Why don't you keep me company?" He looked over to his dad who nodded at him.

"You part of all this?"

"Is that so hard to believe?"

"You just don't look like you- I don't know."

"You don't like the way I look?"

"No. I mean- You- You look fine, darlin'. I think you already know that."

"Followed Jax to Darbys. It was a dead end." Opie informed getting off his bike. "But he knew I was tailing him. He lost me at the Corcoran Pass."

"Shit." Clay muttered

"There's no one at Zobelles house." Tig stated

"Phones off. Lose the cut." Clay spoke standing up from his bike.


"Yeah. Up here around the corner."

"A.J. Weston! Charming Police!" Hale shouted through the door. "Window."

"I saw it. Stay here." Jax murmured walking around the house. He cut open a screen on the window sticking his hand through and unlocking the door.

"Wait. Stop. Stop. What are you doing here?" Hale whispered

Jax went to turn the corner when a gun shot came his way. He ducked before taking a breath and running past the door opening it causing more gunshots to go off. He looked through the mirror on the hallway wall to see a kid standing in the room pointing a gun straight ahead. "Jesus christ" He muttered "Im not gonna hurt you" He shouted "Just looking for your dad. I'm a friend of his."

"Let me see the ink."


"Your tats. Prove it."

"Okay. Yeah. Let's just put the guns down, okay?" He questioned placing his gun on the ground. The little boy doing the same. He stepped inside the doorway "I got all kinds of ink." Suddenly gun shots started going off like crazy and the kid fell to the ground. Jax covering him like a shield. "It's a Kid! It's a kid!" Jax shouted

"Hold your fire!" Bobby and Hale shouted at the same time.

"Liar" The kid spat holding the gun to Jax chest pulling the trigger. Nothing happened and Jax took the gun throwing it across the room. Putting the kid on the bed. "Where's your dad shithead?"

"I ain't telling you shit! race traitor!" He yelled spitting at Jax.

"Call child services. Have this little psychopath committed."

"Come on."

"I ain't afraid of no cop!"

"Shut up."

"Found his computer" Happy stated "Password protected. Can't get in."

"Bring it to Juice." Clay responded.

"Guess your working with Hale now" Opie spoke following behind Jax

"Just working things from my end. Same goal."

"And what's that?"

"Keep the boss happy."

Tig closed his phone looking at the others "Unser couldn't stop the forensic team."

"Now what?" Bobby questioned

Clay through a rock through the cigar shop window. Using it to enter. He started throwing things around and trashing the place as the others stayed outside and just watched. "Guess they ain't open yet" Clay stated grabbing a Cigar and lighting it.

"Chibs is stable but critical." Tara informed sitting besides Moon. "He landed on the back of his head. Caused a subdural hematoma." Moon face dropped not replying. "A large blood clot. A brain bleeds severe, but if it subsides, it's not life threatening. All we can do now is monitor it."

"What if it gets worse?" Moon questioned

"They'll have to go in and relieve the pressure."

"Cut his head open.." Moon whispered

"Hopefully it won't come to that." Tara assured as Moon closed her eyes covering her face with her hands.

"Unser told me some things." Hale spoke softly looking over at Gemma "About you. What happened. At least what he knows."

"Piece of shit."

"He had to."

"Shut up!" Gemma snapped walking inside the hospital chapel.

"We both know this thing with Chibs was Zobelle. Give me something Gemma. Any detail. Anything you can remember. It never goes on record. The secret keeps. Just point me somewhere."

"Why are you suddenly so interested in helping us?"

"I became a cop. Doesn't mean I don't give a shit about folks I grew up with."

"You wanna hurt this guy."

"Yeah, I do."

"Girl in her twenty's. Cute, blonde, good rack. She's the only one I saw."

"Thank you. And I am sorry."

"You or your cancerous boss tell anyone else what happened to me. And I will cut both of your big, soft hearts out."

"Copy That."

"What the hell is this?" Darby questioned walking over to Hale and Jax.

"Where you headed?"

"What do you care? And what the hells he doing with you?" Darby gestured to Jax. "Are you on their payroll now too?"

"Just answer the question." Jax cut in.

"I'm going to see my mom. She's sick."

"Your mother died last month."

"My other mother."

"Alright Where's Zobelle."

"How do I know?" Darby scoffed "What, is this about the blast last night?"

"What do you think?"

"Okay, If Zobelle did have something to do with it, the Nords knew nothing about it. Unlike Samcro, We don't blow up shit in our town."

"You don't show up for work this morning. Now you're heading out of town. You running from something?"

Darby looked down for a moment "I got a heads up that shit might go down. No other details. I'm on my way to Vegas. That's it. Thats the truth."

"Do you know anything about a blonde, Twenty's, good tits?" Hale questioned

"Sounds like Zobelles daughter. I've seen her hanging with Weston. Can I go?"

"Yeah" He replied handing Darby his Car Key

"Thanks. Dicks."

"Where'd you get the intel on the girl?" Jax asked when Darby walked away

"Description turned up when we canvassed the street the minivan was towed from."

"Let's go" Gemma spoke grabbing her keys looking between Moon and Tara

"Where?" Moon questioned

Gemma just smirked at her "To cheer you up"

The three of them were shooting some posters outside of CaraCara when suddenly a white car came into the parking lot. Ima got out of the car stopping and looking at them. Moon took the gun she was holding and lifted it up pointing it at the girl who instantly ran inside. Moon giggled "That was fun."

"Your gonna love this" Gemma replied pointing her gun at the blondes car and shooting. Tara laughed as Gemma looked back. Moon raised her gun once more shooting the windows while Tara shot the side of the car and wheels.

"Some mess."

"I already filed a report."

"Yeah, I know. We'll look into that." Hale informed walking inside the shop.

"Yeah, I'm sure you will."

"You must be Ethan Zobelles daughter."


"I'm the deputy chief."

"I know."

"I'm looking for your dad."

"Haven't seen him."

"Well, why don't you give him a call? It's important I connect with him."

"I'm not his keeper."

"He's wanted for questioning. And if you're lying to me that means you're interfering with a criminal investigation."

"What do I look like? One of your natives? Come on. Charge me or get out."

Hale smirked putting on his gloves "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do." He paused grabbing a blade from the counter "I slice open my arm, I charge you with aggravated assault on a police officer. My old man was a judge. You'll do a three year pop at the Sanwa lodge, no questions asked."
When she didn't reply he went to roll up his sleeve.

"There's a big rally at the christian Center in morada."

"The league?"

"Weston's rowdy crowd. Prison Muscle. Daddy's giving his reformer speech. Tends to work 'em up."

"Need you to come with me." He replies putting down the blade.

"Why? I told you the truth."

"That truth needs to stay between us. Gonna keep that from your daddy for a while."

"Zobelle, he's at the Christian center in Morada. A big membership rally tonight."

"Can Morada P.D. pick him up?"

"Sounds like Weston's prison crew. Could get ugly. Better off sending the sheriffs."

"Okay" Jax agreed.


Moon and Happy were sitting ontop of one of the picnic tables together when Jax walked over. "Have you heard anything about Chibs?"

"The bleedings stopped. If everything stays how it is he'll be okay" She replied resting her head on Happys shoulder holding onto his hand.

"That's amazing. Hey I got a call from Luann, Apparently there was some kind of firearm incident out at CaraCara?" He questioned

Moon smiled looking down at the ground "No kidding?"

"Your Crazy" He laughed

"Mm Just a little"

"Checked his house and the cigar shop again. Still off the map. Asshole knows we're looking for him." Tig informed

"He's got to surface."

"We won't be able to do shit."

"Feds are on their way. We're gonna be ass deep in some bad suits by morning."

"Shit." Tig muttered

"I think we got something" Juice stated walking inside. "There's an appointment in Weston's calendar for tonight. He tagged it 'E.Z., M.C.C.'"

"Ethan Zobelle."

"Morada Christian Center, off Alhambra."

"What's going on?" Jax questioned when he seen a bunch of the guys walking towards the Van

"They think they know where Zobelle is. Christian Center, Morada."

"Shit." Jax muttered as they took off.

"Understand you had a new partner today." Unser stated looking over at Hale.

"Just trying to contain this."

"So much for that plan."

"Uh oh." Hale murmured as Gemma walked in the station heading straight towards them. "There's something I need to tell you."

"You girls swapping diaries again?" Gemma questioned "Huh?"

"I needed some information." Hale spoke looking over at Wayne.

"Oh shit."

"You have no idea." Gemma replied

"Uh- Come on. Id prefer the feds didn't see the beating I'm about to take."

"Yeah?" Hale asked answering his phone

"When are the sheriffs coming?" Jax questioned

"I called them. I'm not sure. Why?"

Jax looked back at Clay before lowering the phone from his ear as a few more guys showed up.

"I had to tell Hale. He was getting seduced by Zobelles 'Im good for Charming' bullshit. I'm sorry."

"That thing that happened to Chibs, It was definitely Zobelle?" Gemma questioned

"Cant prove shit, but I know it in my gut. We all do."

"And nothing I know could have stopped that blast. Clay taking on what happened to me would've- would've made it worse."

"That's right."

"I'm sorry."

"Hey, this ain't on you, sweetheart."

"I'm start- I'm starting to think that, uhm- that it's all on me."

"I know."

"Couple of busses out front, a few cars in the lot, Zobelles Mercedes, two guys out front." Opie informed

"Yeah there's a side door. It'll be easy" Tig added


"We kick in the doors. We grab Zobelle. We do it infront of an Audience?"

"Come on. It's Weston's crew. It's a handful of ex-cons and scumbags." Tig assured "Not really reliable witnesses"

"We'll let them make the first move." Clay stated

"It's more than a handful." Jax spoke "Its a membership rally. It's gonna be packed."

"How the hell do you know that?"

"Hale grilled Zobelles daughter. He's sending Sheriff's to pick him up for questioning."

"We got cops on the way?" Happy groaned


"Well, then we better hurry." Clay replied

"Anything else you wanna tell us?" Opie questioned

"Yeah. We do this, we all go to jail."

"AKs and Shotguns. Let's go." Clay demanded turning around.

"You, Juice, Hap, take the side." Clay spoke as they went off "Come on."

They took down the two guys in the front easily before Clay took out his phone calling Tig "Ready?"

"We're set."

"Five count. One, two-" He spoke before putting the phone inside his pocket. They walked inside to see a bunch of people dressed up sitting at tables and a baby crying. People started panicking and hiding under tables.

"What the hell man" Happy muttered

"Jesus Christ."

AJ shot of two bullets at them before him and Zobelle starting fleeing. Clay was charging after them when Jax noticed the Cameras and stopped him pointing up.

"I got him." Opie assured following after them.

"We gotta get the hell out of here! Now!" Bobby shouted

"Drop the guns now!" A sherif shouted at the guys pointing his weapon at them.

"All right" They muttered placing their weapons on the grass.

Opie was still tailing Zobelle and AJ staying close behind them. When He got cut off by a car and went flying off his bike losing them.

He had went back for the others to see them all being taken in handcuffs by the cops one by one.

Sheriffs Happy and Juice did nothing wrong 😔

I tried to proofread if there are any mistakes please lmk

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